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  • RMweb Premium

Productive day at work with more tracklaying (it is a big layout) and then a bit of a rush to get to tonight's hockey. We missed the first 7 minutes, but they were incident free. After a bit of an away tubbing last night (*), the Hawks bounced back well at tonight's game with a well deserved 4-2 win at home to the Solway Sharks. It's always a well fought contest with the Sharks and despite going 0-2 down, the Hawks rallied in the second half of the game to a good win.


(*) 6-0 to Telford. The off-season saw the collapse of the league above and three teams transferred down into "our" league. - NIHL (Moralee) North 1. These teams are mostly head and shoulders above the rest of the original Moralee teams and they will be the ones to beat. One of them has already been seen off once ... Hull (sorry Judge D!)


Day off tomorrow for the big car swap.

I collect my new one sometime late afternoon, but in the meantime tonight, I've emptied the carp from mine in readiness for a visit to the local car valet place before it transfers to Mrs NB custody. Mrs NB's car is passing onto Junior NB. Clearing that out was a serious task. It will also visit the valet.


Junior NB's 15 year old Micra will be handed in at the local garage for scrap as it's pre-MOT has identified at least about £600-worth of welding needed on it. It had £300-worth of extra metal added last year.


Have a good Monday folks.




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I bow to your superior knowledge.  Have, unfortunately, known one or two who have used that method and from what I have seen there can be 'bits' up to half a mile away or more.  Wouldn't like the job of sorting that.


It is not a nice job at all Peter and I think to get involved in it (because you're here lad, because you're here) and then get over what you've seen you really need a dark & cynical sense of humour and/or a good old fashioned pub landlord with big ears, a friendly smile and a well stocked bar.  


My first one was a night of tragi-comedy which was without equal at any such subsequent 'events' and ranged from the involvement of the local constabulary (who might best be described as making the Keystone Cops look like the summit of law enforcement professionalism) to a couple of undertakers who looked as if they had stepped straight out of a Hammer Horror film and were dead ringers for Vincent Price and Peter Lorre - and very fittingly arrived on the scene just as the morning mist was rising; definitely a night to remember.  The (civilian) victim, who finished up - for a while - in two counties, had in previous months thrown himself in front of an 8 wheeler HGV, jumped in the lake at Longleat, and had taken an overdose of pills of some sort, was found by the Inquest to have been a victim of an accidental death when his walk in the small hours of the night had taken him onto a footpath crossing over a railway line at precisely the wrong moment.


G'night all.

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  • RMweb Premium

I used to work in Jersey City. It's not a place I would have considered camping in. At least you didn't return to find your motorhome sitting on blocks sans wheels.

This area seems to be getting gentrified, a bit. The little marshy area now has a tower in it. I used to feel reasonably safe walking back at night as it was deserted enough that noone would wait that long to mug you. It's now populated! We far that the campground may be slated to go soon, but the boating part is quite full.

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Today we visited one railroad station and two book stores. Grand Central has a Transit Museum shop in it. Books and lots of souveniry items -- t-shirts and socks and plaques. Used to carry very useful subway maps, credit card size. The newsstand shop had one railway magazine; I think it was Steam Days.

Due to much rain, I persuaded SWMBO to take the subway down to the bookstores. We spent a lot of time in the big chain and I found the book I was looking for. Then a few blocks more to the Strand which advertises "18 miles of books". I passed on the copy of Ancient Papyri vol Ii. Dayle was a bit tired by then, so we returned to base.

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This area seems to be getting gentrified, a bit.


That side of the Hudson has improved a lot. Even bits of Newark are quite twee now. Considering the price of real-estate in Manhattan it's hardly surprising.

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Good morning one and all


Peter BB, thank you for your kind advice about my strawberry plot.  Past form indicates that the very act of ripping out such things as dock leaves also takes out the strawberry plant because the two are so close together.  As things are right now I cannot actually see where the strawberry plants are because so much other stuff has sprung up.  Let me reflect.


Nothing will happen in the jungle for a few days because I am busy with other things.  Tomorrow I will be with Poorly Pal who has threatened to feed me with corned beef sandwiches garnished with posh chutney from Waitrose.  In the evening the Hitchin chapter of the Royal Corps of Train Spotters has a presentation on the Isle of Man.  That’s the subject, not the location.  On Wednesday I am due to meet my financial adviser and on Friday I expect to collect my new glasses.  On Saturday I will be at the Peterborough show and hope for a brief encounter afterwards with a friend who lives locally.


One of today’s jobs is to try and find out how to get a copy of the new local paper.  It seems that I am not lucky enough to have a delivery brat but so far there is no intelligence on where to fetch it for myself.   One might suppose a desire to see copies in every home but there is no evidence of promotional activity so far.  Then, I suppose, the hunt for custard should be resumed.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Then, I suppose, the hunt for custard should be resumed.


Still made and available on Amazon, and Sainsbury's claim  that they can supply it online.  Try this link for some proof that it still exists



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It is not a nice job at all Peter and I think to get involved in it (because you're here lad, because you're here) and then get over what you've seen you really need a dark & cynical sense of humour and/or a good old fashioned pub landlord with big ears, a friendly smile and a well stocked bar.  


My first one was a night of tragi-comedy which was without equal at any such subsequent 'events' and ranged from the involvement of the local constabulary (who might best be described as making the Keystone Cops look like the summit of law enforcement professionalism) to a couple of undertakers who looked as if they had stepped straight out of a Hammer Horror film and were dead ringers for Vincent Price and Peter Lorre - and very fittingly arrived on the scene just as the morning mist was rising; definitely a night to remember.  The (civilian) victim, who finished up - for a while - in two counties, had in previous months thrown himself in front of an 8 wheeler HGV, jumped in the lake at Longleat, and had taken an overdose of pills of some sort, was found by the Inquest to have been a victim of an accidental death when his walk in the small hours of the night had taken him onto a footpath crossing over a railway line at precisely the wrong moment.


G'night all.

Morning all from a brightening village here north of NHN's destination for today.


Firstly can I wholeheartedly agree with Mike about the need for a dark sense of humour when dealing with deaths on railway lines, which as Mike has mentioned, can be as capricious as other forms of injury, in whether or not the results are fatal.    I once took part in a railtrack sponsored study into how to reduce the number of suicides and was able to pass some interesting observations onto the researchers.  One that they weren't aware of is that Coroners are very reluctant to pass a verdict of suicide unless there is a very clear note, or other such evidence, to prove the intent of the victim.  This is mainly to help the families because of the stigma.   As a result the official statistics probably understate the actual number of suicides.


Anyway on less gloomy topic more wagons got completed yesterday and hopefully another one or two will join the throng today.  First however there are some church duties then this evening the annual exhibition briefing to look forward to, in advance of our show in November.  Not a bad day.


Regards to all.



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Hey up!


Dry up here in the North West Leeds highlands.


Bit early for a briefing for your show Jamie?

Our is on the Club night nearest our show at the end of this month. We are moving club rooms around the show as well. Hopefully this will be undertaken with our usual attitude of ...crack on!


Good day yesterday operating my "new" layout which makes its debut at Warley show next month. It is in the demo area.....along with some other "demos" which could cause some of the whingers on RMWeb to realise how lucky we are today with RTR choices.


Mugatea drunk, list of tasks delivered by her indoors....


Neil, if you are around Leeds on Wednesday PM me as we can arrange a visit to our club no problem.


Enjoy your time on Planet Earth today good people.




Rick ..noticed that moreasons are having a beer festival with lots of them thar beers from St Austell.

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Bit early for a briefing for your show Jamie?

Our is on the Club night nearest our show at the end of this month. We are moving club rooms around the show as well. Hopefully this will be undertaken with our usual attitude of ...crack on!



It's how we do it and it can be mainly an appeal for volunteers for the various tasks.  Then there is a less formal one in the week before the show to double check.  



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather a dull start here again and rain is a possibility.

Had my first "disagreement" of the week at 8.00am.  I changed energy suppliers 2 weeks ago and the previous supplier (Ovo) has had the diabolical cheek to take a further payment form my account this morning. As I'm waiting for a final bill of only about £20 and am already currently in credit with them to the tune of over £200 I thought this was a bloody liberty. They have been told quite forcibly that I expect immediate repayment.

Today "we need" to go to the shops. Quelle surprise.

After that I may muddle a bit.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Mizzle persists in the far south west though I gather it has been lovely just a few miles up-country. This part of Cornwall is renowned for damp foggy weather which is one reason there have been so many ships wrecked on our shores.


Hotel room cleared, breakfast enjoyed, hire car goes back at 3pm and the train 59 minutes later. Unless I can find a lot of money, a cottage with a sea view and convince SWMBO that she can commute to work 325 miles away. I did it back in the 90s so it must be her turn.


Happy Moan-day everyone. Hope it treats you well

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Morning All,


It is my first day back in the office after a short break.  We didn't go anywhere - but spent the time at home.


Weather wise, it is rather gloomy and autumnal.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all.

All quiet here today.

Aditi is taking her car for its MoT test today. I washed it last week and filled the washer bottle up. I don't think it needed more doing.

I will check the forecast and if it isn't supposed to rain I will add a second coat of the woodstain to the garage back door.

We had a nice chat with Matthew yesterday courtesy of Wi-Fi on the train. He had spent the day in Maynooth University library filling out applications for research funding.

Have a good day.


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Morning all and it's light cloud here today. 


With swmbo's birthday looming my preparations have gone slightly awry. I bought her presents well in advance and now can't remember where I put them. 


She did request a new umbrella and I found one that is self deploying and self retracting. The former is quite violent and is probably not best aimed anywhere near the solar plexus! See above. 


Not much else to report. 

Have a nice day everyone. 

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Hi (Lightengine) "Agree' - I would like to know the source of the friendly ghost who gave the message - "You never hear the engine that hit you" - because it was my understanding that when trains hit people nobody lives to tell the tale!


Edit = spelling

Maybe it was 2nd hand.

I nearly experienced it 1st hand one day at Goring by Sea. Having finished duty and travelled home in the front carriage of a VEP, as it cleared the platform I stepped onto the crossing. Suddenly looked up to my left as another train appeared. I hadn't heard it purely because of the noise of the one I had just left.

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I bow to your superior knowledge.  Have, unfortunately, known one or two who have used that method and from what I have seen there can be 'bits' up to half a mile away or more.  Wouldn't like the job of sorting that.

It certainly can be spread. I had to walk back to one at Streatham Common we hit about 60mph. Despite bits being across 3 of the 4 tracks, the body still had to be certified dead.
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It certainly can be spread. I had to walk back to one at Streatham Common we hit about 60mph. Despite bits being across 3 of the 4 tracks, the body still had to be certified dead.


Yes I always found that a bit strange that you had to call a Dr out to certify death though around 1990 the rules were relaxed by our coroner if certain parts were separated.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The sun is actually trying to break through at the moment but the forecast is pretty much dry for the next few days. I was thinking about going to the Peterborough show on Sunday but I've got too much to do but hopefully next year. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

I hope Chris finds his custard powder. Once upon a time custard powder was part of Birmingham's commercial scene. The original Alfred Bird formulated it allegedly so his egg intolerant wife could enjoy a dollop of custard. Somewhere along the line the family gained a baronetcy. One of my PE teachers was Sir Richard Bird. He didn't use his title at school though.

I had a look on Google maps and the custard factory seems to have gone.

I do hope it wasnt due to a custard explosion. Nasty stuff , custard powder.

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Had my first "disagreement" of the week at 8.00am.  I changed energy suppliers 2 weeks ago and the previous supplier (Ovo) has had the diabolical cheek to take a further payment form my account this morning. As I'm waiting for a final bill of only about £20 and am already currently in credit with them to the tune of over £200 I thought this was a bloody liberty. They have been told quite forcibly that I expect immediate repayment.



Had exactly the same problem when I changed from OVO in August.


The electricity was finalised quickly but the gas took almost four weeks. I had separate final bills for each fuel, however my large credit balance was refunded quickly once the gas bill was finalised.


Incidentally one thing that did annoy me was their annual energy statement - the annual gas consumption in Kwh was overstated by 30%, though the individual bills and charges were fine.


Would not go back to them.



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