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  • RMweb Gold

Happy anniversary to Gwiwer and the Mrs...


So far today, brief time to model, managed to correct the new Q1 lubricator mechanism that I got out of whack when messing with the back-to-backs...


Off t't shops for some bed linens - not sure why "I" had to go as my only part in the decision making was to say "sure" to the selected items! :jester:


Then went to check on the new house and as LUCK would have it, was there are precisely the correct time ;




Taken from the back patio - since there are only at most TWO trains a day, often none, and never at anti-social hours, I'm quite happy for the occasional view.

The only real difference between the current house and the new one is that we're presently about 400ft. from the line...


OK - apparently Jemma and Whitney, AND Meagan and Otis and Maya, are ALL coming over this afternoon and staying for dinner too.

Should provide ME with some personal time, but three women AND three dogs <phew>!


Carry on everyone...

You need to cut that tree and all the bushes down :sungum: 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


Well it's rained all day here, but as we've had Evie and Ava here with us all day, it's been quite a sunny one for us. Straight after breakfast we collected Ava and then went on to the Trafford Centre, where we spent a couple of hours. They helped us get a few things that they would like for their birthdays, which are only 8 days apart and not very far away either. Once that had been accomplished we headed back home for dinner. Ava, Evie and myself had pancakes with maple syrup, which ALWAYS goes down well!


This afternoon we all sat and watched a couple of Dr Who episodes before I took them back home.


As today was the first Saturday of the month, that meant it was Indian takeaway night and tonight we had chicken karahi, one of our favourites. That was followed by a bottle of red and a quite night in front the TV catching up on some stuff we'd recorded during the week.


Happy anniversary Mrs and Mrs Gwiwer.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Spent a most enjoyable afternoon at the Leas Cliff Hall in Folkestone attending the annual show of the Folkestone & Hythe MRC. This time last year it was a beautiful clear sunny day but today was the exact opposite - last year you could clearly see the French coast, all you could see today was a complete greyness.


Main reason for my visit today was to see Coastal DCC to collect my GWR HST (which Kernow had very kindly sent direct to Coastal DCC) and which had been fitted with sound decoders in each power unit - sounds quite awesome!! In addition collected sound decoders for an original Merchant Navy and Standard 4MT. After sorting out the decoders got tool bits and pieces and a couple of books - one on the French sub-metre Narrow Gauge and the other on the Manchester light rail system.


Once business was done it was time to look at the layouts and must say that this year the selection was first class. Normally I look at a layout and, for various reasons, move on quite quickly but this year many of the layouts held my attention for considerable length of time.


Also met and chatted with a couple of RMwebbers who were exhibiting layouts.


All in all, a great afternoon. Just hope that next years show will be just as good. 


Just noticed the time. Must away, pleasant dreams......



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  • RMweb Premium

E-tickets have just arrived for 2 NHL games in Miami in February.

Junior NB will be most pleased when she finds out tomorrow later today.


Just watched a live NHL game on the Freesport channel. They say they will be doing three games per week - admittedly at least two are midnight onwards. The recorder may be used......


Work in a few hours, guess I'd better go to bed.


Night all.




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 Just watched a live NHL game on the Freesport channel. They say they will be doing three games per week - admittedly at least two are midnight onwards. The recorder may be used......


Oh, come on! The Canucks are on later - you've got to stay up for that!

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  • RMweb Premium

"Camping" in Jersey City.

We attended Norma at the Met today -- the same one that was broadcast in HD. A neighbour from home said that one of his students was the second understudy; she didn't get her big break today.

Returned to find the power off in the motorhome. There was a problem when we arrived--the 30 amp socket is dead. I used an adapter to plug into the 15 amp side but something may have happened. The facility did not fix anything today. We could cope but our two furballs need a bit of cool.

The NYC subway is a bit chaotic today. All sorts of lines not running, or not running where they usually go. We managed a convenient connection.

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Good morning one and all and belated happy anniversary to Rick and Mrs Gwiwer


On the final day of the beer festival yesterday I bumped into an old friend quite unexpectedly.  This is not unusual except when the friend left town six years ago.  It was good to catch up.  A form of cabaret was provided by Bedford Morris Men with some guest dancers.  Last night there was due to be some form of ukulele orchestra playing but I couldn’t face that.  There were already lots of gaps on the stillage where once rested casks so goodness knows how long the beer lasted.


Today I am going to the multiplex again.  This time the film is “Goodbye Christopher Robin”, based on part of the life of the late bookseller Mr C R Milne.  Then I shall come home and cook toad in the hole, followed by strudel and custard.  That reminds me: I was annoyed at not being able to find custard powder when I did the fodder run on Friday.  There were boxes of custard, cans of custard and sachets of ready to serve custard but no drums of custard powder.  I have long lamented the trends towards pre-prepared food.  Why on earth can you buy ready washed lettuce leaves and ready sliced apples?  As for frozen bubble and squeak, someone is either missing the point or taking the p!ss.  Bubble and squeak is made from leftovers, or food waste as I suppose we must now call it.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Folk seem to wander onto the crossing at will.

Given its proximity to the tunnel, a train would be in a pedestrian's lap before it was heard.

There are various bells and lights but we know how well they are observed.

Taken on the Renfe 1.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, night to some, evening to others!

Belated anniversary to Mr and Mrs Rick..and to this version of ERs.


Off to drive some model trains today. First my mugatea and then.....


Take care!


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry start and there seems to be a hint of blue sky and sunshine appearing in the east. Should be a pleasant day with some sunny spells.

I was up early for a Sunday and took tea to The Boss at 6.45 as she was awake. Not sure if a cooked breakfast will be offered this morning as we had one yesterday. However, if I go into the kitchen and start fiddling with the frying pan etc I'll probably told to get out the way and she'll do it.  :yes:

No major plans for today apart from the usual rugby match to watch this afternoon.

Mick, I saw a bit of X-factor last night and thought that Grace was rather good and made a change from a lot of the dross I've seen on there in the past- hope she does well.

Have good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Muggertee here with Brewers Fayre all-you-can-eat breakfast. Has anyone told them my capacity for bacon, eggs and accompaniments has yet to be determined? ;) It's not bad for what amounts to a high volume hotel-come-service area and I know from my local connections that a good number of families in town come in on Sundays for the kids-eat-free promotion.


Sun has popped out as we speak so a reasonable day is in prospect followed by a pint or two of Doom Bar.


Best wishes to all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a quiet village.   (Not quite as quiet as  French one that I now of).   Breakfast has been consumed and the boss is watching Strictly on catch up.  She keeps asking me to comment on what's happening on screen and every time I have to remind her that I'm not watching.   Mind you I need to keep in her good books as the dining room table is a production line for wagons at the moment.   I got 4 completed last night and several more have progressed.  However this was in between the good breakfast at church and helping Beth with the afternoon tea shop which went very well. I also produced the evening meal and later made her a G&T while I had a nice malt.   


Congratulations, belatedly, to Mr and Mrs Gwiwer.


The day now stretches ahead.   Church this morning then probably some packing of books etc into boxes.   I hope also to complete another batch of wagons.


Regards to all and I hope that the day goes well for you all.




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  • RMweb Premium

You need to cut that tree and all the bushes down :sungum:


I think the Ricean school-of-thought would suggest that the trees are essential to make the train's length look longer. Most likely it is only 2 wagons.  :jester:

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....the film is “Goodbye Christopher Robin”, based on part of the life of the late bookseller Mr C R Milne. ...

Should be available on DVD within 3 months. Hopefully will be a good film.


I've just finished La Fille du Puisatier , starring Daniel Auteuil and Kad Merad.

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh, come on! The Canucks are on later - you've got to stay up for that!


 We should be watching the Canucks for real next year.....




Edited by newbryford
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Meanwhile, a message from eBay says I've now got to pay £27 for an original Blaupunkt Kingston stereo cassette player and CD changer set, which I was hoping to fit into the CX as a contemporary-correct item. The CX being the temple of avantgarde design, the head unit has to slot in beside the, er, handbrake lever.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Yet more belated congrats for Rick and Mrs Gwiwer and nice to hear that the weather is fair in the fair country of Cornwall.


The Good Doctor is today attempting to take a shower which is rather awkward as the wound and dressings have to be kept dry - Mrs Stationmaster has decided on a new use for clingfilm - we hope for success!   That apart no other plans but a day out tomorrow as I'm attending a meeting of the 'WR & SR Controllers Group' which is basically exactly what it says and is far more down to earth than another lunch group I used to attend.


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Cheers all. Looking overcast outside while I'm preparing to sortie for work in a few, followed by a day off tomorrow. Quiet Sunday as of yet, so I hope it'll stay like that on the roads!



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

After a somewhat disturbed night due to indigestion we eventually had a very late cooked breakfast that will do for lunch too. We will leave the planned visit to the food fest at Hyde Hall today. I think we will go on a weekday and just visit the gardens!


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