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park - in - jab - out - unpark - home.



That would be the order of the day around this neck of the woods.

Fortunately our surgery is a matter of yards away, just across the road but it means for an hour this morning we watched the "Early shift" trying to park and generally making a pig's ear of that.

A certain national company tried to interest me in having my flu jab with them but they don't supply tea and buns!

To explain, at our surgery the local W.I. do and so they get my trade. All this is so as a sit down and rest will be taken in case there is a reaction to the jab. Some thing B**ts have not considered it seems.

Us "W's" have to wait until 2.30pm, and so there's time yet.  :no:

Just back, plenty of buns left.

Roll on next year. :dontknow:

Edited by Judge Dread
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After a beautiful sunny day here yesterday its a sometimes drizzly overcast day today. Seems to be dry at the moment so time to take a gander along The Leas to attend the Folkestone MRC Show at the Leas Cliff Hall.


Had my flu jab last Saturday morning. Appointment was for 9:12am, arrived at surgery about 8:55am wearing short-sleeved shirt and lightweight easily-removable jacket, booked-in and hadn't waited more than a couple of minutes before I was called. Exchanged a few pleasantries with the nurse (she was a District Nurse who visited Mum just before she passed away), got jabbed and was on my home arriving at exactly 9:12am.



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I have made an appointment for another jab. This is to protect against pneumonia. Having had that this summer I wouldn't want it again. I think I qualify for being over 65 and immunosuppressed.


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After last Saturday's Telford MRG exhibition there was a self imposed moratorium of a week on any further activity directly related to  railway modelling.


This did not include general tidying up of the garage and workshop where it was necessary to touch tools and items related to model railways.


There was the trip to Dapol on Tuesday, but since the B set that was purchase is a Christmas present, that does not count.


However, the hiatus is now over and much as I have work I wish to get on with, I have now found myself heavily involved in work of a gardening nature.


The movement of soil and compost for the Obergrumpenfuhrer's grand scheme bearing far more weight in the priority scheme.

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Rebooked my flu jab for next Saturday as I forgot the one I had a 8:20am this morning... now rescheduled for 10:20 next Saturday with Sister Drac.


Been down to the club odd bits of repairs arising from our trip to Swindon now fettled. There may be some more sidings put in place on the fiddle yard before our show.



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Bit late as we slept in, mainly due to the Mrs cough which is being decidedly reluctant to depart the premises. She ended up moving to the guest bedroom after coughing much of the early part of the night - slept in late so we got a late start.


Not much planned today, run a few errands maybe, and I think Meagan is coming over to sort out the pile of wedding reception boxes and decorations currently taking up half the garage!


11 wet and dreary here first thing, to be expected for an October Saturday, rain and a high of 19 forecast.


Potentially off to do some modeling, likely to get ambushed/kidnapped for something else I'm sure :O , enjoy your Saturday everyone.

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I have made an appointment for another jab. This is to protect against pneumonia. Having had that this summer I wouldn't want it again. I think I qualify for being over 65 and immunosuppressed.



I'm surprised you haven't been given one in the past Tony.  After I had a blood clot in one of my lungs and was left with a bit of asthma (now virtually gone) my then GP insisted on giving me the pneumonia jab and I was on winter flu jabs from the grand old age of 52 although when we moved here the desk wallahs in the surgery were quite uppity about my demanding a flu jab, until they'd 'taken my advice' and asked my GP for his guidance in the matter.  Incidentally our previous surgery used to give flu jabs to any of their patients who wanted them, irrespective of age - the Doctors in the partnership reckoned that overall it saved money and they were probably right. 


Laddo's latest, 2 hours ago, from Berchem 



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A minor miracle has occurred and somehow after lots of fiddling, farting, uninstalling, re-installing and a large modicum of luck my laptop is now re-connected to the printer. In other words I haven't got a bloody clue how I did it but at least it saves my IT dept (son Steve) having to come round to sort me out. Not that he minds  but I feel guilty asking him to do things connected with his day job on his day off.

I also managed to watch the rugby and am now surrounding a pint of "Spotted Chicken" with more to come. Or possibly Pride or Tribute or Ghost Ship or Doom Bar. Decisions, decisions. :scratchhead:

Might play with some trains shortly as the TV has been commandeered by The Boss for some dancing programme.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Had a look at the new book (Plymouths secret railways) and it seems a fascinating read. The pic on the front cover of the dual gauge lines is explained. The broad gauge (7 foot) is for a mobile crane and the lines had just been relaid at the time of the photograph (1961). The actual site was so tight that they had to build a 30 yard tunnel to accomodate the headshunt.

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Back home now.

Mil was very pleased with the vacuum cleaner we got for her. She had cooked a lovely lunch but she seemed very tired. It turned out she had got very upset at her bridge club yesterday and had slept badly overnight. At the end of the session while the tables etc were being put away she was chatting with her new partner. She had asked her why she had made some bid (I don't understand bridge). Then the club organiser comes over and starts shouting at her saying that someone had said she was asking about her partners hand during a game. He didn't give her a chance to say it was after the games had finished. She isn't going back to that club.


Edited by Tony_S
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Happy anniversary to Gwiwer and the Mrs...


So far today, brief time to model, managed to correct the new Q1 lubricator mechanism that I got out of whack when messing with the back-to-backs...


Off t't shops for some bed linens - not sure why "I" had to go as my only part in the decision making was to say "sure" to the selected items! :jester:


Then went to check on the new house and as LUCK would have it, was there are precisely the correct time ;




Taken from the back patio - since there are only at most TWO trains a day, often none, and never at anti-social hours, I'm quite happy for the occasional view.

The only real difference between the current house and the new one is that we're presently about 400ft. from the line...


OK - apparently Jemma and Whitney, AND Meagan and Otis and Maya, are ALL coming over this afternoon and staying for dinner too.

Should provide ME with some personal time, but three women AND three dogs <phew>!


Carry on everyone...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Happy anniversary to Gwiwer and the Mrs...


So far today, brief time to model, managed to correct the new Q1 lubricator mechanism that I got out of whack when messing with the back-to-backs...


Off t't shops for some bed linens - not sure why "I" had to go as my only part in the decision making was to say "sure" to the selected items! :jester:


Then went to check on the new house and as LUCK would have it, was there are precisely the correct time ;




Taken from the back patio - since there are only at most TWO trains a day, often none, and never at anti-social hours, I'm quite happy for the occasional view.

The only real difference between the current house and the new one is that we're presently about 400ft. from the line...


OK - apparently Jemma and Whitney, AND Meagan and Otis and Maya, are ALL coming over this afternoon and staying for dinner too.

Should provide ME with some personal time, but three women AND three dogs <phew>!


Carry on everyone...

Now that's a garden railway!! :sungum:

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Evenin' all.


Spent the afternoon assisting my youngest with his latest cookery project - a massively rich chocolate cheesecake. 

Recovering from having had a small slice which was a sort of semi-liquid, silky, chocolate orange flavour.

Delicious, but you'd not want anything but the smallest portion. 

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....a massively rich chocolate cheesecake. 

Recovering from having had a small slice which was a sort of semi-liquid, silky, chocolate orange flavour.

Delicious, but you'd not want anything but the smallest portion. 


Off-limits to diabetics, then.

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Never have understood, not feel the need to understand, Bridge.

Never understood it but played some in the school Bridge Club. For most of my life I found it easier to play with other sorts of bridge. The sort which may or may not involve trains of various sizes. Three diamonds ;).

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Evening all.


I enjoy bridge.

Happy anniversary Rick.

I've had a wonderful day driving a steam loco and despite a shower and change of attire I can still catch the occasional whiff of eau de steam coal oil etc. It's wonderful.

Now sitting enjoying a wee drappie. Slainte.


I have a serious question for the honourable members..... but that can wait until tomorrow.

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I don't normally watch X-Factor, but one of the contestants is a former guide from Mrs NB's unit and lives down the road.


Grace Davies. One of the rare ones that performs her own songs. I just hope that the producers allow her to carry on with her own stuff.


As they say in the layout threads - I will be following with interest.




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