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Good morning one and all


Round curses to my digi box, which reset itself on Wednesday night whilst recording The Apprentice [bBC1] and Inspector George Gently [Drama].  Equally round curses to UKTV, whose replay facility first proclaims that it has the latter programme but then apologises for not having it!  Yes, I know, I spend too much time watching TV.  Unreserved plaudits to Faustus for an excellent concert last night, so that's two more CDs and an EP for the hessian carrier bag.  Meanwhile the beer festival continues and with it the pleasure of annual reunions.  One sort-of-couple turned up just as I was leaving yesterday afternoon instead of Friday night when I will not be there.


The Sunday local paper whose non-delivery used to cause me grief has transmuted into a community rag published on Wednesdays.  I was given a copy by a friend and must find out how to get one in the almost certain absence of a delivery brat.  The other local paper is supposed to appear on Thursdays but I seldom see one before Friday evening.  This matters little because there is not much in it.  Even the hatched matched and despatched section is little more than a collection of ads for funeral directors but none for wedding planners.


I'm considering postponing today's fodder run until tomorrow.  Tesco's profits may wobble.  Like I care.


Felicitations and best wishes to all in distress and recovery



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,


Another bad nights sleep, a solid 4 hours to start with then intermittant  dozing till get up Time, I hope I don't over sleep tomorrow as it's MRC show time I need to be a the venue at 07:00...


The Acle straight must be open as the first half of the journey in was back to normal for traffic, I suspect the second half will be really bad from Monday.


When I built my railway shed I arranged all three doors to open outwards, not just for security but also when you get driving wind and rain as it is today, you can have a ledge inside on the cill to stop the rain going under the door. Facing the North Sea on both long sides of the shed makes the site a bit windy. My house front door also needs replacing, that too will have an outwards opener... The way I built the shed doors and frames it would probably be easier to come in through the walls, but they are wood / insulation / wood / layout and cupboards /shelves under the layout...


To get papers delivered round in my area they come by car, which is somewhat expensivehence I don't get the papers anymore.


As part of my Old job as a Tesco's maintenance man I was regularly drilling out locks because they were always losing the keys. The worst was the multiple fold front doors seach section of which had High security euro locks 3 inches off of the floor. So if they didn't lose the keys, they were jamming with dust and dirt. Many a time on a Monday morning early customers would find me lying on the floor wearing drill bits out trying to drill out a lock  on one part of the doors...


Spring tides and a northerly wind = flood warnings all round the coast and into the Norfolk Broads. , not heard of any yet...


Time to go and find out if the results of the rerun programme are any good....

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Morning all and it's a bright but chilly start to the day here.


Speaking of locks, has anyone seen my garage keys? The only place I know they aren't is inside the garage as it was locked when I noticed they were missing. Damn it.


Using the spare set I did some more work on the layout yesterday evening.


Plans for POETS day are simple - reading around the new work subjects, taxiing services, groceries, modelling, pub.   


BREAKING NEWS: swmbo has found the garage keys. After an exhaustive search, including getting the kids to retrace my walking route of yesterday evening, turning the house upside down (quite strenuous) etc, she found them in ..... her pocket. Somehow the explanation involves a convoluted tale of how I must have put them there. 

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Morning all from a nice sunny village.   I am not quite alone as a black, shiny bundle of fur and claws has arrived and I am now one of his staff for the next week.   I took the girls to the airport yesterday and we are cat sitting Gavin for the next week.  He seems to have settled back in already though we are keeping the cat flap closed for a while yet.   As well s the airport run the shopping expedition with the FiL went well though it was about all he could manage.  Then we had a very pleasant evening at our local Indian restaurant.  It specialises in Bengali food from the India/ Bangladesh border which is where my grandfather worked for many years. A very good evening was had with the couple who recently came to France with us.  I even got my medication review completed and was pleasantly surprised to have the best blood pressure reading for several years.   It did however need two visits as Sister Drac's junior assistant couldn't get any blood at the first visit.  A more experienced colleague managed later in the day.


Today the ironing awaits and I need to take my car for it's MOT.   Apart from that I may paint some wagons.


Regards to all.



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Good morning all.


And so starts my 61st jaunt around the sun. As discussed a couple of weeks ago, I must remember to pick up my first free prescription on the way. Then some sort of 'family do' later on. As yet I have no idea what or where. Jeans or tux? Who knows.


Have a good day. I assume I will.

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Good morning all,

The sky is blue and the sun is shining and it should stay that way for most of the day.

I managed to cut the grass yesterday. My back now wishes I hadn't. There is more to do in the garden like general tidying and pruning. As the latter involves ladders and loppers I may will give it a miss today. Parcels a-plenty are due but only one railway related and that just contains glue.

The Boss is on patrol and muttering about something called "housework." I think I will make my excuses and leave.

Have a good one,




P.S. Many Happy Returns BoD.

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Good morning all.


And so starts my 61st jaunt around the sun. As discussed a couple of weeks ago, I must remember to pick up my first free prescription on the way. Then some sort of 'family do' later on. As yet I have no idea what or where. Jeans or tux? Who knows.


Have a good day. I assume I will.

Since your layout is Crianlarich, surprise them all and wear a kilt!!

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Morning all. It's bright and blue skies here at London Bridge.


Like Jamie, I had a curry last night with a couple of friends. I haven't seen one for a couple of months so I was able to regale them with tales and photos of Canada.

On the way to the pub I glanced up and saw a shooting star. Unusual for this time of year as it is not one of the regular meteor shower times - Perseids and Leonids. As always with things astronomical, I thought of Jock, who would have been able to give us a more detailed run down on meteors.


This weekend promises to be less busy than recent ones and I think we need it; certainly Mrs Lurker does as her voice is very croaky.


Have a good day all


PS happy birthday BoD

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I'm back. After a google search apparently I saw an Orionid meteor. They can be seen throughout October, peeking around the 21st, and are debris from the tail of Halley's comet. It must have been a bright one to be seen around 8 o'clock in the middle of town

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Happy birthday BoD, and you should be getting your birthday card from the NHS in the form of a request for a poo sample from Newcastle.  Why Newcastle is the repository for the nations solid effluent I don't know but just like Andrew's plea above, get it done.   


Apart from that the sun is still shining and the ironing was completed before the CD played through.  





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Happy Birthday BoD!  Ham and pease pudding stotties for tea marra? Now, what can I get you to volunteer for this year?????


Sorry for my late appearance. Herself wanted to do the shopping before attending her appointment for the hair dresser... job done!


Had my letter from Newcastle and sent them their parcel back..follow up letter was good. Jamie, just ask any good Sunderland supporter why the specimen goes to Newcastle....


Have a good time today



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Happy Birthday, BoD


Location Independent Working. Lovely morning. But chill. 

So why is it that the dogs are continually asking to be let out? And then do nothing but walk round the garden, discover it's too cold, then ask come in again. And then repeat two minutes later.

I'm sitting here freezing appendages off trying to work!

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday BOD, and many more of them. Just to say I don't think I'd like to be a postie in Newcastle. Will have to withdraw some modelling tokens today for the weekend, there's the small show in Benfleet tomorrow followed by the end of season rally at the Canvey bus Museum on Sunday, and if I have time on Saturday theres another model railway exhibition in Dagenham tomorrow. Thats it for now, be back later.

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Happy Birthday, BoD


Location Independent Working. Lovely morning. But chill. 

So why is it that the dogs are continually asking to be let out? And then do nothing but walk round the garden, discover it's too cold, then ask come in again. And then repeat two minutes later.

I'm sitting here freezing appendages off trying to work!

Cats are much easier, Gavin has now been allowed out and has been in and put several times all on his own.  Fortunatley we hadn't got rid of the car flap.



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Most of my 'holiday' would go under a 'Politics' heading so I'll leave out a description.

Maybe just say that I was disgusted by the storm troupers assault on passive crowds - watching women being beaten with riot sticks and thrown down stone steps is not my idea of holiday viewing. 800+ casualties.

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