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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


I don't have a Mac, but bought a cheaper equivalent.

It came with the latest High Chaparral operating system. 

Sadly it only works with Cannon printers.....

and as for the First nation call centre - they didn't 'alf sound hostile.  


I'll get me coat. 


A sunny, but chilly start to the day here.

Today's paperwork pile relates to PoA and also looking at the health plan which is on offer at work. 

Thereafter, I've some plastic and card to cut into geometric shapes, fit together with glue and place on a rectangular plywood plank, Happy days. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Lovely High Tea and Fortnum & Mason's yesterday as a Copper Anniversary present.  22 years on Saturday for those playing at home.  I shall not be at home.  A long-standing arrangement requires my presence west of Camborne this weekend and while I had hoped SWMBO would be with me she has been unable to obtain the required leave.  


Cool blustery weather has set in despite the promise of something better.  Maybe I need to pack more than just a T-shirt and shorts for the trip then.  I'm on the cushions aboard 1C99, Night Riviera, tonight proving that I can still cope with a night "slumming it" when I choose to.  I did, after all, just have a first-class sleeping car trip only last week and I'm coming back up on Monday first class on the afternoon HST.


Coffee being enjoyed following which some domestic tasks will not be enjoyed; before I leave the cat litter needs changing, the bins have to be done and the bathrooms cleaned.  A Gwiwer's work is never done!


I'll try to look in if I can get some of that wi-fi stuff otherwise play nice, stay well and I'll see you next week.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from the borough most boring. Today I shall be preparing a demo for work. Tomorrow sees me in Solihull. Meh.


I lived in Solihull from the age of 5 until I went to university. Apart from my very nice cousin living there I can't think of any reason I would visit!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The management happens to be visiting the chiropractor and will progress from there to Waitrose so it's just a  pick up job for me so no excursion elsewhere for shopping purposes - all I have to hope is that she stands in the right place outside Waitrose for me to collect her (hope springs eternal is, I understand, the correct expression.  I think I now fully understand the Mac problem and it's all to do with the disc not getting to a start up sector until it's had a few goes - quite what the techs will make of it I really don't know; I shall communicate with them again today and see if they recommend putting it in for repair but someone could find it rather boring booting it up.


Yesterday I had some foreign sounding idiot ring up to ask some 'lifestyle' questions - I told her, several times, she could tick whatever she liked and I'd be quite happy but she persistently asked for my age so in the end I told her that I'd given her a choice of whichever age group she cared to pick and I was off to play with someone as her end of the playground was getting boring, I think my reaction puzzled (good).


Enjoy your day one and all and I hope Mick survives his visit over the border.

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I have a theory about the gun atrocity in Las Vegas.  It is that the gunman did not like country music.  Neither do I but there are other ways of coping with it.


You could be right on that one. The other thing that occurred to me was that, having led quite a successful blameless life, the gunman wanted to leave his mark on history.



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...Oh and I hate bloody foxes....

Oh dear, GDB, have you started moving further afield than personal bodily injury?!?!?! :O  :jester:


HUMP day arrives and with it the drive to the orifice.


Yesterday a quick check of our new house, after the severe rain the past couple of days, revealed water in the basement :( , appropriate authorities, i.e. real estate agent, previous owner etc., etc. notified, corrective measures should be investigated/provided by those concerned <sigh>


Early start this morning avoided the yellow sky orb dilemma, however it was apparent SOME of the drives were anticipating its arrival by slowing to a crawl even though there was no reason - cockwombles!


Only 8 getting the paper in o'crack sparrow fart, shaping up for a sunny day with a high of 16.


Head on over the hump, the weekend beckons.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

I was just about to take Robbie for a walk when one of the neighbour's children appeared outside her house. She has been unwell and off school. She wants to go but the doctor said not to.Anyway, I asked if she needed help but it was her Mum. My neighbour is phobic about bees and wasps and it was a wasp that needed dealing with. Another neighbour rushed in and fell over. I had visions of having to deal with everything. Fortunately Ted (the fallee) got up and remembered his lunch was waiting. The wasp became lunch too as it flew into a spider's web. I ascertained that there were no spider phobias.


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  • RMweb Premium

I think somewhat more likely is the fact the gunmans father had been on the FBI's most wanted list at one point and was a diagnosed psychopathic with sucidal tendancies.


I suspect the illness may have emerged in the son a bit later in life...


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  • RMweb Gold

My car will be back soon.

No MoT advisories. Nothing nasty revealed by service either. I didn't think there would be, but nice for it to be confirmed.

Perhaps it will come back clean too!


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  • RMweb Premium

Emails dealt with, parcels posted, shopping done, an indoor 6 a side cricket match umpired, lunch eaten..... can I have a holiday please as I am worn out?


Flippin freezing here.... 29 C one day 13 the next is not good.


Need to go to the MRS tonight to sign our new lease otherwise I would stay at home a get some sleep.


We visited the Western end of Madeira on a trip. It included a walk over the cliff edge ...




Now normally I don't trust Civil Engineers but, just for once i walked on the glass window.... Gulp!


and one of the Cruise Ships we saw was 









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  • RMweb Gold

A few weeks back I had loads of old Swish curtain track stored in the garage roof.


We had a clear out and as it had not been re-used since it's replacement with curtain poles, the curtain track was sent to the local recycling centre.


Guess what I need today!


Fortunately there is one last remaining length in the house........so it's days as a curtain rail in the kitchen are numbered.

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I think somewhat more likely is the fact the gunmans father had been on the FBI's most wanted list at one point and was a diagnosed psychopathic with sucidal tendancies.


I suspect the illness may have emerged in the son a bit later in life...

This is certainly possible but it feels like it is too convenient an answer at this time.


Hard facts will emerge over time. Evidence is gathering for the narrative that this was long planned (the shooter appears to have sent his girlfriend/companion to the Philippines) is accumulating. Police will interview her today.


Today NBC reported that the door was in fact breached at 11:20pm (about an hour after the shooting stopped). (This was indicated earlier from time stamps on the 'breach breach breach' recording but not explicitly reported.) This of course raises the question of why the shooter stopped after around 10 minutes of shooting beginning at 10:08pm.  The Sheriff was unwilling to offer information on timing in an interview published in this morning's Wall Street Journal.


Using mental illness as the reason shooters do what they do is frequently trotted out as a glib diagnosis amid all the politics around guns and shooting in the US. It can certainly be the cause. (The Aurora cinema shooting fits this pattern.) It gets used as a proxy excuse to do nothing about the problem in a "so sad, but it can't be helped" sort of way.


To me these behaviours are more about empathy blocking. A frighteningly large percentage of otherwise quite sane people are more than capable (given a set of circumstances) of empathy blocking. It is what makes genocide possible. It may be that the most important research related to gun (and indeed any) violence is neuroscience on empathy.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold

Emails dealt with, parcels posted, shopping done, an indoor 6 a side cricket match umpired, lunch eaten..... can I have a holiday please as I am worn out?


Flippin freezing here.... 29 C one day 13 the next is not good.


Need to go to the MRS tonight to sign our new lease otherwise I would stay at home a get some sleep.


We visited the Western end of Madeira on a trip. It included a walk over the cliff edge ...




Now normally I don't trust Civil Engineers but, just for once i walked on the glass window.... Gulp!


and one of the Cruise Ships we saw was 






We went on one of those glass bottomed walks in Switzerland. Then there was a wire walk. That did have a safety net!

We have been on that ship too. Round the Med.

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  • RMweb Gold

An interesting event has taken place in our road, and in the road round the corner.  When I went out to retrieve our dustbin I noticed the Jag across the road had collected a wheel clamp - most odd thought I as she usually parks very considerately although are plenty of others round here whose parking merits clamps on all four wheels.  But back to the main event because also slapped on the windscreen was a very obvious yellow, black and red notice loudly vividly proclaiming 'UNTAXED VEHICLE' in just the way that no one could miss it while round the corner a Mini has been treated to similar social shaming and immobility.


First time I've seen it round here - although it wouldn't surprise me to find more of them - but seemingly some sort of mobile 'shaming and immobilising' unit has been at work.  The only maddening thing about it is that when I reported untaxed cars left in our road in the past nothing at all has happened and the darned things have often been left for weeks at a time.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

AndyB I stuck to Coral and Coral Stout as it was a long walk from the hotel to the Beerhouse.. downhill going but uphill coming back...hic!


looks like it is still fun and games at Funchal airport ..a Jet 2 to Newcastle (diverted to Faro on Monday) has only escaped Faro/Funchal today.. shame we got away yesterday as it is blooming freezing here!



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  • RMweb Premium

A few weeks back I had loads of old Swish curtain track stored in the garage roof.


We had a clear out and as it had not been re-used since it's replacement with curtain poles, the curtain track was sent to the local recycling centre.


Guess what I need today!


Fortunately there is one last remaining length in the house........so it's days as a curtain rail in the kitchen are numbered.


Has the obergrumpenfuhrer been informed of these plans.  If not I suspect that hippo burgers nay be on offer in McD's in telfland soon.



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  • RMweb Gold

Has the obergrumpenfuhrer been informed of these plans.  If not I suspect that hippo burgers nay be on offer in McD's in telfland soon.



Fortunately, she has been agitating for this particular rail to be replaced to match the rest of those in the house.


I promised her this would be done as soon as she produced the new kitchen curtains.


This could be seen by some as a Mexican stand off.  :derisive:


I foresee a subtle acceleration in the process.

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Last 24 hours have been interesting.


Uncles 101st (yes) birthday tomorrow so last night made him a card with a pic of him as a boy scout. Posted today.


Then this morning was texting with 80 year old cousins about them sending him a card. Mine was via speech and Siri on the iPhone.


Meanwhile daughter in law was in A&E with severe abdominal pains from 5am - she's home now, no known cause.


And today I got in early for a demo of new AV equipment - to find that although it had been installed it hadn't been calibrated and so the whole training day - six sessions - was cancelled. Total waste of time because someone can't liaise.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

An interesting event has taken place in our road, and in the road round the corner.  When I went out to retrieve our dustbin I noticed the Jag across the road had collected a wheel clamp - most odd thought I as she usually parks very considerately although are plenty of others round here whose parking merits clamps on all four wheels.  But back to the main event because also slapped on the windscreen was a very obvious yellow, black and red notice loudly vividly proclaiming 'UNTAXED VEHICLE' in just the way that no one could miss it while round the corner a Mini has been treated to similar social shaming and immobility.


First time I've seen it round here - although it wouldn't surprise me to find more of them - but seemingly some sort of mobile 'shaming and immobilising' unit has been at work.  The only maddening thing about it is that when I reported untaxed cars left in our road in the past nothing at all has happened and the darned things have often been left for weeks at a time.

Mike are you reporting them on the DVLA website. ? 

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It's difficult as road tax discs are no longer displayed on vehicles, so only the DVLA, the police via ANPR. and the perpetrator of the offence are aware.


You can find out if it's taxed/MOT'd - this page - try your own car first.


And you can report an untaxed vehicle here.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

You can find out if it's taxed/MOT'd - this page - try your own car first.


And you can report an untaxed vehicle here.

Agreed, but the point I was trying to make that it is not a casual glance through the windscreen any more. You have to deliberately go around with a notepad and pen to record the numbers before you can then log onto the site to find out the vehicles legal roadworthiness status.


You start doing that around some of the less salubrious parts of Telfland (I'm sure other locations are available) and you will receive a re-adjusted facial profile

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