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To avoid any confusion can I just say that I have not (yet) self-harmed with a power tool. Mind you I came close once, when using a large concrete breaker one of the springs broke, hit the concrete and ricocheted just past my nose.

That could have been nasty. :scared:

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One more day at work then I'll be heading to a village somewhat to the east of Ikea, but not too far away!  Then a visit to Locomotion to see some pals exhibiting there, see 'Alwinton' in RM.  My old club, when I was a Geordie. Man.  Then oop to the lakes, ride on the Ratty (haven't seen Simon around here for a while?) and a skinful of good beer and Thai grub in Ambleside.

That all sounds superb, the Ratty is one of my top fave lines, gorgeous!





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  • RMweb Premium

That all sounds superb, the Ratty is one of my top fave lines, gorgeous!






I volunteered on the ratty in the 70's when I was a single man.   My good lady has just discovered that she's booked the wrong hotel for my birthday later this month and we've 3 nights in Ravenglass.   Geography was never her strong point.  I'm not complaining though.



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One more day at work then I'll be heading to a village somewhat to the east of Ikea, but not too far away!  Then a visit to Locomotion to see some pals exhibiting there, see 'Alwinton' in RM.  My old club, when I was a Geordie. Man.  Then oop to the lakes, ride on the Ratty (haven't seen Simon around here for a while?) and a skinful of good beer and Thai grub in Ambleside.

I hope to be at Shildon this weekend and funnily enough we have booked a few days in the lakes next week. I'm not stalking you, honest.


And now for something completely different....

..... as threatened I have raised my head above the parapet and have started a layout topic. Probably end up shot down in flames. See signature below for link. There is not much in it yet but it will grow fairly quickly as I bring things up to date and then it will, in all probability, grind to a complete standstill.

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Evening all. I hope today finds you well.

Today has been another long one, but quite rewarding. I am beginning to feel like I am getting on top of some of the more challenging classes today. That is encouraging.


Had an enjoyable night at the church model railway club tonight. In the next couple of days I will need to turn my attention back to my own layout as I prepare for Sheffield show on Saturday. A busy weekend is in the offing because I should be out for my mate's 40th birthday on the Friday night. This weekend also sees another local show and I will need to attend that on Sunday too.


Currently I am the sole operator on Saturday so it could be a long day. Hopefully it will be enjoyable.


Best wishes all.

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In the next couple of days I will need to turn my attention back to my own layout as I prepare for Sheffield show on Saturday. A busy weekend is in the offing because I should be out for my mate's 40th birthday on the Friday night. This weekend also sees another local show and I will need to attend that on Sunday too.


Currently I am the sole operator on Saturday so it could be a long day. Hopefully it will be enjoyable.



I'll be at the SMRE show as a viewer, Andy. I'll stop to say howdo, but I won't volunteer to help operate - too much out of practice!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


I won't be logging on at all tomorrow, as we're off to Derbyshire for the day, where we will meet up with some friends which will end up with us all having, what we hope will be a lovely evening meal at a pub in Great Longstone. However, I'm off out first thin in the morning, as earlier this afternoon, my circular saw packed up again and no matter what I did to try and sort it out, it still failed to work so it's off to buy myself a new one, whilst Sheila is getting herself ready. I should have plenty of time!


Goodnight all.

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One more day at work then I'll be heading to a village somewhat to the east of Ikea, but not too far away!  Then a visit to Locomotion to see some pals exhibiting there, see 'Alwinton' in RM.  My old club, when I was a Geordie. Man.  Then oop to the lakes, ride on the Ratty (haven't seen Simon around here for a while?) and a skinful of good beer and Thai grub in Ambleside.


Be careful what you do and say at the Ratty - they're looking for a new GM and someone who knows something about railways mightn't be a bad idea ;)


Revised plans for the week have been issued by the management - as the good Doctor will be in hospital on Thursday to have something removed from one of her shoulders (which will hopefully finally end the months of pain she's suffered) faux Friday has been brought forward to Wednesday to make more room for transport duties on Thursday.  Then laddo is off on Friday for a hydraulic weekend in Belgium so there will be a major reshuffle of cars in the drive as the good Doctor will not be permitted to drive for several weeks after the op.  In the meanwhile we will of course see what transpires when Mrs Stationmaster - the usual early riser - attempts to fire up the Mac tomorrow, which might add a visit to the Mac shop to the faux Friday excursion.


Laugh of the week thus far - laddo having safely arrived in the outer environs of Brizzle this morning emails to say that he had got there and to moan about the price of petrol at Leigh Delamere Services on the M4 - this evening I duly admonished him for his naivety in the purchasing of petrol and I might have added that he is the only person I know who has actually bought petrol at a motorway service station.


G'night all.

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Now back home, only 25 hours late but hey ho!


Picked up from hotel and dropped at Funchal airport. Checked in and told to only go through security when gates announced for flight. Went to the viewing balcony to see no planes....eventually a Jet2 757 from Manchester landed, loaded and left while a TUI 737 from School landed, loaded and left. A TUI flight from Germany then chickened out in the landing process.


Our 757 was busy circling and eventually went to Tenerife to refuel. It then came back an circled for another hour before landing at.....Gran Canaria.


We were eventually asked to collect our luggage and join a queue for a hotel room. We got to the Pestand Casino Park at 11pm. They provided a plated salad in our room, followed by some beer in the bar.

6am received test saying flight now scheduled for 3:45...


Breakfast eaten then told to checkout before noon, lunch at 12:45 then get the coach to the airport.


More planes on view at airport but our flight arrives at 4:05 PM. We all rushed to get on the plane and we set off at 5:05. Take off was a bit bumpy as was the landing in Leeds.


Now time for sleep!



Edited by Barry O
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One more day at work then I'll be heading to a village somewhat to the east of Ikea, but not too far away!  Then a visit to Locomotion to see some pals exhibiting there, see 'Alwinton' in RM.  My old club, when I was a Geordie. Man.  Then oop to the lakes, ride on the Ratty (haven't seen Simon around here for a while?) and a skinful of good beer and Thai grub in Ambleside.

Was it something I said?! Heading for Fraggle Rock on Sunday

Night awl

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Wet here and we've had serious amounts of rain and thunderstorms all last evening and throughout the night. Ark not started YET, but at this rate may be moved up the to-do list! :O

I thought you already had your stainless steel dinghy.


Am sitting here in my hotel room, hair completely drenched from crossing the street and running for about a block after dinner during a Texas Hill Country "frog choker". 


Meanwhile in the Pacific Northwest it was perfectly sunny and 24°C today - lovely.

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Good morning all,

Another dry 9oC and the forecast says it will stay dry with spells of sunshine but getting cloudy and breezy.

The Boss has been taken to work and grumbling again because she miscalculated how many more working days she has until retirement. (now 26 including today)

My back is still grumbling as well so I didn't get the grass cut. Maybe today. What will definitely get done today is a visit to the pub for lunch with friend Steve. Even better is that Jane is going to take & collect us so I won't have to drive.

There is an old adage that when doing any sort of DIY or modelling that you should measure twice, cut once. This needs to be changed  to measure thrice, then double check. I'll leave you to ponder why I might say that.  :scratchhead:

Oh and I hate bloody foxes. 

Have a good one,

Bob. (who managed to put his foot in it yesterday - literally)

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Good morning one and all


Today culture arrives in Bedford, in the form of the 40th beer festival.  Sister Diabetes will not approve but there are others in trouble a lot worse than me.  As well as sampling ales not normally available in these parts there is the opportunity for annual reunions with many acquaintances, former workmates and the like.  Unfortunately the musical entertainment is not all it might be.  Tonight's minstrels will take a chain saw to many a sea shanty and are not a patch on the great Dr Busker.


Thanks to all who gave advice on containers, which I'm afraid I read only after I had gone out and bought the desired tupperware-esque boxes.  What is this take away food of which you speak?  Do the people not eat in restaurants any more or have their banquets served on silver salvers by the under-butler?  I have seen pressed aluminium receptacles in and near Poorly Pal's recycling bin, evidence of his continued dealings with Meals On Wheels.  Perhaps they are similar to those suggested.


I have a theory about the gun atrocity in Las Vegas.  It is that the gunman did not like country music.  Neither do I but there are other ways of coping with it.


Felicitations and best wishes to all in distress and recovery.  Note to self: hangovers excluded ...



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A good nights sleep of 7 hours just one wake up and turn over.


Reading about all these kit surpluses I'm reminded that Mr Coleman made his money from the mustard left on the side of plates, not what they ate. 



Sadly Colmans is under threat this morning, yesterday Britvic who make Robertsons squash and Fruit Shoot in Norwich, are pulling out to make the stuff elsewhere, they claim it will reduce road miles, carbon use and improve efficiency. Unilever share the same site, make Colmans mustard there and have announced they will have to review it's poduction as they share facilities. In total between the two that will be 500 jobs going, Colmans have been in or near the city since 1814...


The road past the burnt out pub is finally open, as I suspected it would be it's now down to single lane traffic from all directions and is controlled by 4 way traffic lights. This I believe will continue for up to two years..


I seem to have attracted cockwombles over the last couple of days, this mornings henwomble did the same as the cyclist did yesterday, went round a mini roundabout the wrong side of the spot and was suprised to see me there, with my headlights on, waiting to enter the mini roundabout.....I don't think she had woken up yet...


I must remember to go via the MRC on the way home and pick up the radio sets to charge them for the weekend show..


Time to...... measure a few current shunts for one of the major systems..

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Morning all from a slightly damp village.   Baz I'm glad that you eventually got back, however aren't all landings at Leeds rather bumpy.   I'm told that the problem at Leeds is that geography meant that the only runway from the old RAF triangular layout, that they could extend; faced in the wrong direction.  This means that the main runway lie at about 60 degrees to the prevailing wind.   Combined with the fact that it's the highest airport in the UK you are bound to get trouble.   As a matter of info the runway extension was surveyed and laid out by the late Mike Bradley who built Kingswear and then was the main driving force behind Hungerford.   I once helped him lay out the show at Wakefield and he was very concerned that there seemed to be 50mm missing from the plan.   It turned out to be the skirting boards.


Anyway a good day was had yesterday and another wagon got built.  Today starts quietly as the boss has already set off to Leeds to help at fat club.   I've therefore got the morning to myself.  mmmmm.


To all and sundry I hope your day goes well and to GDB it's good to hear that Steve is obviously progressing well.



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Morning all

10C outside today, it felt colder though.

My car will be collected today for its annual service and first MoT test.

Aditi is off to Rochford this morning. She goes to monthly lectures about art and design topics. Today's topic is about the life and work of Kandinsky. We have an IKEA print of one of his paintings near the front door. I liked it because of the bright colours. Perhaps Aditi will discover what it is supposed to mean!

The Land Rover garage have just telephoned to ask if they can collect my car soon rather than late morning. I am quite happy for them to do so.

I hope everyone has a good day.


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....a theory about the gun atrocity in Las Vegas.  It is that the gunman did not like country music....

You could be right on that one. The other thing that occurred to me was that, having led quite a successful blameless life, the gunman wanted to leave his mark on history.

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Morning all from the borough most boring. Not a lot happening around these parts. We bought a new mattress. Whoopie do. Back, shoulder, neck continue to improve but very slowly. Good days and bad days. Good night's sleep followed by a total lack of sleep. Today I shall be preparing a demo for work. Tomorrow sees me in Solihull. Meh. At least the tube strike has been called off, so I don't have to attempt getting from London Bridge to Euston by crush loaded bus or non-existent taxi. 


For your entertainment I present the lesser spotted Essexwomble. 




Lovingly ripped off from Twitter. 


Enjoy your day. 

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