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I reported earlier this year that I had started the process to get my State Pension. I also mentioned a couple of weeks ago I phoned up to say I hadn't received a notification of intention to pay. The letters all arrived and the payment went into my bank today as scheduled. It does seem that the system has worked properly. I chose the apply online rather than the paper or phone option initially.



Tony, Glad that you got your pension it bodes well for the end of the month for me.


Was that by the colour of their wooden shoes?


(Apologies to our Dutch friends for my silliness.)


They might look smart, but ...


(I have every respect for Canadian academics. I have worked with several former academics who are quite brilliant. One was a lecturer in my university days.)


I'll have to ask my two Canadian Cousins who are retired academics (McMaster I believe) 




By the way I had a good evening at the clubroom and built a Slater's wagon kit.


Night all



Edited by jamie92208
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Way past my usual check in times, indeed way past my bedtime, but have just got back from a rugby match. Whoever decided to move games to a Friday evening simply to keep the TV schedulers happy needs a good slapping. I suppose it's a case of he who pays the piper etc. Doesn't make it right though.


What follows won't happen very often, if ever again, so make the most of it.......


Goodnight all .....

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  • RMweb Gold

Did you find a hotel or are you sleeping at the station tonight?

Hotel in Duke St is our usual place of residence when in town and it's round the corner from here do we should be able to find it again after our final beer of the night Edited by roundhouse
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Congrats and commiserations as required - I hope I've ticked the right boxes.


A big thankyou from Junior NB for the degree congratulations.

She's spent most of the week at wife's work - errr..... working....

Now she's earning a regular paypacket the R word has been mentioned and a weekly sum will now be deposited in Mr & Mrs NB's bank account. Payback starts for the previous 20 years or so.........


The next planned outlay for Junior is purchasing Mrs NB's car as the cascade takes effect in the next week or so (my new one has reached Southampton and could be with me anytime i the next few days). 


Golf yesterday was good. Second overall with my best score of the year. It bodes well for a three day trip away late next week. 


Work has been busy today and should be again for the next few days as I catch up with a couple of delayed projects. One of which is designing a modular control panel system. Quite looking forward to see how that turns out.

There is a minor POE planned for Sunday to visit Nottingham for an away ice hockey match as a treat for Junior's result this week. Another new venue to be ticked off the list. The recently acquired replica away shirts will be proudly worn. 


Have a good Saturday folks.





p.s. R = rent





Golf yesterday was good. Second overall with my best score of the year. It bodes well for a three day trip away late next week. 

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Spullchucked then!

From the interweb thingy: (other spellings are available!)


Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it two
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its really ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect
in it's weigh
My chequer tolled me sew.
(Sauce unknown)
Edited by JohnDMJ
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Good morning one and all


On Thursday Poorly Pal and I made an unwelcome discovery.  As usual, we repaired to ‘Spoons for our dinner.  Both of us are quite partial to all day brunch so it was a bit of a blow to find that it has been deleted from the menu.  Whose bright idea was that?  Instead, we each settled for beef and Doombar pie with a very necessary supplementary pot of gravy.


I had my sight test yesterday.  My weaker eye is not quite as good as it was so I need a new pair of specs which will be ready in two weeks.  Whilst walking into town I passed no less than three buses on route 5 stuck in traffic, which makes a nonsense of the scheduled 12 minute frequency.  Why the town centre is still constipated at 9.30 am I have no idea.  Today I will head in the opposite direction for the fodder run postponed from yesterday.  What shall I have for Sunday lunch?  Decisions, decisions [with ketchup, naturally].


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery. 



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Morning all from a dark and still quiet village.   Up early ready for a trip down to the smoke.  The Tram Society are having a rip round the Croydon Tram System so we're meeting at Kings Cross at 10.30 as people are coming on different trains.  Should be a good day.


Whatever you're doing I hope your day goes well.



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Morning all.


Awake too early for my liking. Mainly due to back pain induced insomnia.


The flat isn't empty at least, with Natalie visiting for a bit. We have the great electric train show next weekend to look forward to (helping operate a couple of layouts there again). Should be good fun.


A quiet weekend this weekend though I expect. I might get the baseboards down and get the start on laying track commenced.


It has been rather hectic over the past month or so as my other half has gained a canine house resident. Her name is Poppy. A staffie rotti cross, my other halfs being her 6th home in her 14 months. She has some behaviour problems he's working on (likes fingers and toes a bit too much!), and she's settling down nicely so far, photo attached.


Hope everyone is well? If not then speedy recoveries to all who need it.



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Woke up.  result.



Finally awake for the last minutes of a sunny though breezy morning. Reacquainted myself with some of the London night bus network until 2am neatly dodging a student party nearby. Boarding a tube train at gone 1am then hopping on a cross-suburban bus home were new experiences. Last time I lived in London the tube closed at midnight and the rather few buses which existed all night were centred on Trafalgar Square and Fleet Street.


Finally had a call well after hours yesterday offering Monday afternoon to fix the bathroom light. Finally a call-back that was actually made even if the work isn't being done in what I would call a reasonable time.


Have a good weekend all. It's time to launder the gladrags for a run home to Cornwall next week.

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Morning All


As usual, generic greetings are on offer, and a hope that those ailing get better, those celebrating have a nice time, and those exhibiting have no malodorous visitors, and that the great hand of God is not needed.


Jamie - the Croydon system in interetsting, a lovely combination of on street running, and running on dedlicated tracks (mainly ex BR Elmers End to Addiscombe, Elmers End to Selsdon, and West Croydon to Winbledon) and the branch to Beckenham and Elmers End also passes the back of 30747's former home.  Then, there's the sharp curve on the New Addington stretch to experience.  I haven't been there for some time, but there also used to be some interlaced track around Mitcham, though I was under the impression that this was one of the features to be upgraded.  The tram also stops right outside a 'spoons in George St.


Hopefully back later.


Regards to All


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Have you noticed that the pitches don't cut up like they used to?


 Thats because most are a plastic pitch with grass growing through it.


Pitches made from all plastic were banned...



Worthing FC, a non league team, were given bad advice on the installation of theif plastic pitch 2 years ago and presently have to play matches at nearby Bognor Regis.

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There are no short cuts crossing the equator.


I assume that you had stops - but they were layovers rather than breaking your journey overnight? I'm sure adding some stops to sleep in a real bed would help with the fatigue but unless you stop for several days jet lag is still going to be a factor.


I find flying east to be the most difficult.

Easiest way to avoid the time difference is to use ships. Clocks adjusted every night! Simples.
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. That broken bottle of wine was no great loss, I intended to pour it down the sink anyway, at least I could have saved on sink unblocker. Bright and sunny at the moment, hope it lasts. Quiet weekend this weekend, just as well with almost back to back shows for the next couple of months. Bye for now, be back later.

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Off to a show today :)


A Quilting show :(

Question: What is the difference between a model railway show and a quilting show?


Answer: At a model railway show you get BO and rucksacks.


At a quilting and craft show you get over scented ladies, elbows in the ribs and shopping trollies.

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