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  • RMweb Gold

Oh ######.



I really don't have any answers for this mess.

I suspect not many people would. Though what you are doing for the grandchildren seems right.


In my last job the college were quite keen on getting counselling for troubled students. They often would talk to me and express how they didn't like the counsellors as they never made suggestions about dealing with situations just got them to talk about how they felt. Perhaps they were not very good counsellors, too many vulnerable students ended up in their religious group.

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Yes, Neil it is. I've spent the afternoon so far with d-i-l and youngest (Rose) who keeps asking why her mother is so sad and won't leave her side. I've done my best to explain that having your mother in law living with you and telling you on a daily basis that you're useless (all men are, apparently) might cause some tension, especially when you ask your wife for some support and she takes her mother's side. And that if kids are misbehaving it's best to look for the reason, not simply punish them by taking away their access to the outside world...


Apparently he was wrong not to find a full-time job, but at the same time he had to look after Rose two full days a week and take and collect the girls from school.


I've been honest (tends to be my USP) and now I await consequences.

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  • RMweb Premium

I suspect not many people would. Though what you are doing for the grandchildren seems right.


In my last job the college were quite keen on getting counselling for troubled students. They often would talk to me and express how they didn't like the counsellors as they never made suggestions about dealing with situations just got them to talk about how they felt. Perhaps they were not very good counsellors, too many vulnerable students ended up in their religious group.


I used to work with a qualified counsellor, who was, to be frank, useless as a probation officer.  He later took his own life, which says it all from my viewpoint really.  He did it in a way which caused other people distress too....beyond belief. The effective officers were ex-teachers and social workers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Sorry that I've been AWOL for a few days, but a few days away without Internet access (well proper access - a small phone doesn't cut the mustard for me) means I'm about 14 pages adrift with no chance to back read. 


Dick, I can only add supportive cyber thoughts to those already offered by fellow ERs.  There's never any easy answers where family matters go pear shaped, and that's no consolation at all.  Sincerest and extended generic greetings, and a hope that nothing else too serious has been missed while I've been away.


My trip started well, with an appointment in Droitwich which was cancelled at the last minute, and just as well, as there was a serious vehicle fire on the M6 at Standish, tail backs to Leyland, and travel times of over two hours to cover that stretch being predicted.  Of course, every diversionary route imaginable was also pretty badly congested knackered, so the normal hour from home to Thelwall was nearer three, and arrival at Droitwich planned for 15.00 being just before 17.00.  Incredible volume of cocknhenwombles on the whole trip, which took in Droitwich, Swindon, Newbury/Hungerford, Hereford and Shrewsbury in four days.  This tight schedule meant that most mornings we were away from our hotels by six.  The amount of bad driving that I encountered was too much to describe here, other than the incident in Swindon where one clown took the wrong lane for his route at every roundabout, then hooted furiously, and got his female passenger to gesticulate and shout from the open window.


I had a couple of lucky finds too, ar the Shrewsbury Flea Market, with a 8 1959 Railway Worlds, and also the cleanest copy of the 1952 Trains Annual that I've ever seen, in exchange for only 13 modelling tokens. 


Then, when we got home, the TV box had been behaving like ChrisF's and hadn't recorded everything that we set it for - and it was apparently having a bit of a hissy fit, as it would not allow any fast forward or rewind of anything that we'd recorded.  It appears that there was a firmware update which didn't do what was needed of it, and I've had to lose the offending recordings, then do a hard reset of the box, to get it to work properly.  I think I preferred the old VHS where you set the time and channel and hoped for the best.  Looks like my pennance ofor this one is that I may need to find Strictly Come Dancing on the i player (should have been viewed last night when we got in), and I may get on with something more entertaining like cementing in the stove pipe so we can light a fire.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


Edited by 45156
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Oh ######.

D-i-L has discovered that son is seeing someone else. She's in bits, I'm just off on a rescue mission and to pick up Rose so that D-i-L doesn't have to see him.


I really don't have any answers for this mess.


Hope your Son and his children eventually find happiness, Dick. We can only interfere, I fear.



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A Sri Lankan man has been arrested whilst trying to leave the airport for India. It turns out he had over 2 kilograms of gold up his rectum (incl. Gold bars and a couple of necklaces).


Sri Lankan security officials said they were alerted to this gentleman because he was walking “very peculiarly”.


Best, Pete.

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A Sri Lankan man has been arrested whilst trying to leave the airport for India. It turns out he had over 2 kilograms of gold up his rectum (incl. Gold bars and a couple of necklaces).


Sri Lankan security officials said they were alerted to this gentleman because he was walking “very peculiarly”.


Best, Pete.


James Bond, David Beckham - eat your hearts out :jester:

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Hang in there Smiffy - we're here if that's any help, at least can be a sounding board...




Late today, because I can :)


After everything else yesterday I decided I deserved some trains - good running session, very enjoyable.

Sadly the much awaited Rails Limited Edition Q1 didn't show up, so I'll not see it till Thursday evening at best :( Only complaint I have of Rails is that they don't always place a tracking number on their orders as they only put it in a "comments" area on the order, result is I have NO CLUE where the bloody thing is :jester:


Today, relaxing morning reading paper with coffee.

Trevor and Meagan "imminent" for a visit and for Meagan to see the new house.

Later, our travelling companions are over to do some preliminary planning for our autumn driving adventure - destination not assured yet.

Then <sigh> out to the airport to head to New York - with the wedding et al it's been nice to not have been travelling for 4 weeks! :O


Hope you enjoy the remains of the weekend.

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Evening all. I hope today finds you well and that you have had a good weekend. Thanks to those who have passed on good wishes about the job. No news yet from the shortlisting on Friday. I expect that there will be a conversation with the head teacher one way or another tomorrow. I will of course feedback to you all when I know.


This weekend has been a busy one. I had a quiet night in front of the tv on Friday in a bid to shake off the cold bug. It seemed to work and I was able to get out to the Derby County match on Saturday. Not the greatest game it has to be said but at least we did not lose! Ironically I bumped into two members of staff from the current school before the game. I get on well with both so it was nice to spend a bit of time and share a drink with them.


 Today has been spent on preparation for the week ahead, broken up by Sunday lunch with the family at a local pub. I am hoping that the work now will give me some time during the week. I have just a couple of weeks to get my layout ready for its outing at the Sheffield show (see link below).




Take care all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

I didn't get the concrete mixer out, as further changes to the layout of the post box/ wall at the gate were required. 6 more foundation blocks were laid after the trench was extended. Then the basics of the postbox floor were laid.


SWMBO took Ben the Border Collie out on her own, as after the above i was inspecting eyelids...


The Act for the garden extension of the railway was long since passed, but the contractor ( me) is overloaded with work, 1/3rd of the foundation trench was dug but now grows thistles.

It is hoped that the railway company can raise sufficient time and money to complete the line.


Currently Ben the Border Collie is watching one man and his dog. Where Ben the Border Collie (from Ireland) is doing his stuff...

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A Sri Lankan man has been arrested whilst trying to leave the airport for India. It turns out he had over 2 kilograms of gold up his rectum (incl. Gold bars and a couple of necklaces).


Sri Lankan security officials said they were alerted to this gentleman because he was walking “very peculiarly”.....

This is the type of thing that should appear in Private Eye's "Funny Old World" column.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well I'm wrecked.....but not my rectum!


Spent the afternoon in the loft fitting a new extract fan for the bathroom, a ducted one.  Our rather modern bungalow has a low pitched roof so the 5-10 and a half NHN can't stand upright in the highest spot, and this was in a low bit!  By the time I had removed the fibreglass lagging to trace wires and pipes (preparing for the bathroom rebuild) fitted the fan (different wiring of course) and cleaned up, just about everything that should move in my body is now apparently totally broken.  Lower back is wrecked. Thighs ditto. Hips on fire. Yet the foot seems to be at its normal level, thank Crunchie for that, a positive!  That was my modelling afternoon.....#sigh#.


Fighting the fibreglass was fun, it's the unlined fluffy (cheap) stuff - eventually used a small garden rake to peel it back to save getting too much of it all over me - I hate the stuff.  I'll replace it with the sealed in foil type when the work is completed.


I am SO sore!  But just wait until the morning..... :scared:

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium



A Sri Lankan man has been arrested whilst trying to leave the airport for India. It turns out he had over 2 kilograms of gold up his rectum (incl. Gold bars and a couple of necklaces).


Sri Lankan security officials said they were alerted to this gentleman because he was walking “very peculiarly”.


Best, Pete.


Hmmm - I can see the film title now.




I'll get me coat.




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  • RMweb Gold

SG 19.3. 103.6cc?

19300 kg per cubic meter is the figure I have seen quoted too.

So imagine a piece roughly 20cm x 2.5cm x 2cm.

Brings tears to the eyes.

Especially as you couldn't afford to file the corners off.

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19300 kg per cubic meter is the figure I have seen quoted too.

So imagine a piece roughly 20cm x 2.5cm x 2cm.

Brings tears to the eyes.

Especially as you couldn't afford to file the corners off.


Eight inches, eh?



Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

SG 19.3. 103.6cc?

I estimated about 100ml. I could only cope with the approximation of gold density to nearly 20 tonnes per cubic metre. I am not very good at mental arithmetic.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

I estimated about 100ml. I could only cope with the approximation of gold density to nearly 20 tonnes per cubic metre. I am not very good at mental arithmetic.


Should that be metal arithmetic?


I've already got my coat, maybe I should leave now..........?




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  • RMweb Premium

SWMBO has had a productive evening at dinner with her fellow PhD students. Meanwhile I stayed home and treated myself to a potato and spinach curry. Sag aloo to those familiar with such things. My recipe includes bruised cardamom pods but having been unable to find any fresh ones (the almost-dry ones in the average supermarket pack are almost tasteless and also woody despite cooking) I omitted them. A perfectly good meal was nonetheless somewhat lacking in cardamomian astringency.


While sipping the last of the current bottle of muscadet there was an alarming sound of falling water. Inspection revealed that neighbours (upstairs) shower had become our shower via the light fitting. A quick trip upstairs resulted in a very apologetic, if only slightly clad, young neighbour answering the door. Moments later and a little more dressed she was knocking our door to see what happened. In due course both others from the upstairs flat joined us resulting in a relaxed chat over coffee.


Mr. Emergency Electrician appeared later to make things safe meaning the bathroom now has no light nor extractor fan for a few days. I can live with that. Probably much safer than living with very wet electrics. And we all know each other somewhat better than before.


It's a busy week ahead. SWMBO leaves for Cornwall tomorrow. I have cheeky trips to both Glasgow / Edinburgh and to Manchester and still have to get the place ready for guests next week.


G'night all. Sleep well.

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