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Morning all from a cool Charente though sun is promised for later in the day. First task is to nip to the pharmacy to pay for some burn dressings then it's time to trim the hedge at the front and to expose the last 20 yards of low stone wall garden railway track​  ​in the front garden.  No doubt some tasty pastries will be purchased during our trip to the pharmacy. It would be rude not to.    Apart from that there will no doubt be some unspecified pottering.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all from a cool Charente though sun is promised for later in the day. First task is to nip to the pharmacy to pay for some burn dressings then it's time to trim the hedge at the front and to expose the last 20 yards of low stone wall garden railway track​in the front garden. No doubt some tasty pastries will be purchased during our trip to the pharmacy. It would be rude not to. Apart from that there will no doubt be some unspecified pottering.


Regards to all.



Morning all from a cool Charente though sun is promised for later in the day. First task is to nip to the pharmacy to pay for some burn dressings then it's time to trim the hedge at the front and to expose the last 20 yards of low stone wall garden railway track​in the front garden. No doubt some tasty pastries will be purchased during our trip to the pharmacy. It would be rude not to. Apart from that there will no doubt be some unspecified pottering.


Regards to all.




Charente, Charente,

So good he posted twice,

Charente, Charente,

There's no scandal and no vice

I love it

Charente, Charente

It's got a sense of ennui

That ya don't get in the city....

Edited by Horsetan
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Morning all from a grey London Bridge.


Younger Lurker has a heavy cold. Elder Lurker has hurt his toe playing football - possibly broken, but more likely badly bruised. Mrs Lurker had a trying day at work yesterday. Tomorrow I shall be departing for the Netherlands, seems like it is just as well


Other than that, not too much to report.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Premium

Sunny morning here today.

Her indoors has become a Yorkshire County Cricket Club member... Watch out the YCCC committee!


Might get a bit of time at Headingley watching a bit of cricket....and I will be down at the indoor cricket school to umpire tonight.


Enjoy whatever you do today.


And has anyone spotted our "missing" ERs?



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Hang on, just noticed that :O


Next weekend is a special 'modellers weekend' at the Valkenburgse Meer NG museum, near Leiden. Which isn't too far from Woerden, with a direct train link to boot ;)  Although I won't be there (my club decided not to attend this year) it is customary several members of the 009 Soc. Dutch group display their gems in the museum, as well as a number of others. The museum is on the edge of a sand pit, still being dredged, and goes round for about 3/4th, with completion of the circle planned after sand dredging stops in the (reasonably near) future (2020, IIRC). The adjacent restaurant is actually quite good, having eaten there on a number of occasions. Mind, the NG museum isn't big and you won't be able to spend an entire day there w/o getting bored, but the nearby city of Leiden (5th largest railway station in passenger volume in NL) has some nice exhibits of their own. Within walking distance of said station are Naturalis natural history museum, the Boerhaave museum (Dutch science and technology, but closed for renovation till Nov. 2017), the National museum of Ethnology, the world famous Hortus Botanicus gardens (with café!) and the Royal museum of Antiquities. Right next to the station the University Hospital and the Medical Anatomical museum, should you wish to see such you can't, medical staff only :( Or do some trainspotting, the line is one of the main arteries of the Dutch network with traffic levels accordingly and the platforms are looooonnnngggg (2,245 ft, no that's not a typo :O ) A bit further away is the Wevershuis museum, displaying the history of the ordinary Leidenaar.



Shame our calendar is full this weekend. Mr Roundhouse, myself, and others will be in Bodegraven & Rotterdam over the weekend. 


Moaning all. Tuesday. Basically its like a Monday but with slightly less suckage. Chiropractor visited. Ouch, but things moving a bit. 

Work is still boring. Probably a good thing in reality. Gives me the chance to split my day up into achievable chunks with a rest in between. 


B*gger all else to say. Enjoy your day. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Avast there!


No cricket today as we have to do some boardin and pillagin  pre-holiday sorting out....now wheres my parrot, eyepatch and cutlass???


Mad black Baz


Pirate, 2nd Class

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  • RMweb Gold

I really do not know where time goes these days!


Still I have to complete the backing boards for the back scenes of the new 7mm edifice today.


I sometimes wonder if I over engineer my boards and electrics?


But I have noticed they are reluctant to disintegrate or stop feeding the power.


No doubt my carefully laid plans will be thwarted by the Obergrumpenfuhrer as she will find additional tasks for me to complete.


She is slowly recovering from the shock of the new HH policy of instant response to tasking orders.


Given a task, I now instantly drop everything and report for orders:


I suspect the paint pot from the top of the ladder was a bit extreme.


Having completed 50% of the garage door repaint, the PH has now announced that he has seen a pair of roller doors on eBay that would be just the job to replace the doors.


I wish he had told me before I started the repaint, as I have been told I might as well finish the other pair of doors as otherwise they will look odd!


I'm sure that in another life he was a 1960's BR manager!


Coffee beckons

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  • RMweb Gold

I really do not know where time goes these days!



I sometimes wonder if I over engineer my boards


She is slowly recovering from the shock of the new HH policy of instant response to tasking orders.


Given a task, I now instantly drop everything and report for orders:


I suspect the paint pot from the top of the ladder was a bit extreme.


Having completed 50% of the garage door repaint, the PH has now announced that he has seen a pair of roller doors on eBay that would be just the job to replace the doors.


I wish he had told me before I started the repaint, as I have been told I might as well finish the other pair of doors as otherwise they will look odd!




Coffee beckons

A near neighbour has just had a roller garage door fitted. I have been over to inspect it. I could gain another couple of feet of garage length if I replaced the current up and over door. Aditi can't open it easily and it needs some attention I will get a quote I think.
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  • RMweb Premium

Deck quoits interruptus, we're being boarded! 


Morning all and the sun is gradually curing the  early morning chill. 

1st interview went ok yesterday and a 2nd interview is being arranged asap, I understand. i'll say no more to avoid jinxing my chances! 


Meanwhile prepping for an interview with a different company tomorrow. 


Reading Tony's note about garage doors, yes, I am the chap that thought it was a good idea to store a layout suspended from hooks in the garage. I only noticed the flaw in my thinking when I went to open the very rarely used "up and over" door. a few months later  It would have had to become an up and almost over door! Doh. Layout and suspension hooks shifted down the length of the garage a bit!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Sunny but chilly upon the Hill with a heavy dew lingering.


Two impossible things have happened this morning. One - the alarm failed to sound and I overslept meaning SWMBO was late away and grumpy for it. The last time I overslept was possibly 40 years ago; the alarm was tested and no fault found so its lack of alarming remains a mystery.


Two - Surprise Plumber arrived. The appointment was booked for 12 noon on Thursday but at 9.45 this morning there was a knock at the door and there, something more than 50 hours EARLY, was a chap who couldn't have looked more like that little adventurous plumber some of us follow on computers. Super Mario also spoke with a strong Italian accent!!! Despite being more than two days early he has done precisely what three others have done before him namely looked at the job and gone away to write a report. We are, it seems, no nearer to having the problem (toilet cistern is plumbed to the hot water not cold) dealt with.


At least I now have Thursday free. And since two impossible things have happened why don't I round it off with breakfast at Milliways? Fans of Douglas Adams will understand.


Enjoy the day. Greetings and best wishes to all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Seems I've done most things reasonably well as I got my cup of tea in bed this morning (normal working) although I was accused of almost running out of milk - attention was duly drawn to the fridge contents where yesterday's delivery lurks on a shelf) however - as expected - revictualling will be required, Waitrose(?) here we come assuming meat is required.


Good to see my old pal David Butcher's first volume get a mention in these august pages, I'm not sure if he fully explains the reason he came off the footplate but it was all down to a perfect trip on an ex-works A4 and realising it could never be bettered.  And he is of course quite right about Rule 0, always a good idea to stop for a cuppa before you rush in (unless you know exactly where you'll have to start from but even then think first; that's what the tea gives time for).  Incidentally his final volume, mainly about Foster Yeoman and the Mendip quarries in modern times, was published privately and is only obtainable direct from David - but I do of course know where to find him ;) .


HH's story of painting the garage doors brings to mind the last Shedmaster at Slough and the time when the painters arrived - he took one look at them and their paraphernalia and very bluntly (but politely) told them to go away and never again darken his depot with their presence.  The depot buildings thus remained not only after his retirement but for some considerable time after they ceased to be of any practical use.


Enjoy the rest of your day - we look to have occasional sunshine, a distinct improvement on last night's precipitation.

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I have Davids book 2, Book 1 I've ordered, he does explain his reasons for leaving the footplate as you say, a near perfect run in an A4 which was around the same time as an Awful run in a Diesel.


Rule 0, for me was late today,  I've just had it, Lunch is in half an hour....

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I haven't been lazing in bed this morning, just that lurking on RMweb this morning seems to have taken longer than usual. I have decided that the new layout will be a shunting layout based on a quay, I've even chosen a name, 'Lochan Quay' (lock and key geddit?), I hope that is original enough, I have made up such names before only to find someone had beaten me to it.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I haven't been lazing in bed this morning, just that lurking on RMweb this morning seems to have taken longer than usual. I have decided that the new layout will be a shunting layout based on a quay, I've even chosen a name, 'Lochan Quay' (lock and key geddit?), I hope that is original enough, I have made up such names before only to find someone had beaten me to it.


e used to have 'Los Carr Quays'.....I think it's still around.

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