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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here,

A reasonable nights sleep of 6.5 hours in 2 pieces a was had.


For those needing a bucket, Great Yarmouth Charter Academy, has a place for you....http://www.greatyarmouthmercury.co.uk/news/education/phones-confiscated-for-weeks-and-sick-buckets-in-the-classroom-tough-new-rules-at-norfolk-school-1-5188326


One cockwomble this morning, on the way in I was overtaken at high speed by a news paper delivery car (if you want a newspaper delivered out in the sticks, they come by car for a suitable fee) 

The roads were extremely soggy this morning, with the promise of increased wet to come. 


I've a major system to do this week and possibly another one, which is being built. But I won't be seeing much of my boss, we have our annual inspection by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service this week, if we were not to pass(highly unlikely) we'd lose most of our work...


Time too... go get the first one started.

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Good morning from an overcast Surrey.


Yesterday I managed to clean the conservatory. Couldn't completely empty it as the patio has two large wheels bins an out door storage chest a tiny plastic greenhouse loads of plants etc. But at least the conservatory is now much cleaner inside and the plants that require indoors for winter now inside.


No modelling done but TREVONE just needs a few circuits on the test track then it can be boxed up.


Trains running fine this morning after a hird weekend of station closure. The lift link to the new platform and a new toilet block on said platform are now in place. Station is shut again this weekend but luckily we won't be travelling in or out of the station this weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and early overcast chill has turned to sunshine. 


Jamie, enjoy your spotting expedition - looks like quite a substantial station, or rather one with plenty of passing loops? 


Not much to report here today, although I have 2 interviews scheduled this week. 

I note that some public sector bodies occasionally put very tight deadlines on applications. Seemingly spot on experience etc is rejected out of hand. Methinks perhaps the deadlines reflect there being an incumbent, or preferred candidate. Just sayin'.


Today's interview may be different as they asked to see me, via their headhunter.

My youngest interpreted this as them being desperate. I believe he meant that they would have to pay more.

Although come to think of it.....  :jester:


Having discharged my various duties over the weekend to all generations of the family I did some pottering in the garage. This was very specific pottering and focused on the 2 layouts that reside there. One I'd always thought of as a potential exhibition layout but reading other peoples' experiences a shunting plank might be quite hard work to keep something moving continuously through the day. So, my mind started to wander towards whether it could be converted simply into a roundy-roundy. 


Meanwhile the elderly inmate has indicated her wish to return home, but cunningly told everyone a different date. This resulted in numerous texts, phone calls from relatives saying she must be confused. Confusing, more like! I've indicated that unless she sticks to a better routine regarding mealtimes and accepts that meals have to be of a size which provides sufficient calories then it'll be back to The Cooler. Failure to comply with the exercise sheet; Cooler!  


Anyway, enjoy the day and only a few days until POETS day. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All. Welcome to Moan-day.


A good night was had with no more disturbance than the normal nocturnal trip. Neighbours were about but all was quiet by a decent hour of the evening. Ah the joys. First day of term today. Any trainee drinkers are welcome to apply here for some practical study courses.


More grey dampness abounds. A visit to Homebase is required since it has been decided we shall astroturf the small (4x1m) area between back door and back wall. I hear rumours of it becoming a pot garden.


Small wheeled objects have made their debut on parallel strips of metal placed on a near-level board. Anything could happen from here and probably will.


Best wishes to all. Remember to treat the day as you would hope it might treat you.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone


It's raining, so most of today will be spent in the cellar continuing work on Max's train set board.


Arr, offspring and the demon drink!


During the Millennium celebrations, No1 son came home from work, got changed and went out straight to celebrate the new year with a bunch of pals and a bottle of jack Daniels, without eating anything before he went. I had a phone call at 3:00am from the parents of the mate who was throughing the party, asking if I'd pick him up, as he couldn't walk. We carried him up stairs and lay him in the recovery position on an old quilt on his bedroom floor, well, you can't fall off the floor can you?


Later that day, Sheila and I had gone out to see her parents, whilst there we had a phone call from No2 saying his brother been sick, so we went back home to check in on him. He spoke and asked when dinner was? I said in about 1 1/2 hours time. He surfaced 3 days later asking if his dinner was ready!


Back later

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.... the local rag reports that the police station is to be converted into flats.  Whatever next? ....

I was slightly surprised that your local constabulary have only just got round to selling the station to developers. The Met have been doing this for years - Hendon lost its local nick over a decade ago, and the site was razed to the ground shortly after. The site is still empty, so I guess there's either some land banking going on, or there's a bit of a problem obtaining planning permission. West Hendon police station was also sold off for commercial office re-use some 20+ years ago.

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Good moaning all from the boring borough. OFIM once again. Back and shoulder bad this morning. May have to give in and take some pain relief.
Not a lot happening. Some light work around the house. I've got 6 and a bit weeks to get the modules ready but spent far too much time just playing trains.
My latest roster addition. 
Work is a mixed bag. Was supposed to be starting on a long project. That's been delayed yet again. In its place I was to do 6 weeks for another client. This morning that got cancelled due to office politics. That gives me 3 free days of study and reading. Peaceful bliss until some arsebadger wants my time but won't go through the proper channels to pay for it. 
Short 3 day week at least. Off to the wilds of Bodegraven and Rotterdam for a pair of beer fests. Brussels warmup on Thursday. 
Ian: 10:25 or 10:55 Rotterdam Centraal, Platform 16. change at Woerden. See you there. 
That's about it. Enjoy your week. 


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  • RMweb Premium

We have MTB102 normally somewhere near us, not sure it qualifies to be allowed to go over 6mph on the Norfolk Broads though.




Horning was bombed during during WW2, as a Naval boat yard was there.... this is the  boat yard reported hit by Lord Haw Haw...



The bomb holes in the river bed still show in the hydrographic survey.


Selling police houses to the public is not new, My aunts house also had the attached station, and I used to sleep in the cell this was in the 1960s..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Talking of police station closures, swmbo related a story of her drive home the other week.


Having crossed a roundabout and exited onto the outside lane of a dual carriageway she was closely pursued by a 4x4, clinging to her bumper. 

When she got the chance she moved over to the nearside lane and the 4x4 with the burly, tattooed driver and female passenger equally burly and tattooed) glaring at her and making various obscene hand gestures.

What was she meant to do, pull over to the nearside lane sooner? Not possible as it was busy with traffic.

The bullying continued for a number of miles with the 4x4 pulling in front of her and slowing down and down to try and get swmbo to overtake. The purpose, undoubtedly, was to get her to overtake, follower her home and confront her. The female passenger continued to turn around in her seat and give swmbo filthy looks. All because she didn't floor it on exiting a roundabout to the satisfaction of these tw@ts.


My advice was if this happened again to head to the nearest police station and drive straight into their car park, no doubt covered by cctv. My plan would have been perfect if the police station still existed! Updated plan is to drive to our local pub and let the locals deal with it.    

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Just 'won' a flatpack layout box on E-bay. Its one of those laser cut baseboard/box items for a small layout/diorama. It measures 3' X 1' X 1' so it should fit in the car easily. I'm thinking in terms of a mini shunting layout where I can run my new locomotive or perhaps a preserved line scenario. NB, I remember my nephew getting into that condition, my brother was having a great time extracting the urine until several of us reminded him of his stag night. My brother kept boasting that he would be able to taste any 'additions' to his favourite tipple so it was no good trying to put 'extras' into his pint. So we all had to put it too the test, his first pint contained a double vodka and it went on from there. The joke was on us in the end as we had to carry him home and when we got him home the first thing he wanted to do was use the toilet. The toilet, the only one in the house, was in a separate cubicle on its own and he fell asleep against the door stopping anyone else from using it. Somehow we got him to the church for the wedding at 11 o'clock the following morning and he managed to get through the ceremony without passing out.

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' Quite looking forward to my first MTB ride in about 6 months, although I may be sore afterwards.'






This is not The Q's safety boat, although it would give any boat wombles a bit of a shake up!





My MTB isn't designed to float.




Although given the amount of rain we've been having, HH's version may be suitable for some sections of the trail.




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I held my fire on buying Euros and it has paid off.

I already had some in hand but needed to top up for a trip to Spain on Friday.

Got a Tourist Rate of 1.116 delivered (ASDA £752.69).

Not overwhelming riches but certainly better than the rate of 1.05 at which it was trading a week or so ago.

TOP TIP: The Money Part of ASDA's site is, according to my Mac, subject to pfishing.

I used the telephone to Head Office.

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  • RMweb Gold

I held my fire on buying Euros and it has paid off.

I already had some in hand but needed to top up for a trip to Spain on Friday.

Got a Tourist Rate of 1.116 delivered (ASDA £752.69).

Not overwhelming riches but certainly better than the rate of 1.05 at which it was trading a week or so ago.

TOP TIP: The Money Part of ASDA's site is, according to my Mac, subject to pfishing.

I used the telephone to Head Office.

Not even my dear wife got through £752 on a day trip to Spain...
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Travelled from Ealing to Slough and back on a GWR EMU yesterday - a very comfortable journey. I was struck by how restrained the entry to stations was, both by our train and others that I saw. Nothing like the Glasgow suburban trains - but then, there's not brake dust all over the stations, either.

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Greetings all


It's cloudy here at LBG but the sun is also shining at present.


This weekend saw us visit Cambridge to see Sister in law and family and brother-in-law and family and MiL. I drove though fortunately the M11 and M25 were fine in both directions.


This week sees me visit the Netherlands to give a presentation to some colleagues on the joy of tax....I notice that I am last on the agenda, immediately before drinks. I guess the pressure will be well and truly on to stick to time!


Otherwise not too much to report!

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.... a presentation to some colleagues on the joy of tax....I notice that I am last on the agenda, immediately before drinks. I guess the pressure will be well and truly on to stick to time!...


That may not help you. If they have been thoroughly bored out of their minds by all the preceding items on the agenda, there's no hope of reclaiming their attention!

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  • RMweb Gold

That may not help you. If they have been thoroughly bored out of their minds by all the preceding items on the agenda, there's no hope of reclaiming their attention!

Matthew will be presenting at 8am when he goes to a conference at St John's later this month. The previous evening is the social evening which is some sort of pub crawl sampling the best of Newfoundland brewing.


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