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Morning all


Sunny here for the moment, slightly chillier than yesterday.


Here's a pic of a Sarjevo trolley bus (thanks Google): https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=sarajevo+trolley+bus&client=firefox-b-ab&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi1v5KWn5_WAhXjKcAKHdPyAtsQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=703#imgrc=RBCyEjS-JATnuM:


There isn't a lot else to report, so I guess it is time for a coffee.


Something to report on is nasty old N F*r*ge (rhymes with garage) speaking in your neck of the woods to AfD. Harrumph! Looks like Mutti will still be in control after 24th, though. Funny calling Angela 'Mutti' when we're so used to calling my wife's German mum 'Mutti', too!


Blackrat, hope you're feeling less shaken this morning, it's a nasty feeling when your brakes fail; glad nothing worse happened.


Jamie - sorry to hear about the burns to Beth's hands; on another matter, hope the funeral goes as well as can be expected for someone so young.


Car just gone in for MOT - we'll get all of the stuff done, of course. It's a 2008 VW Golf Tdi estate from just before the better engines came out; thinking about an all-electric car or a petrol/electric hybrid. Mentioned before that the VW trade-in which is €10,000 in Germany is just £6,000 here - it ought be closer to £9,000 on current exchange rates. More a matter of when we change the car than if.


Oooh! Just seen a rather nice looking SECR exclusive from Hatton's.


Hope your day goes well



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  • RMweb Premium

I probably would have spelt Middlesbrough with an extra o. However the spellchecker on this device does have the correct spelling!

Your lucky it wasn't an American spell checker.. Middlesboro...

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  • RMweb Gold

BT installed the new broadband yesterday. Compared to before, speeds are definitely supersonic. Well at least on the wireless stuff. My main PC just refuses to recognise the new hub.

We suspect a software issue probably directly related to the dreaded W v10.

I will grub through my collection of cables and see if a physical connection can be made between hub and PC.

Hope the cable works!

I have had to use an ethernet cable to allow a couple of win10 upgrades to complete for neighbours. However if it was already on Win10 and communicating wirelessly with a previous router it is unusual. However since sucessfully upgrading to Win10 Aditi's laptop occasionally refused to accept that it has a wireless interface. The physical wireless switch and the software report being on and off in odd combinations. I haven't quite worked out what particular action I perform cures it. Last time it happened I was in the middle of pneumonia and made some delirious suggestions about using an ethernet cable or as I suggested the "red one". It is still connected so I assume she is happy!

Edited by Tony_S
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When Matthew moved to the house in Ireland I asked was the broadband good? They get over 300Mb/s downloads which is a bit faster than here. We get 65 here.

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.....Something to report on is nasty old N F*r*ge (rhymes with garage) speaking in your neck of the woods to AfD. Harrumph! Looks like Mutti will still be in control after 24th, though. Funny calling Angela 'Mutti' when we're so used to calling my wife's German mum 'Mutti', too!......


Wir schaffen das, etc.


When Matthew moved to the house in Ireland I asked was the broadband good? They get over 300Mb/s downloads which is a bit faster than here. We get 65 here.


I remember when broadband was in its infancy in Ireland, and subsidies were apparently on offer to various towns out West to take advantage of these services. Ennis was declared a "Technology Town" and as long as you were within the town limits (denoted by road signs), the service worked alright. The acquaintance I stayed with had a house just outside the town limits, much to her annoyance because she was stuck on dial-up!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sorry to hear about Beth's hand, hot fat burns can be nasty. Theres been some strange looking trolleybuses built, the oddest must be the double ended one built and operated in Liege. Just like the trams it replaced it had a driving position at each end each with its own steering wheel.

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  • RMweb Gold

Hooray!  After trying one more firm for cheaper car insurance with no success I suddenly realised that I'd forgotten about my bank. They've come up with the easily the best quote and I'll only be paying abot £24 more than last year. 

Many thanks to those of you who PM'd me with helpful suggestions.


Now I can go and play.


Bob. (Who today has almost reached midday without injury  :yes: )


Probably pushing my luck saying that.

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  • RMweb Gold

BT installed the new broadband yesterday. Compared to before, speeds are definitely supersonic. Well at least on the wireless stuff. My main PC just refuses to recognise the new hub.


We suspect a software issue probably directly related to the dreaded W v10.


I will grub through my collection of cables and see if a physical connection can be made between hub and PC.

No cables to fit and I have now found my landline will not work either.


Fortunately BT just sent me a text asking if everything was working ok


They are now on the problem!


Much better news from DCC Supplies in that they have obtained a new pcb for my failed Powercab.


It will save it going back to the USA, and it should be fixed this week.


I shall now go and finish stripping the garage doors and repaint them.


Ballasting and pointwork this afternoon.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's been blue skies and sunshine here today. 


Another interview invite received this morning which will involve me putting on my suit and tie and throwing myself at the corporate world again.

This one comes with a daily 90-mile round trip commute and the chance to use most of the money earned on petrol and tyres, methinks. 

Having said that it could be a stepping stone....


Meanwhile the planner on my smartphone indicated I was meant to clean the washing machine and outlet pipe. 


Last of the sweet peas are in flower - we normally don't get much of a crop after July, so the later Spring start to the growing season has delivered a later summer/autumn splash of colour. 

And rosa Graham Thomas is still in bloom. 


Jamie, sorry to hear about Beth's hand; hope she is quickly on the mend. 

My grandfather once had to treat my uncle for a burn received when scolded by gravy. He cracked an egg over the burn and this prevented scar tissue forming. 

I guess it was the lysozyme within the egg white which prevented infection. 

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Now I can go and play.


Bob. (Who today has almost reached midday without injury  :yes: )


Probably pushing my luck saying that.

'Ning all

                   You can only say that as there is no copper light shade in your home.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from red dragon land.

Cloudy, some sunshine.


Well that was a dead loss.  First herself needed some shopping and she came too so my slightly late start turned into a 60 minute+ late start, then it turned out to be National Cockwomble Day on the roads - no wonder some of them were overtaken by cyclists.  So I duly arrived at Pigs Hill slap bang in the middle of the afternoon 'shop wandering' rush and the first car park queue, which I quickly left, was a virtually immobile 400 yards long.  Knowing  my way round that neck of the woods I therefore went to the car park queue at the other entrance - but to the same car park; and that was even longer.  Next attempt was the other car park, but that was also full therefore I decided discretion (and hunger) were the better part of enthusiasm and headed for the M4 heading eastwards.


Looking on the bright(er) side that makes this the third show I have missed in the past 3 months that I really wanted to go to so at least the three have happened and I should be alright for the next one. And on an even brighter note I can of course think of all the money I have inevitably saved so I'll have to find another way to spend it I suppose.


And apart from a few 'almost showers' the rain stayed off for my entire journey and the ultimate cockwomble was only encountered in Reading on the way home although actually my suspicion was that he'd probably been on the pop because after driving around most of the time at 20 mph the last of his 'driving' which I saw was when he pulled out in front of someone on a roundabout and very nearly collected a hefty collision; strangely the name on his car said 'SWIFT' - the biggest misnomer I have come across in a long while.


We are at Redditch this weekend, if you would like to give it a go  - Large on site free car park, it says on the website, and a short walk from the railway station.




Cupboard modifications going on in the kitchen - Ray taking advantage of youngest staying over.

Just been told the  kitchen is "free" - in other words, they want lunch...  :jester:


Seems we are dining out instead...


Back later, then.

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Managed to get the lawns cut with my new mower, the grass was wet but it cut quite well. The lawn slopes so the bottom third of it was rather soft and the mower has left wheel tracks in the surface. Not to worry, our lawns are/were for kids to play on they are not a bowling green. Hope Beth's hand is OK the sooner the quicker as my gran used to say. Still puzzled by those boats in the sky on Pete's picture. Am I missing something? 

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Been a-lurking yesterday as far as ERs is concerned, or to put it another way, I actually forgot to post as I got waylaid elsewhere on here.


Windy here with the promise of more to come overnight, and also some heavy rain, just for a change.


All posts are read and rated, and I was sorry to hear of Beth's injury.   Hot fat is nasty stuff, and I do hope that the mend is quick and thorough.  Everybody else, it will have to the generic greetings.


Trip to Skipton tomorrow has been postponed, as 30747 has been called in to cover holiday/sick again.  So a lot of tasks domestic are now being planned instead.


Back tomorrow.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Straight outside this morning to do a spot of tiding up in the garden, given that we are due strong winds overnight, it may well have been a pointless task, but it needed doing.


After dinner i did a bit of tiding up in the cellar, so that on Friday when the grandkids come round for tea, Max and me can disappear down there an d play trains for a little bit!


Last night I forgot to mention the cockwomble I encountered on my way home fro swimming. They were driving a Discovery and had stopped at the lights where road works and turned a section of road into a single lane. Once teh cars had stopped coming through and despite the light still being red, they drove off, obviously thought that the red lights can be ignored when driving one of those. The car approaching the road works had to brake sharply!


Time for a cup of tea now.

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Hope Beths burn recovers soon, they're nasty :(



Tuesday morning <yawn>


Not much to report as yesterday was devoid of anything of note.


This morning we got a text from Meagan asking us to check in with Trevor later, he's got some sort of cold/flu sounds like and possibly pink-eye :( First week back at school doesn't always provide the best outcome. Especially problematic this week as the wedding is Sunday. The Mrs will probably head over there and take him in to Urgent Care...


15 and sunny here, 28 for a high.


Have a good day.

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Once upon a time I thought one day I would like some sort of classic or unusual car to lavish attention on. Years of having to repair cars in order to get myself or Aditi to work seemed tomchsnge mynmund somewhat. Now I just want a car that will start, is comfortable and has no eccentric behaviour.


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Can't wait for Saturday:


attachicon.gifs-l500 (3).jpg


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I really hope he'll be open to an offer.....


Meanwhile, not too far away from Tony_S and PhilJ_W are a collection of DSs up for grabs. Anyone want an original DS? Even at eleven grand each, they're way out of my price bracket!


Good luck! Hope you get the car. 

My French friends bought a beige / tan one back in the day. 

Think I mentioned before it had an electrically-operated aerial that could go up and down, up and down, up and down. Mais arretez! Tu vas le casser, And-rew!!

Happy days. 

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Oh dear! The Guardian financial pages report today that diesel car values have crashed this year, with a used Vauxhall Corsa diesel slumping by 26%. Better think about changing cars sooner rather than later, I guess. So much for trusting car makers and politicians (who, to be fair, were only saying what they believed to be true at the time).


Article is here if you're interested: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/sep/11/uk-diesel-car-value-pollution-vauxhall-audi-bmw-price


Edinburgh is planning on introducing a congestion charge for diesels within 3 years...

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Afternoon all,


Pleasant morning so we walked down to the town, had a pedicure (still much cheaper than the chiropodist, £10 definitely beats £35), had a bite to eat and then did a little bit of shopping.  Good job we were in Waitrose when the rain arrived several hours early but we eventually made our way home after it had eased off a bit - well quite a bit - and avoided getting drenched.   Big shopping day, i.e. faux Friday will however be tomorrow and herself and the Good Doctor are off to Finland on Thursday and I'm no doubt not trusted to buy foodstuffs for anyone other than myself.


Jamie I hope Beth soon gets over the burns, fat burns can be very nasty so fingers firmly crossed.


Enjoy the rest of the day and may all your rain showers be little ones

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Good luck! Hope you get the car. 

My French friends bought a beige / tan one back in the day. 

Think I mentioned before it had an electrically-operated aerial that could go up and down, up and down, up and down. Mais arretez! Tu vas le casser, And-rew!!

Happy days.


This Series 2 GTi (automatic, non-turbo) has a bee-sting aerial on the roof, so will have to be a bit careful if taking it through a car wash....


Owner says it has air-con fitted, but he's never used it in the eight years he's owned it. I think that's a euphemism for "will need fixing". Car has done 80,000 miles in 29 years, under 3000 miles a year, and most of that is because the current owner only brings it out three times a year. I think my annual mileage will be rather more than that.


What I like about Series 2 CXs are their sculpted door mirrors; works of art in themselves. Apparently the same mirrors could be found on other exotic sportscars of the day - TVR Griffiths, Venturi Atlantiques, etc.


Oh dear! The Guardian financial pages report today that diesel car values have crashed this year, with a used Vauxhall Corsa diesel slumping by 26%. ....


I don't think we'll be selling the Bora TDi in the short term - it has depreciated to almost zero now, plus it's far too economical and shows all the signs of lasting another 14 years.

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