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  • RMweb Gold

Finally got through to a senior bonehead.

They now realise it's not a good idea to leave aged and infirm folk without heat in this weather.

The Gas Man cometh at 6am tomorrow.



Well done. I once had to ring up my mother's water supplier. I suspect that my request to be put through to the department that upset and frightened elderly ladies had the desired result in getting some action. She had a problem with a bill payment going astray and someone told her to wait for the bailiffs calling. My mother had a panic attack. The water company strangely couldn't find the recording of that phone call.







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Morning All,


We had more snow overnight - the temperature is currently about -2°C and it is still snowing. Frankfurt Airport is closed until at least 09:00.


I was out shoveling snow at 05:30, and then drove to work. The roads were somewhat interesting given that I was out before the snow ploughs, but conditions weren't too bad. I only saw one man with a van in the ditch.


Unfortunately, I am feeling precisely zero Christmas spirit at the moment.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Regarding your situation, DD - good to hear that common sense did prevail on the other end, although I do wonder about the logic of some people...which of course also applies to what you described, Tony :blink: .


Well, anyway - just slightly below freezing, so I guess I'd better check out road conditions before leaving the house. Last course for this year will be tomorrow - back to uni only by 10 January.


Have a good day everyone!

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Snowing. Heavily.


Still awaiting progress report on In Laws situation.


Less successfully, I also contacted the Council regarding filling the village Grit containers.

They told me they were 'conserving supplies'.

"What for? Cold weather?"

"It's policy."

"Oh, that's alright then".

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Dr confirmed a pulled muscle and prescribed rest, and ibuprofen - but as this will slow down my recovery a bit more, has also put back my return to work to January 4th. However that is now pretty firm unless something drastic happens.


Cold here, with forecast of not getting above freezing all day, and I need to turn out as I've got a dentist's appointment later. Need to get the ice off the car first.


As Dr has prescribed rest, the warmest place to stay is under the duvet until I need to get up.


I was awake at six thirty with Mrs 45145 who had to turn out for work today to cover sickness (probably somebody sick of the cold) but it was too cloudy to see the lunar eclipse - but that had a small plus point, as the cloud cover meant that the forecast cold temperature didn't quite happen.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

We had a light dusting of snow last night. This must have been the edge of the storm that was supposed to be somewhere near the Essex coast. This morning it is about 2C and overcast. I bravely ventured into the chilly wastelands (the loft) last night and got the Christmas tree down. It is a very realistic artificial tree as it seems to shed lots of needles every year. Fortunately, Robbie doesn't think it is real though. I'll get the decorations sorted today.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Grey skies look a little threatening but it looks to have been raining outside though snow and stuff have re-frozen. I was thinking of going into the office today but the site is still closed due to snow problems so I have no choice but to work from home! Might get a coat of paint on that coach body yet then.


Have a good one all.




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Another cold one in the boring boring borough. 3 more days of working from home then off for 11. I'm having one of those blah uninspired periods so nothing is getting accomplished. Either around the house or on the railway. Considering flogging off most of my OO stuff after Christmas as its not likely I'll do anything UK prototype for a few years. Thats about it. Gray & dull, and thats just my mood.

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Guest Max Stafford

Walked into work this morning to avoid the lemming-like futility. I also saw the eclipse at 7am here as I got up. Very beautiful it was too, with the moon being slowly gobbled up by a great dragon. Actually, it gradually faded to an attractive if dim pink before fading into the steely blue belt of fog that cloaked the horizon.

I took some time off work to finish early and get home to receive a parcel, but the guy had been and gone 50 minutes early. I decided to go up to the depot in Longtown to collect it myself, but on the way there, I started to get a yellow 'engine warning' light on the car's panel, so I decided to abort and return to base, not wishing to risk a major breakdown in these conditions. Strangely, the engine appears and sounds OK, so I'm unsure if there is a genuine problem or a cold-related gremlin. I shall take it for checking tomorrow to be on the safe side. I was paranoid that the timing belt would go on the way back. I could do without that kind of expense!

There was no indication of overheating so my thoughts that the cooling system might be frozen are probably misguided.


Strange, but not utterly surprising!



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  • RMweb Gold

...I started to get a yellow 'engine warning' light on the car's panel, so I decided to abort and return to base, not wishing to risk a major breakdown in these conditions. Strangely, the engine appears and sounds OK, so I'm unsure if there is a genuine problem or a cold-related gremlin. I shall take it for checking tomorrow to be on the safe side. I was paranoid that the timing belt would go on the way back. I could do without that kind of expense!

There was no indication of overheating so my thoughts that the cooling system might be frozen are probably misguided.


Strange, but not utterly surprising!






Hope it all turns out to be a cold affected temporary sensor problem. My wife's Clio had a fault last year that was either a £18 part or an £800 part. Fortunately it was the cheaper option.

I've recently noticed some numbers appearing on my car's display. This turned out to be the countdown to its service. I've tried talking to it in a reassuring way to let it know it is booked in. My present car is a diesel but it seems to have more electronic stuff than my previous petrol engined car.



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I do feel sorry for all of you freezing your 'whatsits' off in the UK at the moment. It certainly seems that Winter has come with a vengeance.


It's a nice balmy 18°C here at the moment but the forecast is not good for the rest of the week. Gradually getting cold and -2°C on Christmas Day. :O Apparently there's a cold front coming down from Beijing.

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Morning All,


The temperature is hovering above freezing and it is raining today. Thankfully, the roads have been well salted and aren't too slippery.


Bad luck on the warning light Dave - However, if it is any consolation the ECU should switch the engine off automatically if there is sufficient slop in the timing belt. The orange light is merely there to warn you that there is a problem. That could be a faulty sensor, a dodgy connection (which may be temperature related!) or a genuine problem! Depending upon which sensor is reporting a problem, you may be limited to around 4500rpm.


Several years ago, the aforementioned light appeared in my Vectra. Faulty crankshaft, and camshaft sensors were diagnosed (an achilles heel in Vectras and Omegas of the time) and replaced. All was fine for a few days until, while driving on one of the local motorways, the light came on and the engine switched off. Having coasted off the Autobahn the garage was rung and the car recovered. It turned out to be the tension roller on the timing belt - when the belt had been replaced, the tension roller had not :O - that was a main dealer too! The belt and all rollers were replaced, they only billed me for the tension roller and I never got billed for the new sensors B)


Having said that, timing belts are a ridiculous cost saving measure. Particularly as so few cars have enough clearance under the head if all the valves pop open. Bent valve stems, and a major engine rebuild because a tuppence ha'penny belt breaks - Give me a good old fashioned timing chain any day :angry:


Have a good day everyone...

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