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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Still dark but dry and should be a reasonably fine day although there may be a few showers later.

The Boss has been taken to work and all is quiet.  (for now)


Good to see you back Dick but very sorry to hear the reasons for your absence.


I am sure Bob mentioned once that he had a H&S role in his former employment.


Indeed he did and a pretty good record he had. Some might think that he's trying to make up for that now. I couldn't possibly comment.


Club layout packed up ready for its trip to Swindon this weekend - hopefully I will see some ERs?



At least 3 on Sunday that I know of including myself. (along with The Boss ) The Boss has intimated that she will contribute to a Christmas present if I see something I like. She's also paying the admission fee!    :yes:   :imsohappy: Why do I get the feeling she's trying to lull me into a false sense of security? 

I'm also going to Woking on Saturday.


More mundane things today though. First up the main weekly battle of wits shopping trip to Sainsbury's. After that further attempts to find reasonably priced car insurance. It seems that they've all jacked their prices up this year by rather a large amount.

Maybe they've been reading this thread and consider me to be high risk?  :banghead:


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning one and all, welcome back Smiffy and welcome aboard to Allan


Yesterday started well.  I had written the meeting report by 9 am and e-mailed it to the fixtures secretary.  By 9.45 I had been into town and bought spuds and wheat germ.  If only I had been able to maintain that pace.  Instead I dozed off on the sofa and it was almost 11 before I regained consciousness.  Sluggish behaviour like that will not see my tasks discharged with due despatch and time found for m*d*ll*ng.  Will you tell my body or shall I?  At least the ironing got done.  During PMQs my MP asked a question.  The PM conspicuously did not answer it.  If I say any more it will count as politics and a b*ll*ck*ng will be administered.


As I am writing this last night in an effort to avoid making any more typos I do not know if I woke up newly energised after an uninterrupted night’s sleep or whether I reached once more for the switch on the bedside radio in the hope that Radio 5Live would bring slumber.  Some programmes are more soporific than others. The most effective is ‘Wake up to money’ which is unfortunate given its time slot.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery.  Andyram, if you had not left your old school you could have spewed all over the head.  Life’s a bitch sometimes.



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Morning All,


It is a seemingly very dark morning in this part of the world.  It is also fairly chilly, but then it is September!


Sorry to hear you are not feeling well Andy - Typical that something like that should happen just as you are about to start the new job.


Smiffy - nice to see you back.  What you have is not a nice situation to be in.  When I was going through my divorce, my Mum said it was like ripples in a pool.  Someone sets off a chain of events, which spread out like ripples in a pool and affect far more people than they ever though possible.  Of course, if one (or both) parties are acting like an arse that makes things all the more difficult - especially the children.  I wish you all the best.


Oh well - I guess it is time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

It's cold, dark and slightly damp here in the North West Leeds highlands this morning.


Her indoors can't sleep as she is concerned for Dr Eldest Herbert. We need to hire a van to empty his house in Hull. Then we need to bring some of it here and the rest to his new room in Kennington. As we can only park in his Street darn sarf on a weekend we may need to do this in October as other things are in the diary. I think he can survive till then but she can't.


I shall organise a van for the trip to Hull next week...humph! Bang goes some modelling time!


Have as good a 24 hours as you can


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

Another good nights sleep, if this continues there'll be no point reporting it...


Parent womble time did occur yesterday as the Norfolk Schools went back. zigzagging down the road between all the parked parents cars on the yellow lines and at the specially put out no parking cones.....


 This weekend coming will be a bit busy, Saturday we are going to an "eco" show (free entry!!) at Felbrigg hall (just over the hill behind Cromer) lots of recycling / energy saving type stands plus local craft stalls, including SWMBO's weaving group. Although She is not on duty. They used to give you a couple of BIG bags of compost free, but this year you have to pay a whole £1 for the 3 bags. As you drive out the exit they you open the boot and they dump them in there for you...  We normally use the landrover for this one as you are parked in a field with some very rough roads for part of the way.


After that there is a Yarn market in Odd Fellows hall in Sheringham, then a dash home before going out to a function at Horning sailing club to Celebrate 15 years of the sailing School.


So Sunday will be comparatively relaxing with just the wall to finish building and maybe try a few tests at what finishing treatment we will do to the wall...


Time to ... go do some final re...measures of the Major system


Just looked at the comapny emails, a company survey and company compliance training, just how many bribes do they think I could get hiding in this laboratory all day? Depression is now sweeping the lab, more powerpoint poisoning....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a rather peasant Surrey at the moment although the weather is supposedly tonight downhill later.


Even more paperwork for mums up coming move to go through. Way more ore than when we bought our place but that was some years ago. Big difficulty is finding various things such as planing consents etc when dad dealt with all these things and kept Mum out of the loop and we were too young to be involved and with dad no longer about it's likely we will not find th relevant items being requested.


Bock home I went to check up on the file copying from the server to the replacement portable hard drive only to find that one of the sever disks is failing and is not letting me copy all the files, so another couple of hours restarting the sever and copying in smaller batches of folders. Whilst many are backed up onto other drives they don't include files since the end of 2013 so really do need to recover the mainly photos off the server before the drive fails or is replaced.


On top of that I can't stop the dripping overflow at the moment. Luckily the tank will not overflow but it must bbe annoying next door. With other things on my mind aswell I didn't get to sleep till the early hours so really want to doze on the train but ours is quite lat due to an onboard fault and we are on a Thameslink train. Unusually there were two seat vacant together and we were in the right place for the doors. However my other half hesitated and changed direction and bumped into me so we missed the those seats and quite a few others...doh!


All minor in comparison to others on ER but it's not helping me sleep at the moment.


Two more days of work this week then it's Woking show with the layout.

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Morning all. I've been unexpectedly AWOL for three days thanks to having to cover some emergency works on schools so that they can open on time. All of these have been thanks to other companys and contractors not being willing to commit the manpower or work later than normal.


Obviously I haven't got time to catch up on everything that has been going on , so, I'll offer my generic C & C's as appropriate.


I'm sort of back to normal today, working from home this morning before going out to one of the schools to carry out some fine tuning on the programming.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning all. There are lovely blue skies over LBG this morning.


Spreadsheet King is off sick so I have the additional task of sorting through his work to meet a couple of deadlines!


Welcome back to Smiffy - you have been missed - and I am sorry to hear the reasons for your absence. Welcome to Allan



And a rhetorical question to ChrisF; when did a politician ever answer a question? I am not sure how you can listen to PMQs without getting wound up by the constant evasion of questions and the repetitive stupid questions from the opposition and the sycophantic questions from the government. (and this doesn't change whichever lot are in power). You must have a very high theshhold of tolerance!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite a pleasant morning so far, bright and breezy.

I will be taking Robbie for his aquatic exercise session on Canvey this afternoon.

Matthew said he will cook dinner for us this evening, he has added a few things to the shopping list that Aditi has made for today. He did offer to get the items as he is going to Lakeside to buy a new bag for his laptop. The present one has been as far east as New Zealand and as far west as British Columbia over the last few years and is getting tatty.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Barry's post about moving son to London and parking reminded me of when Matthew moved into the LSE accommodation in Northumberland Avenue. There was only one nearby street where any kind of parking was permitted and rather frantic parents were double and treble parked while unloading. At the same time trolleyloads of shrink wrapped luggage were being delivered for overseas students. Matthew and I went by train with a couple of medium suitcases. We have never needed more than a carload for Matthew's stuff fortunately. My friend who lives in Kent was going to collect his daughter from York. She had been there for 4 years and they had coped quite well on journeys to and from the house she rented with other students. A week before the final collection after finishing her Masters degree he got a call "Dad, will my fridge freezer fit in the car?..."

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Quite bright, even sunny this morning but not predicted to last. Must have slept well as I didn't hear the normal Thursday dawn chorus of the bin lorries, though the bags have disappeared so we must have had a visitation. Not much else to report, be back later.

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Morning all and firstly welcome back to one of our absent friends. It is great to hear from you Smiffy, but my supportive wishes go to you at this rough time. I hope that things settle down soon.

My thoughts also to "roundhouse" with all that difficult paperwork to complete. 


ChrisF - I wish I had your diligence over typos. As many people will have noticed I often type my entries in such a rush that many such errors creep through. The new MacBook does seem to correct far more than the iPad which seemed to have a mind of its own when it came to word prediction and spelling correction.


Thanks for the good wishes. I am pleased to report that I am very much on the mend. After calling the school by 2pm yesterday, as requested, to tell them of my decision about today - and subsequent absence, I am feeling a little bit of a fraud. I certainly feel a lot better. However I have not had a full meal yet, and another day's rest and another early night should set me up for a return / start tomorrow. I certainly hope that the new job will go better than this inauspicious start suggests. 


 Meanwhile, I call from an ex-colleague tells me that things have not changed at the old place. ChrisF mentioned if I was still there I could have vomited over the headmaster. I somehow think my start of year absence would not have been met with the same kind of sympathy as I have received from new boss. I predict that there would have been a multitude of emails sent from the mobile phone that, photographic evidence suggests, is permanently attached to his hand. Definitely time to be thankful.


Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

So typos and all the information for the demonstration stands at Warley have been sent to the hand book editor for inclusion.


I wonder how many of the people who moan about the NEC show understand how much voluntary work it involves?


Onwards and upwards though!




PS Tony its the additional books, book cases etc required for Dr Eldest Herberts' Lecturing which means we need a van...and we have stuff to bring back to store at home(!)

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Two more Wills to write, and a third to edit.


Spent half of yesterday afternoon at the home of an Executor client going through her late husband's paperwork - he was a financial consultant and very well-organised - perhaps too much so! - but she didn't quite understand his records "system". They were married for over 40 years and she is clearly having difficulty coping with the loneliness. He had a very wide circle of friends who were not invited to his funeral, so they are dropping heavy hints that she should organise a memorial ceremony, the logistics of which she is dreading. Turns out there is an Irish connection as she is originally from Co. Wexford.


How do you cope when the one you grew old with is suddenly no longer there?

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  • RMweb Gold


I'm sitting a bit concerned about our SiL Leo who is still living in Cuba with his family, the Hurricane is about to hit the area where they live I/we hope the will be safe

 with a bit of luck hope to see him next month once all the red tape is dealt with by our wonderful feet dragging HM immigration department for his residency visa.  :(


On a brighter note 2 shows to attend this week-end with GDB, Sunday as you have read the SWMBO's  :girldevil:  :girldevil: will be present so we will not doubt be on our best behaviour, :umbrage:  :umbrage:

 we are both hoping for extra tokens to buy more railway stuff and I get the feeling they won't be going without :spruceup:  :tender: aren't we lucky boys.  :mosking:  :mosking:     

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's overcast outside. 

Early morning call in at the care home to deliver more infrastructure that they don't seem to have, or to be precise, had taken out of mum's room to give to someone else. 


Job interview scheduled for late this afternoon, so compartmentalising my mind to shut family out for the rest of the day.


Smiffy, good to see you back and sorry to hear of your difficulties. You know where we are. 


Pete, like the weather forecast infographic- looks like they have some highly sophisticated seaweed over your way. Wondering if the TV weather girls have to wear oilskins in hurricane season. 


AndyRam, I think that as schools insist there be a policy of 48 hours at home after a "bug" then you could have wheeled out the policy to your old boss. I'm sure he'd have understood.  :no:


81C are you two (four?) going to Woking on Saturday? 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon everyone


For some reason or other I was unable to get online yesterday, it just seemed to be a very busy day, one way or another. By the time we'd sat down after tea, I just did a spot of eyelid inspection, which didn't help as I felt tired for the rest of the evening and just went straight to bed instead of logging on to check the goings on of my fellow ER's. So far today has been the same, but at least I've been able to log on and catch up.


As it's Thursday and Sheila has been out a her Zumba class, I've had the place to myself. So I've busied myself making a cheesecake for tomorrow, when the grandchildren and No 1 son come round for tea. I've also made some soup, courgette, potato and cheddar, 8 portions in total, so there will be 6 portions going in the freezer later when they have all cooled down! I've even prepared the veggies for tonight's tea as well! So this afternoon is free, but I think I'll just put my feet up and have a read!


Welcome aboard Allan, you don't have to be mad here, but it may help!


Andyram. Sorry to read your still not feeling well, hope it clears up soon.


Dick. Welcome back and we did miss you honest! That black dog can be a right PITA can't it?


AndyB. Good luck with your interview this afternoon.


Back later.

Edited by BSW01
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Job interview scheduled for late this afternoon, so compartmentalising my mind to shut family out for the rest of the day.



AndyRam, I think that as schools insist there be a policy of 48 hours at home after a "bug" then you could have wheeled out the policy to your old boss. I'm sure he'd have understood.  :no:





Good luck forgot interview.


As regards the previous boss - remember that this is the same person who insisted on sending me on a teaching of swimming course last year, and said I was to teach swimming this year, despite the council policy clearly stating that a headteacher had to send a teacher who could swim! And I can't!

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Afternoon all


Wee bit wet here just in time for me to walk to Morrisons for a grocery top-up.


Dick - Smiffy - welcome back. Am sorry to hear about your problem drugs, and your family problem, too.


Our eldest has recently returned home after another row-ette with his psycho of a gf and mother to our grandchild. Should have known something was up when she called us on my brthday last week at 1230am to ask for a taxi and then laugh. We unplugged the phone for the night, a nuisance because we need it in case my mum has problems. Over the years the psycho gf has ordered us Indian banquets to be delivered at midnight, taxis turning up at 3am and so on. And all because she and our son have had a stooopid row. Why involve us all the time?


Anyway, he's back, but will doubtless return to her because he always does and so the cycle begins again, approx every 12 weeks.


We've decided to move house and he won't get a key.


Good luck with the interview, Rick - phew must be an early start to be in Soton by 0830...


Have a good afternoon all



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