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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


FINALLY caught up, but have still skipped a few pages over the last few days.  Far too much water has flowed post bridgewards to enable me to comment on everything, so as usual, happy birthday/anniversary/kid's birthday.  Likewise supportive mentions are of couse sent through cyber space to those not so lucky. 


Been so busy with vet's visits, dentists visits. hospital visits, then yesterday an unexpected call from Graham the log man resulted in a huge pile of wood being tipped onto the drive.  Luckily the space for these was cleared over the weekend, when the car boot stock was enlofted for the winter.


Hopefully back tomorrow.


Regards to All



ps welcome aboard, Allan.  Hope you enjoy the banter and nonsense here in a (virtually) model free zone.  EDIT for typos.

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Still a bit crook, not sure what its about.  Such is life - get on with it!


Nice to see Allan here, an inspiration in my youth. 


Physio/masseuse coming this evening to terrorise my foot, she's much better than the NHS version.  Equally attractive too.......... :angel:  :nono:

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There are more than 160 wildfires still burning in British Columbia just now. The wind has changed once more, and smoke from those fires, and from others burning in the northern States, is covering the Lower Mainland (SW BC) again. Here's a picture taken about 11.30 this morning, on what was supposed to be an almost cloudless day:

That looks very familiar. Eerie full moon last night too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Didn't know this thread existed. An ideal place to air one's grumps.Just discovered I've got an ingrowing toe nail.Allan.

It remains an enduring mystery as to why ER's isn't featured in a country and western song.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've always thought that C&W was like the Blues but without the Soul.

My nephew plays bluegrass jazz fusion style on his banjo. Actually Josh is one of those people who can play almost anything. He did consider studying music beyond A level but in the end qualified as a doctor. Currently living on the south coast and training to be a GP!

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Foot physioterrorised.  Cor, she 'released' something at the bottom of the big toe root that was not right - eeeuuwwww, sure that was connected to the mains......feels much better afterwards though.  :training:  It's hard not to get distracted though......mmmmmm..... :help:

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Evening all. Good wishes all round.


Sadly the enforced extension to the school holidays continued today due to a high temperature and a banging head ache. I still could not shake it by the time I had reached today's 2pm time for contacting the school regarding tomorrow. This means that I will not be returning / starting tomorrow either. Thankfully things are beginning to improve tonight so I hope to be back in work on Friday. Not the start to my new job I had hoped for. At least the boss seems to be understanding.


On the subject of bosses, there were a few Twitter posts from my old school this afternoon. Since I am still linked to their account I was able to view them. One picture showed one of the classes visiting the partially completed new classroom. In the back ground a certain head teacher could be clearly seen - not keeping an eye on the children but eyes firmly fixed on his mobile phone!


Take care all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Welcome Allan.


Happy anniversary Nidge


News from today. Mum is tired but gamely plodding on. Nephew (middle) is wading through the paperwork required to become single once more as it is now more than two years since his young lady walked away from their home with severe mental and medical issues. There have been no others involved.


Niece (long-term and live-in girlfriend of Nephew (youngest)) was asked at work where condoms might be found in that shop. Having directed male customer to the aisle he then asked her to show him in person. After she declined he asked her which ones she would recommend. At which point she replied that they didn't stock his size with "We only sell them for six inch d1cks but you're a six foot one" Store security was called to remove him for inappropriate behaviour.


Southern seem to be running trains tonight. Currently enjoying the ride home in an Electrostar 377. See you all back at the ranch.

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Lummy .. young Allan Downes - seem to remember meeting you at York Show (when it was run by Cookie) many, many years ago....those were the days!


"Live" cricket as against Televised cricket..as in we sat and froze. But from the Carnegie stand you get a great view of the flight path into Leeds Bradford Airport. Lots of 737 (from rhino air and Jet2.com), 757/767 as well as the odd Jetstream 41, Dash 8 and then...an RAF C17 ..which is big and very loud... good time to snick off for a batsman when that flew over! 


Club layout packed up ready for its trip to Swindon this weekend - hopefully I will see some ERs?


My major task tomorrow is to get all of the Warley Handbook information for the demos to the "Editor".


Sleep well/have a great day wherever you are!



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Hi all, I'm back. Did you notice I was away?


I've been having a bad time one way and another, and it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel might actually be the end of the tunnel (though it's a way off). I've not been well (reaction to new medication, leading to 'frequent urination', no sleep) and #1 son has walked out on his wife - in a very bad way - and is now living with us, and being a proper arse. It's bloody awful. I've been quite depressed.


So, not really been in the mood to socialise - I've still got awful feelings of volcanic anger, especially when I'm with my grand-daughters, and the 2 year old asks when Daddy is coming home...


I have done some Monty - scratchbuilt wagons and vans for the Lancre and Uberwald narrow gauge line. Just about to embark on some luggage (not that luggage) and a troll, made from a cut down Historex Academy figure. Might work...


Daisy (8) visited the National Railway Museum last week and brought back some (654) photos, which show real promise as a snapper.



Sorry for not reading through, I'll go back later. I hope everyone is well and in good part.

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Vehicle tax sorted for 12 months. Zero pounds, but still have to register it via the website.

This car will become Mrs NB's main mode of transport in about 7 weeks as I've just ordered my new steed. 

After 14 years of Fiesta driving and sitting on the left side, I'm treating myself to a slightly larger  Ecosport. 

I do get a very good deal as one of my brothers is MD of a Ford dealership. He has a few "family" discount tickets each year and usually saves one for me as required.


I've measured the loadspace and it can easily fit two baseboards 4 feet long and 18" wide, with a backscene of about 30". (Ideal for the laser cut boards from Tim Horn for a future "quickie" layout project.)

Another reason for going down the mini-SUV route is that it should be good on the daily commute for seeing over dry stone walls for approaching cockwombles. 

It's fitted with the 1.0 litre Ecoboost engine that is both a lively and reasonably frugal power plant.


I went to order the car and my brother checked all his online info to see what was already available with my favoured colour and options - particularly the winter pack with heated front windows and mirrors and he's tracked one down on the dockside in India. I didn't know that Ford had a manufacturing plant there.

It also has heated seats and one of the first things I will do is find out where the controls are. I once drove my boss' Volvo with this feature - which was brilliant on a cold day until I realised I didn't know where the off switch was............................ sweaty bum time!



Day off tomorrow (today) for the final Seniors League day out. Not a league match as it's President's Day at a club about one mile away. Although the day will start with a 3/4 mile in the other direction for a bacon butty and to collect my golf stuff.


Have a good Thursday folks.




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