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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

Another good nights sleep with just a few wake up and turn overs ...


Work yesterday went well but slowly as I had to recheck everything as I went along. It appears some values on the equipment have changed significantly ...


When I laid down on the sofa this morning I was in some general pain which subsided, then went away, most unusual, My leg is now not as painful but is vey stiff.


I did offer Ben the Border Collie his Morning walk but he just curled up and looked at me and you could see it in his eyes, " It's cold and dark I'm going nowhere".



It's noticeable one of the things they blame Diesels for is NOx emissions, they seem to have not noticed that many petrol cars now have Significant NOx emissions in an attempt to reduce CO2 as mentioned above.


Saga have requested I phone them to discuss the house insurance, which is due, Yes it's still got three bedrooms and a double garage, no I don't need any further insurance...


Headline from local paper " Man rescues woman after falling in the river Wensum in Norwich"  that was lucky falling in, then finding someone to rescue...


and a quote from the same paper same day



"A study by Norwich jamologists, investigators of traffic jams, from the John Innes Centre, in Norwich, and the University of Tokyo, Japan, shows how pants are able to avoid toxic nutrients becoming blocked in cells."


Time to go and finish measuring Resistance and then onto Low current...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Wet morning here at the moment. Was supposed to go to Headingley to watch some cricket with her indoors today.....never mind there is always tomorrow.


Enjoy your next 24 hours on Planet Earth.


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  • RMweb Gold

Saga have requested I phone them to discuss the house insurance, which is due, Yes it's still got three bedrooms and a double garage, no I don't need any further insurance....

I had a text from a different firm asking me to call them about a product. So now instead of cold calling us they want us to ring them to be sold something that we don't necessarily want. Whoever came up with that one must be laughing their socks off because, sadly, some people will fall for it and actually call them.


Morning all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had a text from a different firm asking me to call them about a product. So now instead of cold calling us they want us to ring them to be sold something that we don't necessarily want. Whoever came up with that one must be laughing their socks off because, sadly, some people will fall for it and actually call them.

Morning all.

I had a letter from Saga requesting that I should telephone them to discuss my policy. So I did and told them not to renew it as I had found a better, considerably cheaper one. It was their letter that made me do something rather than just accept the auto renewal out of laziness. Perhaps not the result they intended? Edited by Tony_S
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Just been to see grandson off to big school.


Seems like only the blink of an eye away that we were doing the same with daddy.


Where has the time gone.....?


Makes you realise how special life is and how quickly time moves on.


Enjoy the day, do something positive.


I am going to detail and weather a class 14 :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Overcast and a bit breezy here.

I am off to Stansted this afternoon to collect Matthew. I will need to follow the flight on one of the tracking apps as it appears to land early most days.

Have a good day.




Why the text thingy changes Tony to Tiny or Toby is beyond my understanding!

Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all, it's grey and gloomy and the kids are back at school.


I have been mainly lurking. Was glad to read good news about Steve, and may have a chance to catch up further later, but work is very busy


Hope all is well.

Morning all.
Overcast and a bit breezy here.
I am off to Stansted this afternoon to collect Matthew. I will need to follow the flight on one of the tracking apps as it appears to land early most days.
Have a good day.

Have you shrunk, or have you always been that size? ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit gloomy this morning but otherwise dry. They were talking about various creatures that could arrive in your house via the toilet bowl on BBC Breakfast this morning, most seem to have sharp teeth. :scared: :O

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a little calmer here today. 


Having said that I've been asked to an interview later in the week for a job I applied for back in July (?); a sure sign the holidays are over! 


Meanwhile the plastic rear screen on my soft-top has split. If I patch it up with masking tape I'll get pulled over, so I'm looking for a glue which is transparent and will facilitate a short-ish term fix. This is one of a number of problems with the car that need attention, so it may be more economical to trade it in....


Have a nice day everyone and collective greetings and commiserations to each of you as appropriate. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all and it's a little calmer here today.


Having said that I've been asked to an interview later in the week for a job I applied for back in July (?); a sure sign the holidays are over!


Meanwhile the plastic rear screen on my soft-top has split. If I patch it up with masking tape I'll get pulled over, so I'm looking for a glue which is transparent and will facilitate a short-ish term fix. This is one of a number of problems with the car that need attention, so it may be more economical to trade it in....


Have a nice day everyone and collective greetings and commiserations to each of you as appropriate.


Unibond Transparent repair tape? Would that get you pulled over? Edited by Tony_S
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Just been to see grandson off to big school.


Seems like only the blink of an eye away that we were doing the same with daddy.


Where has the time gone.....?


Makes you realise how special life is and how quickly time moves on.


Enjoy the day, do something positive.


I am going to detail and weather a class 14 :)

In the blink of an eye...........

Mornin awl

On the subject of typos, why do they only appear after you have pressed post?

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  • RMweb Gold

Makes you worry about your dangly-bits!  :O

Our neighbour had some drain realignment work done. The builders left one port in the underground drain unplugged. When my neighbour took the manhole cover off there was a lot of gravel in the drain. This was an explanation of where the gravel along my fence was going. Neighbour also saw a rat running along the drain . He plugged the hole and removed the gravel but was concerned that the only way out for any rats might be through his or our lavatories. We had a couple of toolboxes placed on the loo seats for a week!


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  • RMweb Gold

Why go to Australia when Australia can come to you?

I read about a scorpion that was found on a flight from Glasgow to Paris. I know there are scorpions in Essex but didn't know about Scottish versions.

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Our daughter's next door neighbour found a corn snake wrapped around her bathroom radiator one day last week. They knew where it had come from as another neighbour had told people her snake had gone missing, so it was soon returned to its owner. Believed to have travelled through the sewer system via the toilets. Luckily a harmless snake; pythons on the other hand are not venomous but they do have a lot of backward facing teeth, which they are not noted for brushing. I wouldn't want to be bitten by one, least of all whilst sitting on the toilet. 

Have a good day, I hope the weather is better where you are than it is here.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning all


This is my first morning post for some time, as I've usually got stuck into to jobs before switching on the computer. However, to day I have been tasked with designing some place name tags for Sheila's Christmas do, arrrg it's the C word! whilst she is out having her hair done! All done now and I've given her several options that she can take with her on Thursday, that will give them something to chat about!


It started to rain around 8 o'clock last night and it hasn't stopped since so I haven't ventured outside at all today, but I will have to a some stage as I will need to put the recycling bins out tonight for tomorrow's collections.


Timer for a cup of tea.


Back later

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Morning all from the boring borough. Trapped nerve pain seems to be getting worse again since last week. Physio tomorrow. Time to draw a line under it and nag until i get a specialist referral this time. 


My p*ss is getting close to boiling point. The builders S Karr, Go & co still haven't finished the walls and no sign of them or the skip this morning that was supposed to form today's clean up operation. They assure me it will all be completed by end of day tomorrow but at the rate they are putting the walls up they have at least 3 more days work including the clean up. Good thing its a fixed price contract. 


Have been hoping to get some work on the module done but just not up to it. 8 and a bit weeks until its next outing. Unless there are some real improvements in my health quickly, I'm very likely going to have to pull out. 


News update: the skip has been delivered. No sign of the builders though. They've got a 2 hour window to clean up the front garden before it gets hauled away. If they don't finish in time they'll be footing the bill for the driver to hang about or to book a second skip. Sometimes supporting small and local doesn't pay off. 


Time for a rest and heat liniment. 


Enjoy your day. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


ChrisF to please note that the captions were nothing to do with me (and sometimes made me wince) - and for further entertainment look at p532 in the September edition of BRILL where, having known the photographer quite well in the 1970s, I'm very sure that he had nothing to do with the nonsense in a caption appended to one of his pictures.  And while it might not necessarily be good for your BP the September issue of 'Bylines' might also interest you ;)


On the home front the September sogginess continues outdoors although there isn't any precipitation at present.  Temperature yesterday wasn't too bad as it happens although i did wear a jacket while venturing up the road to find out where a pile-driving noise was coming from - somebody's back garden although insufficient view to establish why although there are patches of soft ground hereabouts.


SMOG for dinner this evening so the day looks to bid fair as 'they' say - especially as it will be accompanied by runner beans and carrots from teh garden.


Have a  good day one and all and hoping the rain doesn't disrupt your day

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  • RMweb Gold

Christmas. I have started to see Santa themed adverts already, usually about booking meals.

Before I had pneumonia we were thinking about going to California at Christmas. Aditi's Uncle will be having his 70th birthday just before Christmas. MiL seemed pleased we were thinking of going to "support" her brother but Aditi thinks now we shouldn't go. The only airline activity I feel capable of coping with is being a Stansted taxi every few months! Perhaps we will go in the spring. We won't go anywhere if Matthew wants to come home at Christmas. He doesn't know what is happening much beyond the end of September.


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  • RMweb Premium

Unibond Transparent repair tape? Would that get you pulled over?


Thanks, Tony. I'll give it a go. 

I'd assumed that the cost of fitting a new rear-panel to the soft top would be horrendous.

But it seems you can get them done for around £200-300. Not cheap, but cheaper than it being the final nail in the car's coffin. 

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