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  • RMweb Gold

The thing I've found about driving in Snow is that "your" car is only as good as the ones in front of you. If that doesn't make sense then think of being stuck in a long stationary line of traffic caused by one vehicle at the front.



Btw "Humvees" are hopeless in snow but perfect in desert............


Best, Pete.


If you select the desert (I assume that is what it means, the symbol looks like a cactus on a sand dune) option on my car a message appears saying something like it may be better to manually select a gear if the sand is very soft. I saw a stretch Humvee yesterday heading towards the A13 but by then the snow was just slushy with grit.






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  • RMweb Premium

Unbelievable! We're now getting close to the 15" mark and the berms along the streets top out beyond 3 ft in some spots :O . And even in this weather there still are numbnuts on the streets. Had to stop at a narrow section with snow berms on both sides to allow a bus to pass, only to have the guy behind me flash at me. Had I had a tank, I might well have gone in reverse... :angry:

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Absolutely Dominik - there are a huge number of numbnuts out there, who quite frankly should STAY AT HOME! I drove into Wiesbaden and back a couple of times today and had a very smooth run - apart from having to park in one of those berms! It was the only parking space left B)


Approaching one set of traffic lights on an icy hill, I down shifted, and slowed right down to walking pace knowing that if I did have to stop, there was a good chance I wouldn't get going again. The bloke behind me, then proceeded to flash his lights and try to get close enough to push me along. The lights turned to green, I pulled away and he didn't. He came to a dead stop - and his car refused to move.


That was a rather satisfying moment...

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  • RMweb Gold

... Had I had a tank, I might well have gone in reverse... :angry:



My father in his military past had been in a tank regiment. I can remember him muttering on days when he was very annoyed with other drivers in Birmingham that just for one day he would like to drive to work in his usual courteous, Highway Code driving style but in a Dingo which was a small armoured car.





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  • RMweb Premium

Approaching one set of traffic lights on an icy hill, I down shifted, and slowed right down to walking pace knowing that if I did have to stop, there was a good chance I wouldn't get going again. The bloke behind me, then proceeded to flash his lights and try to get close enough to push me along. The lights turned to green, I pulled away and he didn't. He came to a dead stop - and his car refused to move.


That was a rather satisfying moment...


I can imagine it was :D .

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Morning All,


The temperature is marginally above freezing here, and the snow turned to rain yesterday evening so travelling should be a little more relaxed this morning.


I should imagine that a Dingo would be a pretty good mode of transport right at the moment. The 4WD alone would be useful - to say nothing of its armoured capabilities :lol:


Of course, having a pre-selector box meant five forward, and five reverse gears. Therefore, you could get out of trouble as fast as you got into it!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Well, up here it still is slightly below freezing, so I would imagine motorists still need to pay attention! Only four more days to go... Saturday will then see us on our way to Leipzig once again! Looking forward to that and I need to make sure I have my camera with me B) .


Have a good day all!

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I would imagine motorists still need to pay attention!


It isn't too bad out there - the side streets are a bit dodgy in places because the compacted snow has turned to ice - but on my run into work, the Autobahn was clear and the Bundesstraße had a small amount of snow up the middle, but was otherwise clear.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,



I should imagine that a Dingo would be a pretty good mode of transport right at the moment. The 4WD alone would be useful - to say nothing of its armoured capabilities :lol:


Of course, having a pre-selector box meant five forward, and five reverse gears. Therefore, you could get out of trouble as fast as you got into it!




My father told me how he was once driving one when the rear wheel steering jammed and he was not amused at where he was forced to drive in circles.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all


Papers read. Coffee drunk. Snow cleared from car and same de-iced (major task) so that Mrs.S could go to work. Rest of day my own. I will see how cold it is in the loft. Depending on the findings it will either be baseboard building or more point construction. May even dig out a kit of something or the other just for a change.... or perhaps a small diorama for inclusion on the main layout later Decisions, decisions.

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Morning all. We had about 3 inches during the day yesterday and another inch or so overnight. The dock outside our building (now purely ornamental) has been frozen over for weeks now and has a layer of snow on it for the first time.


I'm working up to and including Christmas Eve and - hopefully - driving down to my folks' on Christmas morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Bright and sunny, but very cold again overnight, got to turn out to Doctors as I've strained/sprained/pulled something, and it hurts like wotsits when I press down on my crutches.


Other than that, not a lot to report.


Regards to All


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Just back from the doctors. Nothing he can do at this stage other than increasing pain killer strength. He seems fairly confident the Sciatica will ease in the next few days. I hope so as pain killers and alcohol are a no no, so it could be a very dry Christmas in this house....:(


On the bright side, I am able to sit comfortably, so yesterday was spent fitting Ultrascales to my Fiatrians twins. Today will be the same process on a Heljan 14 and 15, followed by conversion of some earlier turnouts to 00-SF.


Other than that, Mrs S has been a star and waited on me hand and foot....:)

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The snow never materialized yesterday. Next is expected (40% chance) on Christmas Day. We'll see.

Up in the Sierra Nevada's they are expecting 15 foot of snow between last Saturday and this Wednesday with 100 mph winds - now that is what you call weather........

Have a nice day, everybody.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Snow restarted up here as well, Robert, though it's not as heavy yet as it would appear to be south of Frankfurt. The supermarket's parking lot was hardly usable when I stopped by earlier today, with many parking spaces being hidden under piles of snow and cars standing wherever there's even a marginal spot!


Side streets remain treacherous, with much of the compacted snow having turned to ice. Also, there's little room for pulling over to allow oncoming traffic to pass, which I guess is particularly bad for buses! That being said, I cannot understand why only a small number of motorists appear to be willing to give way to buses as a matter of what seems to be principle - these have timetables after all, and paying passengers who would like to arrive on time, as far as this is even possible in this kind of weather. That's one of the reasons why I yielded to the bus last night, which the bloke behind me did not appreciate at all <_< .

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  • RMweb Gold

Also, there's little room for pulling over to allow oncoming traffic to pass, which I guess is particularly bad for buses! That being said, I cannot understand why only a small number of motorists appear to be willing to give way to buses as a matter of what seems to be principle - these have timetables after all, and paying passengers who would like to arrive on time, as far as this is even possible in this kind of weather. That's one of the reasons why I yielded to the bus last night, which the bloke behind me did not appreciate at all <_< .


I'm always surprised at people who don't give way even if it would be to their own advantage, for instance blocking a gap and causing a grid lock instead of allowing the traffic to flow. Even without the bad road conditions at this time of year some drivers seem to be rather distracted.

The UK Highway Code states

"Buses, coaches and trams. Give priority to these vehicles when you can do so safely, especially when they signal to pull away from stops. Look out for people getting off a bus or tram and crossing the road."

I've only driven in places with trams outside the UK and I find the presence of trams or trolley buses tends to make driving more "interesting " even without the snow.





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How many doors can one have in an igloo?

Don't want to upset the Council Planners.




In Laws now without Gas for Heating and Hot Water.

They pay £37 per month for this eventuality (!!!!).

Engineers say they can't come until Wednesday.


The 'phone lines are however, as you might imagine, red hot and something might yet be done.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all chilly looking out there, two more days of work then the holiday begins.


Four more days of work then the 108 consecutive hours of call out begins.



As you can no doubt tell Christmas is cancelled in my house....

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Four more days of work then the 108 consecutive hours of call out begins.



As you can no doubt tell Christmas is cancelled in my house....


Keep smiling Phil - I'm on call too, although only for 48 hours.


Although I've only got myself to blame! I volunteered for it to allow some of my Engineers time with their families. :rolleyes:

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