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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Ah, I see Chris F's expected missive is indeed absent - maybe this will give an opportunity for an addenda such as correcting the captioneer's idea of where the 'Golden Mile' was actually located on the Western Valley.


Soggily autumnal here today although the rain has stopped - but is forecast to return with a vengeance in a couple of hours from now.  Also forecast to return later today is laddo from a hydraulic consumption tour of parts of Kent.  That apart all is a normal Sunday with beef to roast later for dinner this evening.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Gold

After vowing never to join Facebook I have just signed up. This may only be temporary. The reason is that my lovely great niece Steph is a really good singer and is currently working as a holiday rep and entertainer in an hotel in Menorca.. My sister has posted some videos on FB and it's the only way I can see them. Does anyone know if there is a way I can save these videos on my computer without being on FB?

Edited by grandadbob
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It's not the actual setting up that takes the time - it's finding the magnifying glass so that I can read the manual, and then trying to understand the version of Engrish in use. :(


And if the manual actually related to the menu on the camera - it would be better.


Right - installed it, been out and looked at the movies on a Mac.

  • Once you understand the menus (and an internet search helped) it works.
  • Mounting it needs a bit of space twixt camera back and roof of car - I didn't take account of the wires that were needed in the back and had to reposition
  • Sits neatly behind mirror. 
  • GPS gives your speed evidence.
  • replay on Mac - you can quite clearly make out registration number
  • Wide (170deg) field of view - my last one was 90deg - which sees things coming alongside.

So the Apeman is OK, based on a couple of hours out.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

4 hours spent mowing,

1 hours spent cleaning gutters + maintenance on muddling shed roof.

Some time spent waving the chainsaw on a stick at fruit trees. Several branches broken due to heavyweight fruit needed pruning. The fruit harvest this year has been enormous....

14 bucket loads and a full wheelbarrow of cooking apples and pears. That's just 2 trees, there are about another dozen out there!!!

We are running out of people to give them away to....


Long bath, still had pain from leg, still painful to walk..

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Afternoon Awl,

4 hours spent mowing,

1 hours spent cleaning gutters + maintenance on muddling shed roof.

Some time spent waving the chainsaw on a stick at fruit trees. Several branches broken due to heavyweight fruit needed pruning. The fruit harvest this year has been enormous....

14 bucket loads and a full wheelbarrow of cooking apples and pears. That's just 2 trees, there are about another dozen out there!!!

We are running out of people to give them away to....


Long bath, still had pain from leg, still painful to walk..






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  • RMweb Premium

Lunch devoured at the MSPCA, always good grub there and after a tour around we just managed to avoid coming home with several ginger kittens.  We're not really ready for another cat yet.


Looked at a new (ish) car for Debs on the way back - right car, wrong time...damn.  We had only been shortlisting thinking aloud, and found the exact thing in the desired colour but won't really have the dosh until next year. We have just committed to a new bathroom, pchah. I have also been after another bike, but it turns out the person selling it to me was doing so on behalf of his daughter who hasn't ridden it for 4 years and probably never will again, but 'still wants it' now. Bu&&er.


I thank folk like ChrisF for correcting captions etc.  I love seeing interesting pictures with long descriptive captions (not just 'Here's an A3 at Retford') pointing out detail that I was probably not aware of - so if they're wrong it really gets my goat.  I know it can be hard to get them right so far in retrospect, but some real howlers are perpetuated if not corrected.


Still raining.

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Right - installed it, been out and looked at the movies on a Mac.

  • Once you understand the menus (and an internet search helped) it works.
  • Mounting it needs a bit of space twixt camera back and roof of car - I didn't take account of the wires that were needed in the back and had to reposition
  • Sits neatly behind mirror. 
  • GPS gives your speed evidence.
  • replay on Mac - you can quite clearly make out registration number
  • Wide (170deg) field of view - my last one was 90deg - which sees things coming alongside.

So the Apeman is OK, based on a couple of hours out.


And after all that, more than 48 hours after delivery, have received an email from Apeman telling me where to find all the instructions and the updated (but not necessarily current) manual.

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  • RMweb Gold

A friend has sent me this video of the inaugural running of his garden railway.

Unfortunately I can't access it for some reason.

Anyone able to sort it out into something we can see?


https://www.dropbox.com/s/ xbsaub35btcx9wn/Garden% 20train%20-%20first%20test-% 20Sept%202017.MOV?dl=0

I have edited URL to something which will work and PMd you, just in case you want to check it for public perusal!
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  • RMweb Premium

Match umpired.. ended up with an ambulance attending as one of the girls damaged her hand and knocked her self out trying to field a ball. After going to hospital they administered a bit of TLC and have told her to go back to them tomorrow.


tea eaten, now to catch up with some other cricket matters



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

We had a nice day with our lunch visitors. MiL did have the sea bass instead of the fishcake so Aditi was happy.

We all had cake, one visitor had some of yesterday's cake and today's cake. Aditi has been conducting experiments with oven thermometers and timing variations to try to improve her cakes. I am happy to eat the experimental ones anyway.

Matthew rang and I did find out which flight he will be on. Actually the most convenient for pick up being mid afternoon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oops. Still in idiot mode I missed wishing you a very happy birthday Tony! Enjoy your lunch!


Oops, so did I!

Spent the weekend at Loughborough  - a good show with a variety of layouts, good food, and a fair balance of traders.  


On the GCR 'Bridge' stand the highlight of the weekend was the placing of the two box girder sections of the link bridge between GCRN and GCR between midnight and early morning.  I will chase the 22 minutes on YouTube later but I understand that about 200 people stood on the A60 road bridge to watch the huge 1750 ton crane lift the two 37m long 42 ton sections across the gap.


The 'join' will take time and of course £$ but it will happen.




Edit - spelling

Edited by PeterBB
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning post seems to have vanished in cyberspace.  Ah well.  Evening all.  It's been fairly uneventful as expected with only a read-through of the latest thesis chapter to record.  


A newly-vinylled grey/black train is currently approaching these environs.  The place to be tomorrow at noon would be Waterloo (Windsor side).  I shall be out with the camera at a couple of carefully-chosen spots away from the terminus.  


That was the weekend that was.  Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Exhibition done for another year.

Numbers slightly down on expected but nothing too drastic.


Totally knack*red.

Large nightcap.


Catch up tomorrow.




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  • RMweb Gold

Oops, so did I!

Thank you. Birthday greetings and (eatings) seem to have been over 3 days. Aditi has relatives in many time zones so greetings occur I suppose as their local Facebook calendar reminds them. First one this year was from Singapore.

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  • RMweb Gold



A newly-vinylled grey/black train is currently approaching these environs.  The place to be tomorrow at noon would be Waterloo (Windsor side).  I shall be out with the camera at a couple of carefully-chosen spots away from the terminus.  


That was the weekend that was.  Goodnight all.

We have new trains on our local line. The existing class 357 sets have been added to by C2C (now Italian owned) with some class 387 sets. They look so inelegant compared to the 357. When I first saw one I thought someone had put half a portaloo on the front of one of the 357s.
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. GDB, what name do you go by on Facebook? A lot of ER's are on Facebook as you are probably aware and many I'm sure will want to become your friend on Facebook.


Morning post seems to have vanished in cyberspace.  Ah well.  Evening all.  It's been fairly uneventful as expected with only a read-through of the latest thesis chapter to record.  


A newly-vinylled grey/black train is currently approaching these environs.  The place to be tomorrow at noon would be Waterloo (Windsor side).  I shall be out with the camera at a couple of carefully-chosen spots away from the terminus.  


That was the weekend that was.  Goodnight all.

Rick, post # 157936? I noticed this evening that I hadn't rated it which is unusual as I had rated the posts either side. I don't recall seeing it this morning so perhaps it had just gone AWOL for a short while.

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Evening all and good wishes and congrats / commiserations as appropriate. It was good to read Chrisf's reference to "Waterloo Road". I used to really enjoy this show and agree that Neil Morrisey was very good as the Deputy Head in the third series. I also thought that Grantly was an excellent character - a long serving teacher who, deep down, had a heart of gold.



Well the sickness bug that affected Amber yesterday has eased. But now Sarah has come down with the same symptoms. I somehow think she will not be making her first day back at work tomorrow. 

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  • RMweb Premium



Rick, post # 157936?


That's the one.  And it's back.  Curiouser and curiouser.  I also had some issues with Facebook's Messenger this morning which took several hours rather than several nanoseconds to transmit messages.  Maybe the internet fairy had a hangover.   :angel:  :onthequiet:


And I still have difficulty in rating on the mobile even using the "Full Version".  The icon blinks but the rating doesn't always appear against the post.  At least not right away.  

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


I had every intention of doing a bit of work in the garden today, but rain, even though it was only light rain, put paid to that idea. Call me old mister cautious, but I'm firmly of the opinion that electrical tools and rain don't mix! So I had to find something else to occupy me instead, so work continued on the old L1 update, most of the fine detailing bits have now been added and hopefully the next good day will see a coat of light grey primer sprayed on. Then I will see what if any bit need fettling.


As today is the first Sunday of the month, this evening I had my monthly chat with my brother in Canada. As per usual we didn't discuss anything that will change the world, just the price of gas and the weather etc. But it's always nice to catch up with him anyway.


Time for bed, goodnight all.

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