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That's a turnup for the books. Local money changer here was offering £1 = 1.05 Euro yesterday. I thought we were heading for parity.  :scratchhead:


I don't think it will last on an upward trend - although I fervently hope it does!

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UK: We will pay our debts to the EU.

EU: You owe us Zillions in forward commitments.

UK: No we don't because we are leaving before they become due.

EU: We will not sell you cheese and motor cars until you've paid.

UK: It's a deal!

EU: Sacre blue! You are intractable. No progress can be made until you pay us all your money (which we will lend to you because you don't have any).

UK: We will now have a holiday until October.

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  • RMweb Premium

collected car...as her indoors was still in dull I made use of a "day Rider" ticket to travel to the garage to collect the car (its overlooked by Armley gaol) First bus Leeds came up with 4 different ways of getting their - walk/bus/walk/bus/ walk.. so I chose a route I haven't been on and off I went. Nice walk in the  sun so other than a serious depletion to modelling and beer tokens all is well.



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Sun, rain, sun, rain, sun, rain and now sun. During that time I've had a clear out in the shed as my mate next door has just had a new kitchen fitted and has a skip in the drive and  kindly told me to put anything I like in it. The Boss heard and went into hiding!  :jester:


And now the great news is that Steve is home!


Many thanks for all your "supportives", good wishes and messages. The "lad" means a lot to us as we've been friends with his family since he was a kid. We met when Nicki first went to school with his younger sister about 40 years ago.

I gave him his first Saturday job when he was 15 and then took him on full time. After a couple of years he moved on and has had a very successful career in the building supplies industry.

When he first met Jane she got Nicki her first job at the place she worked and they became firm friends.

They introduced Nicki to Steve who was a footballing friend of his. We've all been friends and spent a lot of time and holidays together and our grandchildren and their kids are all friends and are/were at school together.

He's still got a way to go yet but at last we can see light at the end of the tunnel. I won't be really happy though until I get that phone call to ask if I fancy a pint. That could be a long way off yet but I'll raise another glass to him tonight.


Got to go now, there seems to be something in my eye.


SSOG* of Sutton





* Silly Sentimental Old Git

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  • RMweb Gold

We seem to have had the same showers as Bob but most of my getting damp hasnt been due to rain. Aditi was not happy she found some maggots in the food recycling bin so much cleaning was required. Our outside food bin must be the cleanest in South Essex now.

Robbie was very good (phew!) at the hydrotherapy session but even a blow dried spaniel stays damp enough to make its human damp too! He did look funny after he was dried. The problem he has coordinating his back legs when climbing up the back step also showed up when swimming. Fortunately he is still ok walking.


Edited by Tony_S
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Update on use of Twitter to get a result. My parcel is now being collected by DPD for delivery tomorrow.

If I need any more locks I will probably just order them from Screwfix!



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UK: We will pay our debts to the EU.

EU: You owe us Zillions in forward commitments.

UK: No we don't because we are leaving before they become due.

EU: We will not sell you cheese and motor cars until you've paid.

UK: It's a deal!

EU: Sacre blue! You are intractable. No progress can be made until you pay us all your money (which we will lend to you because you don't have any).

UK: We will now have a holiday until October.

Jon Culshaw's impression of David Davis, the "Brexit Bulldog" is well worth listening to if you catch it on radio!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl,

Strolled down hill ( ok this is Norfolk, down slope) to the garage collected the car.. oohh the smell of burning money ( the paint on the exhaust) during the drive home.


Neither SWMBO or dog to greet me, they had gone for a walk again without me, something really, really big must be expected of me.


We don't have a food recycling bin.... We have a dog....


The car is suffering from shock, the garage cleaned the outside.


Back sore, heal of right foot sore. Painkiller will be required at bed time

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I totally agree about Oban, I travelled through there once or twice 1971 to 1975 and then regularly 83-85, on my way to Benbecula. If I look at google earth / street view today the changes are huge and not generally for the better. Although I would have liked the bus shelters on Benbecula while waiting for the school bus in a howling gale coming straight off of the Atlantic...



If you want an up-to-date view you can check out their webcams.




There are still places unchanged e.g. the distillery, there are still nice places in Oban e.g. the distillery and there are still places I would visit eg. the distillery.

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You need to take the wait of your foot and let the heal heel (all spellings intentionally corrupted!)

Matthew got sore feet while in Croatia recently. He had learnt a few basic phrases before entering the pharmacy but the pharmacist had a look and sold him plasters and a bottle of lavender oil. Seemed to do the trick. Aditi suggested not wearing new sandals before walking round an island with 35C temperatures and no shade in future.

I think lavender grows in Norfolk so The Q shoukd be ok!

Edited by Tony_S
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As some have already commented, ERs can somehow trigger memories.


All this talk of rocks, spectrometry and geology hammers reminded me that this afternoon we visited White Scar caves under Ingleborough in the Yorkshire Dales. A very interesting tour was had and if you have never seen a cave system or stalac-wotsits before it is well well worth a visit. Of course, just a few miles up the road is Ribblehead Viaduct so an enjoyable late afternoon walk under the viaduct and up to Blea Moor followed.


And across the bottom of the car park runs the trackbed of the branch line from Ingleton to the Ingleton Granite quarry.   Started by a self acting incline from the main line up the hill then along the contours to the quarry.



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Evening.  Still a bit achey, different places today!  Cheque arrived from the guilty party, more than I had asked for - guilt trip.


A day of shopping, and watching the Ramsey sprint this morning, nothing too exciting. Loud and entertaining for a while but its getting a bit samey with few new competitors or bikes, just plenty of the same-old crowd. 


Needing a train fix now.


Oh, look.... 



Evening.  Still a bit achey, different places today!  Cheque arrived from the guilty party, more than I had asked for - guilt trip.


A day of shopping, and watching the Ramsey sprint this morning, nothing too exciting. Loud and entertaining for a while but its getting a bit samey with few new competitors or bikes, just plenty of the same-old crowd. 


Needing a train fix now.


Oh, look.... 



Double trouble????  How odd.

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And all the pensioners waited until double sfamps day before shopping


Then it went crazy with up to 24-fold stamps before The Gummint stepped in to stop it all.


Green Shield Stamps morphed into Argos IIRC. Still offerring cheap tat at catalogue outlets though what you go for is never in stock. Some things never change!


The Argos you are using or trying to use is certainly not the Argos that I use from time-to-time. When I look for something that I want  (always from a major brand and certainly not tat) I start with the Argos website and normally find the article I want together with stock information at the stores in my local area,


Having found that they have what I want I then do a quick search of other websites to check prices etc. but in most cases I return to the Argos site and do a "click and collect"


The last time I did this was a couple of months ago when during a rather fierce thunder/lightning storm my landline phone system got destroyed. Luckily my broadband was still up and running so I did a "click and collect" for a Panasonic phone system (certainly not tat!!) at a very good price, jumped in the car and had my new phone system 30 minutes later. Other bonus was that I was able to use my Nectar points to pay for the item.


Argos may have been cheap and cheerful in the past but I don't think they are now......



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And now the great news is that Steve is home!  GREAT!!!



I gave him his first Saturday job when he was 15 and then took him on full time. First Aider?   :jester:



I'll raise another glass to him tonight.   I'll join you in that.  :drink_mini: 



Edited by AndyB
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