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  • RMweb Gold

We are now back from Enfield. The snow Gordon mentioned started while we were on the M25 and there was quite a heavy fall while we were driving from the M25 into Enfield. I think this seemed to surprise a lot of the drivers out for their shopping as there seemed to be a lot of wheel spinning. I witnessed some impressive driving from a grit lorry driver who made sure the slippy patch near the roadworks at one point was well covered.

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........... My neighbour's Lexus didn't like some of the tracks in the summer..............





Our Lexus, superb in all other situations is absolutely hopeless in snow or ice! I had a harrowing experience a few years ago with a sudden snowfall on a Friday evening - no gritters as snow unexpected and just on the rush hour. Yes, your life really does flash before you when facing a steep downward hill and, potentially, the grim reaper!


Glad to say, I lived to tell the tale and, at times, long for my previous cars - Fiestas (three) and Minis (three) with front wheel drive and superb handling under all kinds of conditions!

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  • RMweb Gold

Our Lexus, superb in all other situations is absolutely hopeless in snow or ice! I had a harrowing experience a few years ago with a sudden snowfall on a Friday evening - no gritters as snow unexpected and just on the rush hour. Yes, your life really does flash before you when facing a steep downward hill and, potentially, the grim reaper!


Glad to say, I lived to tell the tale and, at times, long for my previous cars - Fiestas (three) and Minis (three) with front wheel drive and superb handling under all kinds of conditions!

When my neighbours bought their Lexus they didn't know they were going to need a car with off-road abilities to visit the grandchildren! From what they have said I'm not sure what vehicle other than a tractor is really suitable. I believe a horse is being obtained soon so at least they can ride up from wherever the car is left!




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  • RMweb Gold

Quote "Our Lexus, superb in all other situations is absolutely hopeless in snow or ice!"



Good Evening Everyone,


This is my first post in this section although I've been lurking for quite a while. I have,with great regret, just got rid of my Lexus for the same

reason because for the 3rd year running I've found it almost impossible to get it to climb even the slightest incline in snow & ice. In 45 years of driving it's the only car that I've struggled with in bad weather but I would agree that its superb on all other occasions. I've downsized to a Ford Focus & trust that this will put an end to my misery! Knowing my habit of shutting stable doors after bolting horses we will probably now get a series of long hot winters!





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Guest Max Stafford

I've fount my trusty Grande Punto to be a real steady little machine in the snow.

The only problem I had was last Boxing Day when we had a bit of 'freezing rain' over part-melted snow in the street.

Upon making my usual cautious approach to my corner at 10mph in third, the conditions nevertheless caused a 'departure from controlled flight' resulting in the offside front wheel going square on into the opposite kerb, ripping the tyre off and I suspect contributing to the failure of my steering column a couple of months later - £600+ that cost me!

Needless to say I purchased my own rock salt and look after that part of the street myself now!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


It was snowing again when we returned home last night and we're now close to the 12" mark in many places :blink: . Main roads would appear to be clear this morning, but side streets remain a different matter entirely.


Now for some coffee...have a good day all!

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Morning All,


As Dominik said, there was quite a snowfall overnight. It looks very Winter-wonderland like outside.


I was out early shoveling snow and chatting to my neighbour about the weather! However, the snow shoveling every morning is starting to get boring :lol:


Time for some breakfast, I think!


Have a good day everyone...

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6th in the Premier league? Christmas has come early for you guys....


Great save yesterday....:)


Bloomin' cold, but no further snow. Found a 12" koi had popped his clogs yesterday. Not sure if a heron spiked him or maybe the water was just too cold for him. Couldn't see any damage, so that's a strange one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is rather cold but dry here. This morning I have 2 options, either clear yesterday's snow /ice off the Renault or drive my wife into Basildon in the Land Rover. I think I'll go for the being a chauffeur rather than the shoveller option.



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The thing I've found about driving in Snow is that "your" car is only as good as the ones in front of you. If that doesn't make sense then think of being stuck in a long stationary line of traffic caused by one vehicle at the front.



Btw "Humvees" are hopeless in snow but perfect in desert............


Best, Pete.

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