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  • RMweb Premium

A bright sunny morning here.

Dom, there may be ups and downs but in the end children have a positive impact on the lives of their parents.


Glad to hear that your family are all together. Enjoy parenthood.


Many congratulations!


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Morning all from a sunny village a bit south of Baz.  I had a good afternoon at the chapel yesterday and I better refer readers to the layout thread otherwise the awful awl may appear. 


Congratulations to Dom, Elise and now Annika.  I can only echo Baz's comments above.


As to today it's more of the same. Beth has set off to meet a friend at Asda for coffee chat and shopping. I'm off back p to the chapel shortly for another days modelling.


Regards to all.



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Getting ready to O face the bank holiday traffic. Oh for a car mounted Rarden!





Shouldn't that be "railgun"? :jester:


Mawnin' awl. Heartfelt thanks to you all, folks. I certainly did fall deep asleep almost immediately and after a round of phone calls will now refresh and head to the hospital again. The ladies will be discharged on Wednesday, so I booked a day of extra leave today and one in two days.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all and especially Dom & Elise. Many congratulations on the safe arrival of Annika.


Another fine day is forecast and looks like being hotter than yesterday.

I survived about 2 hours gardening yesterday and managed not to injure myself or get sunstroke. I'm beginning to think that all the reports of me self harming are greatly exaggerated although 'twould be dangerous to become complacent. 


After that I managed to watch some cricket and the Grand Prix before SiL Steve picked us up for our visit to their house for "Uncle's Day." The kids surpassed themselves with the amount and variety of food on offer so my diet was deferred.(yet again) A great time had by all particularly son Steve whose day it was. We eventually got home and to bed about 1.00 AM. Considering the amount of liquid refreshment imbibed I am feeling remarkably fit at the moment. However management has been informed that the car will be staying parked today.

This means I am free to either muddle and/or watch more cricket.


Latest report from the hospital is that friend Steve is now in a normal ward and sitting in a chair and beginning to regain his sense of humour. He's going to be there for a while yet but has been told he could be  home for his 50th birthday in about 3 weeks. We should be visiting in the next day or day or two, just got to fit in around all the other visitors. He is a very popular lad


Have a good one,

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Morning swim completed in yet another flat calm sea.


Not a great deal planned for the day with temperatures forecast to reach 25 later.


GDB - Great to hear of Steve's improvement.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


It's sunny - and it will probably last all day.  The G word might be mentioned but will be met by warnings of heatstroke if I'm quick enough.  I shall no doubt venture out for a newspaper but that's about it although for some strange reason laddo has ventured off to Reading, and straight into a maelstrom of homeward bound pestival goers no doubt while at the same time many of the Caversham residents will be heading this way in order to avoid them; strange old world.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning, one hour and twenty minutes to be precise. This was the time it took to upload updates to W10. Yesterday evening a notice popped up saying there was some updates due and on checking I noted that you could set the time for the updates to run. So I set it for 1 am this morning, or so I thought. I switched on at just before 9 o'clock this morning and was just checking my e-mails when at 9 precisely the screen went blue and the uploads started! That was 8 hours after the time that I had requested, there was no time zone mentioned when I set the time for the update so I assumed it was BST. I have been up since about six this morning and when I woke up it was very misty/foggy, autumn is just around the corner.

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Morning All,


Congratulations to Dom & Elise on their new arrival. And Annika is now a great excuse for Dom to go out a buy a(nother?) train set or two (nowadays both boys and girls play with trains) :D  I reckon that if Annika takes to the hobby like her dad, we're going to see an impressive young modeller emerging.


My company now officially exists, although I'm still sorting out the website and have government agency paperwork to complete - such are the trials of the corporate empire owner....  Whilst at present there is only myself on the payroll, SWMBO is a partner in the company and I'm thinking of adding Schotty and Lucy to the payroll: Schotty as a property and personal security consultant and Lucy as my property portfolio manager: Lucy has yet to come across a settee that she has been unable to annex to her "sofa portfolio" (she now has 6 such properties) and Schotty barks at all strangers.


There is, however, a danger to doing it all your self: I missed a spelling error in the company logo I had designed and it went all the way to the printing-of-business-cards and promotional items stage. Which means I now have two incorrectly spelled company logo T-Shirts and two incorrectly spelled company logo tea mugs (thank goodness I only got two of each as a trial) and I have to order new - correctly logo'd - business cards.


Well, enough from me I'm now off to sort out my website and the bank (in no particular order)



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a sunny west ofEngland.


Up at 07.30 for a breakfast then caghtvthe 08.51 from Par with the intention of stopping off at Swindon but the train is very busy so want to remain in our seats and we are beered out, so heading straight to Reading and then home from there.


It's been a great weekend for us and back to work in the morning. Just a few important decisions to make in the coming days.


Also only a few days before we take the USA steam layout to Burgess Hil, its first show in nearly two years sinccth Spalding show

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Congratulations in order for Dom and Elise...



Good morning from Long Island <yawn>

Weekend was rather a flurry of activity, as we spent much of Saturday driving to the cabin, cleaning, cutting the old pump housing into small sections to haul away, and then driving home in time to have dinner with Trevor and Meagan.

Went to a new (to us) Indian restaurant, the one that will cater that culture offering for the wedding. Very nice it was too. Handled some more wedding planning, we THINK we've got most everything accounted for now! :O

Both Saturday and Sunday was also a flurry of electronic activity with documents/amendments/who knows what preparing "paperwork" for the new house purchase.


Was good to get on the plane and relax.


Will be quiet here today given three of the major "players" I deal with are all on vacation <sigh>, could have just as easily stayed home had I know before booking flights.


17 driving in, expecting 24 for the high and mostly sunny today.


Hope all those with a bank holiday enjoy the opportunities, the week starts here for some of us ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Back after a mooch round the car boot, but the promised dry weather did not happen, it rained about ten!


But to my delight, when I was thumbing Power of the Royal Scots, I found some pics credited to my dad's cousin, who was a good, but seldom published, photographer. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Back after a mooch round the car boot, but the promised dry weather did not happen, it rained about ten!


But to my delight, when I was thumbing Power of the Royal Scots, I found some pics credited to my dad's cousin, who was a good, but seldom published, photographer. 

Did he drive the Flying Scotsman as well.  :mosking:

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  • RMweb Premium

Did he drive the Flying Scotsman as well.  :mosking:

Nope - he was a senior official on LMS and later BR (M) at Crewe, as well as a lifelong Caley and LMS lover.  He was not a driver, but given that he had virtually go anywhere access to the West Coast trackside and footplates, he did manage a bit of unofficial driving.   He was a Stanier man through and through, and had little time for the products of Doncaster which plied the other coast.  Shed trips with him were always to the likes of Polmadie, Corkerhill, Ayr, and Dalry Road.


He was also a great believer in the prowess of the hikers (NEVER Black 5s) and after having to get his shedmaster to put one onto the Royal Scot one day, made the remark (oft quoted and probably used by many other railwaymen anyway).  "There's only one thing better than a hiker, and that's two of them".

Edited by 45156
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  • RMweb Premium

Best of luck with your business enterprise iD.

I hope everything goes to plan.

Got to agree with that sentiment, Flavio.  Determination will take you a long way in getting the business off the ground.

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Having only spot checked Early Risers' posts over the weekend, my regrets to those whose posts I skimmed.


With several members of our extended family living in and around Houston, we're watching the news from south Texas closely. So far, everyone is OK, but with the hurricane stalled over the area and pulling moisture in from the Gulf, it's not over by any means yet. They're forecasting up to 1.25 metres of rain in some places before it's finished. We've seen the effects of 30 centimetres in 12 hours on the city of Houston on a previous visit - I can hardly imagine what 125 centimetres would look like. 

South Texas indeed looks like a horrible mess. I shan't complain about our smoky skies this morning - there are communities in southern Oregon threatened by a very large forest fire. It's seems inconceivable that T.S. Harvey is headed back into the Gulf to collect yet more water to dump on south Texas and Louisiana.


Perhaps someone can suggest a remedy for a household problem I am having.  


The smoke detector in my guest bedroom started to chirp once every 20 seconds. (Of course it began to do this at 4:00am - as they do.) Having duly replaced the battery - the documented remedy for a chirp every 20 seconds - only to find that it started chirping again at 5:00am the following morning.  It is almost brand new - being installed last October. It is one of the dual-supply (mains + battery) detectors, but now won't function without randomly chirping in the wee hours - so I disconnected it. (The guest room door is open, and there are a total of four other detectors on the same floor, so I'm not worried about temporarily disconnecting it but ultimately I want it back in working order.)


Does anyone have any experience with such things?

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Having only spot checked Early Risers' posts over the weekend, my regrets to those whose posts I skimmed.


South Texas indeed looks like a horrible mess. I shan't complain about our smoky skies this morning - there are communities in southern Oregon threatened by a very large forest fire. It's seems inconceivable that T.S. Harvey is headed back into the Gulf to collect yet more water to dump on south Texas and Louisiana.


Perhaps someone can suggest a remedy for a household problem I am having.  


The smoke detector in my guest bedroom started to chirp once every 20 seconds. (Of course it began to do this at 4:00am - as they do.) Having duly replaced the battery - the documented remedy for a chirp every 20 seconds - only to find that it started chirping again at 5:00am the following morning.  It is almost brand new - being installed last October. It is one of the dual-supply (mains + battery) detectors, but now won't function without randomly chirping in the wee hours - so I disconnected it. (The guest room door is open, and there are a total of four other detectors on the same floor, so I'm not worried about temporarily disconnecting it but ultimately I want it back in working order.)


Does anyone have any experience with such things?

Michael - not very helpful in some ways I'm afraid, but our only experience with a similar item in our rental property was your basic "chuck it away and get a new one". :O

It was far more convenient in the end after several attempts to quiet the beast that seemed to fail miserably, and as you state, ALWAYS occur at impossibly annoying hours.

The "new" one lasted at least a couple of years, but since we disposed of the property a year ago, I have no idea how long it'll run for, and thankfully don't care anymore :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Evening all. Firstly I would like to pass on my congratulations to Dom and Elsie on their new arrival. Also good wishes to iD on the new business venture, I hope that it proves to be a success.


Michael - my only experience of a similar smoke alarm based occurrence was a few years (and three house moves ago). We managed to fix it by taking the cover off and giving it a blast with a vacuum cleaner. It appeared that there was some dust on the sensor! Hope that helps.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon Awl, Inner Temple here.

You lot have been busy in the last 24 hours...


My contribution to the Grace diversion is



A wonderful singer, one of my favourites.



At the church of St James Ludgershall, where my aunt (the missionary) worshipped, my grandmother played the organ and my mother rang the bells. This churches Advowson was held from 1867 to 1964 by the Awdry family, yes that Awdry family. So my parents and some of the two generations before will have known the Awdrys.

Not surprisingly the Reverend William Awdry was at one time the vicar of the church. He was the brother of Wilbert Vere Awdry of Thomas Fame.

William Awdry was at various times Bishop of Southampton, Bishop of Osaka, Bishop of South Tokyo.

Ludgershall is the station I'm slowly working on in EM gauge.


My day, I had another terrible night sleep due to aches and pains. Ibuprofen was required to get me going this morning.


I went down to the motorboat to continue working on it. One set of cyclewombles in full race mode on the way came out of a side road without stopping and were very nearly ex wombles. How can you miss a landrover 200tdi engine arriving? One of the noisiest engines around.


The floor is now built for the cockpit and 2/3rds of the floors new covering fitted.

The main reason for the visit was to treat the cockpit cover which went like this.

Brush the bird deposits off

Wash the cover with water allow to dry.

Paint on cover cleaning substance allow to dry

Scrub off with water.

Paint on cover cleaning substance allow to dry

Scrub off with water.

Wander off to nearby cafe where they do very good home made pies, I had steak this time.

Paint on dye allow to dry

Paint on dye allow to dry

Paint on waterproofer allow to dry

Paint on waterproofer allow to dry.



Even with the numerous allow to drys' I was really suffering from the heat and not feeling well after the last few days exertions, but once committed I had to continue, these various cover treatments are expensive.


Once the boat was packed away across the river, I went home for a rest, SWMBO had to take Ben the Border Collie out as I was inspecting eyelids.

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A blisteringly hot day on the South Devon coast but I still went for a walk through the village to get some photos of the historic buildings. By the time I got back after 5 miles I was ready to rest in the coolest place, the caravan.


Many cockwombles were observed during my walk mainly driving far too fast through the village which is only single track in the majority of places.


Not a great deal done this afternoon.


Flavio - You certainly deserve everything to go to plan. Best of luck.


Back later.

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