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  • RMweb Premium

Parcels to do, breakfasts to cook then cricket to umpire. I am not looking forward to the latter but my colleague today is good for a laugh.


Enjoy your day


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Morning All


Great to hear that Chris remains OK, and long may it continue.  I only know of three places where the bus pass could be used before 9.30.  London, where I believe that a bus pass is still available at age 60, and also gives free rail travel ,  I think that the concessions are only good for the London area, though.  Bedford, as Chris mentioned, and York where it is valid from 9am, though I can't recall whether that concession was restricted to York residents.  I think there must be a training course which Sisters Diabetes all attend where they are all taught the same phrases and methods of delivery.  Though, I've got to say that my new one is a tad better (at least so far) - perhaps that's because at the last visit my numbers were going in the right direction.


Ian, your spoolchucker certainly does mangle your posts :jester:  And it is a hell of a climb from St Davids to Central, so I do agree that a taxi is the best way to get there and not lose in-pub time.  I really did like Exeter in years gone by, though in those days, the pubs mainly dispensed the products of Devenish and Courage, and most of that was fizzy cr&p.


Mike, I do hope that I never have to endure a Voyager as you've outlined, and I can't believe that they use a 10 car diesel unit with both buffets manned for over 400 plus miles ALL under the wires.


I've also got a professional question for Ivan, but will post it here as it may be of general interest.  30747 and I are unhappy about our wills, in a few ways, and will be getting new ones drawn up at some time soon.  The named executors are getting a bit long in the tooth, and we plan to change them to nieces and nephews (we have no kids).  Do we have to have two executors, or will one do - the answer will help us in deciding which relative(s) to approach.  Thanks in advance.


Now then at 45156 towers, there are stirrings - in fact they started quite early as the milkman disturbed Lily this morning, and she didn't settle afterwards.  So 30747 and I were both up, showered, dressed and breakfasted by 7.30.  House guest is now stirring, and hers will be the test of the new patch to the bath sealant, as she may not be so cautious as we were.  Here's hoping.  Various trips today, but as it is Bank Holiday, these will probably not include trips towards the Lake District which will probably be heaving.


Back later.

Regards to All


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Morning all. MY morning swim has been completed but I didn't particularly enjoy it as it was so calm I might have been in a swimming pool.


Not a great deal planned except staying off the roads to avoid the hoards.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good to see your day went well Chris, I see a nurse every year for my wellman clinic every year she says the same thing last year when she came

out with the bit about losing weight I said " it looks as if you are losing the battle like me" this year it wasn't mentioned.  :D

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ChrisF said " I must either walk or pay £1 to use the bus before 9.30 am.  "


My first thought to this display of caution was to say, do you have any Yorkshire blood in you? 

I think you do. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Since giving up paid employment and retiring Aditi's diabetic reviews have stopped mentioning weight issues. Before retiring her condition was getting steadily worse with occasional times where she was given dire warnings. Now she is considered to have excellent control. She lost quite a bit of weight while I was at my most unwell phase of pneumonia. I don't recommend that those of you with diabetes ask your loved ones to contract nasty lung conditions though.


I was awakened from some dream earlier. Aditi was in contact with Matthew earlier and he was unable to progress to the pay page for a visa (Canadian eTa apparently) . My advice was sought. Just as I worked out a solution so did he. Moral of this tale, if at first one browser doesn't work, try another. Third time lucky for Matthew. Safari and Chrome fail, Firefox worked.

He is off to the seaside today, Bray Head I believe, though if it rains I think a distillery tour will be taken instead.


Edited by Tony_S
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....  The named executors are getting a bit long in the tooth, and we plan to change them to nieces and nephews (we have no kids).  Do we have to have two executors, or will one do - the answer will help us in deciding which relative(s) to approach.  Thanks in advance.

It's generally a good idea to have two - one main one, and the other to be on the substitutes' bench in case the main one dies or is otherwise unable to act.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The unseasonal weather continues with occasional sunshine and a degree of warmth promised - clearly the purveyors of wellington boots in reading will spend the weekend crying in their beer or whatever they drink as the 'best weekend of the year' isn't happening.  And if this weather continues as promised I shall be unable to avoid the mowing of the lawn by Monday.


Stewart I don't know about starting with only one executor but it is quite permissible to reduce the actual involvement to one in the probate process as i did after my father died and I duly arranged for my uncle to not be involved in the probate process - needs a form and a signature and that's about it.


Quite agree about the walk up the hill in Exeter to the Imperial and should I attend the next OFs' gathering there next month I won't mess about - it will be a taxi for me!  As for going out I understand such an adventure is in mind for today - destination unknown but quite likely our nearest NT property which boasts a superb kitchen garden - by far its most interesting feature and well worth seeing.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a sunny one here today.

Following last night's woodland stroll I set off once again to do a brisk route march around the neighbourhood, knocking 49 seconds off yesterday's time.

Think I may be needing to extend the route if it drops any closer to a 10-minute very-brisk walk, otherwise the NHS will be saying I'm not doing enough!

I'm going to try and download an app to monitor the rate of heart rate recovery to resting levels as this is the best indicator of improving fitness.

That, and having to wear a belt! 


Chores today include almost nothing, unless I include a diy backlog, in which case I've got plenty to occupy me.   


Have a nice day everyone. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Another long soak in the bath this morning so a tad late. Bus passes, I can only use my pass on buses in London, on all other services I have to pay. Also I cant use my bus pass in Wales or Scotland. If I had any say in the matter I would have bus passes with a fixed annual amount, say £100 of which 10p will be deducted for every bus journey or mile travelled by rail with the provision for the user to top up and also a free top up for those who have to make regular visits to hospitals etc. Authorities can set them to pay full fare during peak times if they so wish.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all. Fine here after a dull start, observed before going back to bed for an extended kip which was welcome but has me running late and skipping stops tasks. Now I'm on here....


Southampton allows travel between 9am and 12.30am within the city boundary on weekdays for local pass holders. Mrs mole recently got caught out coming back late, as Southampton Airport Parkway is outside the City boundary. If she had got off at Central she'd have been OK (same bus route home). The driver didn't charge her though.


Must get on, I suppose; hang up the laundry, have lunch, sort out some more stuff in the shed, pack up an eBay sale and take it to the PO, go shopping, have a pint, possibly two; how do I fit it all in?


Have a good weekend.



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.... I don't know about starting with only one executor but it is quite permissible to reduce the actual involvement to one in the probate process as i did after my father died and I duly arranged for my uncle to not be involved in the probate process - needs a form and a signature and that's about it.....

That really depends on how you use the second Executor. If your Will stipulates that the pair of them act jointly, then yes the second one can step back and let the other do all the donkey work. That's having "power reserved".


If you stipulated that the second one is a substitute, then (s)he wouldn't have to act anyway unless the first one dies or is unable to act for whatever reason.

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I'll try and watch a bit of a Veulta

We have the Ironman (not to be confused with Chris the Ironing Man) triathlon here tomorrow. I doubt if there will be any live TV coverage in Europe, but you never know.


I'm not competing in it this year. My bike was so rusty I had to scrap it.

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 Evening all. A busy week at home has kept me away from these pages for a few days so apologies for anything I have missed. It was good to see Sherry post a brief message the other day. Greetings to her, Ian OD and generic good wishes, congrats and commiserations as appropriate.


 The week just gone by has been very hectic with various family outings. There was a trip to Drayton Manor (for Thomas Land) on Tuesday and Twycross Zoo (for Sarah and Amber's giraffe feeding experience) yesterday. We have also completed the school shoe shopping task. Today, with Amber and Sarah out, I have tackled some more scenic work on my new Loch Tay layout (see the layout's own thread if interested).


 Sadly - there is now just a week of the summer break to go. I use the word "sadly" because the end is approaching just as I am starting to truly relax and feel calm. I almost wish I could start the break again now! Oh well - it is just a case of making the most of what is left as well as completing the school planning that I still have to do. There is still things to look forward to with days out at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Severn Valley and North Yorkshire Moors Railways during the final week.


Best wishes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening awl,Inner Temple here,


My visit to the MRC last night, was painful, as part of my modifications to the layout further cutbacks to the old scenery were required. This required cutting through 7 layers of Sundela type board. It was however in an awkward area and the only way to remove the Sundela was to use a Dremel and a cutting disk. This produced a vast amount of smoke, so I had to leave the door open.


On completion I found my shoulders were painful as was the back of my left leg. I discovered I had let the mozzies in, and been severely bitten.

It was interesting though seeing the smoke coming out of the other end of a tunnel 2 feet away. Pity the poor engine crew..!


Last night was my best night's sleep in many years, 9 hours solid!!!! I out slept SWMBO.!!


Today was spent working on the gateway, first the remaining concreting around the foundation blocks was completed and a ramp to the bin cupboard. Then construction of the wall began, 40 blocks later I had to to town to get more blocks and cement.


On arriving getting out of the landrover was painful, all my joints were painful and almost locked up. I had to sit at the burger van and have a coffee.

20 blocks, and 5x 25kg bags of cement later I drove home, the stuff is still the landrover. Painkillers were required and an hours eyelid inspection before Ben the Border Collie got his main walk of the day.


Whether I can continue in the morning, we'll find out.


Time for my normal pills and early to bed.

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Morning.  Ah.


Full day out on the bikes and watching the classic racing.


Nice thing today, a re-enactment of the first 100 lap of the TT course on a replica Gilera 4 by Michael Dunlop.  A 'parade lap'.  Except - he did a 100 mph lap!  Music to the ears for those who like classic bike sounds, a totally unsilenced old-tech engine, made only to race. Loud, very, but not strident, like the modern high revving engines, but sweeeet.

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Golf today was reasonably good.

Waiting to see what my share of the two's sweep is.


Ice hockey wasn't good. First game of the season - at least it was only a pre-season challenge match. It was pretty obvious that the guys weren't anywhere near match sharp or communicating well with each other. The other team had already played two pre-season games and it showed.


Although I can't get to the return match tomorrow night, I will be looking out fro updates from electronic communications..............


Work tomorrow - hoping for a quiet day on the customer service call front so I can catch up with some more tracklaying. I'll also be keeping one eye on the GP.


Have a good Sunday folks.




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  • RMweb Gold

My two favourite sports on one day.


Well the rugby was exciting and just before the end of the first half it seemed it might go the England Ladies way but, a try from NZ just before half time and one just after and wow, were NZ good - NO, they were BRILLIANT at keeping the ball in the second half with some brilliant running and ran out worthy winners.  41-32 to NZ but 10 tries in the most continuing exciting rugby final I have watched.


I also managed to hog the television for the cricket highlights of the day - magnificent batting by the 'WIndies' pair that proved when things are going well the 'luck' seems to go with you ... conversely England - the odd dropped catch and all the umpire decisions going against.  


Hope the rest of the weekend goes well for all, Peter

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Match was easy to umpire.

Excellent curry eaten

Time for bed as I have another match to umpire in the morning


Sleep well awl


Edited by Barry O
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Late night thought!


We often hear talk about members of this thread encountering people who deserve the term "cockwomble". I do wonder if I have encountered the main candidates for "cockwomble of the week award" during the last few days. In fact a few seemed to be present at Drayton Manor or on our local roads.


Contender number 1: The woman who insisted on taking both her boys on the "Troublesome Trucks roller coaster" despite the fact that one of the boys was so scared he was crying hysterically. This caused the ride to be held up for quite some time until she had calmed him enough for the ride to start. Of course, his hysterics increased after the ride had completed the first of two laps, causing the ride to be stopped whilst she took him off.


Contender number 2: The gentleman who tried to take six children onto the diesel ride, including a babe in arms. He argued with the ride operator when he was told that only four people could go in a single "car". Then caused the ride to be halted when he allowed the youngest child to stand up whilst it was moving before deciding to exit the car when the operator stopped it due to the standing child despite being told to remain seated.


Contender number 3: The lorry driver who decided to overtake another truck, going up hill on the A38 the other day but was travelling at the same speed as the lorry he was trying to pass. The result was both lorries travelled side by side for a couple of miles with traffic tailing behind.


Contender number 4: The female driver of mini who sped up the outside lane, having been stuck behind the two lorry drivers described above,  then decided to try and cut across in front of me as I was about to overtake both lorries.


Contender number 5: The gentleman who decided to give my wife the middle finger salute from his car after we had paused and waited for him to back his car off the drive onto the road in front of his.


Hmmm - maybe I am becoming less tolerant or just a grumpy old man!

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