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Thanks for that.  I did wonder about some sort of longer lasting treatment but as we are selling the house, including the shed it probably isn't economic.

And you've now got a massive man cave in France to make up for the loss of your shed here.


Oh dear, signal failure at Euston, and massive congestion due to Bank Holiday, and forthcoming closure meant 11 late away for 30747's neice.  She doesn't seem to have a lot of luck with travelling to visit us, as her train has been delayed every year for whatever reason. 


Back when I can, probably some time tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

Diaries out everyone.    9/10th September. 

Well, everyone who is within a reasonable distance of Woking. 

I suspect this may be of particular interest to Rick, not just as he hasn't previously been able to justify the trip, but because there are a couple of Cornish-themed layouts. 

And some bloke has knocked up a a layout based on an Oxfordshire town, too.   ;)  So, he'll have to attend. 

Whether GDB can be prevailed upon to do a practical model making demo may depend on the availability of St.John's volunteers.  

I may even give a Lepidoptera demo by opening my wallet.  

Andy He did mutter to me about going on Saturday I'm waiting for him to confirm   :scratchhead: , I will be there I need some tools and bits and I have many tokens to spend. :senile:


It may need a bit more than that. I suggest that the venue be moved to the nearest A&E department.

Chertsey Hospital is 10 minutes up the road so things should be OK  :mosking:

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Gold

Diaries out everyone.    9/10th September. 

Well, everyone who is within a reasonable distance of Woking. 

I suspect this may be of particular interest to Rick, not just as he hasn't previously been able to justify the trip, but because there are a couple of Cornish-themed layouts. 

And some bloke has knocked up a a layout based on an Oxfordshire town, too.   ;)  So, he'll have to attend. 

Whether GDB can be prevailed upon to do a practical model making demo may depend on the availability of St.John's volunteers.  

I may even give a Lepidoptera demo by opening my wallet.  


Serious clash here with THE major exhibition of that weekend (which comes complete with beer & burgers - and cider), and includes layouts I haven't already seen ( although there are some rather good ones on the Woking list).




Anyway we duly shopped and braved the Tilehurst branch of Waitrose which at least offers far more chance of a parking space than here plus a better choice of goods, various.  The pestival arrivers were out in force and presenting two serious traffic hazards for those motorists using various roads in the area but particularly the one past the site of the weekend's entertainment.  The least serious of these was the idiots walking in the road or darting across it in front of vehicles.  However far more dangerous, particularly for  male drivers, were many of the female attendees whose mode of dress this year includes shorts so short that there was little need for imagination - 'cheeky' hardly came into it in several cases.

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There is absolutely no chance of m wading through a weeks worth of ER's to catch up, so universal greetings, congratulations and commiserations are sent as appropriate.


I have spent the time at Blackwell helping to set up Shropshire Guides camp and then run their shooting activity.


The range we set up was on a site very close to the Lickey incline, and it was interesting to listen to the various types of trains attacking the infamous bank.


Voyagers and the seemingly ubiquitous Class 66 make short work of the climb, but the Turbo stars which have to stop at Bromsgrove  are rather sluggish going up the hill.


Having seen one struggling up, followed shortly by another descending and slowing for the Bromsgrove stop we convinced one young lady that it was the same train that had not made the summit, so was rolling back down to have another go.

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For avoidance of any doubt whatsoever I will be at Swindon on the Sunday and intend to go to Woking on Saturday. Management has been informed and will actually be with me on Sunday.

The only demo I may be doing is showing how to to persuade aforesaid management that I really do need more locos and rolling stock. As I will have a willing partner in crime assisting me (Prisoner no 81C) this should be accomplished without too much trouble.  :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Diaries out everyone. 9/10th September.

Well, everyone who is within a reasonable distance of Woking.

I suspect this may be of particular interest to Rick, not just as he hasn't previously been able to justify the trip, but because there are a couple of Cornish-themed layouts.

And some bloke has knocked up a a layout based on an Oxfordshire town, too. ;) So, he'll have to attend.

Whether GDB can be prevailed upon to do a practical model making demo may depend on the availability of St.John's volunteers.

I may even give a Lepidoptera demo by opening my wallet.


Damn...there was me hoping to do he other show!!


Yes we will be at Woking with Banbury, our first show with this layout since Scousepool back in April, so I will need to blow the cobwebs off.


We are on our way to Exeter and was hoping to visit the Exeter Brewery which opens every Thursday and last Friday of the month ....except not tonight as my brother phoned up to check the food situation. He's also no feelings no too good do just us once we get down there which is fine as here is a micropub near Central station that we want to try.


Looking forward to tomorrow aswell.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

 Serious clash here with THE major exhibition of that weekend (which comes complete with beer & burgers - and cider), and includes layouts I haven't already seen ( although there are some rather good ones on the Woking list).




Anyway we duly shopped and braved the Tilehurst branch of Waitrose which at least offers far more chance of a parking space than here plus a better choice of goods, various.  The pestival arrivers were out in force and presenting two serious traffic hazards for those motorists using various roads in the area but particularly the one past the site of the weekend's entertainment.  The least serious of these was the idiots walking in the road or darting across it in front of vehicles.  However far more dangerous, particularly for  male drivers, were many of the female attendees whose mode of dress this year includes shorts so short that there was little need for imagination - 'cheeky' hardly came into it in several cases.

Eyes like organ eh Mike.   :crazy:       :jester:


Edit smilies

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House guest duly installed, fed and watered, after suffering a Voyager from Euston via Birmingham, though as she lives on a branch which has some of the worst EMUs on the planet it was far better than her daily commute.  For me, I really wouldn't enjoy that much, and I do feel for those travelling from London to Edinburgh on this mobile torture machine.

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Mrs NB away at Guide camp for three nights with about 2000 guides!

Junior NB on her last night at Uni celebrating the end of the course with her mates.


So I'm home alone and not at work tomorrow.


It's beer o'clock, modelling o'clock, slouching around the house o'clock, watching my choice of TV channel o'clock all at the same time.


I could get used to this........


A late tee off for golf followed by the first hockey game of the season tomorrow  - a friendly challenge match against Solihull. Junior will be collected from the railway station next to the ice arena. I have instructions to take her team shirt.


Have a good evening folks.





Away game Sunday, but will be working.

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An excellent walk across to Pecorama where several modelling tokens were spent. I then decided to walk to Seaton before returning. The only down side was the temperature but at least I didn't get sun burnt.


I was going to post earlier but I was distracted by a RFA vessel in Lyme Bay. I worked out that it was there as a safety vessel for the Red Arrows display over Sidmouth. I'll have to check my photos later to see if there's anything decent to post.


AndyB - The Saturday is now in my diary. Quite a few layouts that I've been waiting to see.


A little bit of modelling tonight.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Looks to be RFA Tidespring Diuncan - but the AIS is turned off so I can't be certain (I don't think the second one has been delivered yet so it probably was Tidespring).


House guest duly installed, fed and watered, after suffering a Voyager from Euston via Birmingham, though as she lives on a branch which has some of the worst EMUs on the planet it was far better than her daily commute.  For me, I really wouldn't enjoy that much, and I do feel for those travelling from London to Edinburgh on this mobile torture machine.


Having done that trip in a Voyager the lady has my deepest sympathy (however going south on one was even worse - such trains do not appear to agree with some parts of WCML track when going full belt).


And g'night all.

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Good morning one and all


Thanks for the many good wishes yesterday!  Sister Syringe duly administered the potion and volunteered the info that I wanted to know, which is that the Prof is not unduly worried and it all seems to be under control.   I am due to see her again in November and his profship in December.  Until then I must instead worry about other things, such as the b*ll*ck*ng to come from Sister Diabetes at the next clinic.  Nothing but my transformation to a skeleton will satisfy her and with the best will in the world that is not going to happen.  I reckon she is behind the recent decision of the Borough Council to bring the validity of the bus pass into line with the rest of England.  This means that if I want to nip into town first thing in the morning, say to argue with the bank again or to buy sumptuous chutney or marmalade from the WI stall on the market, I must either walk or pay £1 to use the bus before 9.30 am.  Bite the bullet, Chris: the walk is good for you.  Not so sure about chewing bullets though.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery.  Today I also think of a fellow RMwebber, not an ER but a good egg for all that, in his hour of grief.



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Morning from opposite Exeter St Davids station.

Out train arrived ten lat last night which gave us only ten minutes to check into the hotel and catch the train up the hill to a central. However due to me trying to check in online to save time,, the check in failed. When we arrived at the Premier Inn the machine couldn't check us in but last clip you the desk was manned but even the girl couldn't check us in no doubt due to the online non check in messing up the whole thing. By the time they worked out how to rectify it we had missed the train so it was a £5 taxi to the bar at Central station to save VDT.

A great little bar serving Fat Pig Brewery beers. Then it was on past the cathedral where the hotel is now being rebuilt after the fire, then into Beer Cellar where we had a rather expensive but superb strong beer.

Today, after breakfast in the Imperial we head to Totnes and the South Devon Railway.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky, sunshine and another fine day is forecast.

Today will see a mixture of gardening, muddling and watching some cricket. The muddling may be delayed as I'm waiting for a small parcel containing materials to assist with completing the bodging  building of my platforms.

There is movement upstairs which means that the lady of the house is no doubt plotting something to mess up my carefully laid plans.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a sunny village.   Yesterday went well and much of the layout ended u at church ready for putting it up on Sunday.   This morning I'm just about to go out and help sort things out at church after we had all the chairs and carpets cleaned.  The person who planned this exercise hadn't thought about who was going to put everything back before Sunday.  After that two trips to the clubrooms to get the last parts of the layout and no doubt my other half will have  a list of tasks that I may or may not hear properly.  I'll try and watch a bit of a Veulta and also keep an eye on what's happening in the test before watching the women's rugby this evening.  I must say that I have enjoyed watching the women's rugby, no tittering on the back row please, the games have been played with a pace and skill that the men's game could do well to emulate.


Chrisf  I'm glad that you had good news yesterday, long may it continue.


Regards to all.

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