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  • RMweb Gold

I took our 8 year old Kia Rio into the nearest tyre and exhaust centre for a new exhaust. It's not an uncommon car, it's been around for over 10 years. No chance, there are no aftermarket exhausts made... So Tuesday I'll have to go to the main dealers... This is going to be expensive....

Have you tried your local car factors store, most exhaust  systems are easy to fit just make sure you have new clamps & fittings & a set of car ramps.

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A trip to Seaton for a fodder run so I don't have to venture onto the country lanes and roads over the Bank Holiday followed by a walk over the cliffs to Sidmouth and back.


Although it threatened to rain it fortunately held off.


A relaxing evening tackling a small kit is planned.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

A trip to Seaton for a fodder run so I don't have to venture onto the country lanes and roads over the Bank Holiday followed by a walk over the cliffs to Sidmouth and back.


Although it threatened to rain it fortunately held off.


A relaxing evening tackling a small kit is planned.


Back later.

You can fly ?          :jester:

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A trip to Seaton for a fodder run so I don't have to venture onto the country lanes and roads over the Bank Holiday followed by a walk over the cliffs to Sidmouth and back.


Be very, very careful of those cliffs!  Huge chunks of them are liable to fall into the sea or on to the beach without warning.  Many years ago now one of the performers at Sidmouth folk festival organised daily runs along the cliffs.  I'm not sure he would be allowed to do it now.



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  • RMweb Gold

Just putting the finishing touches to my plan to get to Switzerland this December. Meeting tomorrow to discuss!

Excellent. Glad you are able ot get there this time.


Been thinking of our possible xmas trip but in the other direction.

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Just putting the finishing touches to my plan to get to Switzerland this December. Meeting tomorrow to discuss!


Aspects of this year's tour did not impress me and I have opted for some tailor-making.  I gather I am not the only one.



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  • RMweb Premium

Have you tried your local car factors store, most exhaust  systems are easy to fit just make sure you have new clamps & fittings & a set of car ramps.

Our local exhaust place is an independent, he phoned round all the motor factors for me. No one makes a after market exhaust. You have to go to the main dealers.


The nearest custom exhaust maker is about 60 miles away, custom exhausts are unusual in the UK, so custom exhaust makers concentrate on stainless or race exhausts. Which to a little family runaround would probably cost more than the main stealers.

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Late again but with good excuse....


Finally got around to 'trimming' the extra leylandii hedge on the end of Castle Bob. The hedge was planted some 34 years ago when we arrived back in Lonelyshire and allowed to grow some 8ft high. Unfortunately our man who cuts them each year could only reach about 4ft across the top and so we ended up with a somewhat taller forest behind the hedge. Although on good terms with the man who rents the field beyond, he has various animals, horses, geese, turkeys, goats and feral cats in residence from time-to-time so is not keen on me going round the back. 


Feeling energetic, I ascended the ladder and began the task of reducing the 'extra' hedge to about 8 ft high; two days on I am about halfway across the 'project' or three car loads to the tip recycling centre if you prefer !  Happily it was an excuse to buy a new extending pair of anvil-type loppers from that Amazing website !!


Tomorrow I shall steam clean the kitchen floor tiles as usual before returning to the 'forest'.  This being BH weekend, we shall be in residence watching the traffic hurtle through on the 30 mph expressway outside......


Oh, Darling Daughter was so pleased with my efforts on her decking project, she now wants some more doing.....groan.....gnashing of few remaining teeth, etc.,etc..


Goodnight to all !!

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Finally got around to 'trimming' the extra leylandii hedge on the end of Castle Bob. The hedge was planted some 34 years ago when we arrived back in Lonelyshire and allowed to grow some 8ft high. Unfortunately our man who cuts them each year could only reach about 4ft across the top and so we ended up with a somewhat taller forest behind the hedge. Although on good terms with the man who rents the field beyond, he has various animals, horses, geese, turkeys, goats and feral cats in residence from time-to-time so is not keen on me going round the back. 


Feeling energetic, I ascended the ladder and began the task of reducing the 'extra' hedge to about 8 ft high; two days on I am about halfway across the 'project' or three car loads to the tip recycling centre if you prefer !  Happily it was an excuse to buy a new extending pair of anvil-type loppers from that Amazing website !!




A joint Autumn project for me and the guy next door - reduce to about 4 feet (we think!) the cypress hedge between our front yards. It really got away about 15 years ago, and all we've done since then is trim a couple of feet off the top every year. But last winter's heavy snows made a real mess of it so, once the birds have fledged from the several nests in it, drastic measures will be taken.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all


I've had an easy afternoon, just tinkering with bits in the cellar. After tea it was decreed that WE needed to go to the Trafford Centre! Anyway it really WAS only a flying visit, we were there less than 60 minutes, which is quite good really.


Earlier today, I noticed that those lovely people at the HMRC have very kindly given me back the tax I'd my paid, now, what can I spend that on I wonder? I'm sure I'll find something!


GDB. More great news of Steve's continuing improvement.


Goodnight all

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Meanwhile, back in Ballyfermot:


BIJkBToCUAAA76P.jpg hbm-dublin-thing-nv.png


That reminds me of another district that used to be almost as dodgy. Ballymun. Now that was proper Northside. Before the developers moved in and regenerated it made the place more expensive, Ballymun was so grim that filmmakers used parts of it to represent Derry's Divis Flats in the film Bloody Sunday.

Edited by Horsetan
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Be very, very careful of those cliffs!  Huge chunks of them are liable to fall into the sea or on to the beach without warning.  Many years ago now one of the performers at Sidmouth folk festival organised daily runs along the cliffs.  I'm not sure he would be allowed to do it now.



Fortunately I know these cliffs very well. I've been walking them for the last 30+ years when I've been down here and know how unstable they are.

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Just had some great news that our friend Steve has been moved back to our local hospital from St. Thomas' and should be out of high dependency and on a normal ward soon. He is eating and drinking OK and has managed to walk a few steps, albeit with some help.  :yes:   :imsohappy:

I've just got myself a glass of cognac to drink his health.  :drinks:

Excellent news. I hope that the return home is fairly quick.

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  • RMweb Premium

' Evening all from red dragon land...


and red dragon land means Sheeeeeeeeeep...

and Sheeeeeeeeeep means...Keep your plants out of their way.


This morning, while doing the bins, I discovered two of my recently TLC'd plants (potted and composted), which were recovering quite well, had been chomped back to ground level!  There were two sheep down the drive yesterday!  So odds on they are the culprits. One of the plants is my sole surviving Heuchara "Blackbird" which has been struggling for years - now I know why -  Sheeeeeeeeeep.  The other is from Crug Farm near Caernarfon and I think it is an Aruncus, bought so long ago, I really am guessing but the name sounds familiar!


While I am on gardening.  Has anyone had a go at digging up bamboo?  Mine has spread out far enough, thank you!


On that hopeful note, night all and nos da.


Edit typo!

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' Evening all from red dragon land...


and red dragon land means Sheeeeeeeeeep...

and Sheeeeeeeeeep means...Keep your plants out of their way.


This morning, while doing the bins, I discovered two of my recently TLC'd plants (potted and composted), which were recovering quite well, had been chomped back to ground level!  There were two sheep down the drive yesterday!  So odds on they are the cuprits. One of the plants is my sole surviving Heuchara "Blackbird" which has been struggling for years - now I know why -  Sheeeeeeeeeep.  The other is from Crug Farm near Caernarfon and I think it is an Aruncus, bought so long ago, I really am guessing but the name sounds familiar!


While I am on gardening.  Has anyone had a go at digging up bamboo?  Mine has spread out far enough, thank you!


On that hopeful note, night all and nos da.


Count yourself lucky it's sheep and not deer. The ones round here can easily clear a five foot fence.


Major panic here yesterday evening. Mr Torridon (the Cairn terrier) "done a runner". Our son hadn't secured a gate properly and Torri, being the resourceful chap that he is, figured out how to squeeze through it. Fortunately Shona didn't follow him. (If anything happens to her while Lorna is away I'm toast.)


Shona and I went hunting for him and sure enough, he was down at the lake. He took advantage of the opportunity to go for a swim.



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  • RMweb Premium

Today was seeing the Met Opera's production of Macbeth at the cinema. (We were at the original broadcast 3 years ago.) 5 in the audience and our friends had to leave in the middle. The witches chorus still makes me think of Monty Python doing The Battley Women's Guild presents the Battle of Hastings.

Storm the other day struck one of our church steeples. Fire started but couldn't be attacked until the weathervane on top fell off. 


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Good morning one and all


I need to get my skates on today, for this morning I am to have my regular injection.  It gives me hot flushes but with any luck is keeping the big C at bay.  If I am brave enough, I might ask the nurse what Professor Oncologist told my GP after my last visit.  That gives me a couple of hours to decide whether or not I want to know!  Then, after the fodder run, will come the ironing that I have been putting off all week.  Oh joy.


Best wishes and felicitations to all in distress and recovery.  This should include today those valiant teenagers who have come through the GCSE ordeal. 



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