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  • RMweb Premium

My vision would be blinded by the sun every Morning at this time of year, But since there are few around when I travel in, sunvisor down, carry on...


My day, is almost over all work completed and up to date, In 5 minutes I head for home not to come back Till Tuesday ....Yippeee.


Off to a big orange shed to pick up more supplies for the looong weekends work...

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  • RMweb Premium


The one thing I've never quite understood about German outline models is why they still resort to having the motor powering the tender. Given that most real-life Einheits- tenders were on a double-bogie arrangement, this means the model becomes a rigid 8-wheel vehicle. Even Roco still does this, albeit with a cardan shaft now going into the cab to provide an extra drive to the engine's trailing axle.

Its like that because everyone knows that German Engineering is best... apart from some of us who have had to try and sort it out when it doesn't work.......



Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold


Today, tragedy struck on the drive in, the horror, the humanity.....................................the BLOODY SUN was out and rising in the east. :jester:

I was about 5 minutes later than I'd hoped and caught the full effect of the entire commuter base heading east and not knowing what was happening. Speeds on the freeway reduced to about 25mph with light traffic, sustained 65mph entirely possible if the drivers weren't mesmerized by the big glowing orb, and had planned appropriately - sun glasses maybe??? sun visors possibly??? Nah, let's look STRAIGHT into it and wonder why we can't manage to drive or see a sodding thing <sigh>



There's never an eclipse around when you need one.

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  • RMweb Premium

See also the tendency to put oval crankpin holes in coupling rods.

that's to do with a lack of precision in setting up said crankpin holes...




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A married couple dropped in at midday in the hope of having their Wills done. It turned out that they live mostly in Dubai and are going back there on Saturday. After a bit of gentle probing, it also turned out that there were quite a lot of things they hadn't thought about, such as what happens if their first-choice Executor drops dead or doesn't want to do the job, so they've gone off to have another think.


I always get a bit nervous when people think they can have a Will run up the same day; unless they have virtually nothing to leave behind, it generally suggests that they've missed out a few things. What's the betting that these Wills won't be ready on Friday morning?


Think I'll leave the office a bit early. Finding it difficult to prop up my eyelids, and the constant rounds of tea aren't helping. Neither are the thoughts of the cost of Weinert castings.

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  • RMweb Gold

HUMP arrives...


AWOL yesterday, various tasks to take care of including more for the "new" house. Yesterday was the Home Inspection, so we went over first thing to walk thorough with the inspector. Lots of minor items but nothing of substance.

Tons of "paperwork" to find/present/file, but since the last time we bought a house was over 10 years ago, it's all changed dramatically. Everything done 100% online, including to date, every "signature". You approve an electronic signature and swear under pain of death/forfeit of first born etc., that the electronic one is as valid as a real one. We do have to "actually sign"e something along the way here, now referred to as a "wet signature"!  :O


Eclipse notes:

 Didn't really take anything in the way of pictures except these two...


First up, "Iron Horse Park", site of the original Lincoln Station. Large, now preserved building home to offices and antique stores. Replaced by a VERY pedestrian Amtrak modern facility about 500yds away.



Next - suitably equipped with the regulation glasses, eclipse in full swing.



Various sources recommended just experiencing the event, rather than trying to take pictures and probably missing it and getting marginal pictures into the bargain, so that's pretty much what we did.

Certainly a unique experience and we're hoping to make a trek to see the next one in 2024 as a result.

Quite eerie for the brief time (about 1min 30 sec where we were) that it's totally obscured. One of those things that can't really be described, as any attempt at descriptions make it seem rather mundane, something it certainly isn't.


Today, tragedy struck on the drive in, the horror, the humanity.....................................the BLOODY SUN was out and rising in the east. :jester:

I was about 5 minutes later than I'd hoped and caught the full effect of the entire commuter base heading east and not knowing what was happening. Speeds on the freeway reduced to about 25mph with light traffic, sustained 65mph entirely possible if the drivers weren't mesmerized by the big glowing orb, and had planned appropriately - sun glasses maybe??? sun visors possibly??? Nah, let's look STRAIGHT into it and wonder why we can't manage to drive or see a sodding thing <sigh>


OK, on with work.


Over the HUMP and towards the end of the week with you all.


EDIT: Whoops, forgot the weather report - 14 and sunny driving in, expecting 23 for a high and sunny to partly cloudy all day.

Like the T shirt. I had them playing in the car to and from the doctors this morning

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....an Irish SIM card but I suspect he just went into a Tesco for that.

Code beginning +353 87?


.... There are plenty of shopping opportunities for him where he is living. He is in a place called Castleknock.....

There'll likely be a SuperValu, Centra, Lidl or Aldi nearby.

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  • RMweb Gold

Code beginning +353 87?


There'll likely be a SuperValu, Centra, Lidl or Aldi nearby.



I believe Matthew may have mentioned some of those stores during his phonecall. He also mentioned he had noticed there was a Lithuanian store so he was hopeful of obtaining some things he likes. He seemed quite pleased that the house he has moved in to has a proper kitchen.


Edited by Tony_S
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My trip into Exeter was to replace my daysack. I was intending to walk across the cliffs to Beer and possibly Pecorama but my original daysack had a catastrophic failure. Maybe I should complain to the manufacturer as it has only survived 25 years of virtual daily use.


Many cockwomble drivers were encountered mostly on the country lanes. They mainly fell into 4 categories. Driving way too fast, not knowing the width of their car, not being able to reverse and not understanding who has right of way according to the highway code.


A relaxing evening in front of the idiot box planned.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think there may have been a Mr Magoo driving convention locally today. Never seen so many people in the wrong lane on roundabouts in one journey as I have today.

Since retiring, that is something that I definitely don't miss.

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Ah, that means they've had to lay on some extra numbers since I was there. Back then it was +353 86 for contract mobiles, +353 87 for PAYG. Main providers were Eircom, Eircell (I think), Cellnet and Vodafone...and that was all. I usually went with Eircell Ready-To-Go, because they were cheap. However, all PAYG numbers were time-limited in the sense that inactivity for, say, three months would lead to the number expiring, and there was no way of keeping it topped up once you left Ireland.


I still have the Nokia 3310 handset from my last use of Vodafone Ireland.

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+353 89

Tesco Mobile?


In the distant past we had 088: Eircell , 087: eircell new system, later Vodafone, 086: ESAT, later O2, 083: Meteor, now 3

089 and others, virtual providers, piggybacking on other networks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tesco Mobile?

In the distant past we had 088: Eircell , 087: eircell new system, later Vodafone, 086: ESAT, later O2, 083: Meteor, now 3

089 and others, virtual providers, piggybacking on other networks.

It could well be. The one he had while in Cork was +353 87...

There is a Tesco store near where he is living. Once he has Irish bank account he might investigate a contract and a new phone.


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