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  • RMweb Premium

The A/C has just burst into life all on it's own, it's like an Ice cube in here, as it over compensates for the previous high temperatures.


 Well I am trying to write a programme for a temperature meter accurate to 0.6parts in a million...

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Thanks for all the birthday wishes, so far it's been very quiet, but then again, all the grandkids are away on holiday. I was treated to breakfast in bed today, a nice start to any day!


Not much planned for the rest of the day.


Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs BR and also happy birthday to Mrs BR. 

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  • RMweb Gold

My task today is to be at Southend Airport tonight to meet Matthew. The flight from Amsterdam is one of the last planes in and the airport is not exactly teeming with people at that time. Matthew won't be home long as he is flying to Dublin on Tuesday. He will be looking for somewhere to live in the Maynooth area.



If you hold up a card with his name on it will make it easier for him to find his lift.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Congratulations BR and Mrs. BR on your anniversary and Mrs. BR's birthday and to Abbie on her exam results. I left school with four 'O' levels and throughout my working life I was never asked for proof, just as well really as I never actually received the physical certificates as I changed address shortly after leaving school and the school sent them to the old address despite being informed of the change.


I thought the funniest one was the lost false teeth.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky & sunshine at the moment but rain expected later.


Today we're all off to Bognor to see Nicki's MiL ie the kid's other Nan.

Have a great day,



I can guess the words said by GDB in conversation with his dear wife on the way to Bognor today it will go something like this.  "yes dear"   "yes dear"   "yes dear"  " yes dear"   "yes dear"  "if I must"  "yes dear"  :spiteful:




edit Sucking Fell qecker

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Gold

If you hold up a card with his name on it will make it easier for him to find his lift.

He will probably be the last one out and everyone else's lift will have been long gone. He has checked luggage to collect and comes out with a medium rucksack, a huge rucksack and a wheeled suitcase. I think he is loo,ing forward to being in Maynooth for a few years instead of carting his possessions around at the end of each year.

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.....I think he is looking forward to being in Maynooth for a few years....


Maynooth is very convenient. Interesting architecture nearby too, including Castletown House and Connolly's Folly. I used to hack round the grounds there in the years before they widened the M4 motorway.

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon.  Old farts bike club has been, er, clubbed.  Many bikes there is it is back to being sunny in the grim north.


Congrats to Neil BR on 33 years - as it is also our 33 years gone March, it must be in the name.


Chores to do.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all and after a heavy rain shower at 05:00 it's now sunny.


Congrats to the birthday folk and particular congratulations for Mrs & Mrs BR. 


We're now half way through the school holiday and tomorrow I'll be picking the littleuns up from their gran's. The house will return to it's usual noisy self thereafter. Thankfully.


Following our trip to north of the border various reservation platforms have been seeking reviews of the hotels we stayed in.

One in particular, naming no names but it begins with Exp... totally ba$$sed up our hotel reservation, their IT system having allowed a double booking. An email was sent by them cancelling our reservation in plenty of time, allowing us to make a booking though a different agent in a different town... HOWEVER, ever since then they've been emailing reminding us about our trip, asking for feedback about the hotel, etc etc etc.


So. I wrote a review as requested. "Hotel lovely from what we saw, although we never stayed there....the booking platform on which you are reading this review is a pile of $h1te and we cannot urge the reader strongly enough to book in any other way possible." 


I'm not sure they'll publish it. But it might make them stop friggin' emailing me every other day. Actually they seem so useless that they may actually publish what I wrote! Think I'll go and check.....


Have a nice day everyone.

Whilst we have not had any problems with Exp.... we started using other hotels booking companies where we didn't have to pay upfront by the time some hotels were telling us of woes with Exp.... cancelling bookings without telling anyone, so we haven't used them since although no issues with flights booked through them so far.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternnon all,


Congratulations and birthday greetings to Brian and Mrs BR, congratulations on achieving 33 years to Mr & Mrs BR.


My day started with a visit to the good Count's daughter whereat I was duly relieved of 4 phials of the stuff so no doubt he'll be happy for a day or so.  Thence a visit to Tesco and far easier to get onto the main road due to a set of temporary 3 way traffic lights - big queues on in the main road, traffic definitely flowing more easily than normal for those of us joining it.  Rather amusingly Tesco's car park was suffering an invasion of camper vans - probably getting in supplies ready to sit in the queue for the temporary traffic lights.


And a slight error in the weather forecast as the heavy rain forecast for 13.00 arrived 25 minutes early although the thunder and lightning was only 10 minutes early.   Nothing else to report, tomorrow Mrs Stationmaster is off to the Royal Academy in the company of a friend over from Canada so I'll be self-catering (i.e. eating out unless I buy another 250grams of mushrooms for lunch again) but she'll no doubt have a nice day.  It's a bit over 50 years since my one & only visit to the RA and on that occasion I actually went there to see a picture that I had painted (in the National Exhibition of Children's Art) however I suppose I can legitimately claim to have been 'hung' in the Royal Academy  :O  :jester:


Enjoy the rest of your day one and all, especially that couple now able to step out together in the hospital at Nottingham (= good news of John's progress from Debs for those of you not on Farcebook and I hope she won't mind it being passed on to other ERs).

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  • RMweb Premium

Whilst we have not had any problems with Exp.... we started using other hotels booking companies where we didn't have to pay upfront by the time some hotels were telling us of woes with Exp.... cancelling pings without telling anyone, so we haven't used them since although no issues with flights booked through them so far.


I'm till grappling with the vision of another hotel we booked on the trip. Reading some of the reviews I clearly inhabit a parallel universe and can't begin to understand where these other folk stayed. 


Lovely website photos. Genuinely buying them from Shuterstock must have cost an arm and a leg; possibly cheaper to actually renovate the hotel with furniture and fittings. But hey, when you can salvage furniture that has been fly tipped out of the back of a speeding Transit van, why go to the trouble? 


And in my wildest dreams I didn't dare hope to walk in on a bar hosting an Elvis tribute competition at 3 in the afternoon.

Boring old me had booked a quiet country inn and was looking forward to a meal with swmbo and the kids.

But this looked much more lively. And a packet or two of scampi fries are always a respectable alternative to bistro food. 


For once being instantly attacked by massed ranks of Culicoides impuncatatus the moment you open the car door and your eyelids swelling up like golf balls was a blessing - I don't think with normal vision I could have coped with the reality all in one go.   :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

A thundery shower has just passed; I was observing it onhttps://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#y=51.0245;x=-1.3038;z=9;t=3;m=sat;r=0;s=0;o=0;b=0.00;n=0;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;. It seems to be the southern end of the one that Mile had at Reading. The rain has eased up fortunately as Martyn and I are about to take several heavy bags to a charity shop by bus.


Happy birthday to Brian and Mrs BR and congratulations to Mr & Mrs BR. Good news from Debs as well.


Have a good POETS day.



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I'm just crossing Spain off my list of future holiday destinations, along with France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Greece....


At this rate, only Hungary and Poland will be safe enough to risk a visit.

Looks like you forgot to include the US in your list - I LIVE here and am thinking of crossing it off my holiday destinations :O  :jester:


Best wishes to Brian

and a Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs Black Rat, and birthday greetings also to Mrs BR.




Finally, POETS has arrived, none too soon for me this week <sigh>


As of last night haven't heard anything on our house offer, we think it may not have been presented yet, the sellers probably unavailable, who knows? Generally, over here at least, you pretty much hear immediately once the offer is presented, either accepted, rejected or counter offer. Expect we'll here something today as they do have an Open House scheduled for this weekend and those are generally cancelled once an offer is accepted with a sale pending.


With the Mrs at one of her book clubs last night, spent the evening reviewing "stupidity" in many forms with my travelling mate.

Think I had one too many G&Ts as I didn't sleep well and feel ready to call it a day already after having been up only a couple of hours :(


Today, plan to take work easy, POE. relax and get a nap or some sleep before bed time :)


15 and dreary/overcast this morning expecting 25 (got it RIGHT this time!!!) for a high with clouds and showers all day by most accounts.


POE and enjoy yourselves...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Happy Birthday Brian and Mrs BR and happy anniversary to BR and said Mrs as well. 


And of couse the usual generic greetings are sent to everybody else.


Unexpected trip to town today, via bank at the University as ours remains closed and will be for the rest of the year.  But now another trip is indicated, as I was going to buy a chainsaw (I will endeavour not to emulate GDB), and I priced it a couple of days ago at a well known catalogue warehouse, to find that it will from tomorrow be on offer at 25% off, so I'll be getting it after the fodder run.


Back tomorrow.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Does anyone know what has become of OD and his good lady-wife, who both seem to be late of ERs? They seem to have vanished beyond our ken?

They are both posting up in the layout section ANTB :friends:

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  • RMweb Gold

Ireland? :no:  I think you have dealings with the place... :no:

Don't know about Horsetan, but there are certain members of this community who probably would;


a.   Not wish to go back there, after the reception they received in days of yore.


b.   Would not be welcomed with open arms if they did have the nerve to turn up.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't know about Horsetan, but there are certain members of this community who probably would;


a.   Not wish to go back there, after the reception they received in days of yore.


b.   Would not be welcomed with open arms if they did have the nerve to turn up.

Well, there is always Essex.
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  • RMweb Gold

They are both posting up in the layout section ANTB :friends:

I may have posted a couple of times in my own layout sections in days gone by, probably on previous versions of RMweb! I realised I wasn't adding to the genre or even being interesting so I didnt continue. I will sometimes post on a dcc topic if I know the answer, and unlike some "experts" have read the question.


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