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  • RMweb Premium

Good to hear nobody was injured but I'm pretty sure this will affect train services in the South East.

Its only one stop from Southend Victoria but the line is right next to the runway, a couple of aircraft have overshot and ended up on the railway.

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Afternoon all. Well - like Peter BB's recounted experience of the Churnet Valley Railway, I have had a slightly similar one today. Sarah set off for her latest Avon recruitment day, and Amber and I hit the road for the CVR. The first stop was at the local Asda for money. As the ATM's around there are known to suffer from cloning on regular occasions, I opted to buy a paper and get cashback. The automated till decided not to give me the money. That resulted in a frustrating wait whilst the supervising member of staff tried in vain to fix the machine, before admitting defeat and getting the cash from the Customer Services desk. Then we hit a couple of roadwork delays before getting stuck behind numerous tractors, horse boxes and lorries. The result was, despite leaving the house 90 minutes before the 11.55 train from Froghall, we were still a few minutes away come departure time. Faced with a long wait for the next train we cut our losses and went to the Peak Wildlife Park instead. The day proved to be enjoyable and quite relaxing. Whether I will make the Churnet Valley before the end of the summer remains to be seen, but I will get another steam fix tomorrow as I am working as a TTI on the Great Central.

 Tonight I am hoping to get over to the model club - but that may depend on how quickly Amber goes to sleep - Sarah is exhausted after her busy day so I think I will be doing the bed time job tonight.


Good wishes, congrats and commiserations to all as appropriate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back to the grim norf.  Sipping it down all afternoon, and blowing a hoolie.


Modelling mojo?  Mine went somewhere three or four years ago, and remains on tickover only.  Wish I knew why.


We must be in a different north. It was a lot less grim in the lower reaches of the Yorkshire Dales National Park today.


No tracklaying today, but flat pack cupboard building for showroom/shop storage space.


There may a trip to the shed later.


Have a good one folks.





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  • RMweb Gold

My modelling mojo dropped way off late last year, first itme in many years.

It's slowly returning but nothing like it ought to be. Need to plan a new layout but no space to do so till I clear some space. Was planning on selling or disposing of a few old layouts but they now have invites for this and next year.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Life got in the way?


Not really - it happened before I improved my life immeasurably by early retirement (I was the office manager of our young offenders team) and began working part time in the hobby.  Life is good, modelling mojo isn't.  I am a qualified driver at the Groudle Glen Railway, and enjoy that but modelling just doesn't get off the ground hardly. Did some weathering on a loco this weekend, That's the sum total for the month.  Why?????? Dunno.

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My modelling mojo has returned, helped by the recent completion of my Daughter's latest project - decking !!


Went to Optometrist recently for annual examination and he ruled me as 'borderline to drive' !  Shock, horror, I need to get cataracts removed from both eyes before my prescription can be reviewed.  


Luckily he referred me to the local Private Hospital for a free-of-charge operation through the NHS !!!  That's the same hospital where I generously get one injection every two months or so in one of my eight arthritic fingers - arthritis was my late Mother's gift to me :)  


I should get a t-shirt with the words 'Sponsored by the NHS' on the front !


Happy days ! Cleared the guttering today, cleaned the soffits and the guttering. Tomorrow's task is to remove the clump of 'grass' growing in the corner at the back of the carport where it meets the garage... yes, in the most inaccessible spot. Drain rods might do it !!

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  • RMweb Gold

Southend Airport's location near the railway was mentioned earlier.


The Google Map image shows it quite well.

At the other end there used to be traffic lights to stop traffic when jets were taking off that way. Eventually the road got moved.




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Modelling mojo......yup I get it.


With me it's wanting to portray a particular image in my mind but lacking the skills to do so.


That and far to much decorating than is really good for you!


Still on my own for a day or two and it's amazing what you can do when not distracted......

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  • RMweb Gold

The Guide camp is looming and on Monday the Obergrumpenfuher was loaned a tent that had been stored damp:  It stank.


We erected it on the lawh in the hope of airing it and diminishing the smell.


Fortunately it is for a demonstration of 'How we camped 50 years ago' so no one will have to sleep in the wretched thing.


That very evening it rained very heavily.


As we watched the skies fully open, the PH received a text from our next door neighbour.


'It's raining mate, do you want a tarpaulin to cover the tent to stop it getting wet?'


Reply: 'Ian, it's a tent!'


Also on Monday I received an email from my new Private Banking Manager, which was strange because my existing PBM, a very pleasant young lady, has only been in place a few months and she had not told me she was off to pastures new.


This evening I received an email from her on general banking matters so I have replied and requested that they sort out who wants to be my banking buddy.


Of course, I may get a reply back saying I now have a manager for each current account.


I can sympathise with NHN and his lack of modelling mojo.  I have certainly lost mine many times over the years and only recovered it after the latest bout of apathy when I finally bit the bullet and committed to modelling in 7mm scale.

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It's just as well Lorna went back to Scotland. Her mum does seem to be declining fairly rapidly now. She is no longer able to eat or drink. Lorna has done a fair bit of hospice nursing so she knows what to expect but it's never the same when it's one of your own.


Lorna is a lot stronger than I am. I'd be a complete basket case by now. (She was a trainee nurse at the Southern General in Govan at the time of the Ibrox Disaster in 1971.)


EDIT: Forgot to mention that Lorna said it rained in Renfrew - all day :)

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Premium

Southend Airport's location near the railway was mentioned earlier.


The Google Map image shows it quite well.

At the other end there used to be traffic lights to stop traffic when jets were taking off that way. Eventually the road got moved.




I went to the club tonight and the events at Southend Airport was discussed. Someone said that the control tower has the ability to put the railway signals to red and to cut off the OHLE in an emergency.

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I went to the club tonight and the events at Southend Airport was discussed. Someone said that the control tower has the ability to put the railway signals to red and to cut off the OHLE in an emergency.


Sarfend Airport's other claim to fame was that, some years ago, it was a favoured hub for Nigerian drug smugglers owing to lax security..... Is it still like that now?

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  • RMweb Premium

I went to the club tonight and the events at Southend Airport was discussed. Someone said that the control tower has the ability to put the railway signals to red and to cut off the OHLE in an emergency.


Gatwick tower has direct comms with Notwork Rail in order to stop all trains immediately when required.  Being third rail territory I doubt they have control of the power supplies. In many years of travel, some of it daily commuting and some of it just occasional, I have only once been held.  We were advised by platform PA that the train was being held "Until further notice owing to an aircraft emergency".  In due course something came in even lower than usual across the tracks and within minutes we were on our way.


I have stuff to do tomorrow.  Before which I require sleep.  Night all.  Sleep well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Modelling mojo, yeah, I know what you all mean. Mine has not disappeared altogether, but it's not as good as I'd like it to be. Life getting in the way I guess! I just seem to make a start on something, then another task that's more important appears and that brings it all to a halt! I'd hate to try and count all the half started projects I've got packed up in boxes!


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Modelling mojo?


Doing too many other things and getting distracted by others but I still mean to model. Anyway, there is one job I want to do on CQ but can I find the pack of the particular green stuff to do it?  :no:   Ah, well!



Cold, dark clouds and very windy this morning but we still went to West Shore - we had some visitors coming to run their own locos.  Guess what - different climate yet again!  Got home - it had been raining for an hour and got wetter and wetter with bright streaks of lightening and loud thunder not so long ago.


Now time to say: ' night all and nos da.

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  • RMweb Premium

Went off for little modelling bits today.

I'm putting together some manual point motors from Fast Tracks. They come with a single SPDT microswitch and a place to put a second one. I ent to the local electronics specialty store and found one (actually, about 3) that matched the size and the mounting holes. I turned it over and it was $12.50 apiece. The motor kit (including one switch) was $9.50 (a couple of them were 7.95).  Fast Tracks lists them in the $3 range -- will call tomorrow about postage.

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