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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


I was up fairly early and completed the Sainsbury's Grand Prix whilst Sheila busied herself with some domestic duties. The Grand Prix was completed and all the shopping put away by 10:30. It always seems to be a lot quicker (and cheaper) when I go on my own, I wonder why?


Sheila has just left for her hand massage (it's great for her arthritis), so whilst I've got the place to myself, I'll just made myself a mugatea and sit down and have a read of the MR for a while.


Back later.

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Visitors often complain how quiet this part of South Essex is. Even the diggers have finished digging and breaking up concrete now.

My task this morning is to take Robbie for a walk. Aditi no longer thinks I need to be accompanied so I must be better. Aditi wouod like to come but she is busy tidying up as her friend from French Circle is coming for lunch. She is just starting to get out and about after breaking her leg running for a bus in London. Aditi was thinking about inviting another friend but she isn't at all mobile. That friend fell off her horse. The horse then stood on her knee doing rather a lot of ligament damage. Since Aditi broke her arm at Christmas there only remains one uninjured member of the French Circle committee!

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Morning all.

Visitors often complain how quiet this part of South Essex is. Even the diggers have finished digging and breaking up concrete now.

My task this morning is to take Robbie for a walk. Aditi no longer thinks I need to be accompanied so I must be better. Aditi wouod like to come but she is busy tidying up as her friend from French Circle is coming for lunch. She is just starting to get out and about after breaking her leg running for a bus in London. Aditi was thinking about inviting another friend but she isn't at all mobile. That friend fell off her horse. The horse then stood on her knee doing rather a lot of ligament damage. Since Aditi broke her arm at Christmas there only remains one uninjured member of the French Circle committee!


Sounds like a damned dangerous organisation, Tony.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Rick I found out about the multi-clicking by accident one day while clicking 'Like' on a post and the 'hippy-hippy-shakes' duly attacked my clicking finger (correct medical term - essential tremors) and I scored 2 'Likes' instead of one.  What I can manage if I'm very quick is to get three clicks in but no more and the occasional two is either down to cussedness (aka stupidity) or the hippy-hippy-shakes although fortunately that mainly happens with my left hand rather than my right.  The latter is in fact just as well as on one occasion a few years back the right hand decided to have a go while I was in the process of soldering some wiring on a layout module, proved the old rule that it is not best practice to take the solder to the job on the tip of the iron :O


Sorry to hear about Chris' insurance increase - I reckon they'll just pile it on whatever chance they get and it's always worth trying to get a reduction.


Anyway the weather looks reasonable and I'll be off for chiropracting in an hour or so, we're out for nosh tonight with a couple of fellahs I was at school with and their wives one of whom recently got back onto the town council.


Have a good day one and all.

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Obviously not experts...


Funny you should say that, as a glance through the news recently suggests that there have been a spate of fatal accidents in the professional stuntspersons' community - the latest one being in Canada during the filming of a Deadpool film. These are the people who really do know what they're doing and normally these things don't make the news.


Some actors and actresses make it a point of principle to do their own stunts - Tom Cruise being a fairly notorious example - and it may well save money, but the risk factor might then increase.

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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe GDB could be invited to sit as Executive Chairman?

I think they are fine when sitting! The French Circle do seem to be quite an active bunch of people. Aditi is one of the younger persons, I suspect Bob would be too.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

More good news re friend Steve. Nicki & Steve visited yesterday and although he is still a bit dozy with all the drugs they're pumping into him there is a marked improvement. He is off dialysis and has even been up and taken three steps on his own. He can't remember much apart from going to the doctor in the first place. He has lost a lot of weight which to be honest he needed to anyway. They told Jane that he is lucky to be alive and his recovery will take a long time.

We are going into town tonight. Steve has booked a table at a pub next door to where he works. I am looking forward to the company so am now not such an MOG as I was earlier. Lets hope Thameslink don't put the mockers on it.

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Had the eye dilation retinal screening this morning. A bit bright at present. Focus is slowly returning.


This is the first thing I've typed since before, and it's a bit of a strain, so work's out for the mo.


Will modelling be affected? I know I'm having occasional difficulty focusing on close-up work, so am going for another eye test at local SpecSavers

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  • RMweb Premium

Personnally when I've had my dilation eye test each year, about an hour afterwards everything goes bright and fuzzy, for another two or three hours my eyes are totally useless for anything. Everything becomes too bright and all out of focus. All I can normally safely do is lie down and listen to the Tv/Radio /music.

Then my eyes slowly return to how they were before the test


 I'm required to have the test because I'm diabetic, Age and the diabetes has slowly meant instead of reading top to bottom of the chart with both eyes as I used to, I now can't read the bottom line now and the next up is fuzzy. For reading, having not needed glasses till I was 50, I've gradually moved up to +2 for both eyes over the last 10 years.

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Mrs Smith has several ways to attract my attention. using a cudgel & cutlass is not normally one of them. However......

My SWMBO has those that's why I toe the line. :this:

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Will modelling be affected? I know I'm having occasional difficulty focusing on close-up work, so am going for another eye test at local SpecSavers


It's OK now - took about six hours to get back to normal - but SWMBO disagrees that I'm ever normal.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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HUMP day, and I'm late checking in...

I refuse to explain further as it's simply more stupidity to deal with taking way too much useful time <yawn>


<modeling/trains alert>

Managed to unbox and run-in the air-smoothed "Holland-Afrika Line" MN last night - all comments are my PERSONAL experience only, your mileage may vary.


The BAD news - if you'd be expecting a Groany Wide Rumbleways Pannier tank you'd hate this model :O then again you probably need help anyway :)


The EXCELLENT news - if you're expecting an early BR/SR air-smoothed MN, with VERY acceptable sound, a colour that is as reasonable as I recall seeing (I saw LOTS of the Bulleids living on the Waterloo-Portsmouth mainline from my birth to the end of steam and spending many waking hours watching trains), you're onto a winner. I find the sounds more than good enough for my ear, very smooth running loco, like the fact the brake rodding is pre-installed, and generally well worth the money, FOR ME. The accessory pack looks great though I've not had time to install the added bits yet. Oh, I still can't seem to see the motion/chuff miss-match from 20 feet away, maybe I need new glasses or a telescope :jester:  I asked Bob what he though and he approved, then again he's seen and heard as many of these locos in daily service as probably half the folks complaining about the sound :onthequiet:

<end modeling/trains alert>


Very cockwomble free driving in today, a surprise since there was light rain at the time!


17 only and rain first thing, expecting 24 for the high but storms supposed to arrive mid-afternoon.


I'm off over the HUMP heading for the downside of the week, join me if you can...

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


My word, it is rather warm up in the loft/layout room, even with all of the windows open.

This modelling mojo to which people often refer does indeed come and go. I just wish mine wouldn't appear in the middle of the warmest spell we have had for a while but you know what they say, use it or lose it.

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Will modelling be affected? I know I'm having occasional difficulty focusing on close-up work, so am going for another eye test at local SpecSavers

It might just be your arms that are getting shorter. Happens to a lot of us as we get older. My optician told me I was presbyopic. I told him religion had nothing to do with it.

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  • RMweb Gold

HUMP day, and I'm late checking in...

I refuse to explain further as it's simply more stupidity to deal with taking way too much useful time <yawn>


<modeling/trains alert>

Managed to unbox and run-in the air-smoothed "Holland-Afrika Line" MN last night - all comments are my PERSONAL experience only, your mileage may vary.


The BAD news - if you'd be expecting a Groany Wide Rumbleways Pannier tank you'd hate this model :O then again you probably need help anyway :)


The EXCELLENT news - if you're expecting an early BR/SR air-smoothed MN, with VERY acceptable sound, a colour that is as reasonable as I recall seeing (I saw LOTS of the Bulleids living on the Waterloo-Portsmouth mainline from my birth to the end of steam and spending many waking hours watching trains), you're onto a winner. I find the sounds more than good enough for my ear, very smooth running loco, like the fact the brake rodding is pre-installed, and generally well worth the money, FOR ME. The accessory pack looks great though I've not had time to install the added bits yet. Oh, I still can't seem to see the motion/chuff miss-match from 20 feet away, maybe I need new glasses or a telescope :jester:  I asked Bob what he though and he approved, then again he's seen and heard as many of these locos in daily service as probably half the folks complaining about the sound :onthequiet:

<end modeling/trains alert>


Very cockwomble free driving in today, a surprise since there was light rain at the time!


17 only and rain first thing, expecting 24 for the high but storms supposed to arrive mid-afternoon.


I'm off over the HUMP heading for the downside of the week, join me if you can...

You must be suffering from SAD's then Ian.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

HUMP day, and I'm late checking in...

I refuse to explain further as it's simply more stupidity to deal with taking way too much useful time <yawn>


<modeling/trains alert>

Managed to unbox and run-in the air-smoothed "Holland-Afrika Line" MN last night - all comments are my PERSONAL experience only, your mileage may vary.


The BAD news - if you'd be expecting a Groany Wide Rumbleways Pannier tank you'd hate this model :O then again you probably need help anyway :)


The EXCELLENT news - if you're expecting an early BR/SR air-smoothed MN, with VERY acceptable sound, a colour that is as reasonable as I recall seeing (I saw LOTS of the Bulleids living on the Waterloo-Portsmouth mainline from my birth to the end of steam and spending many waking hours watching trains), you're onto a winner. I find the sounds more than good enough for my ear, very smooth running loco, like the fact the brake rodding is pre-installed, and generally well worth the money, FOR ME. The accessory pack looks great though I've not had time to install the added bits yet. Oh, I still can't seem to see the motion/chuff miss-match from 20 feet away, maybe I need new glasses or a telescope :jester: I asked Bob what he though and he approved, then again he's seen and heard as many of these locos in daily service as probably half the folks complaining about the sound :onthequiet:

<end modeling/trains alert>


Very cockwomble free driving in today, a surprise since there was light rain at the time!


17 only and rain first thing, expecting 24 for the high but storms supposed to arrive mid-afternoon.


I'm off over the HUMP heading for the downside of the week, join me if you can...

Good to hear that you like it along with the sound.


Talking of brake ridding, I finished drilling and fixing to Trevone using fine wire to hold them in place. However I broke the whistle linkage which is the first time this has happened to one of my rebuilt Bulleids and to make it worse lost the bit whilst trying to put it in place ready for gluing. Hopefully it will turn up somewhere on the timber floor inthe conservatory one evening this week but tonight is Harveys Lewes Catle brown in our local. A very nice dark ale as we have to collect a parcel form the sorting office. Unfortunately it's not a new loco but collectible China my other half ordered some weeks ago from Derby.

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