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  • RMweb Gold


It's pouring with rain here so I've been poring over various items in The Bay of Fleas. There have been some "Ooops" moments where my finger slipped.  :whistle:

Guess who's already found out what I've been doing!  However her only comment was "I give up - it's your money."  :yes:

Poor girl must be sickening for something.

This is rubbing off on me as well there's a cute little saddle tank on it's way from Sheffield SWMBO says thats your birthday present from me this year  :nono:

It's pending arrival has cheered up a somewhat miserable day it's not stopped rain since 09:15 and it's stopped me from clearing up the garden drat and double drat. :jester:

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Gold

It's very wet outside just walking from station to sorting office next door plus a big pool of water at the bottom of the steps from the rear entrance out of the station.

Hattons using even bigger boxes for locos than in the past so it wouldn't fit in the plastic bag properly. Now in the pub getting wet inside.

Loco now removed from the huge shipping box and now safely wrapped in a carrier bag. I reckon that I have one of the biggest collection of old Sainsbury's and Tescos bags in my office drawer. Had them for some time but won't be long before they start degrading.

Edited by roundhouse
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I will be visiting friends in Central Oregon. The probability of sunshine there in August is 99%, (and not much lower in Portland).


Excepting forest fire smoke, there's hardly been a cloud in the sky in months. hence the unusual nature of Andy's observation.


Some rain next week would be wonderful - so long as it clears by the 21st


Sometimes Lorna and I have talked about the possibility of returning to the UK, but we always come to the same conclusion. Not happening - we wouldn't be able to cope with the weather or the traffic.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening... A1 wasn't too bad today - just more flippin roadworks. The existing ones are now scheduled to be finished by end 2017 (2 years to do 18 miles)  as they have found Roman remains...woopiddooo!.. not!


Ballasting accomplished then reversed car out of where it was parked and scratched the rear side bumper on a post.. no noise for the "detection system"  doh !!!


its been sunny today once it stopped raining.. our garden is still flooded. Pah!


Once Swindon is out of the way her indoors and myself are heading off to Madeira to see if we can find some sun. If the sun is in denial we shall be partaking of some local alchoholic refreshments(s)




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  • RMweb Gold

Feeling rather let down at the moment. A couple of weeks ago I wrote the good news that Wetherspoons was now offering free refills for tea drinkers in line with their offer for filter coffee drinkers. Went in today for lunch (we call it dinner here) and was told that the offer did not exist and never had; despite my protestations that I had been served tea refills in that very establishment ten days ago and also in Seaham the week before that. Not only that, the steak and ale pie and all day brunch have been removed from the menu, being replaced by smashed avocado bagel and a pastrami bagel. Sorry if I have given anyone a bum steer on that.

Thinking of writing to Tim Wetherspoon and telling him that the sort of customers who ate steak and ale pie are unlikely to be thrilled by smashed avocado in a bagel. And equality for tea drinkers!

Tea offer was still on in Seaham on Sunday.

I'm quite prepared to go for breakfast again and check it out if this would be of any use to you.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Premium

Tea offer was still on in Seaham on Sunday.

I'm quite prepared to go for breakfast again and check it out if this would be of any use to you.

only if I can come with you to check it is a real offer.....



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If the sun is in denial we shall be partaking of some local alchoholic refreshments(s)


I think you're allowed to do that even if the sun is shining?

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Tea offer was still on in Seaham on Sunday.

I'm quite prepared to go for breakfast again and check it out if this would be of any use to you.


Thanks BoD, I shall report any developments from the email I have just sent to Wetherspoons. It's not the principle it's the tea.

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Sorry to rain on your parade, but it's been a beautifully sunny day here in Edinburgh - not hot but warm enough for shirt sleeves in town. Got a wee bit teed off with Trevor Nelson (sitting-in for Ken Bruce) on Radio 2 this morning when he seemed to be moaning about the weather for an hour or so. BBC London-centric? Never! Sorry to hear about the bad weather in the south, though.


We have a street party on Saturday, a neighbour applied to the council in March for permission to close it to traffic and so on - weather's looking fine and 16C, so hope it stays that way. Sadly I also have a ticket for the bookfest so will bake a cake, stay for an hour then leave.


Last night's shows: Milton Jones was in a large theatre and he only played to the stalls not the upper tier - the material was good enough for a small, intimate show. Mark Steel was good but sad. His opening section about the last general election was a 5-star riot, but then he told us about his marriage break-up from which he's obviously smarting. Some acidic and funny stuff, but very sad nonetheless.


Hope your weather improves very soon



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  • RMweb Premium

The weather today has been dry, but cool, great for working outside though.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

A rare event - a minor rant from NB Towers......


Every now and then a.n.other thread gets a mention for bickering and/or lockdown as various persons go off on one.


I never thought it would happen something as innocuous as bargain hunters.


Some people need to rearrange these three words into well known phrase or saying. "life" "get" "a".


They've ruined what was a most useful thread, although often guilty of OT drift and sometimes injurious to the health of one's credit card.




Rant over.


Yet more trackbed work accomplished today as well as lots of "normal" work stuff. The raised section including 1 in 30 and 1 in 60 gradients (for test purposes) has been completed. Foam trackbed and powerbase laying will commence shortly in readiness for tracklaying.


However, there will be a day off Thursday and weather permitting there may be a couple of hours of walking interspersed with the odd hitting of a little white ball around a large field with metal clubs, with the intention of getting said ball into a small hole, with the minimum number of hits.


There may be some preliminary car hunting afterwards in the company of Mrs NB.


Have a good Thursday folks.




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Morning All,


It is a very gloomy morning here.  It is raining, and has been doing so for most of the night.


Still, I must admit that we do need the rain.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A direct copy and paste from GDBs post, "Now dry here after chucking it down all day and half the night. Today should be dry with sunny spells. Possibly" as it's totally correct for here as well.


One cockwomble on the way in this morning, he stopped to answer his phone, put his hazards on........ on a blind corner!!!


With trees already losing their leaves in July, and this weeks weather it's looking distinctly autumnal today I needed the car heater on.


 I'm also not liking Trevor Nelson but that's because I just don't like his presentation. DJs will always go on about what is around them not thinking of the rest of the country, But with 22 million + People under that rain cloud, against 475,000 in Edinburgh or 5.2 million in Scotland you'd expect them  to mention the rain a bit... living in Norfolk we know what it's like to be ignored...


I inhabit several Norfolk Forums, and often they decide to go blow off and cause a thread to be locked, But now it has recently caused one to go off and create his own Site (with a very similar title to the other sites) , which he says is uncensored... That site is already descending into vitriolic attacks on people. I only go on that site to correct technically incorrect facts / suppositions.


Time to go and measure a 120A current transformer..

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sunny village. Great News from GDB about Steve.


I also got hooked on watching the athletics and even managed to do some CAD work whilst watching. The car had it's service but unfortunately needs a new alternator. It's my faithful Volvo V70 that I've had or 11 years. It's got 154,000 on the clock and is probably worth very little if I tried to sell it. However it still goes like a dream, does over 700 miles on a tank of fuel and is great tow car. I need to do at least three trips to France with a large trailer over the next 6 months and nether want or can afford to change it. I've therefore bitten the bullet and let the garage order the part for fitting next week.


This morning I'm off on a book delivery run combined with taking several bags of clothing and some other stuff to a charity that we support. Then I may even get into the muddling room.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

With trees already losing their leaves in July, and this weeks weather it's looking distinctly autumnal today I needed the car heater on..

When out for a walk the other day I noticed many blackberry bushes already full of ripe berries. Rown trees are heavy with berries too. Batten down the hatches.


Morning all.

Sympathy to anyone suffering from the heavy rain in any way.

Dry with sunshine here this morning as was yesterday. Though there was a bit of dew earlier.

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