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  • RMweb Premium

The best laid plans etc. I set off with the best of intentions to do a thorough hoover of the sitting room, including pulling all the furniture out and getting rid of the accumulated cat hair. No such luck. The hoover caught the edge of a cloth that covers a coffee table, snarled up and the drive belt burned out. Never fear I thought so off into Morley to the market stall that sells such things. No luck, the guy has retired. Returned home some time later after doing some other tasks but brownie points were not earned. Then after lunch down into Leeds and new belts bought. Now I've just got to fit the new belt. However SWMBO returned rather late from the food bank, with a long tale of woe about the theft of someone's handbag and a distraught and confused old lady. I must have empathised in the right places as I even got sympathy over the Hoover saga.


Some modelling now beckons this evening.



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... I must have empathised in the right places ... 

Well done then. It's a daily challenge for us all, more so of course for those living with a partner*.


* I was going to make a silly reference to something like 'grand galactic overload' but thought better of it.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold

It did rain for a while earlier this afternoon but not for long. I didn't make the dog walk excursion today but did make myself useful with some light pruning that Aditi couldn't reach. The nice Atlantic Cedar isn't being smothered by some vine/creeper plant now. The overenthusiastic creeper is now back to where it should be, hiding a dull fence.

Matthew has been to a place called Rovinj today. His photos make it look very attractive. It seems to be a magnet for German tour parties and the prices are adjusted accordingly! When we went to Italy years ago on Lake Garda we stayed in Stresa and most tourists seemed to be British or Belgian. We drove to another nearby resort and it seemed to be exclusively German. I should imagine now that people can arrange their holidays online themselves everyone is more mixed up. Though our recent trip to Switzerland was cheaper through a travel company, especially as we got our bank's travel service to book it. Though obviously if the travel agent doesn't deal with the hotel you want to stay in DIY is the only way. When we went to Canada we used Canadian Affair to book our travel and hotels. However I don't think any of the hotels they booked were in their brochure. Aditi found places online and asked the agent to book them. And they did.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

The car that is SWMBOs is a Kia Rio, we had a kia pride before for 15 years, it never let us down.


The rain has stopped, thunder gone away.


Ben is now curled up in his bed.


Carbonara consumed,


Washing up of my and her evening meal plates etc required to earn brownie points.


Had judge dreads car been ignored in Scotland, I'd say there is a body in it, the police up there are good at not finding bodies.





One of the above is in the town where most of my family live...

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  • RMweb Gold

We tend to use Bookin.com for researching hotels then either book direct or through Booking.com .com where we often get free upgrades as they know we are likely to post a review on their website.

I do collect certain hotel chains awards so those tend to get booked direct. Hilton also let you choose your room form available ones in the type that you have selected.

Day two working day over for this week. Hoping to do a bit of modelling tonight ready for this weekends show in Milton Keynes.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Probably because it was a Mazda 121 underneath.

At the same time as having the Pride, I was working in Saudi, where I had.... A Mazda 121...

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all From Estuary-Land. The van in front of the garage has been resolved. It belongs to a neighbour to whom I gave permission to park there. Normally he parks there for no more than a day or two but he had been called away for a few days. The van will be removed first thing tomorrow.


Got the Kia back - great service as usual - Love that 7 Year warranty!



My  kia (2009) is Pre the 7 Year warranty, it also cost only half the price of the current model. but reliable they are...

I have a Hyundai i10 that is now 9 years old, basically a Kia Picanta with all the flutes and whistles. It has been ultra reliable, the only replacements needed so far is a new clutch and tyres, it still has the original brake pads.

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Best car...? 1989 VW Polo 1300 Ranger, had it for 23 years then son used it for a bit.


Bought it new when I found out my Escort Laser was........ made up of three Escort lasers......,


Even used it for a week with no oil in it, driving it to and from Devonport nick......when the oil pressure warning light and buzzer came on I just turned the engine off and free wheeled ( no power steering etc so it wasn't a prob).


Garage couldn't believe it when I took it in, but the owner, who had looked after it for years said he wasnt surprised as I a,ways said it would never let me down.


Never once failed to start or stop, and picked son up from maternity when he was a few hours old, he learnt to drive in it as well lol


Had to sell it for scrap in the end as there was no where to store it, all my workmates thought it worth keeping so when I went, I could have a proper Viking like BlackRat funeral!

Edited by BlackRat
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Evening all


Phew, I think I have been very lucky today during our visit to Boundary Mill today. Sheila had quite a list of things she was looking to buy, but in the end couldn't find anything she liked, so got very little of the said items, coming away with a few candles and a bottle of perfume.


Once home, I finally got through to SEF and placed an order for some etches chassis, (I'd tried several times before we went out but the line was constantly engaged), hopefully they'll arrive in the next couple of days.


Goodnight all

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Best car...? 1989 VW Polo 1300 Ranger, had it for 23 years then son used it for a bit.


Bought it new when I found out my Escort Laser was........ made up of three Escort lasers......,


Even used it for a week with no oil in it, driving it to and from Devonport nick......when the oil pressure warning light and buzzer came on I just turned the engine off and free wheeled ( no power steering etc so it wasn't a prob).


Garage couldn't believe it when I took it in, but the owner, who had looked after it for years said he wasnt surprised as I a,ways said it would never let me down.


Never once failed to start or stop, and picked son up from maternity when he was a few hours old, he learnt to drive in it as well lol


Had to sell it for scrap in the end as there was no where to store it, all my workmates thought it worth keeping so when I went, I could have a proper Viking like BlackRat funeral!


You're lucky with that generation of Polo (Mk.2), though, as their brakes were hilariously weak by VW standards. BBR Racing and others used to offer brake upgrade kits specifically for this model.


My cousin waited until the Mk.3 came out in 1990 before he bought one from VAG Colindale, as it had stronger brakes than its predecessor.


Remember the VW Derby? - I didn't know they still existed!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry start but lots of rain accompanied by thunder is on the menu. They said that yesterday but although it was overcast for most of the day the rain missed us.


We had some good news yesterday. There has been another slight improvement in Steve's condition and they have reduced sedation and are slowly bringing him round.

Many thanks for all the supportive thoughts. He still needs all the help he can get.


Further to Mike's comments yesterday "constant management supervision" doesn't worry me in the slightest. After all "She" has supernatural powers and  is the "all seeing. all knowing and all powerful."

She has the ability to know what I'm thinking before I've even bloody thunk it! Nothing will change, I will still manage to gain brownie points one minute and throw them away the next just by breathing.  :whistle:

No firm plans made yet for today.


Have a good one,




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I was a naughty boy(racer) today.


A neighbor lady in her Porsche Cayenne was harassing me as I was driving my truck along the 30 MPH two-lane road that leads to the highway. I was probably doing around 35, but she didn't seem to think that was fast enough. When we pulled out on to the highway she immediately moved into the left lane with a view to leaving me in the dust.


I floored it, and she couldn't keep up with me :)


My truck isn't very heavy, and it has a 5.7L engine.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up! It midweek already!


I am going to to do some layout ballasting. Hopefully the A1 will be clear of eeediots.


My sister has had several VW Polos. The last one had a 1.9tubby diesel in it. No marking or warnings....she could outrun any BMW or Audi at any time. Driving it could be scary as it was the same engine as a Passat estate I had...acceleration...good, braking.....not so God.


Have a great time whatever you are doing today on Planet Earth.



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