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  • RMweb Gold

I'll be spending tomorrow waiting for a call to say my new tyre has come in. The car felt odd on the way back from the park and the tyre was losing pressure. I pumped it up and drove to our local tyre garage. Unfortunately it was a big screw in the inner sidewall which makes it unrepairable. They will get me a new tyre (I want one to match the others) tomorrow, so hopefully all will be fixed in time for me to go and get Matthew on Friday, otherwise I'll be attempting to fit all his stuff in the Clio. Though I suspect if we folded down the rear seats the Clio would cope!

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  • RMweb Gold

My plastic card and I have been taken shopping to the metro centre. The buddy place doesn't shut until 11. I am quickly losing the will to live.


I think I'm getting something expensive and German as my next purchase, unfortunately it is a tyre!

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Guest Max Stafford

The bright weather continued until shortly before 4pm when a dense layer of Oktas threw the Border Lands into premature Stygian gloom. I had gone out to retrieve a parcel from the sorting office about a mile away at 3PM. The traffic was utterly horrific everywhere; stop-start, stop-start, snail's pace - and this in a provincial town with a population of about 100,000. This simple errand during which I decided to fill the car up (£50!) took an entire hour.

Damn the car culture, it's so futile. There again, I could have gone there on my bike I suppose so I'm just as much part of the problem, I guess, not that I was at all fit to do so today


On the bright side, whilst stuck at a set of lights, I had a good view to the south of the city where one of Leeming's Tornado F3s could be seen rocketing up and down in a big oval with big smoke trails as the jockey engaged reheat on the climb. He was certainly enjoying himself and making the most of the moment - it's probably the Navy's turn to play with it tomorrow! :lol:


Been doing a little bit of tidying up and ordering in the attic tonight - I'm going to have an inventory of my rolling stock as to my utter shame, I've no full idea of how much stuff I have up there, and that's in the midst of rationalisation.

Whereas I've been very lucky to have had the disposable income over the last few years to acquire all this kit, I feel a bit embarrassed to have such largess in my possession. In truth I feel somewhat guilty about it when there are some of us who have to scrimp, save and juggle for the smallest of model items. it makes me feel somehow unworthy of such riches.

There again, I was in that position thirty years ago when I used to dream of saving up enough for a Gem 'Glen' 4-4-0 kit.

I never did get it due to the more normal distractions of a 17-year old gaining prominence! Well that was until last year, but I haven't built it yet!


Anyway, here endeth the sermon. It's 6 deg. outside, but I suspect that's not going to last! :unsure:



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  • RMweb Premium

Have just returned from shopping at tesco 10.30 to 11.45 including putting away the shopping...... Dave I might pm you for road traffic reports at the moment the plan is to drive up to Carlisle on Saturday but Friday night might be be a snow free window of time. On the mountain of goodies, you did the time to earn the cash to buy stuff. At least you can get some cash back from them, recycled Spitefire is worthless!

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Good morning all.

It's grey and overcast and a public holiday here.

My Supermarket isn't open yet, being a public holiday it will only open at 8:00.

I've had a cup of coffee but no breakfast yet and I've bee dressed sdince 6:00. :(

How's the back Gordon?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


One more course to go and then it'll be weekend for me :) . Next week, only Monday till Wednesday, after which I'll be on my Christmas break till 9 January. Also, we'll be over in Leipzig again from 25 December till 1 January.



Have a good day all!

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I'm struggling, Don. I managed to get to my Osteopath yesterday, but that hasn't helped and I'm supposed to go to the hospital today, but I'm not sure I'll be able to go. Driving is OK, it's the walk from the car and then the long wait in a NHS clinic that will be the problem. I'll see how it goes today. Thankfully I slept well last night, but the pain returns just as soon as I get up and start moving about. I suspect it will just be a matter of rest and time before it improves.


Dave, I found your honesty on your stock situation very thought provoking, as I'm in the same boat. I had a good job, worked hard and was lucky enough to be able to buy all sorts of stuff, most of which hasn't been out of the box yet. Excuse the pun, but it really touched a nerve with me and I'm embarrassed to say I share your guilt, particularly in view of the tough times others are facing.


Have a good day one and all. Not long now before the Christmas break....:)





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all looks dark and wet out there, it might not be much but at least it isn't white over. Dave and Gordon yes I would like to be in your shoes with an excess of toys but it is about choices you make as you go through life,had we sold the house and moved etc........I wouldn't be scraping £25 together to buy a secondhand pacer for Christmas......... if I had gone for a divorce 12 years ago you get the idea I am sure. If in twenty years time you still have a lot of unopened boxes turn them into cash and use that for whatever you need to grow old disgracefully.

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That's too true Mick - life is all about choices.


Sometimes, the ones that seem like a good idea at the time don't turn out to be.

The ones that seem like a bad idea turn out to be the best things you ever did.

Plus there are the ones where your hand is forced and you just have to wait and see what happens.


Maybe rather too philosophical for this time in the morning - but I seem to be in a philosophical mood...

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  • RMweb Premium

Robert thinking and reflecting is never a waste of time, sometimes it isn't positive and helpful but if it helps you plan a way forward avoiding previous mistakes then it is all useful. The first thing you have to do is look after yourself then you can look after others in your life.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


It was 7c when I took Mrs S. to work at 6:30 but only 0.5c when I drove to work a few minutes ago. That should tell me something.


Oh. It's started snowing too.

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  • RMweb Gold



It is 5C and raining here. It is forecast for the temperature to drop rapidly later today. After the car tyre is replaced I'll have a bit of shopping to do and then sort out what I need to take up to Leicester tomorrow (crates for books, bio hazard bags for washing..).



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Very grey in these parts. I seem to have a couple of meetings in my work diary, not sure how that happened. Probably not worth attending them as most of the department seem to be off to the pub for a Christmas lunch.


I too am somewhat aware of an ever increasing pile of largely unopend boxes. I guess these days we have to think of them as a pension/care fund. Either way I have to shift them all somewhere today so the electrician can get in and wire up the shed tomorrow.


Interesting to look back at the choices you made but not to linger, there's too much yet to come.




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Guest Max Stafford

After what appeared to be a mild westerly yesterday evening, I see the wind has assumed a northerly direction and is noticeably cooler, though not apparently biting cold yet. Personally, I'm still feeling a bit overheated, but I put that down to the Wigan Plague - every time I go there I always seem to come back with something nasty - and I don't mean a DJH chassis! :lol:

I've got to look out a suitable box for Tony's new toys today as well - I'm going to put some other little goodies in there for you too mate! :)


It's dad-in-law's birthday today so MiL's going to take him for lunch later on and I'm going to pop along too. Off to meet him down the park with the dogs. He does really well for a bloke of 72, it's about a two mile walk out and back!


After that I'll do my 'Domesday book' of the stock collection!



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Keep safe everybody, especially those of a Northern bent.


We just have misty rain at the moment, due to turn to snow later today.

Still the odd lump of permafrost from the last time.


Meanwhile, in other news, SWMBO has just left with others in a mini-bus.

They may need a bigger bus for the return trip.

Her mission: To buy everything in the Chester shops.

She is capable of staring at a rack of clothes for twenty minutes before deciding they are the wrong colour (a fact which could be observed from across the street).


I could have gone but opted for the alternative which was to stay here and lash myself with barbed wire.

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