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I had a nice chat with my brother just n Canada this evening, he was telling me that it's been unusually cold and wet there last month.


Not in this part, it hasn't been. (It is a rather big country.)

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Thought I'd post from the plane on the flight to JFK "just because I can".

2245 NY time, 2145 Minneapolis time, and o'crack sparrow UK time (0345 according to my universal clock).


Thoughts at this hour - admittedly with a G&T consumed - include;

i) What the hell am I doing here! This trip is getting very tiresome!

ii) Having spent my youth train-spotting at Waterloo, Woking and Nine Elms shed, I have realized I can honestly say I NEVER heard coal shoveling any closer than pretty much right by the cab of one of Bulleids masterpieces, so how can anyone whining about how poor TTS sound is, say that with a straight face as they view their sound-equipped locos from a scale couple of hundred feet away and expound on the virtues of hearing a fireman shovel in high fidelity!!

Even more than ever it's apparent to me that rule #1 is paramount in this hobby and I LIKE too few rivets and RECORDED SOUND coming from a tender :O    :jester: mostly because I can't fit a 67 foot, 97 ton locomotive in my basement even if I COULD afford to buy one ! :beee:

iii) Why don't they make Minis they way they are SUPPOSED to look? The new ones are way too big.

iv) Are there any honest politicians anymore? Were there ever any?


More later perhaps :)


Figured since I've got a decent internet connection on the flight I should post something for the ERs.


Tally ho! More in the morning once I'm awake, sane (arguably!) and in the Long Island office with a  cup of coffer to get me started.


Oh, and "DISCUSS" :drag:

Edited by Ian Abel
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Morning all. After a day of disasters I didn't have time to read or post anything later on.


Another week away but fortunately nothing taxing is scheduled.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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In front of my house this afternoon.



Not my car though.


My mum had one of those back in the late '70's, early '80's. I failed my driving test in it because I didn't keep up with traffic, and because I changed   into second gear halfway through the first leg of my three point turn.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning/night/evening as appropriate.

Can't get rid of my cold so tried a Thai curry last night.


Busy day with some umpiring at Headingley today (corporate 6s).


Have a great day



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather overcast here. Showers and possibly sunny spells are forecast.

After a couple of hours gardening yesterday the rest of the day was spent watching cricket and athletics. Also managed to fit in eating a rather nice steak and drinking some wine. Quite a good way to spend a Sunday.

More cricket today if the rain keeps away and more athletics. The Boss is fed up with all the sport on TV. It's a good job I'm not a football fan.

I was thinking about ordering one or two more model railway items but having added up all my existing pre-orders I may have to re-consider that  :scratchhead: ...

...or maybe not.  :whistle:  I mean, darker nights and winter are approaching so I'll have to find something to do with my time.  :yes:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning Awl, Inner Temple here,


A good nights sleep was had of about 7.5 hours, BUT... when I tried to get out of bed, then there was a problem. As soon as I sat up there was pain from my back, two Ibuprophen were taken with breakfast. However taking Ben the Border Collie for his constitutional was somewhat painful. Luckily I had noticed the deer out side before I opened the door, so I allowed it to run away before letting Ben out. I really didn't fancy chasing Ben, trying to get him back...


Some years ago (ok many years ago) while  was on my first electronics course, a friend had a Fiat 500 Arbath, that used to surprise a few people at the lights grand prix start...


The farmer has cut the barley around my garden, it's now bailed, I'm just waiting for him to clear the bales and for a northerly wind before I have a big bonfire, I've no wish to make the news... 


Time to... As is usual for a Monday morning, Measure 100mV to 0.1 parts in a million.

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ii) Having spent my youth train-spotting at Waterloo, Woking and Nine Elms shed, I have realized I can honestly say I NEVER heard coal shoveling any closer than pretty much right by the cab of one of Bulleids masterpieces, so how can anyone whining about how poor TTS sound is, say that with a straight face as they view their sound-equipped locos from a scale couple of hundred feet away and expound on the virtues of hearing a fireman shovel in high fidelity!!


More importantly in my mind is the basic facts that:


1.  There is no other noise, just the loco. where's the other railway and background noises?


2.  It's not a real steam engine or proper diesel electric either. Just an under-gauged  toy model.


TSS or any digital sound system has got to beat the old garden railway style chuff chuff chuff, toot toot bell rings, ad infinitum  beloved of G Scale.


And do not get me started on modern 'smoke units' which bear no resemblance to  the exhaust on a real loco!  Go back to the 1960's and Triang were using 'syncro smoke' which to my eyes was streets ahead of today's mediocre effort which looks as if somebody is having a ganja party in the smokebox.


Finally we can move onto yesterday evening's hilarity.


I decided to manufacture some tie bars, and having made the first, placed it with the y point for which it was destined.


Rather than continue with tie bar manufacture, I then moved onto using butanol to glue chairs to sleepers.


It was then I noticed I needed to trim the  pcb I'd used to secure the check rails to the Y point.


I picked it up and did the trimming with the piercing saw.  It was then I realised the tie bar was no longer on top of the point.


In the ensuing hunt I knocked over the butanol bottle, although I was quick to recover it to an upright position. 


I then returned to hunt unsuccessfully for the tie bar.


Having decided that in the time I'd wasted looking for the damn thing I could have made another couple, my attention was drawn to a rather fine plastic sculpture on the baseboard where the errant butanol had fused together a fine collection of sleepers, chairs and slide chairs. 


The ensuing Cleese in Fawlty Towers type sense of humour failure was worthy of a comedy BAFTA which was suitably enhanced when I went outside into the pouring rain to find the PH had left both bikes outside the workshop.


Then, on trying to lock the garage, I could not find the keys.  Having gone around all the other outbuildings without success, I consulted the PH who told me they were on the top of the baseboards I'd been working on.


The return to the garage found the elusive keys, as a part of the plastic welded sculpture that had been created earlier in the evening.


I'm not sure whether I should trust myself with a bottle of PVA when I start the ballasting this afternoon!

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Morning all from a sunny village. Various bits of tidying did get done yesterday and another car load went to the container. Off to church shortly then into Morley. Hopefully this afternoon I will get more tidying done before spending an evening at the club. Apart from that not a lot to report though I hope to hear of a good result at Old Trafford later today.


Best wishes to all those ailing, recovering etc.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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Morning all and it's a sunny one up here in the Highlands.

A relaxing start to our time up here so far.

3 forest walks planned and a swim in the sea.

Regards to all. 

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Morning all.


Gloom and dampness abound on the Hill. The first full weekday peak during the Siege of Waterloo has not gone altogether smoothly with trains this way being anything up to half an hour late. SWMBO has set off hopefully in search of one while I stay home yet again waiting for someone. Today it is the person-to-test-the-electrics which is a part of the corporate ar$€ covering fallout from the Grenfell fire. No landlord wants to leave themselves open should the slightest thing happen. And quite rightly so.


Other than that today has the makings of a quiet one.


I wish Baz a speedy recovery from the cold. The Thai restaurant behind us may benefit from that remedy in due course ;) And the best to us all.

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Two more killed on Snowdon and a lady airlifted with life threatening injuries.

Another biker killed near here with no other vehicle involved.

The death toll in Wales is horrific.

I know ERs are far too sensible to be involved but, if you know folk who want to go to Wales to kill themselves, ask them to think of the rescue workers if not their friends and family.

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You don't need to go to Wales they are quite successful at it here in Norfolk.


 This time they were rescued, last year one wasn't so lucky at the same place.


Another near miss,

And http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/elderly-woman-seriously-injured-by-propeller-after-falling-from-boat-on-norfolk-broads-1-5136782


When someone falls off the back of a boat Don't reverse up to them to pick them up!!

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Good morning everyone


It's a sunny start to the day, so I got ready to go to the DIY emporium to get some new guttering for the shed, when I got a text message from No 2 son asking if he could call round after visiting the dentist, as he had a slow puncture and wanted to borrow my pump to re-inflate his tyre. I'm still sat here waiting, I could have been there and back by now!


Back later

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