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 air-conditioning in cars in California in the 60s making  distance driving pleasant even with the heat.


Except for the big scary warning signs telling you to shut down the AC when you are crossing the Sonoran Desert  ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

I Googled Formby Gorge but it kept showing me George Formby.



Mike said that his parents knew George Formby or his father.

Sue told him that he could build a railway in the backyard if he made her a water feature "But I wasn't expecting all that!"

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Out to dinner tomorrow with SWMBO and two of her former colleagues who are over from down under.

Add "sideways' somewhere in there and you could have the makings of a great song!

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We're heading for 105°F (41°C) again today with smoky hazy skies from wildfires as far away as British Columbia making for unhealthy air quality.  The colour of the light is that hazy orange colour associated with forest fires.


I'm currently in a region where some of those fires are burning. It's possible that the winds are driving the smoke down the river valleys into the Columbia valley and all the way down it to Portland.There are outflow winds in BC at the moment, driving smoke west, which is unusual for this time of year. The result is that the area with the worst air quality in BC is the Lower Mainland (Fraser Valley and Greater Vancouver), which has no major fires burning - the smoke is all from further east.


I agree about the colour the smoke produces. The sunsets have been spectacular, and we've had an orange moon the last two nights.


This has already been the worst year for widfires in BC (in terms of area burned) since 1961, and the third worst ever. And we've just started August, which is often the worst month for wildfires.

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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning here.  Despite around 6-7 oktas of cloud, the sun is peaking through and it is due to get warmer later.


T-shirts, Yes - I do wear them but that is weekend and evening wear.  Work wear comprises a shirt and tie - I am one of the only ones who wear a tie around here (and I think my colleagues think it is a slightly eccentric British thing!) but I always feel that when I come home and get changed then work is over.  I used to wear a suit to work when I worked in the UK - but haven't done that for years.



Except for the big scary warning signs telling you to shut down the AC when you are crossing the Sonoran Desert  ;)


Is that true?  If so, why?


TIme for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. For the first time in ages I didn't feel like getting up when the alarm clock went off. An excellent nights sleep but feel totally shattered.


My day appears to be a long one but I might be able to amend the tasks later in the day.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Is that true?  If so, why?



Indeed it is, or at least it was the last time I took the freeway from Phoenix to San Diego. The signs were posted on the freeway at the start of the long uphill gradients, presumably because so many cars were overheating. In those temperatures AC puts quite a load on the engine and its cooling system. It's an extremely inhospitable area and you really don't want to break down there. A lot of automobile manufacturers have test facilities there for that very reason.


EDIT: The fact that the Sonora is as far South as the Sahara might have something to do with it ;)

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

Indeed it is, or at least it was the last time I took the freeway from Phoenix to San Diego. The signs were posted on the freeway at the start of the long uphill gradients, presumably because so many cars were overheating. In those temperatures AC puts quite a load on the engine and its cooling system. It's an extremely inhospitable area and you really don't want to break down there. A lot of automobile manufacturers have test facilities there for that very reason.


EDIT: The fact that the Sonora is as far South as the Sahara might have something to do with it ;)

When we drove East from San Diego to Yuma then up towards a Phoenix many years ago, we had a convertible but it was too hot and sunny to have the roof down all the time.


Morning from a sunny but not too hot a Surrey. If we though it was too hot a couple of weeks ago in Central Europe, we are certainly glad we're aren't there at the moment. 37 deg C in Vienna was hot enough for us.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.


It is sunny here and it is forecast to reach a scorching 19 degrees C later.

That will probably spark a thunderstorm and that will be our summer over for this year.

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Morning all from a slightly damp village. It is still north of the Swedish Furniture Emporium. I had to visit it yesterday to sort a problem out. I had the requisite inoculation before I went and seem to have survived. Someone had given us a bathroom cabinet but the key was missing and it was locked. I can only say that the potentially traumatic experience was made easier by the very pleasant young lady who charmingly exchanged my cabinet for a new one with key. I did need a drink later.


My use of the term 'flowing locks' seems to have generated quite a bit of comment. At school we had to have short hair and even though I was a day boy we still had to have the requisite short back and sides that the school barbers dispensed. As soon as I left I let it grow and for 3 years had shoulder length dark brown wavy hair. My girlfriend for some of that time was very jealous as my hair was longer than hers but I didn't get split ends. When I joined the police I had it cut short but the drill pig in Wakefield still sent me to the barbers with suitable shouted comments. The following week at the Home Office Training centre the whole class was sent to the barbers again so that was 3 times in a fortnight. As it was November it certainly felt cold.


GDB I can only say that your friend Steve will be in my thoughts and prayers. These things are never easy and don't make sense.


As to the day ahead the ironing basket is groaning but apart from that not much is yet certain though new orders may well be posted in due course. This evening we are out for a meal with BiL no 2 and his wife.


regards to all.



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I once got picked up for having a square neck cut.......on a number 2 haircut!


I didn't mention t-shirts, an eclectic and heady mix, often related to wherever in the world I have recently visited.


Dont mention shirts tho....... having spent a lifetime in one drab uniform or another, I do like bright colours and I do like tropical patterns....


Funnily enough, the people who comment most are usually adorned in old mans beige from M&S....(cheaper stores are available!).


There's a second hand clothes shop on the Barbican which sells genuine early examples........the shop keeper rubs his hands and cackles with delight whenever I walk in, which is often!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Welcome to Friday where I have ben woken from a decent sleep by the bin men doing their stuff.  Seems to be a big shiny thing in the sky.  Kettle is on - big mug of tea is imminent.  


Another weekend is almost upon us.

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Morning all from the borough that is (for me at least) slowly returning to boring. 


I won't bore you with all the gruesome details, but suffice to say I've been in agony for the past 5 weeks with a trapped nerve in my back. Yesterday marked the first day I managed to stay out of bed for the whole day. Physio starts on Monday. Hopefully back to work next week as well. A change of GP and formal complaint about same to the local NHS trust is under way as well. 


That's it for now. congratulations and commiserations as appropriate. I will get around to sprinkling the appropriate feedbacks in due course. 

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  • RMweb Gold

You haven't mentioned the hard hat.



Or the shin pads, knee pads, American football shoulder guards, steel toes capped boots, kevlar trousers, respirator, elbow protectors, armoured gloves ear defenders and a sh*t load of plasters.

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 Good morning all, (and lashings of sympathy to Andrew)

Sunny and just a few clouds in a mainly blue sky. It should stay fine & dry. With a little bit of luck. Possibly.

We had a great time here last night. The Boss made a really tasty slow cooked Chilli and that was demolished fairly rapidly. Some Quite a lot of alcoholic beverages were consumed as well. Hic.

Tonight the family are here and she's making three different curries so that's something to look forward to.

Firstly and unsurprisingly after last night, a further food re-supply situation has arisen.

Have a good one,



Edit. Richard, if I wore that lot I'd never even be able to move into a position where I might require the plasters. :jester:

Edited by grandadbob
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Usual greetings and support to those in need.


Next door's long a-building extension (a year and counting) is having the tiles put on today - the wind is blowing over our Koi pond and they are cutting tiles with a disc cutter.  #sigh#  Not a lot we can do about that.


Off to the old farts bike club soon, a memorial run for a departed member today.  Then breakfast of course.

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  • RMweb Gold

I once got picked up for having a square neck cut.......on a number 2 haircut!


I didn't mention t-shirts, an eclectic and heady mix, often related to wherever in the world I have recently visited.


Dont mention shirts tho....... having spent a lifetime in one drab uniform or another, I do like bright colours and I do like tropical patterns....


Hence the picture of Rattus rattus enjoying himself on holiday:



                                        Pic 1                                                                                              Pic 2


Pic 1.                     Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Pic 2.                     Did someone mention free beer?

Edited by Happy Hippo
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A bit later than usual but glad to see more of our ERs posting.


Shopping done, breakfast consumed now to go to the clubrooms to test some more stock...a hard life this retirement lark.


Hopefully one or two ERs may be at Swindon to see the almost completed new club layout.


Have a great day.



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No clue to what I'll be doing today once SWMBO  :girldevil: has decided to get out of my way the dear girl is poncing about with flower pots :tender:

I've other ideas.  :butcher:  :sarcastic:

Edited by 81C
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No clue to what I'll be doing today once SWMBO  :girldevil: has decided to get out of my way the dear girl is poncing about with flower pots :tender:

I've other ideas.  :butcher:  :sarcastic:

Poncing with flower pots? Don't tell Mike!!! ;)
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny but still a bit windy this morning, ideal weather for doing a bit of gardening. Following Debs on Facebook and keeping fingers crossed for John who is undergoing the operation about now.

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