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  • RMweb Premium

One of the best T shirts I bought, came from Hooters.


It took me several hours to make the right choice, it was hell I tell you, hell!



Was that trying to find one with a low neckline........?




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I don't normally wear T shirts but I do have some. One is emblazoned with "Original grumpy old man", when I wear it I keep getting asked were I got it from, not by men of a certain age but their wives. Unfortunately I got it in a closing down sale and it was the last one left. Weather forecast is not that great, rain and yet more rain. So long for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

On T-shirts. Perhaps it shows my age (I'm not that old) but I hate the things and have never bought one ... for me any shirt must have a collar ... which just goes to show that we are all different but united in our common hobby.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Have a good festival Chris.


Somewhat coincidentally the lady in one of the shops (the secondhand books) at Didcot GWS on Sunday told me they had just received a new line in tee shirts and would I like one.  But she then quickly went on to say 'oh, I don't suppose you wear tee shirts' - you may draw your own conclusions as to what prompted that remark  (and - now edited - to note that Peter's remark in the post above might have some bearing, but how did she know?).


Not sure what today will bring and no instructions have been received as yet but the G word did get a mention yesterday evening although that was partly because laddo had a good job interview yesterday and is expecting a letter offering him the job.  Which might mean that he will be sent on gardening leave when he hands in his notice to his present employer so the management has her thinking cap on.


Have a good day one and all.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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One of the best T shirts I bought, came from Hooters.

It took me several hours to make the right choice, it was hell I tell you, hell!

They had a neckline? To be fair I wasn't looking there........


As Elvis said......"You ever had one of the. Days boys, you ever had one of them days?"


Layout stripped, display units stripped, total chaos as about to paint the railway room, all the layouts covered up.


Out to the garage to collect a roller I'd forgotten and........


The garage door has jammed and it's pouring, and the roller spring and wire device looks fiendishly like a b*gger to try and sort........


In the pouring rain.


And someone important was assured it would all be sorted by the time she returns home from work........

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Yesterday wasn't the best of days.  Waited in all day for two tradespeople whose attendance was promised for between 12 and 2pm.  At 2.15 and no attendance I rang the agent to be told "The window person is on his way".  He was - he arrived while I was still on the call!  The plumber to fix the toilet?  "Is due to come out tomorrow - it says here Wednesday 1st August ....... oh ........ " They agreed to book an emergency job with Dyno (formerly Dyno-rod) who "Have a four-hour callout time so will be there before 6.15"

You guessed it.  6.15 became 6.30 then 6.45 at which point, having still been unable to get to the shops as required due to waiting in, I called the agent again.  "He's stuck in traffic but he IS coming" was the reply.  He arrived at 7.15 and was actually very apologetic.  He had been stuck in traffic but had also been delayed on the previous job which was booked for an hour but took three.


Plumber poked about in the cistern, replaced the inlet gubbins and water returned.  Trouble was that the water ran straight through and out of the flush valve, through the pan and triggered the Saniflow every few seconds.  He tried for an hour to rectify that but abandoned it.  A report should be submitted today requiring that urgent work be carried out.  The toilet must be plumbed to the cold water supply not (as it is now) the hot outlet from the combi boiler :O  The flush valve needs replacing.  The toilet must be bolted to both the floor and the wall - it is neither.  He wasn't able to do any of that on an emergency callout.  So it works and can be used (which is a relief in many ways!) but the water has to be turned on then off every use to avoid wastage and constant pumping out by the Saniflow unit and therefore risking that burning out.


Just to add insult in injury the cat proceeded to poo on the tiled bathroom floor claiming his tray was too dirty.  At least that was dealt with in moments and didn't require anyone else to attend.


Sleep was interrupted by a call from Australia advising that SWMBO's uncle - he who attended our wedding in lieu of her seriously ill father and who spoke on his behalf - had passed away.  We knew he was very unwell but "the call" is always a bit of a shock.  SWMBO has managed to get into work this morning despite a lost night's sleep.  I am about to venture forth into the gloomy and precipitation which is falling on the Hill as supplies which were not obtained yesterday (see above) are now exhausted and must be replenished before lunch can occur.


Best wishes to all.

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  • RMweb Gold


Out to the garage to collect a roller I'd forgotten and........

The garage door has jammed and it's pouring, and the roller spring and wire device looks fiendishly like a b*gger to try and sort........

In the pouring rain.

And someone important was assured it would all be sorted by the time she returns home from work........

Our previous house had a garage door with springs and wires. One wire had snapped and I was trying to sort it out when the other one snapped and the falling door knocked me unconscious. We got a new door. Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Probate has been granted in the Italian Estate. I believe that means I can now issue a bill.....Two Father Ted T-shirts have been ordered; I'll leave you to guess what the second one is.

"That would be an ecumenical matter" or perhaps a Father Jack utterance?

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  • RMweb Gold


Afternoon all from a wet Salop where it is persisting it down. HH must be in a very muddy hollow this afternoon if he's getting the same weather nearby.


I'm looking forward to a nice long soak, but will get out pdq if Noah makes an appearance on his raft.


Last time that happened we spent quite a while aboard, and as you can imagine the smell was pretty horrendous.


So we shovelled the offending mess over the side.


And there it lay for hundreds of years until Columbus discovered it.........

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  • RMweb Premium

Our previous house had a garage door with springs and wires. One wire had snapped and I was trying to sort it out when the other one snapped and the falling door knocked me unconscious. We got a new door.

Are you sure that you're not related to GDB.



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  • RMweb Premium

Ooooh, look what I bought today with the retirement gift vouchers that I got on Monday!




I think Mick will recognise the 2 smaller items!


Whilst I was there, I also ordered a Wainwright H Class in SECR Green too!

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Does 'red-eye' mean what I think it does?


Can't confirm what/if it means the same thing on the right-side of the pond, however, here in the US it generally refers to the latest flights in the day (night) from the west coast -> eastbound. Origins such as San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle fire off "last call" flights to the east right around 11PM - midnight timeframe, those then arrive in the mid-west here at stupid o'clock, generally 0500-0540, and more sensibly the east coast around 0800 or so.

They're referred to as red-eyes mainly due to the state of the travelers on arriving at their destinations! :O  :jester:

To the mid-west here it's only a 3+ hour shot, so barely enough time for more than a vague nap, to the east coast at least it's 5+ hours to attempt to sleep.

For reasons best knows to the maniacs that choose to take them, the flights are usually full! I have always refused to take them as I'd rather get a decent nights sleep then travel during the day - your mileage may differ of course.



Welcome to HUMP day again, the first of several in August it seems :)


Last night went to see Dunkirk - good movie IMHO...


Driving in should have been a snap, but then horrors - the morning SUN is starting to be low in the sky again - prompting many of the drivers (that's being POLITE) to reduce speed to about 2mph to accommodate their incompetence.


Then, just as I was free of that nuisance, this happened;



The ONLY major rail line I ever cross - usually managing to avoid a train there, as there is an alternative to this turn, and if it's obvious there's a train coming I simply avoid the wait taking the alternate by staying on the road an paralleling the track about 1 mile until it goes up and over the road.

Today unfortunately, approaching the turn/decision point, I was stuck behind two cars that COULD have made the crossing with ease as the lights etc., weren't even flashing and the train was stopped 100yds away on the far side of the crossing, a usual sight, but they elected to slow the !@$!@$ down and timed their arrival at the turn to perfection - just as the lights started.

We all got to wait 10 minutes as the train, having pulled across per the picture then STOPPED about 150' up the track leaving the crossing blocked by a couple of the 40+ cars it was pulling - presumably so they could p!ss off the entire commuter population heading into St. Paul this morning :butcher:


18 and sunny driving in, 28 for the high expected then a cooling trend for a couple of days with tomorrow only supposed to by 18 and then 11 overnight tomorrow night!!


HUMP day signals we're on the better side of the week I think.

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Result, son came over and we sorted the garage door in about 20 mins, worked out what was wrong and manaaged to get it working for now.......


I had a go at a Jidenco GWR gas truck years ago, compared to that the door was easy.......


One coat of paint on walls, now sat down with (to me) a well earnt cuppa!

Mine got so tangled up that I had to get a jobbing builder who also fits them round to sort it out.  Problem was that it was stuck half way with one of the springs still in tension, and the other fully unwound, and with the wire tangled into the slack spring.  He sorted it on a Sunday afternoon in about an hour, and in exchange for eight crispy fivers.


I'll try to get on to post properly tomorrow

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  • RMweb Gold

Having now finalised my client's quite sizeable bill, I now suddenly feel the need for a drink.


Not half as much as your client will feel the need for one. :onthequiet:

Edited by BoD
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