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Early Risers.


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Evening all. Well, talk about a quick recovery - Amber has been fine all day and even insisted on walking out to help deliver the Avon orders with Sarah this morning. She has had no more sickness and has been eating like a horse all day. We even made it over to the club night for a short spell this evening. Earlier in the day we have cleared out more of the stuff, and I have even found time to play around with a track plan for my newest project (see layout topics section). The track has been ordered so progress should continue later in the week.

 Tomorrow, if Amber is ok, the two of us are planning to visit the Great Central whilst Sarah is out attending some Avon meetings. 


Sleep well all.

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 Princess cylinders from 1952 etc.


I think I might still have a set of them somewhere. Came off my Princess Victoria. What a piece of ...... although, at the time, I didn't know any better.

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How far up the road?  And with any likelihood of a break in proceedings?

How far? Right next to the stadium. As for a break in proceedings. That will probably come once the jobs completed.

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Morning all. A grey start to the day and there is predicted precipitation.


A great nights sleep but I feel as though I haven't been to bed which isn't the best way to start the day.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, (or in the case of Q - Good mooring!)

Dull but dry here at the moment. The forecast is for a cloudy day with some heavy rain. The grass needs cutting but I think I'll give it a miss today.

On Monday we decided to buy a new washing machine as our 13 yo one was starting to creak, groan and wobble. We used our little local appliance centre as usual and two  hours after ordering it was delivered, fitted, demonstrated and the old one taken away all with a smile. This included him getting said appliances up and down 5 steps into our back door on his own, refusing my offers of help. Can't imagine Curry's doing any of that.

The Boss may have to get a bus home from work as I have to wait in for a service engineer to look at a small cosmetic fault on our dishwasher which we were advised to do by the same friendly guy.

Tonight I'm off to see the Doc to discuss last week's blood test. 

Somewhere during the day I must find some muddling time. Still haven't done that level crossing, I keep playing with trains instead of working on all the things that need doing.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is a reasonable morning here, with broken cloud - but probably due to get a bit warm later on.


Andy - Glad that Amber is feeling better.  That's so often the way with kids, a bit off colour for 24 hours and then completely back to normal!  Make sure you don't get it though - you'll be in bed for a week. :mosking:


As for Amphicars, I have always found them rather fascinating.  There are a few around here, but they never really caught on.  Maybe due to the fact that Germany is one of the few countries where you need a license to operate a pleasure boat.


Time for a coffee!  Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here, sort of.

During the last round of the quiz I retired to my berth, as I was. Not helping and I was knackered, i didn't hear the end of the round.

An hour later I was woken by screaming and shouting as six people had stayed behind and were having a drinking game, in the awning outside the club. Eventually a very senior club member arrived and told them to stop.

Which they did, personally I think they should be shot at dawn, and this morning they probably wish they were.

In the 40+ years I've been a member here with most years staying at the club, in tent or boat, this is the first time this has happened....


Anyway I've managed to get 4.5 hours sleep before going through the normal routine.


The cleaner who cleans a lot of the private holiday cottages round here, and is the only paid worker for the club, is bustling around. I'm having a coffee and we'll see who we can wake with the cannon in about 50 minutes.


Time to... drink more coffee.

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For the last time in the present series, good morning one and all


I will be off on holiday early tomorrow morning, bound for Sidmouth FolkWeek.  Nine nights under canvas is, as I have remarked before, good for the soul if not the small of the back.  As far as the music is concerned there will be an embarrassment of riches, some impossible choices and some interesting discoveries.  I dare say that I will come home with some CDs and, with any luck, a new T shirt.  Sort of on the way back I will visit Railwells for a couple of hours.  I expect to return to RMweb on 13th August.


Best wishes to all in distress and recovery




Aah! Your annual T Shirt purchase!

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I bought my annual T shirt whilst away, a Stone Brewery Berlin one. Used to buy quite a few each trip away but with a wardrobe where there is no more room for them I have had to cut back for now till some wear out or I have chance to find ones that no longer fit (shrunk in the wash is my excuse).


Morning form a threatening dark sky and as our tran departed, a few drops on the windows.


It's Hump day and can't wait for the weekend. Normally I am suffering from jetlag but can't use that excuse for the one hour time difference from mainland Europe this time so it's probably just not wanting to be going to work.


This weekends plans need a slight rethink as it's Brighton Pride weekend and lots of station signs saying there will be a queuing system at Brighton and Hove stations with the expected crowds so our plan to finish in Brighton pubs early Saturday evening now may be finish either in Worthing or Shoreham By Sea and catch the service that avoids Brighton back up to Gatwick and change there

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Morning to most, evening to any Antipodean visitors.


I dot a runny nose!


But otherwise feel better.


Not sure if I have any jobs allotted today but hey ho such is life.


Enjoy the festival Chris. "Folk Music" seems to cover a vast area of music now. While at school we were taught some English folk music...some of which is no longer social acceptable.



Enjoy your time and today on Planet Earth.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village. The cats were fed by Beth before she left early for Fat Club. Various tasks to be performed and more book deliveries. The LTHS published a new book on Saturday and we have already sold over a third of the print run. The main tsk is to visit the fang mender as one of them broke while we were in France. Fortunately it is completely painless but needs attention. Whilst out I'll deliver some books, pay in lots of cheques (for books not to me)and also get my hair cut. This afternoon I may well delve into the modelling room and do some tidying.


GDB I feel for you in your circumstances and agree totally about how people should see the broader picture of life.


Regards to all.



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I was fortunate to obtain a number of T shirts from a company called Silicon Graphics whose computers generated the dinosaurs for Jurassic Park...still got one with "building a better dinosaur on it"... Well it was free!


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  • RMweb Gold

Blimey, that was quick. Engineer turned up, took one look at the fault (surface peeling off control buttons) and said it looked like something corrosive had been spilled on it or used to clean it. I said  "Oh no it hasn't as we are extremely careful how we clean it and anything else for that matter!". He didn't argue and immediately ordered spares and made an appointment to fit next week. 

Full marks to Siemens and I'm glad that's where the new washing machine has come from too.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather overcast here.

Bin day but not my job at the moment. Aditi had a chat with one of the neighbours who was looking for space in bottle crates. Aditi hadn't put ours out as it only had a couple of jam jars in it.

Matthew just rang from Hamburg. I asked if the airports were in a state of chaos as reported by various British newspapers this morning. He said not that he had noticed. He said he was a bit cross that at Schipol the assistants at one store were sniggering and openly laughing at him over a minor grammatical error when attempting to buy sunscreen.

He will get some in Croatia. He probably won't have that problem in Ireland!

Aditi is off to Enfield this afternoon. The tiny nieces are visiting their Gran. I won't be going over, not really ready for a trip out yet. I suspect the first one will be to a nearby garden centre for afternoon tea (and cake).


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all. Amber all ok this morning (if not in temper). Her mood seems to have been markedly different since the end of the school term - it certainly made aspects of our holiday a challenge. That said I am not as tolerant as I normally would be. I have to admit that, despite the week in Brixham, my temper and mood has not totally improved. I still feel rather fraught despite being into the second week of the holiday. I feel that I have not quite managed to calm down and relax after the events of the last few months and weeks. What I probably need is a day, completely to myself, where I can properly relax and switch off. That could come tomorrow when Sarah's mum comes over and I have a pass out so a Severn Valley trip is on the cards. That might just do the trick! I certainly hope so. Sarah and I are also planning a trip to our favourite restaurant which will give us some important time.

 Anyway - whilst Sarah is off on her Avon meetings today, Amber and I will shortly be off to the GC for their Heroes and Villains event. Amber is suitably dressed up as Anna from Frozen for the event. One of their famous all day breakfasts beckons for later in the day. I am sure Chris.F will approve. On the subject of travelling t-shirt buyer, I hope that you enjoy your trip to Sidmouth and the folk festival. Safe journey.


Have a good day all - I will check in again later.

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