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  • RMweb Premium

The cold continues..pah!


WHITE RABBITS! And it's Yorkshire Day too.


In my capacity of a Durham missionary down here in the South I will make sure that the Yorkies are reminded that they are not alone in living in a great county.


Have a great day everyone.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin' awl. I seem to have slept through an early morning t-storm - most of it anyway. However, the forecast continued to predict heat to turn up as the morning progresses, likely followed by rather more thunder beginning this afternoon.


We obtained a selection of flowers for the balcony yesterday as it was rather too warm for any sensible work in the garden.


Meanwhile, Sunday had seen me on Line 15 for a change, which I shall be on again for my shift today…





Thankfully, one engineering possession involving track renewal outside Angerbrücke has now ended on Sunday night, so that should further ease the ride a bit.


Enjoy what you're up to…  :bye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, Inner Temple here,

I tried to post last night but with several hundred people standing between me in the boat and the router it was no go.


The several hundred people were attending the pub games and fish and chips night. All the Chish and fips were perordered and a mobile chip van parks in our carpark so you get them served hot.we used to have them delivered but that wasn't very good. This year over 200 portions were ordered!!!


The sailing went well with no major incidents, but here's the boatwomble list.

All motor boats are asked to go in single file along their appropriate banks, then we treat them as the bank and we don't have unskilled motorboats causing a major wombling.


Boatwomble 1, managed to ignore all that and get himself into a buoy which is in the middle of the river just as a fleet of boat femme got round it...


Boatwomble 2, ignored me trying to speak to him, so I tried a sign I carry, he ignored that and wombled down the the river, meanwhile his two grandchildren? Were hanging from their arms pits from the pulpit rails over the side of the boat with their feet in the water. No lifejackets on.


There were several other boatwombles, who thought that less than 6 ft from the bank ( my advice) was about twenty, so further down the course they ended up with boats both sides of them.



It was/ is flat calm at the moment, I motored my boat back to its moorings on the nearest hint of throttle very peaceful.

We are promised 13 mph winds, sunny this morning and scattered showers this afternoon.


Right I've finished my coffee ,


Time to finish getting the rescue boat ready...


Oh have a picture of one of the big boys..



Those pictures brought back some memories. For 3 Easters in the late 60's I went on sailing holidays using boats like that based at Potter Heigham. 10 boats, 4 lads plus one adult on each boat then meet up on an evening with a large launch where we all met. On the third year my skipper got taken off to hospital with appendicitis and I ended up having to skipper the boat for the rest of the day. Quite a responsibility at 17. I managed to get us to our destination that night safely. Very happy times.


No engines so quanting was the only method of propulsion when the wind didn't blow.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. There is a rumour that a revolving door is going to be installed in the West Wing of the White House. I passed my driving test at the third attempt though the second doesn't count as the car broke down and the test had to be abandoned. Not a lot to do today so I'm considering doing some gardening, only considering doing so so I might not.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning all from the broad acres. Like Barry I have also been doing missionary work in southern territories for many years. As a native of Cumberland we could perhaps have a discussion over the relative merits of the northern counties.


Most of my jobs were managed yesterday and I even got to the clubrooms. Today we are off car hunting for Beth. I will spend the rest of my time catching up with various admin tasks and despatching books.


Congratulations to Ian and Mrs A.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Greetings from a very wet Lancaster, where a damp 45156 and soggy doggy are drying out.


Brian - it goes without saying that I wish you a long and happy retirement.  As others have said, it is not difficult to fill the newly released time and you may even find yourself deprived of time to post here.

Ian A - happy anniversary for yesterday.

Everybody else - generic greetings to all who deserve them.


As for me, I had a good session at the charity bookshop, and after an induction, I was gratified to see that there was a large pile of transport books on one of the tables in the back room, and I descended upon them with gusto.  The manager was really chuffed when I was able to value many of them by sight, and without reference to any of the usual valuation sources - I valued some, and he then checked and my values were right.  I was then introduced to some of the other volunteers as our new transport book expert.  So today, I have offered to go in to do a session sorting out the whole pile with a view to having a mini event of mainly raillway titles (some bus, some car) on a dedicated display.  Good start there, I think.


Got to go now as off to get there for opening time.


Regards to All


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 Morning all. Firstly congratulations to Mr and Mrs A. Sorry that I have missed so many posts recently so generic greetings, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. Thankfully we are back online. Credit to Sky for sorting the problem out as quickly as possible, they are certainly much higher in my esteem than they were over the weekend. We arrived home from Brixham on Saturday afternoon to find no television signal and no internet. A quick play around with the remote control in the menus and I managed to get the television service back - but no internet. After a 40 minute wait on the phone I finally got through to the call centre (probably in Bombay!) and was told the problem was at the exchange. An engineer had been assigned and it would be fixed within 3 working days. Yesterday I used the landline to call my parents - they have caller display on their phone and wondered why our number came up differently. I tested our usual number from my mobile and the phone did not ring! Another 40 minute phone call got me through to the call centre (probably in Scotland). They were able to tell me that it appeared an engineer, connecting a service for someone else, had made a mistake and swapped our line over. They would be onto it as soon as possible. True to their word, it was fixed by 8.30am this morning. No complaints there!


 Since we have returned we have started on the big task of household tidying, sorting and cleaning. The holiday, and the busy work issues before that, have meant so much has got left. The various gifts from children and parents have been stored away and the various crates of classroom stuff have been sorted with stuff thrown, shredded or stored in the garage as appropriate. Today was due to be busy with the shopping delivery before 10am, followed by a visit to deliver Avon to the church coffee morning then a club meeting in the evening. I shall miss the latter two because Amber was up being sick this morning so I will be staying at home with her. I will be disappointed to miss the club meeting, but Sarah has a work meeting this evening and will have to attend. Amber was due to come to the club with me , but can't now. Oh well - more time for sorting out and embarking on a new layout project - yes another one!


Hopefully check in again later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky and sunshine here, it should be a fine & dry day but there is the chance of showers later.

Belated Happy Anniversary to Ian and his Boss.


We went to see our friend Steve in ICU last night and it was a sobering experience and also very upsetting. Heaven knows what his family are going through. We saw his Mum & Dad yesterday morning and they are, along with his wife Jane & kids, extremely worried.

He's hooked up with numerous wires & tubes to various pieces of apparatus including a dialysis machine and is still in the induced coma. There is, as yet, no real sign of improvement.

Seeing a hulking great chap of 6'2" and 19 stone brought so low by a bug is rather frightening.

Once again someone else's misfortune puts ones own minor ailments into perspective.

Oh, and as for something being 0.75mm out on The Stirling Single and possibly being the end of the world as we know it, words fail me.


Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I have decided to have a cooked breakfast as, for the rest of today, it is my turn on the rota at a national trust property. Any excuse.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Welcome to Tuesday upon the Hill of Strawberries. A busy day away from the computer which means read, rate and respond must come later.


I am required to await the window fixer, the toilet fixer, the postal person and the Amazon delivery. In between which I have to erect errant bookshelves which require more work than we expected, secure future supplies of toast and attend to the laundry.


But first - coffee.


Sunny intervals. Twenty of those Celsius degrees are forecast. Have a good one.

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A breezy south west with expectations of some dampness overnight and tomorrow - the dampness being sufficient for the North Devon Show to have already been cancelled.


Today is Morvah Pasty Day, and we're off there. Morvah means 'By the sea' so the breeziness here will be there but probably moreso.


Visit to the vet's yesterday for younger dog as she's been a bit sick, brining food back. A couple of injections and seeing how it goes.


Younger dog is fourteen, so not in either the first or second flushes of youth.


Dodgy Wifi here on the campsite, so not really read anything much else, and I know I've missed a lot. Political discussion here is bordering on the incredulous, with expressions such as "He's what???!!!!" being common. Watching the disintegration of a structure is not particularly informative or pleasant, and wondering how far the downward spiral will go before it can be stopped is unprecedented.


Quilting and sewing shops appear to be on the agenda over the next few days, apparently. This appears to be exchanging modelling tokens for brownie points. However I have a cunning plan to be enacted at my visit to Scaleforum in September. She's been nagging me to 'get on with some modelling', which I'm putting down to a bit of guilt :)


On the roving domestic front we bought a new caravan awning - a blow up job. (I DID SAY BLOW UP!). and it is standing the breezy condition very well. The design , although nominally the same footprint as the previous one, affords us extra room. It's called the Loxley by Royal, and whenever I think of it I can't but help thinking of 'Robin Hood, Men in Tights'. 


And the latest news that British Gas are increasing prices by an eighth has put us into investigation mode to look at suppliers.

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.......The design , although nominally the same footprint as the previous one, affords us extra room. It's called the Loxley by Royal, and whenever I think of it I can't but help thinking of 'Robin Hood, Men in Tights'. ....


I can remember nothing of that film except Cary Elwes* looking like a matinee idol, and a set-piece sequence involving a line-up of knights in full plate armour falling into each other like dominoes.


*frighteningly, it turns out Mr. Elwes shares both the same forename and birthday as me  :O ....and no, I didn't know this until I looked it up

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  • RMweb Premium

Good afternoon from Estuary-Land. I thought you said doggy wi-fi not dodgy wi-fi John. Meaning perhaps the dogs were stopping at every post and tree to check their wee-mail, hat, coat and gone................................... :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Oh, and as for something being 0.75mm out on The Stirling Single and possibly being the end of the world as we know it, words fail me.


Have a good one,



Totally agree . :good:

It's lovely to watch people having a go at each other in the most thinly-veiled way possible  :jester:

Good isn't it, I'm not interested in listening/reading to/about someone who constantly whines about a toy engine this chap who is doing it really needs to get a life, I don't think for one minute we are the only ones cheesed off with him. :rtfm:  :jester:

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.... don't think for one minute we are the only ones cheesed off with him. :rtfm:  :jester:


I've moved on from the cheese, and am looking forward to a decent glass of port.


Thing is, I couldn't even begin to afford this RTR Stirling Single - not with money earmarked for something oleopneumatic -  I can just about stretch to an eBay half-built Kitmaster version if one ever pops up.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've moved on from the cheese, and am looking forward to a decent glass of port.


Thing is, I couldn't even begin to afford this RTR Stirling Single - not with money earmarked for something oleopneumatic -  I can just about stretch to an eBay half-built Kitmaster version if one ever pops up.

Change your job to a street cleaner and earn some decent money.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

OK own up... who upset Thor in the Leeds Bradford area today....and no it wasn't me.


My former employers outsourced Pensions to a third party of incompetents who obviously decided they could make more money by employing less people.


Apparently they think it is normal for pension details to be sorted in three months...I have the email address of the big bosses' PA and so I shall be

explaining to said person of the fact that "We value our people" is just a bare faced lie! And these guys are in charge of a lot of Britain's

Defence Manufacturing! Brewery, organisation of, pi$$ up in, incapable of.. you get my idea.


Lummy, how the mighty are fallen.


Sorry, Rant over, now wots this about a doggy WiFi??



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