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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl from the Inner Temple, Another not very good nights sleep though mostly Caused by SWMBO's poor nights sleep. I awoke with a throbbing ankle hiding the pain from my back, this is because Yesterdays evening stroll with Ben the Border Collie, was down a green lane and I turned my ankle in a tractor rut. Luckily I was wearing boots which gave some protection but not quite enough. It's not bad enough to warrant heading for the docs and I can still walk on it.


This mornings stroll round the garden with Ben, appeared to be in the autumn misty cool  and some trees showing signs of left drop. driving in reinforced this many trees showing brown leaves especially chestnut trees,


 Thinking about it, including laptops and tablets we have about 15 computers  between the two of us. That's not including things like PVRs which are dedicated computers in their own right. Where did all this technology come from?


Now if the wedding Ian A is attending was Kilted then you can have real fun with colours...

How about this one.




generally known as Loud MacLeod



 Time to head in to battle with the equipment...



Edited by TheQ
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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning, having been to the Doc to have blood taken.


As for abolishing all petrol and diesel cars by 2040 - the idea is admirable, but probably utopian.  Unless someone comes up with an equivalent which allows you to drive up to 500km before refueling, and then allows you to refuel within five minutes (as you can with petrol and diesel).  Electric cars are getting there, but they aren't there yet.  Admittedly the Tesla is getting close (and may be there by 2040) but it still has a way to go, and range figures are being exaggerated by many manufacturers.


I believe we should be concentrating our efforts on a way of generating electricity cleanly and cheaply in a compact package.  If we achieve this, we will have limitless possibilities.  Electricity can be used for everything from traction through lighting to heat, and if the package is small enough, every home or vehicle can have their own "power pack" this will also cut down the costs of maintaining a network.  However, I suspect the corporate entities would have something to say about that.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


Ratings Curry last night has not sorted my sore throat so more gargling with TCP and water is required but first a cup of tea.


Have a good day and I hope it goes well for your friend Bob.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Overcast but clearing here. Sunny spells forecast.

Chris. Charity shops take tatty clothes and sell them for recycling. Our local recycling centre takes any footwear except rubber boots.

I won't be doing too much today.


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...Is there still Pseuds Corner in Private Eye?  ....

Absolutely! People always find new ways of going up their own ars*s.


...As for abolishing all petrol and diesel cars by 2040 - the idea is admirable, but probably utopian. Unless someone comes up with an equivalent which allows you to drive up to 500km before refueling, and then allows you to refuel within five minutes (as you can with petrol and diesel). Electric cars are getting there, but they aren't there yet. Admittedly the Tesla is getting close (and may be there by 2040) but it still has a way to go, and range figures are being exaggerated by many manufacturers.


I believe we should be concentrating our efforts on a way of generating electricity cleanly and cheaply in a compact package. If we achieve this, we will have limitless possibilities.......

Surely electricity generation is merely passing the problem on further down the line?


I think I'll stick to driving old Citroëns, unless they come up with an electric motor conversion that gives at least equal performance...

Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather cloudy Charente.   It is unseasonably cool with a forecast 21.  Lots got done yesterday and I managed to fit the new 5 lever lock to the railway room/shed. This  was done during a power cut but fortunately you don't need electricity to power a mallet and a chisel.  I enjoyed the carpentry and it all works but looks the same from the outside.   A convivial evening round the chimeniere .   Today a serious expedition is being planned.  We are heading for our local vineyard/distillery to acquire survival rations for our next sojourn in England.  This of course is a vital objective.  Hopefully this afternoon the roofer will return to redo the seal around the chimney.   Apart from that some unspecified pottering will no doubt be achieved.


Chrisf, some charities sell old clothes for rags and also collect trainers for recycling.  It may be worth asking in your local shops.


Regards to all.



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Chrisf, some charities sell old clothes for rags and also collect trainers for recycling.  It may be worth asking in your local shops.



I happened to read that post first and wondered if Chris was going to a MR Exhibition enforcing a dress code.

Thoughts of Chris in urgent need of old clothes in order to fit in. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Surely electricity generation is merely passing the problem on further down the line?


I have a sneaking feeling that if you tot up the pollutants ejected into the air by trains aircraft, freighters (ships) and commercial vehicles, then the pollutant affects of the private car are proportionally less.  However, as someone who has been trained in the art of statistics, there are always plenty of opportunities to skew the results by applying more significance to certain areas and then less to others.


The PH was telling me that there is the technology available to make the diesel engine more environmentally friendly, but at the same time the true environmental impact of the electric cars power pack has a lot of hidden costs which are being brushed under the carpet.  For instance by the time the battery has got into the car it has made a number of long sea journeys, albeit in component form. (see above).


Then there is the disposal issues with old batteries.  Lithium and it's ilk is pretty nasty stuff that will have to be disposed of carefully.


How many cycles will the rechargeable power pack have?  Because the replacement will not be coming from Halfords or your local tyre centre, and knowing car manufacturers and their need for greed, will probably cost more than a replacement engine!


Looking on the positive side, perhaps this is the stick up the bottom that the motor industry needs to finally crack the issues of wholly electric cars.  An electric vehicle with good range, rapid recharge facility and (in some cases) towing ability would be a godsend, although what I would save in fuel I would spend in extra electricity at recharging points, because 'Electro Mex and PB' who will provide the millions of recharging points throughout the UK will not be a Hippo friendly charity.


As Chrisf has pointed out, by the time this all comes to pass, I will also be in the electric chair, although the Obergrumpenfuhrer's concept of an electric chair and my interpretation are totally different.  Mine offers extended mobility, her concept is one off shock treatment designed to give me very curly hair and smoking ears!

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  • RMweb Gold


As Chrisf has pointed out, by the time this all comes to pass, I will also be in the electric chair, although the Obergrumpenfuhrer's concept of an electric chair and my interpretation are totally different.  Mine offers extended mobility, her concept is one off shock treatment designed to give me very curly hair and smoking ears!

I would like to point out that the stair lift I had installed for her personal use was developed by Martin Baker.........................

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I am going to sleep this evening wondering how Lydham Manor coped with the swim from Kingswear to Dartmouth:


Right away driver.......


Up periscope!



You mean you have not heard about the new floating bridge across from Kingswear??


Blog typed whilst under the influence of red wine!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all from a wet place.


Chris, most large towns and cities have charity textile recycling bins. Anything they can't sell on is commercially recycled as rags. There is a list of sites on the Bedford council website.


Domestic tasks are looming. If I hide they may go away. Other things that need doing may be curtailed by rain. Cleaning out an almost empty shed may happen.


Later it's time to escort Mrs mole to the coach stop on her way to Ludwigsburg for a big MLP convention.  


Martin Baker presumably made the stunt stair lift that appears in Gremlins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wK30R1gsgGk


Time to waken the sleeping teen.


Have a good day, stay dry.



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You've never met a member of this then:



The first safety talk when I did my tour as a civilian worker for Hawker Siddeley with the R.A.F. was when looking into the cockpit of an aircraft was to see where the seat safety pins where. If still in the rack, then a no go unless you really wanted to go through the hangar roof! 

Edited by Judge Dread
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a drizzly wet one here. In fact more than drizzle; steady rain. Coincides with the start of the school holidays! 


I see in the news that an opera "Belongings" has premiered on the Caledonian Sleeper service; no doubt Southern will be hiring the Rolling Stones to sing "Satisfaction" in due course?


Not much planned today apart from the usual. No doubt I'll discover what I'm meant to be doing shortly. ;)

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....I think I'll stick to driving old Citroëns, unless they come up with an electric motor conversion that gives at least equal performance...


...oh wait....think someone's already done a CX Electric conversion:



Edited by Horsetan
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Working from home today! I had a word with my manager and mentioned that as tomorrow's team meeting will be my last one, I was planning to make a cake (chocolate and orange cheesecake) and would it be ok if I spent today doing so, he agreed. So the base has been made and is in the fridge setting, I'll do the filling after lunch. In the meantime, as I needed some oranges for said cake, I went out and bought some this morning and whilst I was there I thought I'd complete the weekly shop too!


Back later.

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You mean you have not heard about the new floating bridge across from Kingswear??


Blog typed whilst under the influence of red wine!

You have to have someway to reach the only railway station in the UK that never had any tracks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Must admit I had to Google Martin Baker before inserting rating. :scratchhead:

I'll be the one walking around Didcot Museum on Sunday wearing a hat and dark sun glasses.  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late on parade this morning as for some reason I couldn't get off to sleep last night. I finally got off to sleep about 4 o'clock as a result of of trying to finish the soduko that was in a pull out with last Sunday's paper. Instead of the usual 3X3 and 9 boxes this one is 4X4 and 16 boxes. Chris, if the teenagers I've seen waliking about lately is anything to go by they will gladly pay a fortune for holed and torn jeans.


You've never met a member of this then:



I read a couple of the reports, one mentioned a cloud of dust when he ejected at low altitude. In my case it would not be a cloud of dust.

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