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E'ning all. Jeez, you folks sure have been busy posting again! No wonder I always feel I haven't a chance of properly catching up ever… :jester:


Anyway, before I sign off for today and with an early looming tomorrow, I finally managed to download these from my camera, having been taken five days ago:







Due to even more engineering work, Line 4 has been the only one to skirt the Leipzig Arena for a couple of days now, and due to the World Fencing Championship currently taking place there, all turns were booked with 45-metre formations, such as Tatra Großzüge, NGT6 tracts and NGT12s. 


In other news, 1002 needed to have a software issue fixed and has been out of revenue service for a couple of days, but rejoined Line 4 today.



Cheers, everyone…

Edited by NGT6 1315
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Ivan mentioning Irish connections with estates actually fits in with something I was doing yesterday. I was looking at some of the properties(flat/house share) for rent near where Matthew will be looking. This was because Matthew had told me about various places He is interested in and I had no idea where they were. I did ask if he was thinking of buying and he said probably not yet. He is going to apply for university post grad accommodation but it depends on what the conditions are (he doesn't fancy being a corridor warden or similar).


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A good day with a lot achieved and very little traffic on the roads compared to normal.


I was planning on having an evening of doing nothing and dossing in front of the idiot box for a change. That plan has now gone out of the window. The TV in my hotel room doesn't work and there are no spare rooms.


I think I'll now spend my evening catching up on RM.


There is light at the end of the tunnel, the RMweb tour of Didcot on Sunday.


Back later

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More thanks for supportive posts are liberally distributed.  Difficult letter written and posted, good day at work with a chat to an RMWebber to cheer the day more.


Next door neighbour's long a-building extension (almost a year now) reached the take-the-tiles-off stage today for the new roof to be merged into the existing one - torrential rain forecast overnight and early tomorrow.  Rooferwombles.

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She's not a fan of green clothing, so our FIRST choices to text her pictures of were lime green and a fluorescent green possibility :)


Left her suitably panicked :sarcastichand:


Trevor already knew what he'd decided on, but we had to send some pictures to assure her after the trick pictures!

Here's the result - expressions deliberate to wind her up further :)


Up first - groomsmen, colour matches bridesmaids dresses


An Italian/French* colleague of mine arrived at a big multi-day company meeting with two identically tailored suits - one entirely in salmon pink and the other entirely in pistachio green. He stood out a mile away but nevertheless the ensembles worked for him.


My bride inflicted coral pink cummerbunds on my groomsmen. No vests though. I hold myself entirely blameless. At least the coats were black. Taste-wise, it was an 1980s hangover with a February 1990 wedding. Better than 1970s baby blue suits at any rate.


* Meaning Italian by birth and French by residence.


Michael aka ◄ DARK GODS 

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Ian A.




I've got one like that, but mine has the word




in big letters on the back!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all.


A long day out today - 13 hours. I umpired two of the three games. Yorkshire beat Lancashire and finished with a win against Derbyshire.


Derbyshire beat Lancashire.


Great games!  Started in a cool, overcast morning , ended in a sunny and warm evening.


Two hot air balloons also graced us with their presence.


I now need some sleep!


Sleep well Everyone.



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Today Lorna received a nice email from an English solicitor who is handling the estate of a gentleman who shares our surname. Unfortunately the gentleman was killed in a car crash a few years ago in London leaving behind a considerable estate. Apparently the solicitor has documents that can prove Lorna is entitled to make a claim on the estate.


We're gonna be rich!!!

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Today Lorna received a nice email from an English solicitor who is handling the estate of a gentleman who shares our surname. Unfortunately the gentleman was killed in a car crash a few years ago in London leaving behind a considerable estate. Apparently the solicitor has documents that can prove Lorna is entitled to make a claim on the estate.


We're gonna be rich!!!

And how much do you have to send to have the claim processed?

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Just had a very unsatisfying phone call from the "technical department of Windows".


After that introduction, it went thus:


"Do you have a computer?"

"I have several computers."



C'mon, man! If you're going to try to rip me off, at least have a good spiel and provide some entertainment on the way!

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And how much do you have to send to have the claim processed?


I'm sure it can't be much. Nothing like the amount we spent on the new boat I bought after we got the email.

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and a bright start with sunny spells forecast followed by cloud and rain later.


All a bit worried here at GDB Towers and associated households. A very good family friend, Steve, is critically ill in hospital with an extremely nasty bout of pneumonia. He's been in for a few days but yesterday was moved to the ICU and put in an induced coma. He's the son of friends of ours and we've known him well over thirty years since he was about ten. He's been friends with SiL Steve since they were kids and his wife is Nicki's best friend. His eldest daughter, who is teaching in Thailand, has flown home because they are so concerned about him. Needless to say all our thoughts are with them at the moment.


Not sure what I'm doing today. I managed to muddle a bit yesterday so may carry on with that. Trying to build a level crossing out of bits of one I had on my previous layout that was bashed from Hornby, Peco and some other bits of plastic. I tried doing it a few weeks ago and it went pear shaped and nearly took flight. Hopefully this time it will be better. With a lot of luck and a following wind.  Maybe.


Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


Some archaeology took place in my bedroom yesterday.  This was a side effect of rounding up the clothing and other requisites for my nearly imminent holiday.  Sidelined for disposal are three decommissioned pairs of trainers and heaven knows how many pairs of jeans with holes where there should be no holes and rips where there should be no rips.  All these items are, I think, quite beyond repair but I feel guilty in committing them to landfill.  With trepidation I appeal to the ERs brains trust for better ideas.


Some remarkable news breaks this morning.  A ban on new diesel and petrol vehicles from 2040 is a wonderful objective but possibly one worthy of the Brothers Grimm.  Should it come to pass I would be 92 years of age and, if alive, possibly confined to an electric chair.  A survey of office jargon has been published, with some wonderful examples of drivel hitting the headlines.  "Punching the puppy" deserves some sort of award but not, I suspect, from the Royal Humane Society.  Is there still Pseuds Corner in Private Eye?  In my working life I used to rail against such blots on the language as "touching base" and "blue sky thinking", expressing in my own mild-mannered way a preference for plain English that all would understand.  Voice in the wilderness?  Moi?


I may venture into the jungle garden this morning.  There are weeds to be culled and given the necessary stamina I might manage about an hour before breaking for a cuppa and the latest part of Jane Garvey's conversation with Patricia Greene [aka Jill Archer, but you knew that] on Woman's Hour.  Apparently there will be rain later in the day so it would be foolish to spray any more glyphosate only for it to be washed away before taking effect.


Best wishes to all in distress and recovery



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Good morning one and all


All these items are, I think, quite beyond repair but I feel guilty in committing them to landfill.  With trepidation I appeal to the ERs brains trust for better ideas.


Some remarkable news breaks this morning.  A ban on new diesel and petrol vehicles from 2040 is a wonderful objective but possibly one worthy of the Brothers Grimm.  Should it come to pass I would be 92 years of age and, if alive, possibly confined to an electric chair





Jean and trainers sond like they've nothin left from which to make rags and cloths! Landfill beckons, I fear!


Chair: mobile or static (I refer to the chair, not the electricity!!)?

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Morning all. A long decent sleep for a change but still feel shattered.


A fairly easy day is on the cards but I could end up getting wet thanks to the forecast rain.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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