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  • RMweb Premium

NHN. So sorry to read about the loss of your friend.


Goodnight all

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This is quite good fun to play on a rainy Monday:




Using all four of my names results in:


“Evil Bloody Dark Thorn” though more simply “Evil Thorn” is acceptable, and could possibly feature Ritchie Blackmore and the late Ronnie Dio...


Best, Pete.



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Morning all. A terrible nights sleep waking five times and found it very hard to go back to sleep. I wish I knew the reason.


It appears that another wet day is forecast but at least it's a bit cooler.


Pete - Using my initials I've ended up with Iron Bleeding Temple.


Time for another coffee before fighting the traffic in East London.


Have a good day everyone

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Morning All,


It is a very dull and gloomy morning in this part of the world.  It was raining quite heavily when I put the bins out, which resulted in me getting a soaking.  Still, we need the rain, and at least it has now cooled down a bit.


Sorry to hear your news Neil.  That's terrible! 


We spent quite a bit of time on Saturday in the garden.  There was a quite a lot to tidy up, but it looks a lot better now.  Unfortunately, we didn't get absolutely everything finished, but that was because there was no more space in the bins.  As usual, it wasn't so much the stuff that needed cutting back and weeding, but actually getting rid of it.


Oh well - time for a coffee.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Good morning one and all, and condolences to Neil


Toad in the hole followed by apple strudel and custard is a good way to pig out on a Sunday.  Trust me.  The predicted unspecified pottering turned out to be looking up stuff in old magazines for the benefit of another.  In the week ahead the preparations for my holiday will continue, with such diverse activities as rounding up appropriate T shirts and testing the new pump for my airbed.  I used to be able to blow up an airbed using only my lungs but sadly no more.  On Thursday I visit Poorly Pal and on Saturday the HMRS area group is visiting Pendon and possibly Didcot.  In there somewhere are a couple of regular fodder runs.  It's all go.


Best wishes to all in distress and recovery



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


First off, I am so sorry that I missed a bit of Neil's post yesterday - put it down to extreme tirdedness - sincerest  condolences from this quarter as well.


Today is another rushed affair, with 30747 off to work and needing a taxi, back to deliver a birthday present to a chatty friend who will need to be chatted to for as short a time as possible as Mr Carl from Morereasons is due with a supply of fodder 8.30 to 9.30, and then back in the car for an appointment with the new sister diabetes at 10.40.  So back later


From Satan's Guilty Tendencies.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, A reasonable night sleep of 7.5 hours was had, although there were some wake up and turnovers in there.


Yesterday was,

Mow the jungle,

 Wave the chainsaw on a stick at the hedgerow,

Go to fete, be lucky and be sitting in the Gazebo for the tea bar when lots of wet came down.

Take Ben the Border Collie down to the beach, where he met a new friend, Oliver the Border Collie, they had a good charge around together..


Go home have sausage and chips, watch the first episodes of Outlander, which the Yanks have been raving about. Supposedly in the highlands of Scotland but actually filmed at Culross and central Scotland, which means I can see the set from My parents Kitchen. it is however several miles away across the Firth of Forth...


This morning, heavy rain, which luckily stopped before I took Ben for his morning stroll round the garden, the roads were very wet at home but by the time I had driven 10 miles in land they were bone dry. The NDR roundabout is open!!!  not finished though, no white lines and the island and surrounds need landscaping plus the signs being put up.


Time to... start a major equipment then arrange of another one to be released on Wednesday.

Edited by TheQ
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Good moaning from a cool and slightly damp corner of the Charente.


Good to see Sherry posting yesterday and good wishes to Ian.


Condolences to Neil, that's a horrible thing but I like the way you dealt with it.


Here we are settling in with 5 in the house for the next few days and thought's unfortunately are turning towards our journey home on Friday and Saturday.  I', not sure what today will bring as the other four are all still abed so I'm going to deal with some f the post that Martin and Katie brought over with them.  In it was my old age pension application so that will be dealt with.   


We had heavy rain last night that tested the roof repairs and found them wanting as we had drips in the hall way so a phone call to the builder is needed.


Regards to all from


Forsaken Dark Angels.


aka Jamie

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a damp Ceske Budejovice. At least it's cooler than last night. This hotel is the only one of the trip without air conditioning but at least it had plenty of windows to open and was quiet outside.


The main square has only o e modern building and even that is tastefully blended in


Today tales us to Plzen.


A few photos from last night.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


Well today is the start of my final full week in employment, but one which again finds me heading north up the M61.

I forgot to mention on Saturday that I got a letter confirming that the company had received the paperwork I signed on Tuesday and to my surprise, also gave me updated final figures for both my pension and lump sum, both had gone up! I will be getting a whopping £3.00 extra per month!


INSANE GUILTY THORN doesn't sound quite right, but either; INSANE THORN or GUILTY THORN sound better.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sorry to hear your sad news Neil.


Rather a disturbed night here with my back deciding that I should not sleep for long. Having got up and moved around a bit things are now slightly easier.

It's started out (or carried on) rather damp and looks like it will stay that way for a while.

I plan to visit the railway room today but other people may try and find something else for "us" (me)  to do.

Have a good one,


Bob. (Insane Warriors) or you may prefer Robert. (Bleeding Warriors) 


Personally I think either  is rather apt.

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  • RMweb Gold

This is quite good fun to play on a rainy Monday:




Using all four of my names results in:


“Evil Bloody Dark Thorn” though more simply “Evil Thorn” is acceptable, and could possibly feature Ritchie Blackmore and the late Ronnie Dio...


Best, Pete.

Bleeding Soldier


How apt!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most from Insane Soldier...


I have been instructed to take the glasses back to Moreasons this morning. I may also visit the Club room to retrieve some of my stock.


A bit of garden furniture moving and cricket rules and regulations reading should keep me busy today.


Enjoy your day everyone.



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  • RMweb Premium


 "Inner Temple"

I don't remember having anything to do with the law...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Very little sleep.  Now the IKEA delivery has gone to Truro not Twickenham.  A good start to the week.  Not.  


Back to bed with a coffee it is, then.  Caution - mood=fragile ;)

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a drizzly one here today; rather appropriate as the school holidays will be upon us in the next few days in these parts.


Neil, I was sorry to read of your loss. Sincere condolences. 


Yesterday's bout of diy rather obscured that fact that I'd been running round on Saturday like a blue-ar$ed fly, too.

Saturday's chores included: weeding the borders (yep, might as well have been the England--Scottish one), 2 trips to the garden centre to purchase and deliver 18 bags of gravel to be used as weed suppressant, trip to town to purchase a new microwave for my mum. Another trip to town to purchase a kettle for her when this new need was identified.....


I'm rather glad to be sitting at my desk writing job applications. Just had one reply from a company that might well have been interested, however the job ad only appeared on my search terms a month after it was advertised. So, I was late to the party and 2nd interviews had been and gone. Hey-ho. As the glass is half full I believe when one door shuts and even better one opens. 


And on that note, another cuppa and time to start typing! 

Have a nice day everyone. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Amazingly quiet around here this morning, but then living as I do within a couple of hundred metres of both a junior and secondary school I would expect it to be so. Had quite a bit of rain last night rattling on the windows but not much sign of rain this morning and even the sun appeared from behind the cloud for a few minutes. It must have been quite chilly early this morning as the heating was on when I woke up at six, but at least the towels were nicely warm when I took a bath. So long for now, be back later.

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.....HT, if she's a 20-sometin' you might be in luck ;)  Then again, she probably isn't and has other things on her mind right now :nono:




The recently-deceased and his widow were of a certain age, thank you.


It might be that we'll be instructed to help her deal with Probate, though.

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