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  • RMweb Premium

Mike - The Dolphin is Plan A for tonight's dining but sadly I can't loiter long enough to lug luggage for you ;)

Plan B.


The Go When Ready railway was up to its piskie-led tricks today. Enjoyed a pint with lunch in the Bishop and Bear at Paddington. Set to form my 14.07 was shown due in at 14.01. At 14.03 we were ushered aboard the set intended for the 14.15 Cardiff. This was a 7-car set, reverse-formation and with no coach C. That meant no disabled toilet and no wheelchair space for the gent having booked it. It also meant my reservation didn't exist.


A hasty purview of seats I might grab in the melee to get bodies and bags aboard offered the preferred facing-forward window seat which was snatched by dint of throwing my bag at it. The train was full and standing to Truro.


We seemed to have problems in the Duchy. Station stops blew out to 6-7 minutes with 12 plus a draw-up required at St. Germans. I've never drawn up in an HST before. Short version: missed last kitchen orders at the Dolphin having checked into the B&B first (which is almost next door) so have decamped to long-time favourite Curry Corner at the top of Chapel Street.


It looks a bit naff from outside. It always has done. But the food is very good and the chef / owner is a woman. You don't get too many female Indian chefs


The mizzle has cleared. I may yet get some night photography in. Especially if the mermaids are out to play.

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A successful visit to the office first thing where I managed to get ten quotes out before going to see various clients. After today I have five very large quotes to sort out.


A mixture of wet roads and cockwombles made for an interesting day of finding alternative routes. I did manage to get to all of my appointments on time and even attended a call out as well.


Back later

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First of all, a very big thank you from NB Junior to all those filled in her survey. She is most appreciative.


Today was a very wet away Seniors League match at Burnley. Glenview is a bit exposed to the elements to say the least.


We set off in light drizzle which quickly cleared with the promise of a dry round. How wrong that turned out to be.......


Two holes later, the clouds come down and visibility was less than 100 yards at times - not good or safe for golf. And on top of that, it began to really persist down.


The decision was taken to finish the match on the 9th (in line with the league rules), with the results standing at that point. We were one up on the 9th tee and looking good halfway down the fairway, when the group in front that had just finished on the 9th came by and one pairing was complaining about the rules. As my partner is league secretary, he was called over to adjudicate and I was slowly getting annoyed (and wetter) that we should just get on with the game and finish the hole.

I was that frustrated with the delay (which was not my partner's fault) I went and duffed my next shot, so we ended up losing the hole and halving the match. In some respects, a fair result for our fourball and all played in a very enjoyable spirit.

The final team score however was 7-6 to the opponents, but it does put us joint top of the league, having played more away games than the other two teams. (Away points are hard to come by in this league, so it bodes well for the rest of the season)


Next week is another away game, leaving us with 3 out of 4 home games to finish the season.


More tracklaying tomorrow is the main plan at work.


Have a good hump day if you can folks.




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rain started here about lunchtime yesterday and it's still coming down steadily. More to come but it should brighten up later this afternoon.

However it will be too wet for gardening which is just as well really because a major clear up job is needed here after last night's dinner . Normally we finish early on a weeknight but such a good time was being had by all that our visitors didn't leave until 10.30  As The Boss has to get up at 4.00 for work she decreed that "we" should leave all the clearing up until today. I suspect that she is hoping that I will make a start on it before she finishes work.

That's my next couple of hours sorted then but I may as well get on with as I've nothing else planned,

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. A bright start to the day and hopefully it will stay that way.


More surveys and quotes today and possibly an early finish.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all.  Apologies for lateness on parade, caused by replying to a kind PM.


It seems to have stopped raining.  Yesterday I had first to scamper through it from the shed where the layout lives to Poorly Pal's kitchen to mete out its destined fate to some stir fry beef, assorted veg and a sachet of chow mein sauce.  After lunch the shed door was propped open with PP's wheelie bin as the rain feel and took away the humidity.  Driving home on the A1 after a not particularly good slide show at the Royal Corps of Train Spotters was at a more stately pace than adopted by some, except for overtaking the odd spray-generating HGV so that I could continue to see where I was going.


Today there are a few little jobs - ironing, unloading the car, cooking myself bangers and mash - and some distractions - PMQs on TV, trying to find the 1mm drill that I lost the other day - before there is any hope of m*d*ll*ng.  A quick peek at the AA webshite will, I hope, help me evaluate the best route to my Saturday destination but an early start is inescapable.  Sufficient unto the day ....


Felicitations AND best wishes to those in distress and recovery.  Generous or what?



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Morning Awl, well I think it is, I had to have the lights on in the house and on the Landrover, A reasonable nights sleep although I did wake a few times.


I stopped off at Tesco on the way home to get the Shopping list left for me, I got every thing, plus a 12 pack of cheap and nasty tennis balls for Ben the Border Collie..  He didn't know what to do when I dumped the lot all at once on  the mobile home floor !!! SWMBO has instructed me to get More when I can, as at that cheap price they are not too expensive to Ben to destroy... I'm thinking of getting 4 packs of 12 , dumping that lot on the floor and watching how he copes with that..


It was raining when I got home last night 16:00 ish and it's raining now. SWMBO will be bailing out her myriad of plant pots if it stops raining.


So Ben the Border Collie was not impressed when he only got a run twice  round the garden last night from me, as it was chucking it down, SWMBO also took him round again later.


A new route to work this morning... the wrong way round a roundabout, the NDR Junction has switched sides while they finish building  the other one..


Todays work, in a few minutes time process the results of the cross check I set off just before I left work, then continue with the next major system, which already isn't looking good. and in the 40 minute intervals while that's on automatic, I've got 12 current Shunts to test, 1mA and 10mA were done yesterday I've got to get all my way up to 100A today...


Time to .. Check the company Junk mail...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's been heavy rain overnight here.

One more interview this week. So, head down for a day of reading through the job spec and allied documents.

Fingers crossed that I win one of them. :)

Back later or tomorrow. 

Best to all. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining here too! Once again I'm heading north up the M61 to the orifice where again I shall plonk myself at a desk a twiddle my thumbs.


Back later

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Morning all from a grey, windy and damp Charente. Yesterday our daughter and partner arrived and a good time was had by all. The two 30 somethings had a great time in the pool and in the evening we had a hilarious game of trivial pursuit. After a coupe of rounds of the adult questions it was decided that they were too hard so we changed to the children's questions. Some absolute pearlers came out. Beth said the London station named after Bonaparte's defeat was "Trafalger", Laura managed to tell us that the Kremlin was in London. Rachel came out with a similar one. This may have been helped by liquid refreshment. After that it was time for a very successful owl watch where we saw the birds going in and out of the shed several times. Today the girls are heading off to go canoeing on The Charente and Beth and I are doing some clearing of garden debris. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day as some old friends come for the day along with their daughter, a friend of Rachel's, her husband and their 4 children. From the relative peace of just two of us to twelve will be great. I have threatened to retire to the shed to do some modelling.


I hope that those ailing manage to find some relief from their symptoms.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It has just stopped raining. I have been informed that it should get brighter as the day progresses. I slept through the excitement of bin depositing as Aditi did it. She said I was so fast asleep I didn't seem to be aware of the radio alarm.

I seem to be surviving without any further antibiotics. Still feeling feeble though. Various relatives asked if I would like visitors this weekend. Aditi declined the offer, as I had asked her to do so. I am not antisocial just tired.

Hope everyone has a good day.


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Morning all, I have not been able to pop in for a while so no chance of a real catch up. I am glad to read that Tony is still on the mend.

It has stopped raining here at London Bridge.

Today is a day where I have the chance to spend limited time span vouchers provided by the company at Borough Market - part of the support from local businesses to our very near neighbours. It will mean a change from the usual place that I purchase my lunch.

Later I am meeting with friends for drinks and dinner, somewhere up Islington way.

Last week I was part of an internal meeting that turned quite nasty. Fortunately the "injured party" did not return the verbal abuse and the meeting ended calmly.

In the meanwhile shenanigans at Mrs Lurker's school seem to be making her doubt her ability to do the job, or whether she would want to carry on for too much longer. The sort of shenanigans that reinforces outsiders' views of those who have never been in anything other than education; I know it's a sweeping generalization, but really there is no need to live down to the stereotype!

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I went outside about half an hour ago to kick the AC to get the water pump to work, it was still raining.

I've just been out again to kick the AC and the sun is shining and it's not raining

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The trip to the orifice took a little longer than usual, almost an hour, I don't know why, I didn't see any incidents on the motorways/roads etc.


I've just been to our departmental storage unit, to return all the spares that I normally carry, as I will no longer need to carry for much longer.

Each item was put back into the correct storage bin/s, so that's quite a bit of stuff I've gotten rid of and it will make the car a fair bit little lighter too, the boot is looking quite empty now! Despite the stores being really well labeled and laid out, it still took me nearly 30 minutes to return all the spares, it's surprising how much stuff you carry for that 'JUST IN CASE MOMENT', isn't it?


Well, I think after all that strenuous activity, I think it's time for a cup of tea!


Back later.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Drying up here now but it didn't half rain last night. I now have a mass of poppy seed heads to recover, some have scattered their seeds already. Also to do is get out again with the hedge trimmer so that the fencer can get to the fence that needs replacing, it looks as if I will have to cut back the ivy on the adjoining wall as well. The ivy serves a purpose as it disguises the side entrance, even a neighbour who passes it every day did not know that it was there. Thats it for now, be back later.

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