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I'm sure you will have seen some or all of these before. You couldn't make it up.




Actually No. 4 is sensible.


If you ever go to Llandudno, have a look at the cycle paths outside Asda Supermarket.

Most of the examples in BoD's url apply there.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry, Mike, but I almost hit the funny button imagining this. White spirit, indeed! Art least it wasn't kereosene, I suppose.





Better option than Petrol Mal.  Years ago I was doing some work in the garden (at out previous house) and needed to leave a cable route through some concrete so used the time tried method of butting in a suitable piece of expanded polystyrene and then concreting all around it.  Next stage is to pour in some petrol which according to all the experts will melt the expanded polystyrene and then the fumes will dissipate.  Presumably I must have been using the wrong sort of expanded polystyrene, or the wrong sort of petrol, because the latter would not melt it - even with a bit of encouragement from a piece of angle iron.  Adding a drop more petrol had no effect so I resorted to what i knew would work as expanded polystyrene will burn - so I dropped a lighted match in which proved with a nice whoomph noise that there was still plenty of petrol vapour about.


The expanded polystyrene disappeared fairly rapidly but the thing about petrol is that it will not evaporate quickly if it gets into the ground and a little bit of spillage had duly sunk into the ground and it too caught fire - not really a problem as there was just occasional small flames here & there - in next door's garden, oops.  Fortunately it was rough area and no harm was done but of course you shouldn't use petrol to start fires anyway but be even more aware that if it goes into the ground the vapour will go everywhere and anywhere and then catch light if there's a source of ignition - and burn well away from where you thought it was.  Other accelerants tend to be better behaved than petrol but still need a lot of care of course.

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Is this real or a spoof? We should be told......(Rick?)

Pete - as far as I am aware it's a spoof though the dreaded brown slime does turn up in unexpected places. The real reason I had to leave Australia was my public disrespect for Vegemite as I claimed it had no taste and occupied the supermarket shelf space where Marmite should go.

I will confess to enjoying Vegemite on buttered toast, but in very few other applications. Marmite, I couldn't possibly comment on.


The notion of Vegemite in Cadbury chocolate sounds dreadful.


Pete, I assume that was not Hershey-produced chocolate. A great number of Cadbury offerings are now available in the US, manufactured under license by Hershey. While they are a great improvement on Hershey chocolate, of course, they don't taste quite like I remember them.

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  • RMweb Gold


I hope this doesn't lead to the usual bunfight between drivers and cyclists that sometimes happens here.

As a cyclist and a driver I have the pleasure of seeing the best and worst of both species. 


But i am convinced that cycle tracks are all designed by a blind dylexsic.

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  • RMweb Premium

Back for a quick check in and to say Welcome Back to Flavio - great to hear from you.


Up here there are numerous short cycle lanes - one of the oddest being a couple of metres just on a curve where the road narrows, just opposite the Town Hall entrance - I don't think I've ever seen it observed by motorists.  They're probably too busy tying to observe the 20mph speed restriction on the same stretch of road.  And out on the junctions for the new bypass and the remodelled motorway junction with the A683 (J34 M6) there are full cycle lanes with advance stop lines, and also full pedestrian traffic lights in an area where most cyclists and pedestrians are almost never to be seen as most cyclists going into Lancaster from the Lune valley have the advantage of a dedicated cycle track on the course of the old MR Wennington Junction to Green Ayre branch which has no traffic, and much more gentle gradients. 


I had a pretty horrible job today, as I was meant to do the hoovering, and as I started so to do, there was a big bang, and the hoover decided to stop picking up and the brushes stopped, then there was smoke and a horrible smell of burning belt.  Somehow, the belt had got itself welded to the motor spindle and would not move.  So after getting 30747 from work, I obtained the user guide, having discovered that the tutorial on the maker's website was for a different model!  The user guide also was hopeless, as it missed out one vital stage, where it simply stated that "the retaining screw for the height adjustment dial is located here" without saying that it and the dial itself had to be removed to access the belt chamber.  Eventually, a good clean, a drop of proper oil on the bearings, and a new belt, and the whole process could be reversed, and I then still had to do the hoovering.  Still, it's all done now.


Back tomorrow.

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I had thought the combination of gherkins with honey would be much that sort of thing - until I tried it. It's a Russian thing apparently.


I have had gherkins with caviar. That is an acquired taste. Jury still out on whether that combination "works".

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  • RMweb Premium


But i am convinced that cycle tracks are all designed by a blind dylexsic.


There's a cycle lane in a town near me that is the opposite direction on a one way street. With a blind bend where the cycle lane is on the inside of the curve to oncoming traffic.


That's bad enough on it's own, but the fact that it's in Blackburn (full of less than ideal drivers) makes it doubly dangerous.




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  • RMweb Premium

Hi guys,

If you have a couple of minutes can you do me (actually Junior NB) a favour by filling in the attached short questionnaire for her degree course.


It's a few question on hotel marketing groups.




(Apologies fro a couple of grammar errors - she is mildly dyslexic)



Edited by newbryford
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Morning all,


First news from the seaweed twirlers of Devon - tomorrow we are forecast to have a 90-95% chance of heavy rain going on for 10 hours from 15.00 onwards.  Strangely this impressive forecast does not come with a 'Yellow Warning' of the sort we've had recently when we've had a less than 5% chance of not very heavy rain over a period of 20 hours.  Maybe they're running Windows XP and their Yellow Warning programme has been hacked by a fiendish foreign power seeking to create mayhem and fear in our stout hearts?


And now to yesterday on the river - where I lighted across this chap who was clearly indicative of too many people feeding the ducks




But he could also move




And at quite a pace (almost up to fast walking speed)





Enjoy your day and may those ailing and recovering continue to make progress.


That [duck] certainly justifies a yellow warning!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Hi guys,

If you have a couple of minutes can you do me (actually Junior NB) a favour by filling in the attached short questionnaire for her degree course.


It's a few question on hotel marketing groups.




(Apologies fro a couple of grammar errors - she is mildly dyslexic)





I went through it and I can't say I noticed any glaring grammatical errors. However, the questionnaire was a mixture of English and German (questions in English, instructions in German). I suppose the bloody stupid geolocation feature now seen on most websites is to blame (one particular geographical redirection that makes me see red is on the Fender website. Even if I type in fender.com directly into the browser it ALWAYS redirects me to http://shop.fender.com/en-CH/start. Which I don't want. It is most annoying...)


Have a good one





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I went through it and I can't say I noticed any glaring grammatical errors. However, the questionnaire was a mixture of English and German (questions in English, instructions in German). I suppose the bloody stupid geolocation feature now seen on most websites is to blame 

I was presented only with English. "Clever" Google.

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  • RMweb Premium

I will confess to enjoying Vegemite on buttered toast, but in very few other applications. Marmite, I couldn't possibly comment on.


The notion of Vegemite in Cadbury chocolate sounds dreadful.


Pete, I assume that was not Hershey-produced chocolate. A great number of Cadbury offerings are now available in the US, manufactured under license by Hershey. While they are a great improvement on Hershey chocolate, of course, they don't taste quite like I remember them.

They won't taste like you remember them if you come back either, Kraft took over and promptly changed the recipe...
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sure you will have seen some or all of these before. You couldn't make it up.




Actually No. 4 is sensible.

Not yet seen a cyclist used one of those though.


Around here they ride down the road in the wrong direction and not just to get around pedestrians on a non cycle lane pavement

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

Work went reasonably well, I came home via the DIY shed and loaded up with more sand, which, since I hadn't unloaded the previous lot, made the Landover suspension work for a change.


I got home to find that Ben the Border Collie has successfully cost me just under £300, the new gate 12ft by 6 ft has arrived. My next trip to the the DIY shed will require some quick set post cement....


We took Ben out for his walk and as we walked down the road on the way back, the man from Amazon arrived with the new toaster. To replace the one, mum tried to get the burning bread out of with a fork... With it still plugged it.. RCDs are a good idea!!!


Just after we got back a lot of rain arrived, none of it yellow, though more is forecast.


As it's a lot cooler I'm hoping for a better sleep,


Good night...

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A long day and it looks like I've managed to get another couple of clients. With all the phone calls to the office, it looks like things are just going to keep getting busier for the business. Several quotes to do in the morning before a couple of surveys.


Tony - Good to hear that the recovery is progressing.


Flavio - Get better soon.


When it comes to cycle lanes we have one in my local area. The raod is one way uphill for cars and downhill for bikes. Great idea especially as the parking is on both sides of the raod with very little clearance for a large car or van without cyclists coming the other way.

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Hi guys,

If you have a couple of minutes can you do me (actually Junior NB) a favour by filling in the attached short questionnaire for her degree course.


It's a few question on hotel marketing groups.




(Apologies fro a couple of grammar errors - she is mildly dyslexic)





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