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Good morning one and all


Apart from the fodder run there is nothing booked for today.  I expect it will disappear like yesterday did.  I managed to consume a couple of hours looking for a missing magazine so imagine my surprise when I found myself leaning on it.  Some m*d*ll*ng got done but not the bit I had planned to do.  A quick call to Poorly Pal resulted in a request for beef for Tuesday’s lunch so a quick riffle through the recipes will be in order.  Some time was spent on printing maps to help me navigate on future expeditions.  One way streets are not always shown clearly on Google maps so one trip in the next couple of weeks could be interesting.


Before all that I plan to visit Nozzle on Saturday and be back home in time to attend a concert given by a schoolfellow.  Will the motorway network co-operate?  Is there a cafeteria at Tesco in Kettering that does a good breakfast?  I’m sure I will find out soon enough.


I have heard from the fixtures secretary about my meeting report.  He says that he will discuss it with me when he is back from Llangollen.  The edge of the seat can get quite uncomfortable.


Felicitations to the ailing and distressed



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Oh gosh, that reminds me! Way back, when I was a fairly new member of my club, we had our AGM (1995-ish). The Chair for that meeting was a bloke who pretty much single-handedly ran one of the leading model railway magazines at the time which had previously introduced the concept of modular model railways in NL, named "Hobbytrack", about a decade earlier and which spurred the growth of various modular standards in this country, including the one we use. He had partial Swiss pedigree, IIRC his Mum was Swiss, from the Basel region somewhere. Nice chap, but very, very formal, especially on official stuff like AGM's. At the previous meeting (not an AGM, a few months before) some guys concocted a prank. They added, at the last moment, a last point to the agenda for the AGM, named "B-track". The chap obviously knew nothing about it, so when we finally came to that point at the end of the meeting (fairly late in the evening), he was kinda bewildered whatever that was supposed to be. I'll never forget the look on his face when he saw a few guys the conspirators stand up, walk over to a corner and proceeded poring the contents of various boxes, hereto covered, full of Brio track and trains onto the tables, and starting to build a layout with it :O :rofl:




(note: said Chair is not on the images! And nor am I, standing behind the camera taking these photo's ;) )


Sadly, the chap left the club sometime later, after deciding we'd go DCC in 2002 (he was a very strong-minded DC guy) and I learned he passed away a few years ago. The magazine still exists, long since run by his  replacements at the helm after his retirement.


DCC Brio, did you say?!

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The rating is for  Ben the Collie! ... wonder how soon he'll bring you a cup of tea in bed.

He would if he could , we've discovered he likes a cup of tea...


Morning awl, another night of broken sleep, but the total was over 6 hours....

I 'm feeling quite carp this morning, I could do with going back to bed.


The drive in showed that the roads were bone dry at home through to very damp in Norwich, last nights local news showed localised flooding in the area.


We had someone wandering around checking passes at work yesterday, which is why I had to stand outside the window of the canteen this morning and tap on the window to get let in. The pass was still in my lab coat.


I'm about to stick my pass back in my pocket, where it normally lives, those bothered about passes normally don't come near my little lab.


Time to... check the company spam and then go back into battle with the recalcitrant test set...

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I lived in Southern California for five years. I've lost count of how many earthquakes I experienced there. Somehow I caught more than my share travelling up to the Bay Area, including the 1989 Loma Prieta (World Series) earthquake. That one was truly scary.

We have a friend who was actually on a BART train under the bay when that one struck. She's quite a large lady and ended up walking 10 miles with 3 other women that were on the same train. They used to hold reunion dinners each year. She still couldn't talk about some of the things she saw in Oakland that night. 


Assuming you're referring to the one in Montana according to the USGS there were 4 of them although three were only cMagnitude 3.7 -3.9 while the bigger one was magnitude 5.8 at a depth of 13.6kms.  Here's the 'shake map (click on it to enlarge) -



That brings back some memories we drove over that range of mountains on the "Going to the Sun road" on our honeymoon. I couldn't possibly comment as to whether the earth moved for us but I did get some cracking photos of a BN freight picking up train orders the evening before.


No, Grade 1 is the top band.

Grade 5 seems to be a recent addition.

I saw a set of qualifications once. The better grade bands have numeric standards for number of pipers and different types of drummers.

Over here music exams start at Grade 1 and move up to Grade 8. Only Piano and Violin actually start at Grade 1 (There may be others) most of the more esoteric instruments start at Grade 3.


Anyway good morning all from a nice and sunny Charente Maritime. I managed to fill most of the day assembling a kit for a door that acts as a flyscreen. It was a good thing that I've had practice on Gibson 0 Gauge brass. Parts of it came apart at least 3 times before I got it right. We even managed a bit more pool cleaning last night till it started to rain and the distaff side decided that getting wet from rain while standing in the pool was too much.


The day has dawned bright and sunny so I'm shortly off to fill the car with cardboard packaging and then head to the tip before finishing off the door. Apart from that there is not a lot on the agenda.


Felicitations to all those that are unwell . Tony I'm glad that you seem to be pulling round and also Congrats to Captain Jemma.


Regards to all.



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Jamie, news from her indoors, all musical instruments start at grade 1. And when you get to grade 8 it's diploma time....



My info was gathered in the late 60's and in those days French Horn started at 3. Things have obviously progressed.



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Morning to most, evening to some.


Meeting attended, old friends met, long meeting but pleasant company.


Shopping, parcel posting then umpiring today.

Our local fire engine decided we needed to be aware of its presence at 3:45 this morning...horn blaring to warn of its passage across a dual carriageway.. Strangely enough we had been wondering if it was still in use as we hadn't seen it for a while.


Have a great day wherever you are.


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Then followed a couple of hours of  school prom parking at wife's work. Tonight was the ninth out of 11 prom nights and the second largest with 220 attending. Tomorrow night with 185 285 is the big one and the traffic can queue out onto the main road as the little dears get their photos taken as they arrive.

The car parking squad worked well and all was good apart from the usual cockwombles in high powered sports cars that are only hired for a couple of days, but somehow manage to have about 6 different drivers as they try to out-pose each other.

After 10 years of prom parking, I can spot the d!ckheads (cockwomble is too gentle a term) from a good few yards away.

A late arriving Ferrari driven by one of the above was asked by some of the kids to "give it some revs". Just as he was about to do so, I noticed that he was about to pull straight out on a blind corner with a car coming the other way. He nearly got told to stop twice (if you know what I mean.........)


Have a good Friday folks.




Proms, presents for teachers at the end of term (they are wittering on about them, on the radio at the moment), Trips out as part of lessons, leaving school before 4pm each day, sitting in anything other than facing front in silence, school food that was worth eating, Bakers days off school (days off for teacher training). 

Are all things I  never experienced at school.


According to the local papers a couple of years ago they have started putting restrictions on Prom Vehicles, after a helicopter arrived on the playing fields, and a tank arrived up the driveway...

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Just don't mention your addictions on the Peco Bullhead thread.



Having visited the Peco Bullsh1thead thread, it bears no resemblance to the quality product that I have seen and would be purchasing for any new 00 gauge model.

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Good morning all,


Belated congratulations to Cap'n Jemma.


Another warm start to the day after a very uncomfortable night and it looks like it will be another hot one.



 I found a MacBook in currys, went through the process of agreeing a monthly repayment only for the computer system to state that my request has been sent for a referral. Not sure why. It means I now have to wait until tomorrow to see if it will be cleared and, if all ok, it will mean a trip back to the shop.


Same thing happened to me Andy when I bought this laptop a couple of years ago from Currys although mine was sorted out while I waited. I was paying in full by credit card but was told that they get a lot of fraud on portable things like laptops so most transactions get flagged for a security check.


My back was almost completely seized up earlier but after some struggling and moving about all of a sudden it's OK(for now) Probably doing too much sitting around watching cricket and cycling and there will be more of the same today.

This evening we're popping over to Nicki's to see Abbie before she goes to her final Prom. I have been asked to take some photos. Son Steve is chauffering her and her boyfriend so there will be at least one sensible driver going to that function Mick.

After that Chris & I are braving the local Harvester which has been refurbished. We've not been there for about 3 years after a couple of ropy meals (no surprise there I hear some of you say). However we've heard some good reports so will give it another chance.

Have a good one,


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Morning all and it's another sunny one. Hopefully a little less humid today, perhaps. 


Earthquakes: I've only experienced two. 

The first was early one morning when I was on sabbatical in Istanbul. TBH I mistook it for a hangover; I was quite relieved to learn the room was shaking too, and not just me. :drink_mini:

The second I was sat on the loo in a Tokyo high rise; upon returning to the restaurant everyone was on their phones checking on friends and relatives. I was oblivious to the incident having assumed the motion was due to excessive motions.   :mocking_mini:


Hope all is well with you all and those that are on the mend continue to be. 

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Good morning all,


Belated congratulations to Cap'n Jemma.


Another warm start to the day after a very uncomfortable night and it looks like it will be another hot one.




Same thing happened to me Andy when I bought this laptop a couple of years ago from Currys although mine was sorted out while I waited. I was paying in full by credit card but was told that they get a lot of fraud on portable things like laptops so most transactions get flagged for a security check.


My back was almost completely seized up earlier but after some struggling and moving about all of a sudden it's OK(for now) Probably doing too much sitting around watching cricket and cycling and there will be more of the same today.

This evening we're popping over to Nicki's to see Abbie before she goes to her final Prom. I have been asked to take some photos. Son Steve is chauffering her and her boyfriend so there will be at least one sensible driver going to that function Mick.

After that Chris & I are braving the local Harvester which has been refurbished. We've not been there for about 3 years after a couple of ropy meals (no surprise there I hear some of you say). However we've heard some good reports so will give it another chance.

Have a good one,


I had the same problem last year with Curry's when I tried to buy new white goods to fit out our new kitchen it was quiet an expensive order of AEG & Bosch items but they made no effort to sort it out the same day and the salesman said I will see you tomorrow the last words from me were "where the sun don't shine" SWMBO was upset as we had spent a lot of time in their store with a numb-nuts salesman my temper got the better of me and we left, an hour later all the items were bought on-line from John Lewis I just wish we had started shopping with them sooner.


Bob you can sort your back problem out if you lay face down on the floor and get your dear wife to kneed it with her knees it works for me. :O

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The magpie warning signs have gone out at work earlier than usual, they  normally don't start attacking until spring when chicks are in the nest, maybe global warming is messing with their heads.




I work at a defence establishment and the bird that has been conducting operations on the base over the last few seasons (he's been named Donald, as in "Its Donald....Duck!") only targets service personnel - men and women  - who are in uniform.  It doesn't matter which uniform, Cams or service dress, he goes for them while ignoring civilians. Even if I wear a shirt identically coloured to the uniform I can walk along that path unmolested while some poor officer in front of me comes under sustained attack from the air.


For those who haven't come under a traditional Sydney springtime magpie dive bombing, here is what it looks like (they especially hate cyclists!):



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Morning All


Just a quick pop in to say hello before taking Lil to the vet's. 


For some reason, 30747 asked me to look up s former sbode of ours, a lovely historc thatched cottage, and which we tended lovingly while we owned it.  Looks like the current owner has big ideas for it - and the objections to the planning appear to have been largely ignored.  It's in Norfolk, an area that theQ knows well - and is between Wymondham and Norwich by the back road.




Back later

Regards to All


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Morning all


Yep, I'd go to John Lewis first for white and electrical goods. Always helpful with any questions, too. Have avoided the Curry's/PCWorld chain for years because they once spent ages trying to sell me an add-on warranty that I didn't want.


Yesterday's talk of increasing fuel prices has made me rather envious of France which is banning diesel/petrol cars by 2040; and Volvo, too, which is ceasing diesel/petrol-only production models by 2020. Hope it will help the planet before it's too late.


Many congratulations to Capt Jemma Abel.


Tony - glad you're feeling a little better, long may it continue. And Bob, hope your back stays good.


Rick and Ian - really can't understand why the government allows Govia to continue with the Southern farce - really feel for you guys having to rely on such a service.


Just watching the swooping swifts from the window - am surprised they like such an urban area, but the back-to-back small gardens must produce plenty of insect food - and Holyrood Park is quite close where they swoop low over the cut grass. The swifts arrived in the first week of May. They'll leave mid-October as any sensible person would, too, were it possible.


Have a good Friday



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Morning All


Just a quick pop in to say hello before taking Lil to the vet's. 


For some reason, 30747 asked me to look up s former sbode of ours, a lovely historc thatched cottage, and which we tended lovingly while we owned it.  Looks like the current owner has big ideas for it - and the objections to the planning appear to have been largely ignored.  It's in Norfolk, an area that theQ knows well - and is between Wymondham and Norwich by the back road.




Back later

Regards to All


I do know the area well, a mate that I sail with for the winter season lives just two miles away in Bracon Ash, If I remember next time that way I'll try and do a pass past that house..

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Morning all


..........they once spent ages trying to sell me an add-on warranty that I didn't want.





The simple reply to that one is "so you stock this product and have spent the last 10 minutes selling it to me and telling about all of its good points but now you are saying it may not be reliable. I don't think I want it anymore".

It is surprising how quickly they change tack.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Today's my birthday, thanks for all the good wishes on Farcebook. I noticed the 'Firewood for sale' sign outside your former cottage 45156, it looks as though a few trees have been removed as well. My former home was a cottage in Burnham-on-Crouch, built in 1862. When I owned it the walls were an ivory colour and the porch painted white/cornflower blue. The current owners have now painted it salmon pink with the porch a deep green colour, yeuck!

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I too am a big fan of John Lewis but when I needed a new laptop (quickly) they didn't have the model (and price) I wanted. 


Bob, as for letting Chris crawl all over my back I  suspect that would be akin to being rucked out by a prop forward and I no longer feel up to that!  :jester:


PS Many happy returns Phil.

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