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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


One way or another it's been quite a busy day today. The expected telephone call with my test results came through around mid morning and although my PSA has risen again, it is still only 0.4 which is still only 1/10 of the average reading, which for someone 60 - 69 is 4.


Plans were also drawn up for a revamped back garden, lots of measurements were taken of the location of things like the shed and workshop as well as the fences and the gate and these were drawn out on graph paper. Then a couple of ideas for the borders, location of the new path etc. were drawn on a separate sheets for a comparison.


After lunch I then made a few enquiries about car insurance, something that I've not had to do for over 27 years.


This evening I went swimming in Salford Quays and was pleasantly surprised to find it wasn't as busy as I was expecting it to be. The water wasn't to bad either, but I decided to wear my wetsuit and managed to complete 1k in something like 34 minutes. I'm not sure of the exact time as tonight's results aren't on line yet!


Debs. Congratulations to you both, I hope your day was enjoyable.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Gold

PSA that low I would say is very good ... provided from aspects of your description it is one of a series because the days when PSA was the all conquering 'new' test to replace serum acid phosphatase have long gone because like all the other tests further study has shown that there are variants e.g LDH and electrophoresis was once the mode of positive diagnosis of heart attacks then came creatinine kinase and that changed and pre-MI tests are now readily available.  Low PSA could mean prostate wise that you have the hyper (benign) enlargement if they are following it ... from other signs and symptoms.  Lets hope its neither of them.


Cheers, Peter

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Evening all and generic greetings, good wishes and commiserations as appropriate. Special congratulations to our newest married couple I hope you had an enjoyable day.

I said in my last post that this week would be another hectic one and today certainly got things off on that foot. The boss was "working from home" this morning because his side of the reports were still not completed. The day seemed to go ok and now there are only 14 days left. I took home a pile of marking and lots of prep ahead of tomorrow when God himself arrives (well the advisor probably thinks he is the Messaih or something). I am not sure if I will see him or not because I have an interview tomorrow. It is for an interesting sounding role that features planning and teaching support groups in the mornings with the afternoons spent covering for other teacher's non-contact time. Ironically it is at a school that did not shortlist me for a deputy role back in January. I am a little sceptical about the role at present because I have heard mixed things about the school and how it treats its staff. I am set to leave a school where I do not feel too valued, I do not want to go into a similar situation elsewhere.

The interview prep has not gone well. Initially the agency told me that it would just be a chat. At 7pm they contacted me to inform me that I had to plan a lesson. At that point I was just about to head out on the Avon round. I faced a double round because Sarah felt too ill to do her part. A planned hour out took twice that long. Upon my return I still had the marking and planning for my own class to do. The interview lesson is planned only in my head, and is a rehash of something I did last week with my own class. There is no printed lesson plan or anything. I am quite cross with the lack of clear information from the agency. They have not even told me what year group I will be teaching. Shocking!

Still no word from the Severn Valley so I have cast that post to one side and have emailed them to ask for feedback. It obviously was not meant to be.

Anyway I had better get to bed.


Night all.

Edited by andyram
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My wife used to get terrible back pain, which came on suddenly and left her walking "like a half-shut knife". She was told there were two general classes of back pain - some got worse with time and wear, others actually got better. Fortunately, hers was the type that improved with time and it's several years since she's had an attack.

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Good morning one and all, with hearty confettibrations to Debs and Passepartout


Yesterday was full of the unexpected.  I managed to negotiate a discount on the cost of my gas servicing contract and book a service engineer for this afternoon.  I got a free lucky dip on the lottery and bought a book about Terry Wogan while I was waiting for the copies of the local Sunday paper to reach the office.  Happy Hippo, you have a point and, I trust, a suggestion of how I should refer to the young person in question.


This evening there is a slide show about the Midland and Great Northern which has the potential to be interesting.   Across the pond it is possible that an attempt will be made on a world record.  Every year on Independence Day the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest takes place at Coney Island and unimaginable quantities of dogs and buns are consumed against the clock.  The record currently stands at over 60 in 10 minutes and I believe is held by someone with the delightful name of Joey Chestnut.  Think of that when eating your porridge, if you dare.


Felicitations to the ailing and distressed but possibly not those with indigestion



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Blue sky and sunshine here, should be a nice day.

The Boss has been taken to work and I've been given strict instructions not to forget to pick her up. Not sure why she thought fit to mention that, I've never forgotten her in the past.

Gemma & Joe will be here after school today so as usual that has put me in a good mood.

My back is still playing up so I better take my own advice and go for a walk this morning. Other than that nothing is planned. Perhaps I should attempt to muddle but the enthusiasm for that is still missing.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

A slightly grey and overcast view from our bedroom window this morning. Better than the forecast chuckinitdaarn promised by the seaweed feelers.


Off to umpire in Harrogate today so it had better stay dry.


Finished some modelling yesterday (is it ever finished?) And may get some time tomorrow to go to the club and do some more point rodding....frabjoy!


Have a great day everyone, sleep well to our Antipodean ERs.




PS Chris the M&GN talk sounds good, shame it is too far for me to attend

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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning from the land of Pineau. Some good owl spotting was done last night. I watched one bird go back into the barn and then after an interval and a few screeches it emerged and flew past quite close to where I was sitting. I also saw another one fly behind the barn so I presume there are a pair and that chicks are being raised. I'm all in favour of them as they are keeping the future railway room rodent free.


No luck with the TV but I will keep persevering.


This morning it is nice and sunny and should be a warm day. The boss is still in the land of nod but a cycle ride was mentioned last night before we attack the remaining jungle at the front of the house. The afternoon should be more relaxed, her sunbathing and me enjoying myself making a flyscreen for the main door that we use. I might even manage to do some modelling but better be careful what I write as a certain person was around yesterday.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

And it looks like a really lovely morning too.

Even if I wanted to do anything I don't think I would be able to. Also it would make Aditi cross (not in a nasty way). Aditi's sister and her husband are going to Edinburgh this Friday and will be back on Monday. SiL thinks MiL can't cope without supervision so Aditi was going to spend the weekend in Enfield. Aditi's brother (father of the

tiny nieces) suggested it would be better if he came down from Kettering the weekend to supervise MiL. Actually MiL will probably be busy watching Wimbledon for the next fortnight!


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl,

The attempt to sleep went badly at first, with lots of wake up, look at the time, turn over and go back to sleep, Luckily SWMBO was sleeping soundly this time. Then when the house cooled a bit, I too, went solidly asleep, to wake 5 minutes later than required.

A pair of Brown eyes were looking at me accusingly from the bottom of the stairs...


Yesterdays evening walk of Ben the Border Collie, he behaved much better he is slowly getting used to lead work. It was very hot you could feel the humidity coming off the grass in the garden for the first hundred yards, then the tarmac was very hot on the way to the beach.


Watching the news this morning they had the usual Trump reports, along with the fake news, that today was the day the USA signed the Declaration of Independence. The declaration was decided on, on the 2nd of July and not completely signed for several month because several delegates did not have the authority to sign, without going back to their own states and asking permission first...


Two cockwombles this morning, the first followed me for around ten miles zigzagging behind me to look out as I went along at the speed limit. He was held up in his Lexus by curves and the traffic. He eventually passed in a small town accelerating up to 70+ in the 30 limit and keeping that speed + through  the 40 limit to the next village. I was gratified to see him in the distance slowed by an early morning delivery Luton van.


The second in the next village slowed and stopped on the Double yellows and opened his door and stepped out rapidly as I was passing forcing me to swerve right across to the hedge on the other side..


Time to...   go and see the results of the equipment runs I left going over night,.

Edited by TheQ
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Morning all. Late on parade for a working day for me but the first client visit isn't until 08:30 and it's only a 15 minute drive.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Back from the Doc and dosage has been reduced on a couple of things. BP "perfect" but have been instructed to go to hospital for a blood test as I've been borderline Type 2 diabetic for a couple of years.

Hopefully my reduced weight and no adding of sugar to teas, coffees and cereals may have helped this.


My back problems go back to a manic summer about 30 years ago when I broke up about 60 tonnes of concrete and filled 10 skips by myself from the gardens here. A previous occupier was a maniac who concreted everything. The garden paths were 9-12"thick and reinforced. The garage had a base that was the same with 1" thick reinforcing rod. Underneath that I found the base of an air raid shelter and needed a compressor to break that out. I was spurred on by the silly supercilious old git who lived behind me who kept saying "Jack built things to last - you'll never shift that lot." The back problems were worth it (at the time) just to prove him wrong.  :yes:


All other aches & pains (Knees, neck & shoulders) can be put down to 20 odd years of Rugby. I'd still do it all again.


Speaking of the supercilious, I seem to have tripped over one in the electrical department.

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  • RMweb Gold

Speaking of the supercilious, I seem to have tripped over one in the electrical department.

Just had a look at that thread. I haven't gone back to the beginning. Has anyone posted their qualifications yet? I hope none of them were ex students of mine. I thought I taught the electricity bit of the physics syllabus quite well.

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me enjoying myself making a flyscreen for the main door that we use. 


Just as an aside:

When I built the sunroom, I made an opening window.

This worked very well, except for the ingress of various insects.

As a temporary measure, I used a piece of white net curtain over the opening.

It worked and is still there after about five years looking like the day I put it up.

Seems almost to be self cleaning too.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Premium

Not that I've had a lot to do with this company https://www.vidaxl.co.uk/ , But their fly screens seem to almost cheaper than I could make them for...


As to qualifications, I could bore you all with lots of bits of paper (most of them quite old), that many of you could no doubt Better. Often it's not the Bit of paper but whether the person behind it has any sense...

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  • RMweb Gold

... qualifications, I could bore you all with lots of bits of paper (most of them quite old), that many of you could no doubt Better. Often it's not the Bit of paper but whether the person behind it has any sense...

I wasn't in any way disparaging qualifications just the tendency for a few posters on electrical matters who can be spectacularly "wrong" but insist they must be right due to years as a certified whatnot.


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  • RMweb Premium

I wasn't in any way disparaging qualifications just the tendency for a few posters on electrical matters who can be spectacularly "wrong" but insist they must be right due to years as a certified whatnot.


I'd agree with you, (hoping I don't make an enormous cockup)

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm lucky - I never post on threads like that because just like Manuel in Fawlty Towers "I know nothing!"

I feel like that more and more now.

The hotel we stayed in recently wasn't exactly a Swiss Fawlty Towers but quite a few of the staff were Spanish. Pilar, who served us at dinner had an amusing variation on Manuel, "I am Spanish, I of course know everything."

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a lot to report this morning, a bit grey outside but more than warm enough.


I'm lucky - I never post on threads like that because just like Manuel in Fawlty Towers "I know nothing!"

That makes two of us.

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