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  • RMweb Gold

Morning again.

Aditi went off to the surgery before 8 and explained she thought I needed either a repeat prescription or preferably an appointment. Receptionist said will 9.40 be ok, and it was with our designated GP again.

I am deemed to need different antibiotics as if the Augmentin hadn't cleared everything I now have another one, lots of do not take with this or that. Pharmacist handing over my prescription to Aditi, sent his warmest wishes and hoped I would be feeling soon. Also one of the nice people in the health system. It took a bit of being passed from department to department to cancel my Thursday Royal London appointment but it all worked satisfactorily. The clinic receptionist said there were no appointments in the near future but gave me my consultants secretary's number.

GP suggested I won't be doing anything for at least two weeks after I stop coughing. She also said I was fine with my having slightly exceeded the over the counter dosage of paracetamol. Whoever discovered paracetamol did me a great favour, it does everything for me it says on the packet.


Edited by Tony_S
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DD as a long time back pain sufferer you have my deepest sympathies. I find little works for long and just about anything can set it off. At the moment I'm on a combination of Naproxen, codeine, and diazapam. Generally heat before bed in the form of a hot shower will increase blood flow and help the muscles relax as you go to sleep. The Diazapam helps too.  Ice packs & naproxen during the day to decrease inflammation. Pain killers for the really bad moments. The only rub I've found that does anything is called Flexiseq. Designed for arthritic joints. It actually does make a bit of difference. 

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  • RMweb Gold

DD as a long time back pain sufferer you have my deepest sympathies. I find little works for long and just about anything can set it off. At the moment I'm on a combination of Naproxen, codeine, and diazapam. Generally heat before bed in the form of a hot shower will increase blood flow and help the muscles relax as you go to sleep. The Diazapam helps too.  Ice packs & naproxen during the day to decrease inflammation. Pain killers for the really bad moments. The only rub I've found that does anything is called Flexiseq. Designed for arthritic joints. It actually does make a bit of difference.


Did the weekends medication help??

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  • RMweb Premium

Passepartout and I, are getting married this afternoon.

`Just wished to share our joy.

Kindest regards,


I hope that the two of you have a nice wedding and a great day.


Baz and her indoors

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Did the weekends medication help??

Not nearly enough. Wasted a lot of time flat on my back in the hotel room. 



In other gnus, Congratulations Deb & Passepartout.

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Congratulations Deb & Passepartout, I hope everything goes well. My wife and I will be celebrating 52 years of wedded bliss come the 17th of this month.

17th July 1965, I can remember it as if it was yesterday, if it was tomorrow, well you know the rest..................... :dontknow: 


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Great news there from Debs - many congratulations to you both.


In other news, good to be back after a short holiday and far too much to take on board over the last few days, so all I can offer is the usual generic greetings, and a request that somebody update me if there is anything important that I should know about.


Back tomorrow

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Firstly my heartfelt congratulations to Debs and Passepartout.


In other less interesting news, Oxford shopping day was survived, wit a world record number of paces on my acme-steppy-ometer-ogram thingy.  7k if you must know.  Not a lot, but a lot for me currently.  Foot now throbbing like a throbby thing.


Nice and sunny here on the costa Crowmarsh Gifford, off to the Romney tomorrow for train day, we take turns.  I'm shopped out currently.


Bottle of Sea Fury being imbibed, that's helping.


Bad backs - I suffered terribly with sciatica in my 30's, traction and swimming eventually sorted it out - the traction relieved it sufficiently to allow me to drive the half mile to the pool!  Nowadays I'm not really supposed to swim because of the hip, but thankfully the sciatica continues to leave me in peace.

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Down the road for a dental checkup this morning, a little apprehensively as I'd overslept and missed the booked appointment a couple of weeks ago. Was greeted with a welcoming smile by dentist Rachael, however, and she accepted my apology graciously: "Well, that's not like you, is it?" So we're still friends. 

Back home to find I'd won a fiver on St. Luke's Hospice lottery. That'll do for a bottle of vino collapso from the convenience store when I go out again to post niece Dawn's birthday card. Found a nice picture on the internet to make up a card with - she likes flowers!


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  • RMweb Premium

despite being warned our road was shut.. no action...not even the arrival of more signs or cones...zilch, nowt  bu$$er all! The small print does say w/c 3rd July so it could be anytime. We have the largest (99 Councillors) most disconnected council in the UK...


Lots to do,  parcels to wrap..


sleep well all!



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  • RMweb Gold

Congratulations to Debs and Passepartout 


On back problems Marion has trouble with hers if she does too much but finds some gentle appropriate exercises straight away helps get her back straight before resting. Mine grumbles a little now and then. I find Ibuprofen gel for a day or two will ease matters but I think using them all the time doesn't help. As per GDB a walk is good not too long and take the hills gently.


Regards all


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A neighbor asked if I would help him extract a couple of tree stumps with the tractor's backhoe. I told him I'd be happy to do that if he helped me attach the backhoe to the tractor. It's a tricky operation at the best of times, but it turned into a serious PITA today. Everything that could go wrong did. Mind you, it wouldn't have been so bad if I had bothered to remove the lump of baked-on clay from the tractor's receiver thingy before we tried to slide the backhoe frame into it. We eventually solved that by flushing the clay out with the second garden hose. We got soaked when the first garden hose burst.


The entire palaver would have been worthy of an episode on the Red Green Show.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. First of all congrats to Debs and Passepartout, hope you had a wonderful day. Still feeling a bit worn out after the exertions of the weekend, not that I exerted myself very much yesterday. As I mentioned I spent most of the day as doorkeeper, rather boring at times but I had a nice chat with a retired London Underground driver (East London Line) that helped while away the time. Next year the exhibition coincides with my 70th birthday, I've got a few things in the initial planning stage at the moment but I've still got just over a year to get things sorted.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know a few of you have Mac Pros. So brain picking request time please.

Matthew has successfully used Skype from his to talk to us. This weekend we got perfect video but no sound. He can get video and audio from us. Any suggestions as to possible solutions please. The Skype ring back works at both ends and recognised his microphone.



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First chance that I've had to log on since this morning. The journey to the Midlands was dangerous in places thanks to the rain and spray. Even with visibility down to 200 metres in places there were still cockwombles driving at 90 mph+ and/or with no lights on.


Several surveys completed today and a couple of meetings including a late one over dinner with a potential new client. Fortunately tomorrow should be quieter.


My back problems are probably down to a combination of jumping out of perfectly serviceable aircraft, carrying heavy bergens and playing front row rugby. I used to get regular bouts of back spasms which were so bad that I had to crawl to the toilet. I started doing judo again after a break of far too many years and haven't had a problem since. As with others, I believe that good exercise strengthens the muscles and reduces the problem.


Debs - Congratulations to the both of you.


A quick catch up on other part of the RM world

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