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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the Charente. Various things got done yesterday and the garden looks tidier. Some Cotoneasters at the back that we chopped back from 8' high last year have sprouted nicely and I pruned one row. It may well make a nice hedge in years to come. I even managed to rake the hayfield. No satellite dish work was done as it rained but my mate is coming again today to help. A good evening out was then had and when we got back we sat out to watch for the barn owl emerging from the barn. Beth gave up as it was getting cool but at 10.40pm as usual out it came to set off for it's hunt. Well worth the wait.


A trip to the DIY shed this morning then hopefully the TV will be sorted. I might even get some more modelling done.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Maybe we should start a "Bad Back" thread.

Since an accident involving a wheelbarrow full of wet concrete (I hit a brick with it) some years ago my back is liable to go into spasm given the chance.

It's particularly bad at the moment after spreading two tons of granite chippings onto a new bit of garden here.

Short of not being active and buying a motorised wheelchair, the pain is kept at bay with handfuls of enteric aspirin until it passes off.

Once I'm on my feet I can cope but sitting down and getting up produces yelps.

SWMBO kindly made a hot water bottle for me yesterday. Now I have a slight scald where she failed to tighten the stopper.

But ... tomorrow is another day.

Any tips from fellow sufferers would be welcomed.

I've tried some gunk called 'Volterol' without any faith (if one can rub ointment in, why doesn't the blood leak out?) and I imagined it does some temporary good.

So far the best thing seems to be inertia and cursing.

The old advice used to be bed rest but the modern advice seems to be keep active to stimulate blood flow to the part that hurts. Volterol is excellent but don't ask me how it work, just make sure you wash you hands thoroughly otherwise other parts may go numb and relaxed.



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The old advice used to be bed rest but the modern advice seems to be keep active to stimulate blood flow to the part that hurts. Volterol is excellent but don't ask me how it work, just make sure you wash you hands thoroughly otherwise other parts may go numb and relaxed.




I have a copious quantity of 'care workers' blue gloves to use for such purposes.

I use them for Instant Glue but they work well with Volterol.

Not that I put Instant glue on my back.

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Maybe we should start a "Bad Back" thread.

Since an accident involving a wheelbarrow full of wet concrete (I hit a brick with it) some years ago my back is liable to go into spasm given the chance.

It's particularly bad at the moment after spreading two tons of granite chippings onto a new bit of garden here.

Short of not being active and buying a motorised wheelchair, the pain is kept at bay with handfuls of enteric aspirin until it passes off.

Once I'm on my feet I can cope but sitting down and getting up produces yelps.

SWMBO kindly made a hot water bottle for me yesterday. Now I have a slight scald where she failed to tighten the stopper.

But ... tomorrow is another day.

Any tips from fellow sufferers would be welcomed.

I've tried some gunk called 'Volterol' without any faith (if one can rub ointment in, why doesn't the blood leak out?) and I imagined it does some temporary good.

So far the best thing seems to be inertia and cursing.


My back used to go into spasm and lock-up completely. On a couple of occasions it was so bad I had to crawl out of the house on my hands and knees and stay in that position in our van while Lorna drove me to the doc for an injection.


That was about 20 years ago. Then I took up skiing when our kids were in their teens. Touch wood it's been fine ever since. In my case it seems the exercise I get while skiing strengthens all my back muscles. I also try to walk a couple of miles every day and that seems to help a lot too.

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  • RMweb Premium

My back used to go into spasm and lock-up completely. On a couple of occasions it was so bad I had to crawl out of the house on my hands and knees and stay in that position in our van while Lorna drove me to the doc for an injection.


That was about 20 years ago. Then I took up skiing when our kids were in their teens. Touch wood it's been fine ever since. In my case it seems the exercise I get while skiing strengthens all my back muscles. I also try to walk a couple of miles every day and that seems to help a lot too.

When my wife started having back problems over 30 years ago we were told by a surgeon that back muscles don't respond to training like other muscle fibre and thus bed rest and traction were normal treatments. Now exercise seems to be the way forward. It certainly helps me but the volterol or other painkillers assists with getting some exercise done in the first place.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe we should start a "Bad Back" thread.

Since an accident involving a wheelbarrow full of wet concrete (I hit a brick with it) some years ago my back is liable to go into spasm given the chance.

It's particularly bad at the moment after spreading two tons of granite chippings onto a new bit of garden here.

Short of not being active and buying a motorised wheelchair, the pain is kept at bay with handfuls of enteric aspirin until it passes off.

Once I'm on my feet I can cope but sitting down and getting up produces yelps.

SWMBO kindly made a hot water bottle for me yesterday. Now I have a slight scald where she failed to tighten the stopper.

But ... tomorrow is another day.

Any tips from fellow sufferers would be welcomed.

I've tried some gunk called 'Volterol' without any faith (if one can rub ointment in, why doesn't the blood leak out?) and I imagined it does some temporary good.

So far the best thing seems to be inertia and cursing.

My father had what sounds like a very similar back problem to yours. Though he seemed to be able to do all sorts of things something would trigger spasms and he would be in extreme pain that was beyond over the counter remedies. His back injury was caused by the ww2 tank he was driving having a heavy landing after going over an anti tank mine. As it got worse in later life he had the unfortunate situation of having a GP who was not sympathetic and viewed all patients as malingerers.

The only advice I can give is that if one has a problem it is best to consider whether a task is sensible. Do I actually do this, well yes but I have a ridiculous sense of "oh, it will be fine" and do it anyway. Aditi usually says something like "if you were stupid I could understand why you thought that was a good idea".

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl, a poor sleep was had, about 4.5 hours sleep before the Ibuprofen effect ran out and I had to get out of bed,

Ben the Border Collie has now got used to this and an Eye opened from his bed, looked at me and he went to sleep again..


I find the various back gels wear out in effectiveness with constant use, so I change between IBUprophen gel, Voltarol gel, and Green lipped muscle gel. But of course a sticky bed is not nice so Ibuprophen tablets are taken for the night.


The cause for last nights Ibuprophen, was filliing another 10ft by 5ft by 18inches, with soil and rubble from the site of the old Privies.

This took around 5 hours, much interupted by a ball arriving in front of me from  Ben the Border Collie.

After that a sandwich and a can of liquid anaesthetic had it's effect followed by an eyelid inspection while sitting in the sun on a bench.

Then I decided to move some slabs closer to where they will be used, moving the first one, told me my body said no, so no further work was carried out.


SWMBO also had a bad night and came down very Early for her, at 04:30, this awoke a certain dog,  who started running around like mad with his ball. Once we started breakfast, he went back to bed... As I was thinking it was time to move to get my coat on to go, a certain dog got up and arrived in front of me... he's learnt the routine already...


Well I have one major equipment under test at the other end of the main lab, this has 30 to 40 minutes at a time of looking after itself, so in the mean time I'm here with last weeks major equipment measuring AC current, this has 2 or 3 minute settling times between measurements. So in the last hour I've typed this in bits...


Time to.. wander down the other end again...

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  • RMweb Gold

I have found that a gentle walk helps the problem but I then get a "good idea" like gardening which turns out to be stupid! Ergo, I must be stupid.  :scratchhead:  :yes:

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

I have no idea about Dd's age but now I am in my 60s all those minor falls off motorbikes or walking into things seem to return to haunt me. They didn't seem too painful at the time.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

Apparently we are going to have some rain this morning... Pah!

I have parcels to post and work to do so I hope it is fine after lunch.


My bad back is down to playing too much rugby as a prop forward. I live with it.


Time to crack on.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was given Voltarol tablets to treat my arthritis but I had to stop taking them when I was diagnosed  as they reacted against  the BP medication.


I have no idea about Dd's age but now I am in my 60s all those minor falls off motorbikes or walking into things seem to return to haunt me. They didn't seem too painful at the time.

When I had that minor fall last year it seemed to kick off all those forgotten minor sprains and injuries.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's a sunny one here today. 

Jobs for the week are: hair cut, ironing and Powerpoint prep.


Around these parts we have the MHR which this weekend had a gala; a splendid event no doubt.

I can't help but mention that whilst trying to get a good position for taking a photo some folk really do push their luck.

Driving along the A31 dual carriageway I encountered one or two folk blithely walking along the road (on the solid white line), back to the traffic, and obviously no sense that cars do 70mph within inches of them, and may not be able to pull into the outside lane to avoid these numb skulls.

Summer sunshine, deep shade, curves in the road don't help drivers spot these c@ckwombles.  

No doubt the Highway Code will say something about drivers proceeding with due care and attention; fair enough, but being in the right won't help a rail fan if they're squashed over several hundred yards of a trunk road.  





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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


I've just returned after dropping Sheila off at her Zumba class. I don't usually take her, as prefers to walk, but as she was taking a large clump of peonies with her, a lift was required. I will then spend the morning awaiting a phone call for 'The Christie' for the results of last week's blood test. Whilst I'm waiting I will sit and scribble a few designs, as we feel that it's time that the back garden has a bit of TLC. I must admit that it's is looking a bit tired now.


DD. Swimming is a very good and gentle way of exercising, it may also improve you back problems, it certainly hasn't done my back problems any harm.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have found that a gentle walk helps the problem but I then get a "good idea" like gardening which turns out to be stupid! Ergo, I must be stupid.  :scratchhead:  :yes:


Bob mate, which part of that statement are you agreeing with?   :scratchhead:  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the Doc and dosage has been reduced on a couple of things. BP "perfect" but have been instructed to go to hospital for a blood test as I've been borderline Type 2 diabetic for a couple of years.

Hopefully my reduced weight and no adding of sugar to teas, coffees and cereals may have helped this.


My back problems go back to a manic summer about 30 years ago when I broke up about 60 tonnes of concrete and filled 10 skips by myself from the gardens here. A previous occupier was a maniac who concreted everything. The garden paths were 9-12"thick and reinforced. The garage had a base that was the same with 1" thick reinforcing rod. Underneath that I found the base of an air raid shelter and needed a compressor to break that out. I was spurred on by the silly supercilious old git who lived behind me who kept saying "Jack built things to last - you'll never shift that lot." The back problems were worth it (at the time) just to prove him wrong.  :yes:


All other aches & pains (Knees, neck & shoulders) can be put down to 20 odd years of Rugby. I'd still do it all again.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Somewhat cooler thus far today but no precipitation forecast.


Fortunately my back doesn't cause me a vast amount of pain and when it does do 'funny' (not) things an emergency visit to the chiropractor normally sorts it and he always gives it a 'maintenance' going over at my regular visits but it can be a s*d when things lock up.  Part of the problem is that I can't kneel on my right knee due to its arthritic state (the little fragments of bone inside it tend to hurt a lot if it's knelt on so have to adopt peculiar posture if doing things at ground level - I just try to work around things if I can).


On a brighter note there are still fewer signs of the road pretending to be a public car park and the diggers of holes working in the next road hope to finish this week so the final set of excuses will then evaporate.


Have a good day one d all and may all your twinges be manageable.

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  • RMweb Premium

Passepartout and I, are getting married this afternoon.

`Just wished to share our joy.

Kindest regards,


Congratulations to the both of you that's good news. I hope that the day goes well.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning and welcome to Moanday


Congratulations to Debs and her Passepartout - I wish you a memorable day for all the right reasons

Commiserations to Dd - sorry to hear about the back problem; as that is one part that doesn't trouble me I'm afraid I have no useful advice to offer.


Domestic engineering duties are required today with a slight shuffle of the minimal furnishings we have lived with thus far upon the Hill. The container arrives on Thursday and I still have no idea how we are going to get everything into the flat. I have thought for some time that SWMBO is using a different measuring device to mine. Hers being graduated in units called "Wishful Thinking". We'll see.


Here tomorrow. Away at mother's on Wednesday then busy with the container-load. I might be MIA for a few days. Best wishes to all

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Maybe we should start a "Bad Back" thread.

Since an accident involving a wheelbarrow full of wet concrete (I hit a brick with it) some years ago my back is liable to go into spasm given the chance.

It's particularly bad at the moment after spreading two tons of granite chippings onto a new bit of garden here.

Short of not being active and buying a motorised wheelchair, the pain is kept at bay with handfuls of enteric aspirin until it passes off.

Once I'm on my feet I can cope but sitting down and getting up produces yelps.

SWMBO kindly made a hot water bottle for me yesterday. Now I have a slight scald where she failed to tighten the stopper.

But ... tomorrow is another day.

Any tips from fellow sufferers would be welcomed.

I've tried some gunk called 'Volterol' without any faith (if one can rub ointment in, why doesn't the blood leak out?) and I imagined it does some temporary good.

So far the best thing seems to be inertia and cursing.

Because Voltarol has anti inflammatory properties, one shouldn't take Ibuprofen at the same time. Ian's back responded well to treatment from a chiropractor, here in Torquay with daily exercises to keep the problem at bay.

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