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Really exciting day here. first off I had my mushrooms on toast without any toast as herself had eaten the last of it and the new loaf hadn't finished baking and she neglected to tell me before I went down to Tesco where I could have bought a loaf.  So I had the extra excitement of mushrooms without the toast - different taste although maybe I'd popped in a bit more garlic than usual.....

I love mushrooms and garlic.

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Chaos at the new ticket barriers so took some time to get Mum through as peopely get up to the barriers then rummage for their tickets with all their bags push che=airs and kids blocking barriers to any one else who does have hteir ticket ready.


After that we retreated to the Bree Louise where we had a chat with the Landlord. He told us that the pub will be closing in November for the HS2 developemnt on its site.



The London termini do seem to create chaos when the departure boards show platforms relatively close to actual departure times.


I use Realtime Advanced on my mobile to get inf on which platform a train is on and go through the barriers before the platform number appears on the boards. That means I'm on the train before the scrum.


Here's the link




Really sorry to hear about the Bree Louise, one of the best proper boozers in central London, I must make sure I get there before the impending closure occurs.


All the best,



Edited by tractionman
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  • RMweb Gold

Sunday night.


No weekly preparation to do.

No outstanding lesson plans for tomorrow.

No challenging intrusions about possible future issues or difficult pupils to be faced disturbing my tranquility.

No thoughts about incomplete tasks or unmarked books nagging me in the background or likely to disturb my sleep.


I miss many aspects of teching but it is good to be retired.

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Then, long before then and to this day it is a legal requirement for any vehicle plying a fixed route for hire and reward to display its destination.

And in the days of two-person crews, it was the conductor/conductress's responsibility to ensure the correct destination was displayed, despite the fact that it was almost always the driver who changed the board.

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  • RMweb Premium

a warm day umpiring today. Yorkshire Womens 2nd 112 all out , Warwickshire Womens 2nd XI 79 all out (including an all bowled hat trick)


Tea was nice, colleague really good and I am now sun burnt...


Curry (at the  Sheesh Mahal on Kirkstall Road) eaten.. now an early night is required


Sleep well all!

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. By all accounts the show was a success but today I was tasked with sitting in a shady corner by a door with the sun shining through directing the attendees to the show to the pay desk. I had a good look round yesterday and this morning before opening time. I also purchased a scratchbuilt tamper from one of the guys on the Fenwick TMD layout with DCC for £40, quite a bargain.

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...but presumably not having to correct spelling.

I was once asked if I missed anything about working my reply was" I don't miss the smell of Gyppos feet at 3am"



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First it was the church minivan. Now my wheelbarrow has been purloined.


When last seen it was sitting at the edge of our driveway but that might have been a month ago, or more. Perhaps someone borrowed it but my survey of the neighborhood has drawn a blank. Either it's been taken by "joyriders", or some worky has hoisted it into the back of his truck. In either case, I wish them luck. It was a piece of carp

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Holidays.  Even saw some trains.  Funny GWR ones Mike would recognise.  As we're just down the road from him tonight, #waves#


Oxford shopping (we have to do this on holiday for some choice) tomorrow then orf sarf, Folkestone then Sheppey (yes, I know...but the campsite's brilliant) then off to Narfolk to see an old workmate who went back to teaching for a break from young offenders.

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Good evening everyone


After this morning and afternoons garden exploits, a spot of eyelid inspection was undertaken after a nice cup of tea. Then it was into the kitchen to cook our tea, which tonight was pork steak, new potatoes, carrots and broccoli.


Later in the evening I spent an hour or so talking to my brother in Canada, as usual we had no deep and meaningful discussions, we just chatted about the weather and such, but it's always nice to catch up.


Goodnight all.

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Evening all. A quick check in before bed. Today has been a busy, but productive day. After the boss sent the last of the reports for proof reading over last night, I was able to get through them all after lunch today. That is a massive item to cross off the jobs to do list. A few bits of preparation were also completed before we headed up to the inlaws late afternoon. That was enjoyable enough although last night's late night caught up with me and I felt very tired. I did manage a short time out the garden playing bat and ball and hoopla with Amber. We also built a Brio train set when we went back inside.

This evening I strolled out to post some of the Avon books for Sarah. It gave me some peace and quiet to contemplate the week ahead. This week features the regular rounds of Avon deliveries, there is also some paperwork to finish in advance of the school's final training day on Friday. Ironically this is all to do with planning for next year which, of course, is of no interest to me. I will be interested to see what involvement is expected. On Tuesday we have a visit from my favourite advisor. He is the gentleman who branded me as the weakest teacher in the school (stats and my record prove otherwise you understand). I wonder if he will grant my classroom a visit this time and, if he does, whether I will be polite! Finally Amber's school has a summer Fayre on Friday. Sarah has a stand so I will be expected to help. Phew! I am tired just thinking of all that.


Sleep well all.

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Morning all. Even though I was shattered last night, I found it difficult to get to sleep and then kept waking for reasons unknown. Now I'm really tired at the start of a long day.


Three days working away and I can foresee quite a few problems that are going to need some intervention.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Good morning one and all


There are better Sunday lunches than pork mince but a bit of ingenuity produced a satisfying plateful.  Not until 6 pm did I realise that the local paper delivery brat had defaulted.  It is so long that he/she/it last did so that the newspaper office has moved.  I'm sure I will find it.  Then will follow the potentially interesting telephone conversation with British Gas about my homecare contract and how an increase of approaching 20% can be justified.  The week ahead sees a slide show on Tuesday night and the task of writing a report of it on Wednesday.  On Saturday it is Chris versus the M6 again, being sure to get home in time to attend a concert in the evening.  


For the rest of the week there is the intriguing prospect of a little m*d*ll*ng because most of my lame excuses to slouch in front of the TV have been swept away by flipping W*mbl*d*n.  The coverage is bound to overflow into slots not allocated to it and it is small comfort that it only lasts for a fortnight - unless, of course, the weather is such that play is disrupted and it spills over into a third week.  Perish the thought.


Felicitations to the ailing and distressed



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rather dull outside and it has just started to rain although it should brighten up later.

Notwithstanding my aching back yesterday I managed to do quite a lot of gardening in the sunshine and it looks quite tidy out there. My back didn't like it (and still doesn't)

This was followed by some sporadic viewing of "Le Tour." One rather large pile up but luckily it seems nobody was seriously hurt.(Unlike the previous day)

The Boss made some rather tasty steak & mushroom pies for dinner. This was accompanied by a rather nice red wine that I've just obtained.

All in all a rather pleasant day

Today I'm off to the doctor's but not about my back. I have been summoned for "a review of medication." If previous experience is anything to go by I doubt if much will change.

More tea needed so...

...have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Maybe we should start a "Bad Back" thread.

Since an accident involving a wheelbarrow full of wet concrete (I hit a brick with it) some years ago my back is liable to go into spasm given the chance.

It's particularly bad at the moment after spreading two tons of granite chippings onto a new bit of garden here.

Short of not being active and buying a motorised wheelchair, the pain is kept at bay with handfuls of enteric aspirin until it passes off.

Once I'm on my feet I can cope but sitting down and getting up produces yelps.

SWMBO kindly made a hot water bottle for me yesterday. Now I have a slight scald where she failed to tighten the stopper.

But ... tomorrow is another day.

Any tips from fellow sufferers would be welcomed.

I've tried some gunk called 'Volterol' without any faith (if one can rub ointment in, why doesn't the blood leak out?) and I imagined it does some temporary good.

So far the best thing seems to be inertia and cursing.

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