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Apart from the fact that you only have a very small circle of potential readers on Faecesbook, all of whom you know, many being work colleagues, and many others know each other and have diverging interests in what you might say so you have to watch anything you might say very carefully indeed to avoid upsetting some, or dropping yourself in it somehow, RMweb doesn't keep trying to sell you stuff you don't want! 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most, evening to our Antipodean ERs.


Commiserations Nige.


Off out to umpire cricket today. White ball blue shirts...not proper cricket at all but it just has to be done.


Some ERs are friends on farcebook...it means if we have someone "missing" we can find out why. The posts are different on there.


Sunny and should be warm today (19C).


Enjoy your day



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Lovely sunny morning this morning. Had one of my random migraine attacks last night, after a very stressful week, so had to suddenly go to bed early, and have woken up like I have had the 'reset' button pressed. All seems calm and fresh. This the only positive aspect of this particular genetic deficiency! At least the natural pessimism can go on hold for a few hours.  :victory:

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Morning all. A bright but breezy start to the day.


Not a great deal planned for the day except finishing the ironing in preparation for being away for the next three days carrying out surveys and inspections.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very sorry to hear your sad news Nidge.

Blue sky and sunshine here after quite a bit of overnight rain. It should be a nice day.

Well in spite of my pessimism we managed to beat the All Blacks but really only thanks to Sonny Bill having a brainstorm. However it was only by 3 points and for a good 50 minutes they only had 14 men. 

Doesn't really bode too well for next Saturday but it could be a great game.

There will be no tennis watched in this house in the next fortnight. Can't stand all the shrieking and grunting every time someone serves. I may watch some cycling and cricket though.

Breakfast has been offered and I have accepted.  After that I may do the gardening that I didn't do yesterday. May do. Possibly. (My back is playing up at the moment)

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from a bright and sunny corner of South Derbyshire. Firstly my condolences to Rugd1082 on the loss of his father. On a brighter note my congratulations to those people who are celebrating anniversaries and birthdays this weekend.

I was interested to read TheQ's comments about the Sheringham visit. The model shop in question does not seem to be open very regularly. You do wonder how he makes money from it. Having said that I have managed to find it open during my visits and I find the contents underwhelming and have never made a purchase from there. I usually end up spending my money at Hunstanton Models further around the coast. Incidentally a work colleague of mine, who has a holiday home in Sheringham, tells me that the shop opens very sporadically.

Since my last post I have cleared another day at work, leaving just 15 days left. The Friday passed off with no further issues. The evening was spent marking books with a couple of bottles of beer. Yesterday proved to be busy. Shopping in the morning was followed by a visit to see my brother to, belatedly, deliver his birthday present. I had not forgotten the date - but the Amazon Prime delivery failed by a couple of days and then our working lives got in the way. It was nice to catch up and good to see he is settling into his new house. The children seem happy. I actually think they would be much happier if they were with him full time.

I completed some much needed paperwork yesterday afternoon before enjoying a very nice meal at home with Sarah in the evening. It was a much needed, and enjoyable, time together.

Today will have to feature more paperwork either side of a visit to the inlaws in the afternoon.


Have a good Sunday all?

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 RMweb doesn't keep trying to sell you stuff you don't want! 


Unless you're on the Bargain Hunters thread. I'm sure it works on a subliminal level


I bought a pair of coaches yesterday when I only really need one for now.



Bike to work this morning - direct from home for the first time.

36 km, 1hr 32min, 23.4km/h average. Quite suited at that. It may be a longer trip home though.


I have to lay and wire some track today. Something I quite like doing and I'm getting paid for it!


Have a good Sunday if you can.


Catch up later.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Commiserations to Nidge.


Well yesterday we managed to exit the town without going anywhere near the centre/centre of activities - in terms of the road layout that isn't difficult but negotiating roads crammed with double-parked cars was slightly more challenging.  Why do blokes driving white vans or pick-up trucks almost invariably acknowledge you waiting for them to let them by parked cars while the vast majority of female drivers don't?  But then equally I could ask why the passenger sitting in a car waiting to turn right across my path at a crossroads seemed most upset when I carried on as soon as the road I was crossing was clear - definitely a prime braincell donor.


Yesterday however was otherwise motoring cockwomble free!!!!!  We duly departed and headed off roughly northwards until herself decided she wanted to go southwards and I outvoted her (he who holds the steering wheel) and we then went through a list of potential destinations roughly in that direction and finally decided, by the time we were past Abingdon, to go to the Cotswold Wildlife Park which we hadn't visited for a long time.   Great place if you like that sort of thing although 'the train' is hauled by a fake sort of steam outline i/c powered concoction (we didn't avail ourselves of its pleasures - plenty of birds and animals to look at as well as something fascinating plants.  A nice circular drive going to and fro then home to Dr Who and beans on toast.


Laddo visited the local 'festivities' last night and came home far from amused with frequent utterances of the word 'disgusted'.  thinking back to teh way teh saturday night used to be I said 'oh, plenty of fights then?'.  Only to be told there were no fights and it was the use of shop doorways as public lavatories (mainly by females it would seem) that was disgusting (which it is).  How the world has changed as in days gone by even a chap peeing in the wrong place was liable to spend the night in the cells at the local nick - while those involved in any punch ups were either sent packing or taken to cells elsewhere.


Enjoy your day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Condolences to Nidge. One of my uncles died in similar circumstances. His last words to my brother who took him home were that he had had a really lovely day out.

Today I am not delirious. So apart from morning sickness, hot and cold flushes and wanting custard for breakfast I think that may be an improvement. I am not coughing too much either. I am somewhat grateful to be alive during the age of antibiotics.


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Yesterday we travelled with Mum to London Euston. Quite a few cancelled services after a trespass incident at Rugby. Whne Mums train's platform was announced there was a scrum for that Glasgow train and the manchester one due off a fewm inutes before. Chaos at the new ticket barriers so took some time to get Mum through as peopely get up to the barriers then rummage for their tickets with all their bags push che=airs and kids blocking barriers to any one else who does have hteir ticket ready. The staff were good and let me go with Mum so that  I could put her bag on the trains luggage racks. My other half stayed the other side of the barriers keeping out of the way of a few passengers starting ot get a bit physical with each other- some missed the Manchester service departure.


After that we retreated to the Bree Louise where we had a chat with the Landlord. He told us that the pub will be closing in November for the HS2 developemnt on its site.


From there we visited a few pubs around Angel.


We had planned on getting back to go to our local pubs beer fest but my other half wasnt feeling too good after insisting on drinknig soem strong beers.


Today the new shed arrived. Its a plastic one so  its much like a rather large plastic kit but no glue required. Took me about an hour to put it together.


Old shed moved out of the way and amzingly its still intact but the roof is rotten. I may try and repair it but this afternoon I must get the new one temporarily in place. The plan was to go and get more paving slabs  for the new larger shed base but with numerous local events  my other half found the roads gridlocked, so I am staying in the rest of the day.

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Definitely interested. Top two are Bristol L-series unless I'm much mistaken. We had similar in Cornwall. Half-cab single-deckers where you got on at the back and paid the conductor. Not sure about the third one though.


Ours turned up on the Lands End run, sometimes in pairs if it was busy. Then we moved up to Fareham and found Hants & Dorset also had some which we saw variously on the Lee-on-Solent or Catisfield runs. But where ever you found them they seemed to be going to a place named after the operator. As Dd's top view shows. Or as seen in Penzance on the 1 to Western National. In Fareham on the 73 to Hants & Dorset. And as also see once in Bridport not even displaying a route number but proudly going to somewhere called Southern National. I'm sure the passengers aboard knew where that was.


Had a cockwomble moment t'other day while changing buses in Sutton. Obliged to cross a side-road still with a distinct limp I checked all was clear and hobbled forth. Blue boy-racer car comes screeching around stationary bus using the wrong side of the road and swerves, fish-tailing, into the side turning with me part-way across. "Driver" (for want of a better term) raised two fingers in salute and yelled a few choice words in my direction. I returned the salute as it seemed to be the polite thing to do.


Car narrowly missed a hastily-moving me. And was hotly pursued by two more cars. These were displaying blue flashing lights .........

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Good afternoon everyone


The sun was shining and the sky was blue, so once again it was straight outside this morning and some more pottering about in the back garden. I clipped the box hedge and tidied up the large box ball and box cone as well. Just before I came inside for dinner, I was stung by something. I don't know what it was as I didn't see anything buzzing around me but I felt it. I immediately took of my gloves and pulled out what was left of the sting, it was very small whatever it was. It looked too small for a bee and there wasn't anything hanging from it either. Once it was out, I squeezed the area around the wound, causing fluid to ooze out, all I have now is a small pink dot where it once was. Other than that I have no ill effects due to whatever stung me.


This afternoon was spent tidying up this morning's mess/clippings and filling the green bin, which is now almost full. Whilst I was clipping the box ball, which is about 2 1/2ft tall, I thought I saw something moving around in it. Upon inspection I found a young frog about 2 1/2 inches long, climbing about in it, I didn't expect to see one of those in the shrubbery!


Yesterday afternoon, just before I came in, I spent about 10 minutes watering all the potted plants, only for it to p!ss it down, quite heavily in the evening. So today I'm going to leave watering until after tea.


Back later

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We had a bus driver who when he took over a bus wound the display to the yellow strip at the end and just displayed the number. Which was sort of ok if he used the right number.........

We had one like that. An old boy we had inherited with his one-man-one-bus business. We had given his run a route number and altered it slightly to fit our network. He also got to drive which ever vehicle was assigned as his own steed had comprehensively failed its required tests.


As he said (translated from a very thick dialect) "I know where I'm going. I've always gone there. My passengers know where I'm going as well. Can't see any point telling all those "furriners" coz it ain't their bus". Numerals and destination were invariably left set as he found them no matter what that suggested.


Then, long before then and to this day it is a legal requirement for any vehicle plying a fixed route for hire and reward to display its destination.

Edited by Gwiwer
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An easy day so far. The ironing finished and everything packed for the next few days working away.


Roast pork with all the trimmings is eagerly anticipated before a relaxing evening to finish off the weekend.

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Really exciting day here. first off I had my mushrooms on toast without any toast as herself had eaten the last of it and the new loaf hadn't finished baking and she neglected to tell me before I went down to Tesco where I could have bought a loaf.  So I had the extra excitement of mushrooms without the toast - different taste although maybe I'd popped in a bit more garlic than usual.


Then the real excitement - a train ride up the branch on one of the Regatta special service non-stop trains, definitely different and a creditable before time arrival at Twyford.   Little things please railway minds and definitely a bit different from the norm of the branch's train running (and the fastest trip I've had over the branch since a surreptitious footplate ride on a Hymek running light back in 1963).    In further good news the parking menace in our road is gradually dissipating although I wasn't exactly surprised to see masses of room in the station car park and unlike the old days this year the parking prices haven't been hiked up -  so you could park all day, near the river instead of half a mile away from it, for less than the cost of a glass of Pimms. 

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