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Unable to top Ian's excellent flight arrangements I can but offer today's Tesco experience and the need to stock up on alcoholic beverages -


1.  6 bottles of wine qualified for 25% multibuy reduction, we duly placed 18 bottles into three wine carrying bags (although 3 x 25% of course didn't add up to 75%)

2. 3 bottles of the same brand of cider generated a75p multibuy saving off the usual combined purchase price of £6 for 3 bottles - we duly bagged up 18 bottles of cider


3. At the checkout the purchase price for this lot came to £150 but then the multibuy discounts were taken off reducing the price to

4. £117, but then the Privilege Card discount was taken off - at 20% today instead of the normal 10% - saving a further £23.40 meaning

5. We actually paid £93.60 for 36 bottles of assorted medicines/restoratives with a normal purchase price of £150.


Which means either that -

a. Tesco are making a very healthy profit at their normal sales prices, or

b. Tesco are making a very small profit, or even a loss, at what we paid.


Amusingly one of the wines we bought (herself likes it so we stock up occasionally) has a  (Tesco) retail price of £7 per bottle - a local eaterie has exactly the same wine on its wine list at £19 per bottle.

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Quite a drab day weatherwise today, grey with some rain but better than yesterday's all-day wetting.


My DVT has been clarified to SVT or Superficial Vein Thrombosis with a small tongue heading deep. Have been put on anti-coagulent tablets instead of the fragmin self-jags. They hope they'll be able to take me off the tabs in 3 or 6 months if the blood does its stuff and dissolves the clot - checking the interweb I see that Japanese food Natto (er, fermented soy beans) are supposed to be good for clot dissolving nutrients - has anyone tried it? Don't think anyone here in Edinburgh sells it, even the organic or wholefood shops. Think you can find it in capsule form. In a way I was lucky to have found the clot so early.


Tomorrow I have to shop for an electric razor - I prefer manual blades - so I don't cut myself (anti-coagulents...) Any recommendations?


See that quite a few m*d*l shops are selling 'unrebuilt' Battle of Britains off at a discount - reckon people have tired of them yet?


Andyram, keep on trying and you'll get there. Schools here broke up today for the summer so can't be too long for the English schools.


Anyone try Outlander last night? Thought it a bit slow and, well, a bit naff, or am I missing something?


Hope you have a good evening



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Hi all. Just to clarify, I have told the agency I would be willing to teach from the school starters right up to lower juniors. I just feel that jumping into the top end after so long in infants would be too big a jump.

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This is how Leeds City Council have told the residents on our street about the road being closed...it is so small that you have to stop the car, get out and walk to it to read it. What a bunch of major cockwombles they are.



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This is how Leeds City Council have told the residents on our street about the road being closed...it is so small that you have to stop the car, get out and walk to it to read it. What a bunch of major cockwombles they are.



I called the number and left a message on your behalf.

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Ian A’s limo home from the Airport didn’t help:





He did accept a box of sweet potatoes for his trouble...



Best, Pete.

Now THAT is one Chelsea tractor. :mosking: :jester: :punish:


E‘ning all. Currently on my break and need to travel a bit for catching my second turn. Will then RTD at 2459 hours.


Generic C&Cs as appropriate...

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A very physical day in quite warm and humid conditions. As predicted, POETS did not happen but at least the job got finished at a reasonable time.


Quite tired and probably a bit dehydrated as I didn't take a single break from starting at 07:30 until 16:00. I must remember to look after my self better.


A relaxing evening and weekend are planned but we'll have to see if I can achieve this.


GDB - Congratulations giving up the weed. A habit that I wish I'd never started and now having major problems trying to give up.


Tony - Good to hear that you are improving.


Mal - I wish I could help with the electric razor. I tried it once when I left the Army and didn't like it so returned to proper razors.


Now time to catch up on the rest of the RM world.


Back later.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Saw a cockwomble get his comeuppance today. I popped down to Tesco's for a few things before heading to the clubhouse. I found a parking place in one of several bays opposite the store each bay having about 7-8 parking places each side. As I was getting out of my car I noticed a Mercedes parked at the end of the bay using two parking spaces by straddling the white line. Just then another driver pulled in looking for a space and I told him that there were no more spaces and the two at the end were occupied by a single car. The other driver said "No problem mate." and then proceeded to park his car a few inches from the bumper of the Mercedes and at right angles to it. :jester:

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Good evening everyone


POETS day as expected was achieved, after dropping off the site drawings I called for a few last minute items for tonight's tea and also to the butchers for our weekly meat rations.


Well that's it anothervweek done and now I'm off for another week, which will be my final full weeks holiday. After this week I will only have 2 days holiday left, which I've booked off so that Sheila and I can attend the Tatton Park Flower Show.


As is usual for a Friday, we've had No 1 son, his daughter and three of our daughters children have been here for tea. They have all been fed, watered and returned to they rightful parents. They have been particularly boisterous today, which has been a bit stressful, but the bottle of red tonight has gone some way towards redressing the balance.


Rick. Glad to here that your gout is continuing to improve.


Goodnight all.

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The week that was. The work office has now been moved from a convenient location in south Yarra to the new bayside suburb of Highett. At least my space has enough light to see now. Car parking is a heap better but no setting the day by the procession of diesel trains that ran out side the back door. Never did manage to get a photo. The last one I remember from Thursday was an X and a B on a freight rumbling through. One thing I did learn was if you need something done don't expect any assistance from above! Grr


Any way I seem to have secured a high level kit from Mr Hattons which I was never expecting but as I enjoyed the other two so much and Mrs DougN has been saying I have not been doing things for myself so even though cash is a little tight, I lashed out!


Ms DougN is still away on her choir tour. Good news for her is her netball team on the grand final.

Mast DougN is now on holiday and is trying to run out the capacity of the internet connection.



Nothing else planed for the weekend so I might be able to get some brass to finish off the under frames to my Quad art. They are a beast if you ever decide to build one!

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Which means either that -

a. Tesco are making a very healthy profit at their normal sales prices, or

b. Tesco are making a ... small(er) profit,...  at what we paid.

Both, I expect. The markups on all alcohol - particularly wine - are pretty staggering.


Here restaurants ask at least 4x wholesale and retail shops ask at least 2x wholesale on wine.


Is there a 'sin tax' on alcohol in Britain?

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Saturday Morning Cool Music dept.


John Mayall Bluesbreakers + Buddy Whittington and Special Guest Gary Moore. “So Many Roads” by the great Otis Rush (one of my favorite artists/writers):

Montreux 2008


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Morning awl, only five hours sleep last night but at least it was in one lump.


A busy day at work yesterday, I finally got the last section of the programme to work about 5 minutes before go home time. There is still the integration of that sections results into spreadsheets that produce the certificates.


One main cockwomble on the way home, on the industrial estate where I work a Mercedes garage uses one long stretch of road as an extension of their yard, parking lorry's and cars down one side reducing it to a single lane. At one end is a a semi blind curve.


I'm driving down the wrong side of the road that was available, towards the curve, cockwomble comes round it the other way, faster than the limit, in his new VW 4x4, forcing me into a gap in the parked vehicles, one landrover long. Him barely missing me.

Where he thought the a car, followed by LWB transit, followed by car, were going to go, I have no idea!


Other event on the way home, the old road home is no more, well a section isn't, as I drove round a semi circle of the new round about being built.


After walking Ben the Border Collie down to the beach and him charging around for a while, we decided to bring him back wearing the Halti, boy did he not like that. After a few hundred yards with him trying the remove it. We left it on, but hooked to his collar instead. He behaved a lot better after that, very little pulling.


The MRC went well, I turned two sheets of plasticard into a pile of bits for making a railway viaducts legs. Still more cutting to do to produce the kit.

I got given a couple of books and two n gauge size road vehicles by others club members. I need the chance to buy them a pint or two, they keep refusing payment for these, as new, items they are giving me.


Todays planned work, well not a lot, I'm taking my parents for a stroll round slow stroll around north Norfolk. I'll look in on Autoloco in Sheringham it would be nice to find it open. Bouys toys in Cromer will get a visit.


If there is time the mower will get an airing when we get home. The grass / jungle is getting too tall...


Time to... Keep the two brown eyes staring at me happy, with a stroll round a very windy garden.

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Good morning one and all


I find myself with a spare chicken breast.  What a good excuse this is to rummage through my rather dusty collection of cook books for an inspirational recipe.  "Chicken and Egg" by the Hairy Bikers should do the trick.  On the fodder run yesterday I was thinking on my feet so came home with some pork mince, a leek and a tin of tomatoes.  I'm sure I can do something with that.


Having read some cockwomble tales this morning I rather wish that I had grabbed the camera yesterday.  A rented van had been parked at an angle across the pavement with its nose up against Mrs Electric-Chair's double gates and its door projecting into the street such that through traffic would have needed to proceed with caution.  Doubtless there was a good reason for this.  It was not even a white van.  I think it has gone now.


The national obsession with Wimbledon has begun a bit early.  The "Open Country" slot on Radio 4 is describing the scene of the crime as I type.  From Monday there will be blanket coverage on one and a half TV channels but even this will not stop the remaining regular programmes being disrupted without prior notice, usually because Andy Murray is playing.  As is often the case with the BBC, a sense of proportion is required.  Gentle reader, feel free to riposte that it is I who requires it, for would it not be boring if we all had the same taste.  The great broadcaster Peter West has just been mentioned and it so happens that he was a friend of my late father.  They met through the sponsorship of youth tennis by Green Shield Stamps in the 1970s.


Felicitations to the ailing and distressed



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Good morning all,

Rather a dull start here at the moment and there may be a bit of rain but this should clear leaving a dry and warm day with plenty of sunshine - possibly.


Yesterday I looked at the layout but felt no inspiration so shut the door on it yet again.


First task this morning will be breakfast followed by a visit to the baker's that Abbie works at on Saturdays to pick up a couple of their rather nice pasties for lunch.

Then Rugby. The Lions have a massive hill to climb and although I hope for the best I don't think they can do it. We'll find out in a few hours.

After that the garden needs a bit of work so grasscutting and weeding are on the agenda - weather permitting.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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