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Early Risers.


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Morning Awl,

Another good nights sleep, walking Ben the Border Collie is tiring me out....


Cockwombles.... lots of them


Wednesday 15:00 to 15:15 ish outside nearby primary school, the parent wombles had set their usual slalom course by parking half on the pavements, in their desperation to get 2 inches from the school gates.

Maintenance emblazoned van, parks half on the pavement, exactly opposite a side road,

Artic ( signed Coachhouse.com) driving  womble decides  to drive though a housing estate, though this lot, meeting a double decker bus going the other way,   ...... Grid lock...


Thursday going home, 

BT have dug a hole in the road at a telegraph post on a blind corner, hence traffic lights.

As I approach the lights turn green,

I round corner to find Golf driving Henwomble, half into my side of the road, she has to reverse to let me through.

 I drive through, she immediately Drives on through red round the blind corner!!!!



The KA car labelled highway maintenance has been upgraded, he's got a Fiesta estate today.

 I approach mini roundabout, he arrives from the right and looks to me to see if I'll stop , I do

He doesn't look right and drives out straight in front of a car coming the other way that has priority, much brake application by the lady driving with priority...


They are doing a lot of the NDR works overnight at the road junctions, it looks a very few days away, before I stop driving straight though on the old road and have to start driving a semi circle round the roundabout.


Today more work on the major system, since they again had the system back over night, there is no way they'll get the system back till Tuesday morning. But on Monday morning I have two more major systems to start, this could be a problem...

7 days work in 5 days...


Time to... check the company spam, before going into battle.

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Greetings to all from the breakfast table. The clouds outside are a lighter shade of grey than yesterday so hopefully that will mean less rain. Much of yesterday proved to be rather wet. It also proved to be a challenge. With the boss and deputy away, responsibility fell my way and with it came a few challenges. Firstly there was the special needs child who decided to have one of his temper meltdowns and tore displays off the wall in his break out room as well as throwing stuff from tables onto the floor. He soon saw the error of his ways and rather meekly decided to tidy up after I had unloaded both barrels of wrath!

Later there was the two young children who got into a fight and then tried to implicate an older girl. The older girl hasn't got a nasty bone in her body and, after intensive investigations I could prove the two little reprobates were lying through their teeth. Parents were then spoken to at the end of the day. The investigations took away half of my valuable non-contact time. Finally there was the child, who ran away from his parent at the end of the day whilst she was gossiping on the playground. She returned frantically looking for said sibling who was nowhere to be seen. I deployed staff on a search and the said child was soon located up the road and returned with a verbal flea in the ear! What a day! The beer last night was most welcome.

Yesterday bought two job offers from the agency, both for classes beyond my range of experience. I rejected both, one of which is the free school post. A missed call from the office at 6.30pm last night suggests there may well be another job opportunity presented today so hopefully it will be more suitable. The number of opportunities starting to come is quite encouraging so I do feel comfortable in being selective. It would be ideal if I could find the right post for an immediate September start, however I am happy to sit and do day to day supply if something does not come up. Sadly, as another day drifted by with no response, it does seem as if the dream Education Officer job has passed me by without even the offer of an interview. Obviously it was not meant to be but it is still deeply disappointing. As I mentioned previously, Monday will be two weeks after the closing date and that is my usual cut off date for ending any last hope.


Today sees the return of the staff and children from the residential. They are due back around lunch time so there is just the morning to get through without any more disasters - here's hoping. 16 days left!!!


Enjoy today.

Edited by andyram
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Morning all from a rather damp and cloudy Charente Maritime with the emphasis on the latter word. Yesterday it rained plenty more and the good news is that another inch of water has been added to the pool for free, the bad news is that some other bits of the downpour have decided to come down the side of the chimney into our hallway. We will have to get someone to look at the flashing round the chimney.


Beth went out with her mate and I actually got some modelling done and managed to get a loco running via test leads, a major advance. I also did some pre palling for installing the electrical supply to where my layout is going to be put up. This will be a lead that hangs from the ceiling so that it doesn't form a trip hazard over the floor. I also rang a guy whose number I had found in a magazine. He coordinates an informal group of railway modellers in the area. As we chatted various cogs whirred in my ancient grey matter. He turns out to have been our late neighbours headmaster who I once met. He came over here 21 years ago. It's a small world.


Anyway this morning Beth and I were woken at 08.00 by the sound of someone talking outside our bedroom (Ground floor with French Windows). I went out to investigate to find a bloke sitting under the verandah talking on his phone. On questioning he said he was working round the corner at the Town Hall and needed somewhere out of the rain (it wasn't raining) to use his phone. He was sent packing and I will be going round to the Mairie shortly to check his story out with the mayor.


Anyway a shopping expedition is being planned then a meal out at some friends, not a bad day.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It really is a lovely morning here, sunny but not too hot.

My antibiotics are doing their job. Still exhausted though but I thought I could make it downstairs for a snack early this morning. Opening the fridge seemed like a big deal. Aditi informs me that I am not very good at assessing my capabilities when unwell.

It would be nice to sit out in the garden later, it depends on whether or not the continuous breaking of concrete continues from nearby. I can't see through the trees but I can't imagine what has taken a week to break up outside a small bungalow.

Hope everyone has a good day.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, and it's a overcast one here today.  Jobs include prepping for an interview where a 10-minute presentation has been requested.

I've now got 3 interviews lined up on successive days.


First of all congrats to GB for kicking the weed and on the fiscal savings. Hopefully ploughed into beer and trains! 


I'm reminded of an internet skit where the girlfriend sits her boyfriend down and explains that if he'd give up beer he'd save $10 a day and after 10 years he'd have a Ferrari.

He looks at her and asks if she drinks beer. 

Certainly not, she says, indignantly!  

Well, where is your Ferrari then, he asks?  :jester:


Tony, good to hear the antibios are working and fingers crossed for continued improvements. 


Just a though for AndyRam. It may be wise to think about how specific a year group you are looking for. I do understand that teachers get comfortable teaching a particular year group but perhaps confining yourself too much may be a disadvantage? 

You are, no doubt,quite right that there are plenty more jobs out there and that you can wait for the ideal job to come up. 

An alternative way of looking at it may be that if all other factors about a job are ok, e.g. school seems nice, headteacher seems nice, commute is easy etc, then being a bit flexible on which precise year you take on is a reasonable compromise to make?

Don't forget, they will be advertising your current job and on paper it would look perfect from the perspective of which year group you'd be teaching. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is trying to show itself and the skies are a little less grey than they have been so far this week. POETS day is definitely on the cards, as the only work I've been given is to take a set of site drawings to a site in Leigh (Lancashire) and swap them with the ones already there, that won't take long! After that I'll return home and once there, I'm sure I'll be able to find something to do.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

First of all congrats to GB for kicking the weed and on the fiscal savings. Hopefully ploughed into beer and trains! 



Not quite all of of it Andy! I have bought other stuff like a car, cognac and single malts as well.  :whistle:

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Not quite all of of it Andy! I have bought other stuff like a car, cognac and single malts as well.  :whistle:


Nothing wasted then; George Best would be proud. :) 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was going to say that GDB should have a fantastic layout by now but Andy B got in first. anyway congratulations on giving up the weed.  Busy weekend this weekend as its our exhibition, got to be at the clubhouse at 3 this afternoon to check tables etc. Sounds as if your getting better Tony, no word from Rick yet?

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A couple of photos to you for the cheering up of:


The mind boggles as to why this sign is necessary:






Have a nice day! Pete.

I believe in some parts of the world not reached by cable service wrestling a greased pig is major entertainment...
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


First just to reassure Pete there is a concern in our part of the world which is quite happy to rent out pigs (they provide the Vietnamese Pot-Bellied variety) subject to checking how they will be looked after etc - recommended as ideal for ground clearance if you want rid of undergrowth etc.


Andyram - 2 weeks after closing date doesn't sound like 'too long' to me.  An organisation like that might have trouble getting its decision makers together and might also allow a little bit of latitude on late received applications so I wouldn't give up hope at the two week (only 10 working days) boundary).  And don't sell yourself short by sticking to a particular year group - leaping from junior level to secondary is one thing but within a reasonable band of ages I would think it's a chance worth taking to broaden your experience (my mother certainly did, she had specialised in junior level teaching of what were then called 'backward' children while at college and i after her return to teaching (post me) she did both junior and infants level and finished up in her final years teaching a reception year infants class.   


Just dropping a rather unusual aside one lad she taught at one time in her early teaching years appears regularly in 'The Archers' - playing a part of someone 'born' XX years later than the actor's own year of birth.  How's that for today's Early Risers quiz question and memory test?  Name the part and the actor.


We are now advised the Tesco extra discount starts today so stocking up to withstand shortages of toilet paper, cleaning materials and what have you is scheduled for not too long from now.  This of course assumes that I can actually get the car out of the drive and down the road, which has clearly been taken over by the skinflints who are too tight to pay for car parking in the town - a regular occurrence at this time of year.


Have a good day one and all and may those who have been suffering continue to enjoy some improvement towards full recovery. 

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Shopping expedition completed with some success. Certain things such as bars of white chocolate and a set of small screwdrivers did find their way into the trolley by some devious means. Lidl didn't have tonic water or fresh milk so off we went down the road to Leclerc's and lo an behold some mussels and crevette rose ended up in the trolley. They were excellent for lunch.



Edited by jamie92208
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Just dropping a rather unusual aside one lad she taught at one time in her early teaching years appears regularly in 'The Archers' - playing a part of someone 'born' XX years later than the actor's own year of birth.  How's that for today's Early Risers quiz question and memory test?  Name the part and the actor.


Pure guesswork here - Joe Grundy,played by Edward Kelsey?



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  • RMweb Gold

. I was going to say that GDB should have a fantastic layout by now 


Er, that would be no Phil. What passes for a layout is giving me intense grief. I do however ( I think) have a rather good collection of locos, coaches and wagons which occasionally get trundled around.

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Feeling very refreshed after a good nights sleep, I THINK the short ones in the hotel can be attributed to the room being east facing and no amount of significant window coverings prevented the room becoming very light around 5AM!


In the way of, for ME anyway, a most enjoyable experience - unusual on my flying days - I present for you;


"Ian's EXCELLENT ADVENTURE/flight home"


i) Online check-in Wednesday informed me they wanted volunteers to switch flights. Often happens on the flight I take, so as always signed up for $500

  You can enter ANY amount, $500 is my minimum threshold, that's why I usually get passed over, as folks are willing to jump ship for $100 or $200 it seems. They take volunteers in order of amount...


ii) Uneventful and easy drive to JFK, breeze through Terminal 4 TSA Pre-Check security - even though many cockwombles fumbling with unnecessary (READ THE SIGNS) removal of shoes, belts, laptops from cases, trying to carry cell phone THROUGH the detector after repeatedly being told to PUT THEM IN YOUR BAG BEING SCANNED... 


iii) I usually go VIA Terminal 4 to get to the appropriate Delta gate, even if we're departing from Terminal 2. Reasoning: I can AND DO buy Cadburys chocolate bars in T4 <guilty secret>


iv) Appropriated chocolate and took connecting bus to T2 - AVOIDED fire and partial evacuation of T4 by about 15 minutes - WIN!!!! It was a total flustercuck after that at T4


v) Arrived at gate, hearing name called as I walked up, and was informed I was #1 on the jump ship list, expected to DEFINATELY need me, so they'd already assigned me an Economy PLUS seat on the next flight that leaves just 2 hours later...


vi) Patiently wait as boarding proceeds - BINGO, I didn't make the plane so get $500 for sitting at the airport for a further two hours. How many folks actually WANT to miss their planes?? :jester:


vii) Due to flustercuck at T4, gate agent can't find supervisor (all attending T4 mess) to oversee $500 Amex gift card approval. Finally after 45 minutes issues it herself, with HUGE apologies for the delay, and adds $100 for "my trouble" - um, I am waiting ANYWAY, so it's certainly no trouble to be given another $100 :sungum:


viii) Trot off to favourite T2 eating/drinking establishment and enjoy some pasta and wine.


ix) Time to board plane - take Economy plus seat and settle in


x) Wait a minute, what's this.... gate agent comes and finds me, OH DEAR, I'm #2 on the UPGRADE list and there's a seat in first class with my name on it - SHAME, SHAME THEY CRIED as I gathered my stuff and headed to first class :sungum:  :locomotive:  :drag:  


The only slight downside to the adventure was that with all the T4 confusion, we ended up being delayed 40 minutes waiting for international passengers and bags coming from T4 arrivals to our plane.

Certainly NOT complaining as I relaxed, had a couple of G&Ts and responded to the email asking for the mailing details for my $600 AMEX card.


THAT dear ER readers is definitely the way to end a week at the Long Island client.


Today will be a POE as I've already booked 36 hours, just 4 to do now, unless the client has any last minute issues - unlikely since many folks here are anticipating a FOUR DAY weekend given next Tuesday is July 4th holiday, and many, including ME, are taking Monday off also.


17 and sunny out, very refreshing feeling, with a high of 25. 


Hope you can POE if it's appropriate, and enjoy your weekend.

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Lorna's pastor took some of the church youth to Seattle in the church's 1999 Dodge minibus to assist homeless people. They parked near the Space Needle but when they came back to where they had parked it the bus was missing. It had been nicked.


Unfortunately somebody spotted it a few hours later and it was returned to its rightful owners.

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