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Early Risers.


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Morning all. Last night was the worst nights sleep for ages. I think I only managed about 3.5 hours so now feeling really carp.


Hoping for an early finish so that an extended eyelid inspection can take place later.


Time for another coffee.


Have a good day everyone.

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Morning All,


it is a wet morning today.  Grey skies and raining.


Oh well - I have quite a lot to get done today, so I suppose I had better get on with it (after a coffee!)


Have a good day everyone...

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Is this photo from the UK?




I know who the golfer is - I just didn’t recognize the “19th Hole”.


Best, Pete.



This any help Pete?  I think he is a serial streaker who has gatecrashed many sporting events over here.



Edited by grandadbob
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And good morning all,

A bit cloudy at the moment and some showers are possible with the chance of one or two bright intervals.
Nothing much happening today. The bins are out (still waiting for my extra one), The Boss will be met at 9.00 and shopping will be done. Apparently I will deviate from the list on pain of death! Huh, we'll see about that.

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


In the tea/coffee debate someone mentioned Camp coffee.  That jerks a memory.  It used to sponsor the coffee break segment on Tony Windsor's Radio London show.  Goodness, the fiftieth anniversary of the Marine etc Broadcasting Offences Act 1967 is fast approaching.  I met TW [no, not Mr Wright] at a Big L night in Huntingdon and somewhere have his autograph on the back of a Ravi Shankar concert ticket.  The anniversary of Black Monday, 14th August 1967, is on a Monday this year so do not be surprised if I drivel on about it at the time.


Quite a lot of sea food scares me to death, which I suppose is better than eating it and facing the consequences.  I have never been brave enough to eat moules marinieres, the national dish of Belgium, but I can cope with king prawns and will be doing so at lunchtime as Poorly Pal asked for prawns to go with today's stir fry.


The garden went unmolested yesterday.  I bought some spuds and will wait anxiously to see whether they get nibbled.  If they do, I suppose it might be down to rats.  That would be most unwelcome.  Perhaps the guy on the market was joshing with me.


Drat.  Please forgive that pause but I just put my elbow on the file cleaning brush which was clearly not rounded up with the rest of the tool kit.  It can only get better.


Felicitations to Tony, Rick and all others in distress



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If that doesn't, this definitely will:



I'm guessing they are all supplied from an outside supplier of Ice cubes.

That being said I don't have Ice in my coffee, I like it hot.

I've never been in Café nero or Starbucks, and only in Costa since they've taken over some motorway services..

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If that doesn't, this definitely will:


I remember that a while ago they tested bowls of peanuts that are often left on bars for drinkers to help themselves to. The results were quite horrific.


Morning all.

First coffee being drunk. Don't touch tea.


God grief, Rick and Tony.

I hope things improve for you both.

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Morning Awl, an even better nights sleep was had of abut 6.5 hours, undisturbed by Ben the Border Collie. As far as I know he didn't surface till I came downstairs.

I let him out this morning and he charged down the garden scattering the rabbits, although he didn't chase them.


My Mum and Dad, reported seeing 4 stoats playing in the garden.


The hole in the old road at the NDR roadworks has been filled ... twice.

When I when home yesterday there was fresh tarmac filing the hole but there was still a pronounced dip. when I came in there is morning there was a pronounced rise over the filling, which will probably be hammered down by todays traffic.


Todays work should be just major system work..


Time to... go and find out..

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Morning all and the usual round of generic greetings from the breakfast table. As I look out over the garden I can see grey skies and the dampness on the patio suggests it has not stopped raining long ago. It feels much colder too. The countdown clock has now reached 17 days left and I see light at the end of the tunnel. As with most years the body seems to be wanting to shut down a bit sooner and the end of term fatigue is evident.

Yesterday was a particularly long day. The wet weather meant the children were cooped up all day allowing the heat in the classroom to reach unpleasant levels. The use of the classroom for supervising the children post lunch meant I had no time to set up for the afternoon lessons. That always seems to be the case on wet days. The result was the afternoon was nowhere near the quality I would hope for.

Today is just half a day, followed by an afternoon of planning. Unlike most weeks I will have to stay in school because the boss and the other deputy are out on a residential with the older children. I will be escaping quickly at the end of the day though as I want to pop in to see an old lady in the village. She often comes in to help listen to my children read, and has done for 17 years. Recently a poorly mother has kept her away and she still does not know of my upcoming departure.

Word of my leaving seems to have got around and has now reached some of the ex members of staff. The cook, another of those "forced out", rang me to wish me well last night. I missed her call, but her answer phone message was full of good wishes and a hope that my departure had nothing to do with "that horrible head teacher" - hmmmmm - her words not mine.

As regards the job search; ten days on from the closing date for the dream job and silence is definitely not golden. I am not sure how long I leave it before I decide the application is dead in the water. I am of the feeling a fortnight window would be the maximum time for hope to remain. That means that on Monday I will place the job firmly into the " been rejected" file. At least there was news from the agency yesterday - enquiringly whether I would be interested in a Year 5 post. It is a little higher in a school than I would feel comfortable with, and the post is in a newly formed "free school" in the city centre. I am always a little suspicious of the term free school so I think it will be me rejecting this one. No need to jump at the first opportunity that comes my way. There is still plenty of time.

Onto the tea / coffee subject. I do like both and always enjoy a cup of tea with breakfast, post evening meal and just before bed. I do drink instant coffee but much prefer a proper machine made one. However I have developed a taste for some of the more flavoured coffees. We purchased a few bags from a local food fair last year. These are made using a coffee maker called an Aeropress. I wonder if anyone else has one. The taste is very nice. Our favourite taste is the Maple and Walnut at the moment although the Chocolate Orange coffee is much nicer than it sounds.


Have a good day all.

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Morning all.


Awoke at about 04.40 this morning so slightly better than previous nights but not good considering I ma having to take pain killers the last two nights to get to sleep as I am finding the herbal sleeping tablets to not really be working so haven't taken them for some time. Luckily it's only been two nights on the painkillers.


To add to this the Southern drivers overtime ban liked in this morning and despit the amended timetable showing our LBG serivice as running, it has been withdrawn during this industrial action and advising people to change at East Croydon but that meant we couldn't get on anumberv of LBG trans there as they were so overcrowded. Will give it a few days to see how I get on but I do not see myself carrying on with this added to other issues currently affecting my sleep after the previous wave of strikes back last year and into January.


A nice big lottery win last night would have helped but will have to wait till the weeeknd for the next opportunity!


At least we wil have a break in two weeks time from using Southern.

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Morning all from a rather wet, cloudy and not very warm Charente, only 18 today apparently. We had several thunderstorms yesterday with bright intervals between and are promised more of the same today. The upside is that the pool has had a free top up of over an inch of water and is nearly full again. At least it saves on my water bills. I also accumulated some brownie points by assembling the bed with bolts made from threaded rod and then made a fly screen for the kitchen window. I've also been asked to make one for one of the sitting room windows.


I'm glad that the sick and ailing among us seem to be on the mend and hope that it continues.


The ironing awaits me when the boss gets up then this afternoon I may even do some modelling as Beth is going out with a friend.


Regards to all.



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Good morning everyone


It's grey but at least it's not raining. Today sees me travelling north up the M61 to the orifice where I will be attending the monthly team meeting. Oooh the fun never stops, but I will at least get a bacon butty out of it.


Back later.

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Morning all


Slept well again and the feet are now back to "discomfort" rather than "pain". A good day yesterday finding mother up and about, fending for herself and even having managed a little ironing. Word from ailing aunt, her sister, is also quite good in that she has had her medication "rebalanced" and while still in hospital has pulled back from the brink to also be self-reliant and off the machine which goes ping.


Grey and damp day here. SWMBO has developed a cold and will be staying home. I foresee a need for a trip to the local pharmacy. And of course as we are a partnership of equals I look forward to receiving it.


Significant news emerging from Australia where Cardinal Pell, trusted envoy to the Vatican, is to join those of the Catholic church charged with serious offences against young people in their care. It's taken a long time but justice is coming.


Best wishes to all.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Morning all. Spitting with rain here and more forecast..so much for flaming June!!


Plans are afoot for a birthday party come retirement get together for me in late July. Despite my best efforts some relatives are attending..talking of which I had a sadly departed aunt who's favourite breakfast was a cup of tea and a large slab of cream cake. She reckons it got rid of any hangover but I have never tried it.


A bit of work done on the Club layout last night. Putting in point rodding is not for the faint hearted!


Have a great day!



Edited by Barry O
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Good morning


At last some time to log onto RMweb. My mum is back home but is much frailer than before - but she's much happier to be in her own place, though.


We inherited a Russell Hobbs electric coffee percolator which makes damn fine coffee, as Agent Dale Cooper says in Twin Peaks.


Having had some left knee pain for a few weeks - a physio said it was meniscus trouble, woke up on Saturday unable to walk with it. A trip to A&E diagnosed DVT, so now self-injecting blood thinners every day. Next appointment is this morning. Good news is that my peripheral neuropathy drugs finish next week woohoo! Saturday was also the day when the final settlement was made for my father's will. It arrived in the post just as we were leaving for the hospital!


Currently raining, which is expected to last all day...



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I remember that a while ago they tested bowls of peanuts that are often left on bars for drinkers to help themselves to. The results were quite horrific.


Morning all.

First coffee being drunk. Don't touch tea.


God grief, Rick and Tony.

I hope things improve for you both.

In the 42 years I've legally inhabited bars, I've yet to see any free food including peanuts on a bar.

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Morning all, and it's all an overcast and cool one here.


Slept like a log.


Today's plans include booking an interview slot and reading up about the 2 organisations interviewing me the week after next.

Thereafter the day is my own. I've been given a shopping list and will also be doing a bit of diy to strip back some woodwork and re-varnish.


C&G to one and all.  

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Another day and my first morning after a full (albeit 2 part) night's sleep in nearly 2 weeks. Still in a lot of pain but not as bad as yesterday morning. Supposed to be off to Brussels/Amsterdam at first light tomorrow. The jury is out on that as I'm not sure I'm up to it. Go/no go to be determined. 
In modelling news. (shh don't tell Debs) Millarville is going to the Freemo meet in Wells come November. That means my original plan of throwing everything out of the shed and into storage for a refurb is on hold. Tons of work on the modules to do between now and then. Which leads me to an annoyance. Looks like a whole bag of detail bits I picked up in Canada has gone missing. <insert profanity here>
Mr Q: you hang around in the wrong bars. Nuts, pretzels, and other nibbles are common in many places these days. The micro-pubs around here have resurrected the old Sunday tradition of bar snacks. Roast potatoes, mini-sausages, and other delights can be found on every table on a Sunday. 
Off to the quack to see what they have to say. Enjoy your day all. 


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In the 42 years I've legally inhabited bars, I've yet to see any free food including peanuts on a bar.


Going back a few (12, possibly more) years a couple of pubs I used to occasionally frequent put nuts, crisps, olives etc on the bar for the Sunday lunchtime session. They also did roast potatoes with plenty of salt which I assume was to persuade you to drink more!

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Very quiet here at the moment. Some near neighbours are having all the previous owners front paving removed. Their builders have a sensible sized minidigger. It isn't too noisy (and they don't start until after the school run has cleared). Someone in the next road is having a patio removed. There has been noise for days. I wonder if they are using a hammer drill from Argos?

I woke up a few times in the night but after a bit of a cough went back to sleep.

I may summon up the energy to investigate the camera Aditi collected yesterday. It meets all her criteria for size and weight so that is a good start.

Have a good day.


Edited by Tony_S
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Puzzling news on TV from Gatwick.

Apparently, if a flight leaves within one hour of the stated time, it is deemed "by the Industry Standard" to be on time.

Gatwick say that their average delay is 12 minutes (ie 72 minutes late for those of us hard of understanding).


Fortunately I more often use Manchester where, apart from the Motorways, the biggest obstacle is the sheer misery of the experience.

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  • RMweb Premium

Puzzling news on TV from Gatwick.

Apparently, if a flight leaves within one hour of the stated time, it is deemed "by the Industry Standard" to be on time.

Gatwick say that their average delay is 12 minutes (ie 72 minutes late for those of us hard of understanding).


Fortunately I more often use Manchester where, apart from the Motorways, the biggest obstacle is the sheer misery of the experience.

Having had to do some work at Gatwick it was the worst airport to get into (the security checks were always very slow)...and get around in! Heathrow was easiest.

Problem now is I don't have my "go anywhere" pass at Heathrow so can't take the short cuts I used to.



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