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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


Well some progress has been made of the K class chassis. The chassis is now completely soldered up, the motor and gearbox fitted as well as the wheels, but they are not yet permanent. I gave the motor a bit of a run without wheels and everything ran very smoothly. So the next stage will be to fit the coupling rods and give it another bit of a run, but that probably wont be until next weekend.


The rain persisted on and off until mid afternoon after which the sun shone, but thankfully I didn't get wet either going to or coming from the workshop at all.


For tea tonight I cooked liver and onions for Sheila, whilst I had pork and real ale sausages and very nice they were too, I'll definitely be buying those again.


Time to open a book red.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been a busy weekend, yesterday I went to a toy fair at Brentwood, slightly disappointed as another event elsewhere kept some of the regular traders away but I acquired a few items. Today was a bus rally not to far away at Billericay, even better it was free, unless you opted for the program at £3. The interest was the various stalls, many included railway items, I found some copies of the Great Eastern Magazine at £2 each and a book on cable tramways. Today was cockwomble free but yesterday I saw a few on the way back from Brentwood. In particular the Artic lorry that got himself stuck in the car park of Tesco's at Laindon. The car park in question is just that, a car park and is laid out for nothing bigger than a Transit van (deliveries to the store are via a separate access at the rear). Getting a 44 ton artic stuck in such a place is not a good idea on a Saturday afternoon :jester: .

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  • RMweb Premium

Time for bed.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Gold

Point of order MR Baz. Corbyn posts 153420 and 1533421 preceeded mine. I dont mind being criticised but ONLY where it's needed and applied equally to others, otherwise it apoears that it's only criticism of one party that is allowed.


As a matter of act - I.e. beginning at the beginning and not half way through just to suit a particular line of debate - the post which kicked it off was No.153371, which number comes some way prior to 153420 and was some sort of Corbyn adulation fest so not exactly apolitical.


I look forward to an early apology for your intimation that I started this political nonsense because I didn't - I simply commented on something which was already posted in order to restore some balance (apparently not welcomed?) and get back on track.  Let's end this squabbling once and for all and end the posting of the sort of stuff that gets political nonsense started, please.  I want to enjoy myself in this little corner of RMweb but it seems to be turning into some sort of political bearpit.


Goodnight, good luck and cheerio.

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We have just cancelled our vacation for this summer. Having replaced the furnace in the winter and contracted to have the roof redone in the fall, the cashflow is a bit dodgy. 

Then Dayle's cousin (whom we were going to be visiting) told us that on her trip back from Colorado to Michigan she had been called back in security and subjected to a complete patdown -- fortunately by a female officer.  Dayle's cousin is 90 and a threat only to non-recyclers and other environmental hazards.

We may try for New York in the fall, if things stabilize a bit.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning Awl,

A real ER this morning, mostly caused by going to bed early, but then falling asleep while reading a book almost straight away. So I've had 7.5 hours sleep.


The book second hand, printed 1993, was about the Norfolk Broads, it has an impressed stamp on a front page for a private house in marine drive, Tyneside, but I bought it in Norwich, so it's certainly got about.


I did finish up dating my parents computers yesterday, not helped by MS sending their own updates while I was doing it.


Today it's the long drive, a journey of between about 420 and 470 miles. Depending on whether I decide to go the shorter A17 A47 route or the A11 route both would take roughly the same time.


I see the clouds have just illuminated orange so dawn has arrived.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Seems to be a very pleasant morning.

I will be going to see if the GP will prescribe me some antibiotics today. They are very keen on not prescribing antibiotics but as the gastro consultant and the specialist pharmacist have written to them saying I should have them while taking immunosuppressive medication I am hopeful this time.

Have a good day.


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Morning all. An excellent nights sleep and it looks like being a decent day weather wise.


A journey to Leek and then back towards Walsall today. There may be a couple of detours to model shops.


Time for some breakfast and several coffee's before heading off.



Have a good day everyone.

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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning in this part of the world, but we do have a bit of cloud cover.  According to the forecast, this week is going to be a little more unsettled.


Oh well - time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. Today has dawned bright and sunny so hopes are for a decent day. It does seem that some grey clouds are swirling over this usual tranquil corner of RMWeb. As a teacher I seem to have been transported back to the school playground as I read the adult equivalent of "it was not me who started it sir, it was someone else". Now I refuse to take sides in such a petty exchange, and I am not going to trawl back through the posts to find out - I have more important things to do with my time. Surely the important thing is that it ends here and now and ER returns to its position as a political no fly zone. Ideally that will happen without anyone choosing to leave these pages. We have lost others to petty squabbles in the past, let us not go there again. It is at times like this we miss Jock's daily postings, because he would have surely put things back into a more realistic light.

My good wishes to you all, and supportive thoughts go out to Rick and others in distress. I hope your health situations improve.


Here in Derby I am about to embark on the final leg. The student has now finished and I am back to full time teaching. Four weeks remain (20 work days) until I take my final bow at the school. I still have no idea where I will be going. Today represents a week since the closing date for the dream part time job, and I have heard nothing. There is still time for that to change of course it is far too early to write it off.

At home things remain a little strained. With Amber's lack of sleep and both Sarah and I facing busy weeks it will be about trying to stay calm and get through and hoping things settle down once the work load diminishes. I am still awaiting the return of the reports from the boss. These need proof-reading and some late additions before they can be passed to the office for final printing. The office want them by Tuesday so time is extremely tight! Sarah has a full week at work and a number of Avon appointments this week as she tries to sign up more sales reps. She is wondering how she can fit that all in as well as maintaining the house. I am wondering how I can cope with the paperwork mountain and help! Still, things could be worse. Last night we visited the local church for the end of their "real lives" week. Each night someone has been speaking about their life and belief. Speakers have included ex footballer Cyrille Regis and ex singer Helen Shapiro whilst a former jailed IRA member also appeared. All were very good, but sadly work kept me away. Last night a local parent and member of the congregation stepped up. Such a difficult story to hear - youngest of nine, lost her mum at the age of eight, passed from pillar to post as dad descended into alcohol addiction. It led her to almost take her own life. It certainly puts our troubles into context. Whilst there, I purchased a couple of cheap books which featured the stories of similar people, including another of our congregation who battled cancer at the age of 13. Such a lovely lady who, at the age of 30, is in remission but will walk with sticks for the rest of her days. As I sit and read these stories, and think about the people involved I am certainly thinking that many of our problems are trivial in comparison.


Enjoy the day and let's allow things to settle down here.


Best wishes to you all.

Edited by andyram
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A very apt post, Andy, which will make us all think. To save you reading back, I was the one who posted (153371) the link to Jeremy Corbyn visiting Glastonbury, mainly because I was impressed (as I thought people on here would be) that he'd travelled by train. Apparently, this was interpreted as being political by some contributors. People seem to fear a man with vision and compassion who has gained support from the young.


Edited to say I'm puzzled by the rating of "Funny" which I've received for this post.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


May I add my exhortations to all fellow ERs to follow the counsel proffered here - we all enjoy the josh and the banter here, and also the useful advice which flows whenever one of us has a question, be it about house foundations or family ailment.  I for one would miss the cyber friendship, as since I retired, my social scene has changed, and ERs has become a good source of sense and support.  We have lost one or two along the way and some are still absent here and their presence is missed - at least by me.


So let's not bicker.   We have our own regulation/moderation here, and don't need Andy's attentions - he has enough to do elsewhere - try arguments about track gauge and so on!!!!


Back later as taxi run calls, but I had to get my thoughts posted.


Regards to All


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Morning all from a rather grey but still warm Charente. It is due to rain later today so I have just seen a Combine go by, presumably to try and get the last of the barley crop in before it gets too wet. Normally they don't stir till after lunch when the dew has burned off.


Thanks for all the helpful hints about the satellites. The score is still me 0 points, dish 10 points. Despite making a small template for the necessary angles using my CAD program I had no luck and at 9pm called it a day. I'm not actually missing telly but Wimbledon is on the near horizon as well as Le Tour.


Off to the Supermarket this morning and the post office. A very important letter needs to be posted. I need to renew my subscription to Rail Passion for the next year. Before the back row start sniggering this is my language course, at least that's what I tell the boss. And the are no German wives from Astra 1L within it's covers.


Regards to all.



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What Stewart said. Apart from the retirement bit. 


Morning all and it's an overcast one here with a high of 21oC forecast. 


I see in the news today that the RN is planning on shifting their floating airport down the Forth. An impressive sight awaits those near the Forth Bridge today. 


I completed a bit more of the layout wiring last night. Not the easiest of tasks as it consists of a number of linked boards atop kitchen units.

I was doing a passable impression of James Herriot with his arm up a cow when trying to feed dropper wires through the gap between the units and baseboard.  


Rather predictably I have 2 full days of study left so need to complete 3 chapters and exam prep questions today. I got 90% in last nights tests, so feeling confident if not complacent. 


Have a nice day everyone and let's play nicely!



EDIT: as an addendum I note that HMS QE's tag is Semper Eadem ("Always the Same")

Or for dyslexics among us, Semper Edam - "The Big Cheese". I think that makes more sense, tbh.    

Edited by AndyB
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


The sun is shining and there seems to be little or no wind (outside), either as the trees at the back are barely moving, it looks like it's going to be a lovely day!


I'm not in work today as I have an appointment with the phlebotomist at 'The Christie' shortly, but I won't get the test results until next week, so I'll be keeping my fingers crossed until then. After that I'll be going to see a man about buying a car.


I also won't be swimming tonight as my arm will not have healed sufficiently to allow swimming in open water.


Back later

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A real ER this morning, bleary eyed this morning I checked my watch and decided to get up. When I put my glasses on I saw that the time was an hour earlier than I thought. The down side is that that hour seems to have disappeared somewhere since. As for politics those of you who know me on Facebook probably know exactly where I am in the political spectrum but Facebook is where it stays. I hope this isn't to political but it amused me. A vegan claimed that the Glastonbury festival is the ideal place for vegans, then someone pointed out that it takes place on a dairy farm. C&C's to all, be back later.

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Morning all from the bigely boringest borough. Quiet weekend of recovery that did b*gger all. Still only getting 2-3 hours of broken sleep per night. I've had trapped nerves before in my back and shoulder but nothing like this. Off to the quack tomorrow as that is the earliest appt they have. Appears 2 of the 3 partners in the practice have retired, leaving only 4 GPs to handle a 13,000 patient list. Not much else to report. 


Enjoy your day. 

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